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发布时间:2021-03-04 05:52:12

Ⅰ 写一篇关于肢体语言的英语作文,100字左右。 要求: 1.什么是肢体语言 2.肢体语言有什么作用



Body language (also known as body language) refers to the coordinated activities of the head, eyes, neck, hand, elbow, arm, body, hip, foot and other human body parts to convey the thoughts of the characters and vividly express their ideas. Body language is also a compulsory course for actors. Body language varies greatly in different situations of different roles. Rich and accurate body language can help actors better interpret different roles.


Body language, also known as body language, refers to the various movements of the body, so as to replace language to achieve the purpose of communication. In a broad sense, body language also includes the facial expressions mentioned above; in a narrow sense, body language only includes the meaning expressed by the body and limbs.


When it comes to expressing emotions by the body, we naturally think of a lot of meanings of habitual actions. For example, clapping means excitement, stopping feet means anger, rubbing hands means anxiety, drooping head represents depression, showing hands means helplessness, and beating chest represents pain. The subject expresses his emotions through such physical activities, and others can also identify the mood expressed by his body at that time.


The function of body language is to express emotions by body movements, which are often unknown to the parties. When we talk to people, sometimes frown, sometimes shake our heads, sometimes shake our hands, sometimes cross our legs, we mostly do not know. For this reason, psychologists put forward the following hypothesis: when you tell people the truth, your body will be close to the other person; when you tell a lie, your body will be far away from the other person.


The results of this hypothesis test show that: if different subjects are asked to state the falsehood and correct facts with others, they will unconsciously keep a long distance from each other, and appear to lean back and have less physical activity, but face smile will increase.


Ⅱ 英语作文,肢体语言在很多场合很重要


Ⅲ 肢体语言在交际中的作用

1.语言与非言语交际的关系:非言语交际在交际中的作用是不可忽视的,Samova认为:“在面对面的交际中,信息的社交内容只有35%左右是语言行为,其它都是通过非言语行为传递的。”(Smaova et al 1981.155)。美国在这方面的研究还表明,在表达感情和态度时,语言只占交际行为的7%,而声调和面部表情所传递的信息却多达93%,对于西方学者所作的这些调查和统计数字,我们的信任程度有多大并不重要,但有一点是确信无疑:“人类交际是语言交际和非言语交际的结合,或者说,非语言交际是整个交际中不可缺少的组成部分,人们常说的‘仪态、举止、谈吐’中前两项都属于非语言范畴”。(毕继万1999.9)其实,人们交际时很大程度上都借助于非言语行为。近年来,国外对非言语行为的研究已发展到一个新的阶段,出现了副语言学(Daralingulstics)、身势学(Kinesics)、近体学(Proxcmics)等新兴学科。所谓非言语行为交际,就是通过使用不属于言语范畴的方法来传递信息、表达思想的过程。非言语行为作为信息、情感的载体,具有双重性,一方面,其具有稳定性,是一种精密代码(an elaborate and secret code);另一方面,又具有可变性,因为文字随文化背景不同而各异。研究结果表明,在实际交际过程中,文化背景制约着非言语行为的内涵。在交际中,一个人的仪态和举止所提供的信息量往往大大超过其谈吐所提供的信息量。而且,在谈吐中也还含有大量的属于非言语行为的副语言信号,如:非语义声音、停顿、笑声和交谈中的话语转接等。然而,对非言语交际行为在交际中的作用及其与语言行为之间的关系应该有一个全面、正确的认识。一方面要看到,在交际中,脱离非语言的配合的单一的语言行为往往难以有效达到交际目的;另一方面也要认识到,非言语行为只能在一定的语境中才能表达明确的含义,而且一种非言语行为只有与语言行为和其他非语言行为配合,才能提供明确的信息。因此,脱离语言行为或其他的非言语行为孤立地理解或应用某一非语言行为的做法往往难以奏效。
2.非言语在交际中的作用:了解了语言与非言语交际之间的关系就不难理解非言语交际在跨文化交际中的作用。然而,值得注意的是,许多人认为,在跨文化交际中,要掌握的交际工具只是外语,他们比较注意语言交际的正确性、合理性和可接受性,却容易忽略非言语行为的文化差异及其影响,结果在跨文化交际中文化误解和文化冲突频频发生。其实,在跨文化交际中,非言语交际行为和手段比语言交际行为所起的交际作用则更不可低估。霍尔非常注意非言语交际的隐蔽性(invisible aspect),他用“无声的”(silent)来描述这一特征。霍尔认为“非言语交际与文化一样,常常捉摸不定,难以观察”。目前,在行为学上存在两个学派,一个是心理学派,主张非言语行为体现一定的感情色彩;另一个是交际学派,坚持非言语行为制约人际交往。交际行为既有表现性又有社会性(Scheflen and Schrflen.1972),而且都与文化相关联。这是因为非言语交际行为是一定社会文化产物。但是,我们也必须注意到,非言语交际贯穿于整个交际过程之中,非语言交际最能反映一个人的真实面貌。

1.身体的接触(Touching behavior):在商务交际中,人们应当注意体触的方式以及体触行为与人际关系的文化差异。例如,在社交场合,文化不同,体触行为就有许多区别。在英语国家,一般朋友和熟人之间交谈时,要避免身体的任何部位与对方接触,即使是仅仅触摸一下也可能引起不良的反应。中国人的特点是体触频繁,而英语国家的人体触却较为少见。如果一方无意接触到对方一下,他(她)一般也会说“sorry”或“oh, I’m sorry”之类的道歉话。因此,讲话的人一般不喜欢别人说话时靠的太近,除非对方显露出喜爱的表示,要求靠近一点。
除了轻轻触摸外,再就是当众拥抱的问题。在许多国家,两个妇女见面时拥抱亲热是很普遍的现象,夫妻之间或久别重逢的亲朋好友也常常互相拥抱。两个男人是否相互拥抱,各个国家的习俗不同。阿拉伯、俄国、法国以及东欧和地中海沿岸的一些国家里,两个男人见面后采用热烈拥抱,亲吻双颊来表示欢迎。但在东亚和一些说英语的国家,男人见面一般只是握握手,握手(shaking hands)这一身势语在全世界许多国家都表示同一个意思,即友好(friendly)。作为见面和告辞时“握手”已被大多数国家接受。但握手并不是一种全球性的礼节,在有些国家,握手仅限于特殊的场合,如在美国只有被第三者介绍后,被介绍双方才可握手;在日本,见面一般礼节是相互鞠躬致意;在东欧一些国家则是相互拥抱、贴面,而不是握手。在交际中,最常见的体触行为当然是握手、拥抱和亲吻。除此而外还有其它许多体触行为。而作为交际者应谨慎对待,认真了解每一体触行为的含义及其文化差异。

2.目光接触(Touching eyes):“眼睛是心灵的窗户”,眼神的千变万化,表达着人们丰富多彩的内心世界。目光接触是非言语交际的一个重要方面。英语国家的人比中国人目光交流的时间长而且更为频繁。他们认为缺乏目光交流就是缺乏诚意。中国人却为了表示礼貌、尊敬或服从而避免一直直视对方。在交往中,英语国家的人会为中国人回看时间过短而反感,认为他们看不起自己,或者认为中国人表情羞羞答答,目光躲躲闪闪;中国人却感到英语国家的人在交流过程中总爱死盯着人,特别是年青女子对于英语国家的男子这种相视有时就极为反感。所以,在这方面有许多约定俗成的规范:看不看对方、什么时候看、看多久等等。因此,商务人员在商务交往中应充分利用这种非言语,并要注意正确使用礼节。
3.手势表达(Hand gesture):手势也是常用的非言语表达方式。打手势的动作稍有不同就可能会与原来的意图不同。对某种手势理解错了,也会引起意外的反应,甚至是意想不到的结果。在日常交往中,人们也有两种基本手势,手掌心朝上,表示真诚或顺从;手掌心向下,表示压制。在日常交际中手势表达可谓繁复,商务人员应细心观察、多多领会。
英美人习惯伸出食指并用食指弯曲这一手势表示“请过来(Please come over)”,但在日本等一些亚洲国家这个手势万万使不得,因为他们常以此来召唤一条狗或别的动物,而在大部分中东和远东国家,用一个手指召唤人是对人的极大侮辱。

Ⅳ 高中水平肢体语言的重要性英语作文


Body language is a language, like those deaf-mutes, body language is communication with the outside world and the only way. For ordinary people, body language can be a better exchange, the better to let others know what you are saying mean. So as to deepen their understanding of what it means, just as English teachers, plus an English-speaking body language can be a better you understand the meaning behind the children will not speak at a time when use body language to tell his parents the idea, which is The realization of people born after the initial exchange.

Ⅳ 英语作文:教师在课堂上身体语言地意义

I think body language is very important in class. It is a universal language in the world. so it is easy to convey teacher’s thoughts and ideas freely. If a teacher can use body language and gesture correctly, it can arouse the students' interest and attract the students' attention ,Thus it can make the class lively and interesting. What's more ,in a way, body language can show that you have a smooth interpersonal relation with your students.

Ⅵ 有关肢体语言的英语作文

肢体语言(Body Language)
Body language is used by people for sending messages to one another. It is very useful because it can help you make yourself easily understood. When you are talking with others,you are not just using words, but also using expressions and gestures. For example, waving one's hand is to say "Good-bye." A smile and handshake show welcome, and clapping hands means congratulations. Nodding the head means agreement, but shaking the head means disagreement. The gestures are accepted both by Chinese and foreigners as having the same meanings.
Different countries have different body language. For example, men in Russia, France and Arab countries kiss each other when they meet, but men in China or Australia shake hands instead of kissing. People in Puerto Rio like touching each other, but people from English speaking countries do not touth each other. If you touch an English person, you should say "Sorry.' People in Arab countries like standing close to one another when they are talking, but English people must keep a distance away when they are talking. In some Asian countries, you must not touch the head of another person. In Arab countries, you eat using the fingers of your right land;the left hand is not used at all. In parts of Asia you must not sit with your feet pointing at another person.
When you use a foreign language, it is very important to know the meanings of gestures and movements in the foreign country. Following the customs will help you communicate with people and make your stay there much more pleasant and comfortable.


Ⅶ 英语翻译 “浅谈肢体语言在教学中的作用”怎么翻译

on the role of body language in teaching

Ⅷ 求一篇有关肢体语言重要性的英语作文!

Communication tool as a community language is the carrier of culture, but also an integral part of culture. The language reflects the prism of different nationalities, different cultural environment, lifestyle, ideas, religious rituals, values and thinking habits. .So cultural differences the same gestures in different countries sometimes have different meaning. We communicate with more than the words we speak. Words are only one part of communication. Beyond voice communication, there are the messages our bodies send out constant. Research shows language only play the role of the expression of seven percent everyday. Sometimes the body message reinforces the words. Sometimes it contradicts them. Sometimes the messages are sent with no accompanying words and we speak in body language alone. Body language, like our verbal language, is also a part of our culture. People in the exchange, there will be unconscious of the use of body language. Body language is an expression of one's inner world of silence and an authentic language, non-verbal means of the most eye-catching. Body Language includes space dominance, eyes, physical contact, posture movements, facial expressions, etc. But not all body language has the same meaning for different people. Different people have different ways of making nonverbal communication. Are our voices loud, angry, overbearing, confident, soft, and shy? The quality of a voice can communicate as much as the words. The same words can be tender, mocking, sarcastic or angry, depending on how they are said. We can signal our own authority by talking in a loud, overbearing way. We can use the same words to signal our humility by talking softly and hesitantly. To learn the correct hand signals to communicate with others will make you happier.

Ⅸ 肢体语言(英语作文)

People usually communicate with others by spoken words. However, body language is widely used in our daily life.
Have you ever used body language to communicate with others? I think the answer is definitely sure. You must have smiled to your friend when you meet him again after a long time. Smile is body language. And it is obvious that through human being’ history, people used body language to communicate with others frequently. Such as when you find your friend is depressed, you gave him a smile to cheer him up and at that moment the smile is better than any words I think. As well as when you are surrounded by noises, you cannot make yourself understood by words so you use gestures which are body language to express your ideas.
As a conclusion, body language is as important as spoken language.



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