❶ 英语写作朋友送了本牛津字典感谢信
thank you for your giving me the dictionary,
You gave me a big big surprise: Oxford Dictionary. I just received it and I couldn't wait to express how much l love it. It's so useful in my English study. I hope I could catch you in English very soon with help from the dictionary.
Thanks again and I buy you an ice cream after school.
Bye for now,
Love from ******
❷ 高一牛津英语写作练习:如何写通知麻烦告诉我
1. 口头通知
(1) 口头通知通常是口头传达的信息,叙述表达要注意尽可能地口语化,力求达到言简意赅。
(2) 口头通知一般不须要写出通知的时间或发出通知的单位。
(3) 口头通知开头要有称呼语,具体应根据通知的对象而定。常见的称呼语有:Boys and girls(对象为学生), Ladies and gentlemen(对象为来宾), Comrades and friends,(对象为来宾), Teachers and fellow students(对象为学校师生), 注意写称呼语时,首行应顶格写。
2. 书面通知
书面通知通常由开头词(Notice) 通知正文 发通知者的名称 发通知的日期 四个部分组成。具体写法是:
(1) 标题:在正文上面正中的地方写上NOTICE 或 Notice。
(2) 正文:说明通知的具体时间,地点,活动内容和注意事项。
(3) 单位:发通知的单位一般写在正文的右下角。有时也放在标题之下,作为标题的一部分。
(4) 时间:发通知的时间一般写在正文的左下角。书面通知的正文就是通告的内容,这是主体部分,语言应简洁明了,条理清晰,要求明确,特别是时间概念很重要,必须写得十分明确,不容丝毫含糊。
❸ 苏教版牛津八上英语课文、写作和单词
Unit 1
A Best friends.
'Teenagers' magazine is holding a writing competition. It is inviting teenagers to write about their best friends.
These are the first three entries for the competition. Read the articles.
I want to tell you about my
friend Betty.She is as slim as I am.She has short hair. She is
one of my best friends.
5.Betty is generous. She is willing
to share things with her friends.
She is also very helpful and is
ready to help people any time.
She helps me with my homework.
10.and when she is on the bus,she
always gives her seat to someone
in need.
Betty wants to be a singer and
travel around the world when
15.she grows up.
Betty and I may not get to
see each other often, but we will
always be best friends.
I have a wonderful friend named
20.Max.He is very tall-almost
1.75metres. He is the tallest boy in
my classes. However, he has poor
eyesight because of working on the
computer too much at night.He
25.wears small, round glasses and
they make him look smart.
Max has a good sense of huour. I
never feel bored or unhappy when he
is with me. He tells funny jokes and
30. always makes me laugh.
His legs are very long and they do
not fit under the school desks. He can
walk fast but when he walks past
the desks, he often knocks our books
35.and pens off the desks.He is so
I thought of my good friend May when I read your advertisement. She is shorter than l am and is very small. She has straight, shoulder-length hair. Everyone thinks she is pretty.
40.May is a true friend. When something worries me, I can always go to her. I can tell her anything because she can keep a secret. She is kind and never says a bad word about anyone.
❹ 牛津字典在英语写作中的作用 有木有人知道 最好用英语回答,谢谢
It's good to have an Oxford English dictionary when doing writing work because of the following reasons. First of all, when you are writing something, and you suddenly forget how to spell a word, you can take out your dictionary and look it up. Secondly, if you simply can't remember how certain words are use, or the diffences among words with similar meanings, such as look, watch, and see, you can always find them out inside an English dictionary. Last but not least, you can look up for different expressions of a word to furnish your essay, so that it is interesting to read.
❺ 怎样学好英语
初中生兴趣广泛,对新鲜事物充满好奇心,求知欲,模仿能力强。陶行知说:“学生有了兴趣,就肯用全部精神去做事,学与乐不可分。”针对这一点,在课内,我有意识地把各种文化背景知识渗透到阅读教学中。如在谈到the environment pollution时,让学生了解目前的环境恶化情况,学习他国的先进环保事迹。课后,要求学生利用网络、报刊、杂志等进一步开展阅读活动。同时,让学生用英文设计环保海报。一系列的活动,大大地激发学生的求知欲,学生以充沛的精力,饱满的热情投入到这一阅读活动中。除了引导学生阅读与课本相关的材料外,还需拓展学生的阅读空间。在课内,设计了课前5分钟的读书活动:朗读小故事。我向学生推荐大多数学生喜欢的、关心的、符合他们需要的阅读材料,激发他们的阅读兴趣。学生可以自由选择符合自己能力的阅读材料,保持他们的阅读兴趣。学生通过自主地大量阅读,可以进一步了解外国文化,感受到英语语言的美。