『壹』 汤姆正在做作业用英语怎么说
Tom is doing his homework
『贰』 教室里可能有五十多名学生在上英语课翻译 汤姆很可能现在正在书房做作业翻译
There may be more than 50 students having an English class.
Tom may be doing his homework in the study now.
『叁』 汤姆和马克正在写作业英语翻译
Tom and Mark is doing their homework.
『肆』 汤姆正在帮助妹妹做作业用英语怎么说
Tom is helping his sister with homework
『伍』 汤姆上周一写作业了用英语翻译怎么说
Tom wrote the homework last Monday.
『陆』 翻译成英语:昨天当老师走进教室时,我们正在休息:有的人在写作业有的人在交谈。我和汤姆在下棋。看见老
When the teacher walked in the classroom yesterday, we are taking a break: some people were doing homework while others were talking. Tom and I were playing chess. We sit quietly when we saw the teacher coming. The teacher was mad seeing us playing chess and made us sweep the floor.
『柒』 汤姆的妈妈想让他做作业的英语
不知道这样行不?Tom's monther is so angry,for he ...without finishing homework.
『捌』 汤姆每天用一个小时写作业。用英语怎么说
Tom spends an hour on his homework every day