⑴ 写篇英语作文 调查报告
A Report on Children's Gratitude to Their Parents
Children's lives are given by their parents and originally,children should be grateful to them.Hower,not all the children can do so.A report made recently suggests that one-fourth of the people think that to raise children is the ty of their parents and so children needn't express any gratitude to them.Another one-fourth of the people suppose that there is a big gap between them and their parents.They don't know how to communicate with their parents,let alone to say gratitude.Others say that they hate to express any gratitude.It is boring.
To respect parents and express our gratitude to them is a good tradition of Chinese people.As far as I am concerned,to we should show our respect and gratitude to our parents.They give birth to us,and undoubtedly we are supposed to be grateful to them in return.
⑵ 如何开展初中英语写作评价与反馈的课堂教学叙事研究
⑶ 高中英语写作有效教学策略的实践与研究 如何有效地
(一)教师以自己为中心, 将自己视为知识的权威和传授者。
没有把写作看做是交际活动。教师没有站在读者的角度去看待学生的作文 , 不去指出学生表达不清或欠妥之处 , 不能明确提出修改建议。
批改作文时只是订正学生所犯的语法错误。可是写作并不仅仅是语法练习 , 好的文章并不只是一些语法正确的句子堆砌的产物。教师应当从两个角度来批改作文 :先从语篇层次上看文章内容是否达到表情达意的目的 , 再在语法层次上进行必要的修改。
, 却并没有意识到在向学生提供范文的同时, 必须引导学生注意理解范文中可以为我所用的那些知识或语法 ;引导学生剖析自己的文章 ,
发现存在的问题 , 然后改正, 并注意在以后的写作中扬长避短 , 学以致用。
结果教学法在英语写作课的教学中占据统治地位 , 教师以讲授传统技法和作品为中心, 片面地强调语言理论知识的输入 , 过于注重写作结果,
轻视写作过程中的诸多环节。这种教学法的理论基础是行为主义理论,认为教学过程就是老师给予刺激—学生作出反应的过程, 因而教师主宰了课堂教学 ,
从运用“教师提问 -学生回答”的单一教学模式 , 到学生参照范文仿写 , 再到教师面面俱到地评讲那些注满红批的作文 ,
学生始终处于思维被束缚、被动接受知识的尴尬境地。建构主义认为 , 知识昀主要是由学习者个体建构的 , 而不是由他人传授的 ,
而且这种建构总是在具体环境中通过互动产生的。语言学习中 , 学习者不应该被简单地视为被动接受者 , 而应积极参与学习活动的计划和学习效率的评估 ,
也要注重对学生的语言输出 , 这两个过程都非常的重要 ,
对提高学生综合语言运用能力都起着重要的作用。而写作能力正是这种综合语言运用能力的体现。因此, 在“重结果”之时 ,
更要“重过程”。写作应包括语言知识、语境知识、写作目的和写作技巧等要素。写作目的、语言知识和语境知识可以为写作者提供足够多的输入 ,
使学习者有话说而写作技巧的训练是使学习者知道怎么说。所以 , 写作既是语言输入的过程,
也是学生按一定技巧建构体裁、内化知识的过程。他们强调的是教师在教学写作时要注意情景 , 并帮助学生了解某一体裁的词汇、语法、篇章结构的特点 ,
然后再运用到具体的写作中。从图中可以看出 , 写作过程不是单一的个人行为 ,
⑷ 求关于英语作文的研究性报告,注意不是写一遍英语作文,是写研究性学习过程,500字左右
It happens to us. It will happen to our children. It is campus love, just being there, no matter we approve it or not. Can it last long? It seems to be a controversial question and no one can be sure about it. Anyway the answer may not be simply "yes" or "no", but rather complicated.
Many people, me included, believe that campus love can last long. College students, almost half of them I guess, have experienced their "first love" before they entered college. Whether or not their first love is successful, the important thing is that they have experienced it they have learned to show their love, to understand and support each other spiritually, to tolerate and comrienced their "first love" before they entered college. Whether or not their first love is successful, the important thing is that they have experienced it they have learned to show their love, to understand and support each other spiritually, to tolerate and compromise sometimes, and to carefully foster their cherished affection. In the process of first love, they develop a deeper view into love and a better understanding of themselves, which are signs of maturity. Other college students, although have not experienced first love, are already alts and are capable of thinking for themselves and making their own decisions. Having heard of stories and read articles about love, they have formed their own opinion of it and have tho They love and they wish to keep their love.
There are many examples that camp
⑸ “写作课研究报告”如何用英语翻译
A research report on writing courses / the writing course
⑹ 毕业论文研究英语教育可以从哪些方面研究
1、TPR教学法在小回学英语教学中的实际使用情况答 ——以XX学校为例