Ⅰ 如何提高英语作文水平,作文中常用的谚语有哪些
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严格来讲,我们所说的写作其实可以分为Creative Writing 和Academic Writing 两种,Creative Writing 会偏文学类一点,应用会相对少一些,而Academic Writing 则几乎是所有英语学习者都必需用到的技能,比如从四六级到托福雅思的考试作文,学术论文,日常邮件,陈述讲稿等,我们接下来要说的也是Academic Writing 这一类型的写作。
Nowadays,with the rapid development of society, purpose of ecation being changed.There are some people who think that competition in children should be made .Others believe that children who are taught to cooperate as well as become more useful alts.There are advantages and disadvantages for both of the arguments.
To begin with, what is good if a sense of competition in children is made? They can develop themselves more and more as they learn and study a lot to win from the competition.To prove this, in my country it is popular and common to have a tutor who come to students' house to teach extra pieces of study with paying a lot of money. ...
因此,提高英文写作水平的第一步是:大量阅读,阅读是一个量变引发质变的过程,在你读到一定量的时候,可能会在某一瞬间突然发现虚拟语气原来是这种感觉,动词搭配原来是这么回事...当你提笔写作的时候,你会在脑海里重现类似的例句。新手可以从泛读开始,选择一些生词较少,内容简短且情节精彩的小说,慢慢培养阅读的习惯,有条件的可以去买个kindle, 阅读体验会更好。大量的阅读会带来词汇量的提升,通过阅读积累的词汇理解最为深刻,记忆效果也最好,最容易转化为积极词汇从而应用到写作中去。
在泛读的同时还要注意一点:强化语法。语法有多重要?举个例子,现在分词过去分词及各种从句的灵活运用,主动被动的转换,虚拟语气表达的特殊感情,这些都是写作的基本技巧。语法不好,写作水平也不会高到哪里去,具体表现为通篇语病,只会用简单句型,不会写漂亮的长短句,偶尔憋出个长句还是错的。不会运用高级语法,比如独立主格,虚拟语气等,句式的多样性和表达的灵活性受到很大的影响。因此我们有必要强化一下语法。基本思路是先通读一两本语法书,建立起基本的语法框架,然后通过大量的阅读和听力练习不断巩固完善语法。目前市面上的语法书非常多,但内容其实都大同小异,挑选好一两本认真啃下去就是,推荐《赖世雄语法》 或者剑桥的语法在用系列。
在大量阅读,强化语法的基础上,相信你现在写作时已经能够做到少犯或不犯语法错误,写出来的英文还算凑合了,这个时候如果需要进一步提高文笔应该怎么做?可以采用精读经济学人以及使用英英词典和搭配词典的方法。以Academic Writing 为例,一篇漂亮的文章至少要做到以下几点:句式丰富多变,长短句灵活应用,用词准确出彩,论点丰富,论证有力,逻辑严谨。而经济学人就满足这种“漂亮”文章的标准,是非常好的阅读和模仿素材。好的文章是模仿出来的,要学会模仿阅读时遇到的优美的词汇用法、句型结构、巧妙的比喻、幽默的风格等等,慢慢化为自己的熟练表达。
比如很多人习作中出现的一个问题是句式单一,用词平庸。我们可以学习一下经济学人文章的写法,增加语言的张力。举个例子,下面的这一段节选自上周的经济学人文章 The enemy within:
EMPLOYEES are often said to be a company’s biggest resource. It is equally true that they are its biggest liability.Scarcely a week goes by without a company falling victim to employees-turned-enemies-or-embarrassments. On July 20th Ashley Madison, a website for married people looking to have an affair, announced that it had been hacked. Noel Biderman, the company’s chief executive, says that he thinks the attack was “an inside job”. On July 6th HSBC fired a group of employees when it emerged that they had filmed themselves engaged inan “ISIS-style mock beheading” of an Asian colleague dressed in an orange jumpsuit.
The most familiar type of enemy within is the fraudster. The Economist Intelligence Unit, a sister organisation of The Economist, concts a regular poll of senior executives on the subject of fraud committed by insiders. In 2013 the poll discovered that about 70% of companies had suffered from at least one instance of fraud, up from 61% in the previous survey. Fraud is often petty: a survey of British employees for YouGov in 2010 found that a quarter of staff eligible for expenses admitted to inflating claims. But fraud can also be more audacious and more harmful: think of former employees setting up rivals using stolen technology and purloined client lists.
1....are often said to...it is equally true that...
2.Scarcely a week/month/year goes by without...
3....when it emerged that...
4.discovered that about 70% ...up from 61%...
2.fall victim to
3.have an affair
6.eligible for
7.inflate (to make a number or price higher than it should be)
9.set up
这仅仅是两小段而已,整篇文章能学到的东西更多。你可以有意识地将上面学到的单词和句式应用到你的写作中去,比如第一个句型"...are often said to...it is equally true that..."可以用来说明事物具有两面性,这个句式不知道比那句蹩脚的 "there are advantages and disadvantages..." 要高到哪里去了。
送个福利给大家吧,我用kindle看经济学人的过程中碰到好的句型以及值得注意的词汇短语会把它们都做上标记,到目前为止已经积累了1000多条笔记了。我打算把它们共享出来。这1000多条笔记里既有像 "That so many people in so many different parts of the world are prepared to risk so much for this idea is testimony to its enring appeal." 这样读起来铿锵有力的长句,也有像"Their likes and dislikes make or break procts." 这样短小精悍,用词惊艳的短句。没事把这些句子读一读,学习其中的好词好句,并将它们运用到写作中去,相信你会有很大的收获。(笔记下载链接在文末)
如果换做是经济学人的话,它除了报道基本新闻事实之外还会提出一个解决方案:大家别忙着悲伤了,冷静一下,既然现在已经发生枪击案了,为了防止悲剧再次发生,我们需要 a.修改枪支管理法律 b.个人要加强枪支安全意识 c.回收部分管制枪支 d...... 有理有据地跟你摆事实,讲道理。而我们要学习的就是经济学人对新闻事件的解读分析思路,关注从新闻推断事物的逻辑过程,从而提高在写作时发散论点的能力以及论证的力度。
The weaker sex 这篇文章就很好地体现了从发现问题到提出解决方案的过程。文章的背景是富裕国家男孩的表现正在落后于女孩。我们来看看经济学人是怎样分析问题提出解决方案的:
1. What can be done? Part of the solution lies in a change in cultural attitudes. 解决方案1
2. Policymakers also need to lend a hand, because foolish laws are making the problem worse. 解决方案2
3. Even more important than scrapping foolish policies is retooling the ecational system, which was designed in an age when most men worked with their muscles. 解决方案3
4. More generally, schools need to become more boy-friendly. 解决方案4
Ⅱ 怎样能让英语写作更地道
. 一是通过词汇教学训练写作能力。要写好文章不是一朝一夕就能达到的,必须从最基础的词汇入手。扩大词汇量,让你词不离句,强化写作训练。
另外,改写也是一种很好的方法,改写就是对文章材料的文体、式样、句式等进行改编的一种训练方式。无论是改人称、改时态,还是改对话材料为叙述文字,这都有助于复习巩固所学知识,又能培养你所学知识的迁移运用能力,还能起到提高写作能力。 http://justsaythreewords.blog.163.com/blog/static/19729426420119174371754/
Ⅲ 外国人写的地道的英语作文
Ⅳ 如何写出正确地道的英语作文
I think our friendly will give him a both interesting and comfortable experience.
Thank you for your reading ring your busy work.. I hope that you will agree with me .
Yours sincerely,
Li Hong
Ⅳ 英语写作不地道怎么办
Ⅵ 如何能写出比较地道的英文文章,同学都说我写的比较中式英文
Ⅶ 英语作文怎样写地道
Ⅷ 地道英语作文表达
With the development of modern technology, smartphones are popular with almost everyone around the world e to their excellent functions. Almost everyone has a smartphone – when I am taking the bus or waiting in line, I always see people with their smart phones. Yet, It seems that people use their phones mainly to kill time rather than to communicate. Even worse, research studies have found that people take out their phones every 6.5minutes on average and this phenomenon is aptly named ‘smartphone addiction’.
Why is the draw to smartphones so powerful? Personally, I think that smartphone addiction is mainly e to our habits. Nowadays, people can know everything through the Internet without going out.We enjoy the convenience smartphones offer us, but graally we find that we can’t live without phones anymore. In addition, with our fast-paced modern life, we would rather find the most convenient way ever. However we more often eat alone and walk alone so we haveto use these add hours to have fun through digital devices. Moreover, various apps in smartphones satisfied the convenience of living and provide means of entertainment.
When people spend too much time on the phones, they graally lose the ability to communicate with their friends or parents and this will weakens their interpersonal skills. As for teenagers, addiction to smartphones can not only cause one to neglect one’s study, but also cause psychological barriers between themselves and the outside world e to lack of good self-control.
Ⅸ 英语翻译,最好比较地道点,谢谢
He begins to believe that he will be a useful man and live on at last .