㈠ 英语专业写作教材哪个比较好啊,推荐一下啊
㈡ 请问谁知道外研社的英语作文怎么上传
ould teach him the joys of sound.
㈢ 外研社英语写作大赛
College Entrance Examination, as the name implies, is a qualifying examination for high school students to enter into an ideal university. It originated from 1952, but was abolished in 1965. Since the recovery of the College Entrance Examination in 1977, it has been implementing effectively till now.
College Entrance Examination is held every year from June 7th to 9th in most provinces. In small part of regions, it lasts for only two days from June 7th to 8th. The examination is also for universities to select talents. It involves in subject knowledge of various areas. Chinese, math and English are three compulsory subjects. Generally speaking, high school students will major in liberal arts or science according to their preferences ring the second academic years in high school. Liberal arts consist of politics, history and geography while science is made of biology, physics as well as chemistry. Distinct regions have different cut off score. Furthermore, there are some aspects for students to get extra credits, for example, the children of revolutionary martyrs, high-level sports players, outstanding students at the provincial level and so on.
The College Entrance Examination is considered as a critical turning point of the whole learning career for students of grade three in high school. The review for the exam includes three major parts. The first review plays a fundamental and essential role in the whole process and students also need to spend much more time and vigor. During the first review, teachers ask students to pay more attention on textbooks, including basic definitions, formulas, examples and more. It is a golden time for students who have deficiency in basic knowledge to make up. Therefore, the purpose of the first review process is to consolidate the basis and to make preparation for the second stage.
The second review is a transition stage, which focus mostly on special exercises. Students need to take advantage of their acquired knowledge to solve relative questions as much as possible. But one more thing needed to pay attention, they need to deal with the questions accurately and efficiently. Thus, the second review process is to enhance the accuracy and efficiency of solving questions based on the fundamental knowledge. The significance of the final review process ranks next to the first one. Students have experienced the first two stages and summarized the experience and lessons, which can better help them to reflect and get down to correct the errors.
The College Entrance Examination is not only examine the knowledge which students have learned but also the attitude. It is a long and protracted war, also a psychological warfare. During the review process, knowledge is the most important weapon. However, when it comes to the real battlefield, mental and psychological condition play an increasingly important role in applying knowledge to practice. The College Entrance Examination is a transfer station that students say farewell to high school and then start the next excursion for the wonderful life journey.
㈣ 高分求上外出版社写作教程1答案,大学英语专业写作教程1是上外出版社的,求里面练习的答案!!
㈤ 外研社英语口语权威教程(oral workshop)初级/中级/高级 这个软件怎么用啊
有一个setup文件夹,里面有一个安装文件 找到了安装了就好了~~~
㈥ 自学《外研社英语口语权威教程》,请教了
㈦ 如何进行英语写作教学
(一)符合课程标准和学生实际的程度通常在一堂英语课中,知识和技能方面的教学目标教师都会努力去落实,但后两个目标在教学中容易忽视。而在有些英语课堂教学中,教师的目光有盹总是停留在某一知识点的教学上,反反复复围着目标知识,只求学生能将知识点烂熟于心;而有些教师则片面的追求课堂上的热热闹闹的场面,而忽视了本堂课所要达到的知识与能力目标。笔者曾随堂听过这样一节课:这是一节一年级英语课,本课要教学生们用英语打招呼。上课铃响了,“Hello!”老师有激情地向学生挥挥手。大家也情不自禁地回应“Hello!”“I’m fine.How are you?”老师竖起大拇指,指向自己,然后指向大家。于是开始了这节课的教学。‘'How are you?”“I’m fine.”的呼声此起彼伏。然后,老师放起了“heuo!Hello!How are you?”的乐曲。“Is it nice?Do you want to sing?”老师笑眯眯地问大家。“Yes!”孩:Pff]回应。老师看着学生们兴致这么高,也很高兴。首先,她让学生先听两遍录音,然后让孩子们一句句地学说英文歌词,又亲自一句句的耄眇昌,然后跟着节拍唱、分男女唱、小组唱??教唱歌曲的过程整整持续了21分钟。课也在歌声中结束了。加分钟的课里,有整整21分钟学生们是在学唱歌中度过的,后半节课几乎成了一堂音乐课。唱歌虽是/J哗生容易接受的形式,但在英语课堂中,任何形式的活动都应为学生获得语言能力设计,如果这些活动缺少了应有尽有的教学目标的指向,动的主题偏离了教学目标,再好的教学形式也不能收到理想的教学效果。
㈧ 哪位大神有英语写作教程1第二版知识整理嘛急求!谢谢