Ⅰ 如何写好英语翻译评论英语写作与评论(包括一篇翻译评
分析文章好不好,可以从以下几个方面入手.一,语法.这是最简单的部分,通俗的说就是内看有没有语法错误容,比方说是不是没有注意到人称的变化,单复数等等.第二,流畅度,或者说逻辑.就是看看译过来的文章是不是前言不搭后语,我感觉国外的很多名著,像钢铁是怎样炼成的,羊脂球等等翻译的都是颠三倒四,一句话重复好多遍,很不地道!第三,修辞.这个就稍微专业一点了,比方说最简单的:he is an animal !(他是个禽兽!)这是个典型的metapher 的句子,还有种种类似于排比啊,明喻啊,拟人啊,等等吧,就凑字数上来说你也可以多举一些例子的.第四,最后可以写写你对这篇文章的整体感受,比方是写对欧洲古典文化的描述,可以写写你对欧洲古典文化的看法等等,好了,就写到这里吧,希望对你有所帮助!
Ⅱ 谈如何写好英语作文评语
运用英语写作的能力,作为四项基本语言技能之一,其重要性是为英语教学界所公认的。然而,在当前的英语教学实践中,存在这样一种现状:教师重视英语写作训练,但却忽视对学生作文的反馈,未能正确认识自己在学生作文批改中所扮演的角色。翻开学生的作业本,看到的多是简单的对、错符号或分数或等级,几乎没有评语,至多是千篇一律的Good / Not bad / All right / Ok或Perfect。以致许多学生对教师的这些简单评语感到莫名其妙,无法正确认识自己的写作水平。以下是本人结合自己的教学实践和亲身体会,就如何写好英语作文评语,及时向学生反馈指导性的意见,浅谈一下自己的几点看法。 一、评语中的语法修改不仅要让学生知其然,更要知其所以然。 中学生在学习英语的过程中,最大的难题就是动词及其用法。由于汉语中动词没有时态变化,英汉的这一差别往往会干扰学生正确使用英语时态。如在表达“我差点忘了。”此意思时,学生在作文中写成“I almost forget.”。其实,此例句独立表意,不受上下文的限制。在评语中,教师应引导学生进行这样的逻辑思维:The action "forget" just now happened, so we should use the Past Tense。Its use is something like the verbs--know / think / recognize…. Do you still remember the sentence--- “Sorry, I didn't recognize you." 学生写记叙文时常混用时态。如,When my cousin was a child, he likes sports and reading. He played volleyball, basketball and so on. He is reading many books about scientists such as Einstein, Madam Curie, Edision etc. And he wants to be a scientist after he graates the university. 这段文字虽时态混乱,但内容不错,简单地否定或肯定都是不对的,轻则使学生茫然失措,重则挫伤他们的学习兴趣和积极性,比较好的方法是先表扬做得对的地方后纠正错误的地方。我们可以批上:How lovely your cousin is. So are you. In your composition, you meant well, but try to make the tense correct. If you take your story as a past event, use the Past Tense all the way; if you make your story seem to take place now, use the Present Tense. You cant't use tenses at randam! 又如我们教师在批改上面的例文时,如果仅仅在 graate后添上 from,其结果是接受能力稍差的学生会不知道它为什么这样算正确。但我们教师若再画龙点睛地在旁边批上: “graate”是不及物动词,其后与from搭配才能接宾语。Remember! 这样,学生就会一目了然。 二、评语要从语篇层次上指导学生如何谋篇布局。 在作文批改中,只是订正学生所犯的语法错误是不够的。在学生习作中常常会出现一些句子,本身并没有错,却是一些涉及到语义整体中有关逻辑纽带、语法纽带和词汇纽带的问题,即是语篇质量方面的失误。对于这些失误,不能简单地以非对即错来论处,无法用语法去解释,而是要靠形成语篇时所应遵循的原则去处理,即要分析语篇的有效性、表达的得体性,并讨论遣词造句是否合乎所用语言的习惯性。例如,在笔者所任教的高三毕业生的习作中有这样的一个句子:“Teachers' Day is coming. I'm going to see my middle-school English teacher next week. 从句子平面看,既无语法错误,亦无书写错误。但从深层上分析,不难看出句子受到严重的母语干扰,且选词不当,造成意义模糊,影响了交流的有效性。批改时,笔者不仅在 English teacher 下划一条横线以示错误,并在此句旁边写道: Enjoy yourself with your teacher on the coming Teachers' Day. But I wonder who you are going to visit next week, a teacher from England or a teacher who teaches you English. 后来该学生修改后交上来:“I'm going to visit my teacher who taught me English in the middle school. 又如在学生写作中发现一个精彩的句子,我们教师应及时给予表扬,可批上:oh, what a nice sentence! / It's very clever of you to end(begin) your work with this beautiful sentence. …… 三、作文评语要以情导知,注意师生间的情感沟通。 前苏联著名教育家霍姆林斯基认为:“情感如同肥沃的土壤,知识的种子就播种在这片土壤上。”教学过程一旦触及学生的情感和意志领域,触及学生的精神需要,这种教学就能发挥高度有效的作用。 长期以来,有的学校一味地抓应试教育,以分数论英雄。于是很多教师只注重对作文本身进行评价,评语中批评多于表扬,纠错多于激励,结果容易使学生在写作时产生急躁、焦急、恐惧、恼怒等负情感体验,从而对培养学生写作能力产生干扰作用。笔者认为,现在的中学生大多数为独生子女,过多的要求甚至批评难以凑效。“愉快教育”才能适应现代化教育发展的需要。我们教师可在评语中给以学生恰如其分的评价,并表达对他们的希望。只要这些希望是真诚的、适时的和有内容的,学生就会从中理解老师对他们的信任、关心和爱心,从而转化为学习的动力。 学期伊始,给差生的评语中要批评但更要多几分鼓励。例如: John, don't you think you were a little lazy in the last term? Now, a new term begins and I hope you can work harder just from the beginning. Cheer up! You know, a good beginning makes a good ending. To tell you a secret, I like your handwriting very much. 给中等生的评语中最好要多一些督促,因为这一类学生往往就缺少那么一点“推动力”,推一推就上去了,松一松便下来了。例如: Mark, you made much progress last term. However, you can do best of all if you study harder. I'm waiting for your good news. 给优等生的评语表扬中要有指正,向他们提出更高的要求。可以批上: You've done best of all in your class, but try to make your handwriting nicer. Cora, you always did well in English last term. But I'm sorry you sometimes made some silly spelling mistakes. You see, little by little one goes far. 如知道某个学生家里最近发生不愉快事情,我们教师可在评语中说些安慰的话: Andy, I'm sorry to know what happened to you. Your class and I hope you won't be sad any more. Remember: if you need help, please come to me. 又如发现一位学生抄袭作业,可在评语中委婉地提出劝戒:Why not believe yourself? I'm sure you can do better if you try to do it by yourself. 这些充满温馨的鼓励或提醒的话语,相信每个学生都乐于接受,都喜欢这种与教师在作业本上的交流。做得好的,会期待着下一次的表扬;做得不够的,会仔细分析自己的错误,不辜负教师的期望。 “积土成山,积水成渊。”给学生写一、两次评语,就会发挥其应有的功效,这是不可能的。我们教师应在平时的写作训练中充分运用激励机制。例如:书法规范和漂亮者优;标点符号正确者优;会正确使用连词、分词、从句者优;会用主题句、支撑句者优;典型句使用恰当者优。总之,教师只有把评价学生的写作自始至终放在发现学生字、词、句、段、文方面的优秀之处和可取之处,并时而通过评语与他们促膝谈心,表达特别的关注和爱护,学生才能从遭遇失败到尝试成功,从惧怕写到乐于并善于写,进而全面提高自身的英语写作能力。(注:此论文荣获台山市教育学会第二十届年会提交论文二等奖)
Ⅲ 问一下,怎么用英语评价别人的演讲
其实如果你只想要应付的话 你就可以说
Your speech is great, but is still a lack of self-confidence.
You sound good, but not enough solid basic skills.
Your language is very fluent, but speech is not enough deep understanding of the content
The language of your organization, the voices are very good, also very confident, I really like
I hope you continue to work
I look forward to your next performance
Ⅳ 评价别人优点的英语作文80词
Li Hua is my seatmate and we are friends, too. He is much cleverer at studying English than I am. He is able to recite the an English passage after reading it over once as if he had a camera eye. Li Hua not only studies hard himself but also can be ready to help others. when I have any troubles in English, he is always very patient to lend a hand to me. Besides, Li Hua thinks a lot of our friendship and never say anything to go against his friends. I must learn from him.
Ⅳ 用英语评价别人的演讲
其实如果你只想要应付的话 你就可以说
Your speech is great, but is still a lack of self-confidence.
You sound good, but not enough solid basic skills.
Your language is very fluent, but speech is not enough deep understanding of the content
The language of your organization, the voices are very good, also very confident, I really like
I hope you continue to work
I look forward to your next performance
Ⅵ 评价别人的英语作文
Li Hua is my seatmate and we are friends,too.He is much cleverer at studying English than I am.He is able to recite the an English passage after reading it over once as if he had a camera eye.Li Hua not only studies hard himself but also can be ready to help others.when I have any troubles in English,he is always very patient to lend a hand to me.Besides,Li Hua thinks a lot of our friendship and never say anything to go against his friends.I must learn from him.
Ⅶ 怎么用英文评价别人的表现
Ⅷ 评论一个人(人物简介+个人评论)英语作文
aw: when the object is accelerated or changes its speed, the change rate is proportional to the external force. For example, if the force is doubled, the acceleration will also be doubled. The greater the mass (or the amount of material) the object is, the smaller the acceleration is (the same force acting on the object with a mass of two times the acceleration.) The car can provide a well known example of the greater the engine power, the greater the acceler
Ⅸ 评论一个人的英语作文怎么写
But on the other hand, he deced that if there is an infinite number of stars, how many evenly distribution in infinite space, this situation will not happen, because at this time there is no any one of them to fall to the center point.
When people talk about infinity, this argument is a trap you will encounter. In an infinite universe, every point can be considered as the center,