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发布时间:2021-02-28 23:38:01

A. 社区组织的公益活动英语作文

On April 28th, my classmates and I went to the park near my school where we took part in a volunteer labor.
We got there at nine o'clock. After divided into three groups, we began to work.
Each group had their own tasks. Group one planted trees and watered flowers. Group Two picked up litter left by tourists and cleaned the benches. My group wiped all the equipment in Children's Playground. Each of us worked hard.
At about half past eleven, we finished working. Though we were tired,we were happy. It was a meaningful day for us because we had done a good deed.
Last Saturday--April 28th, my classmates and I went to the park near my school. Can you guess what we did there?Not for amusement but to take part in a volunteer labour.
We reached the park at nine o'clock. The whole class was divided into three groups. I was in Group Three.
Each group had different tasks. Group One planted trees and watered flowers. Group Two was told to pick up litter left by the tourists and cleaned all the benches. The group that I was in wiped all the equipment in the Children's Playground. All of us worked hard.
Before noon we finished working. Each of us felt a little bit tired, but we were happy because we had done a good deed.

B. 学校组织的英语社会实践活动作文

我们每个人都会经历从孩童到青年,从青年到老年的过程,经历生与。我们现在还是青年阶段,未来亦还有相当长的一段要走,如何走下去,我想,每个人都应该心中有数。也许当我们走完我们的人生旅程,该休息时,是否也会象敬老院的老人那样地度过自己的晚年呢?在某个敬老院的墙壁上有这样一段话:孩子!当你还很小的时候,我花了很多时间,教你慢慢用汤匙、用筷子吃东西。教你系鞋带、扣扣子、溜滑梯、教你穿衣服、梳头发、拧鼻涕。这些和你在一起的点点滴滴,是多么的令我怀念不已。所以,当我想不起来,接不上话时,请给我一点时间,等我一下,让我再想一想……极可能最后连要说什么,我也一并忘记。孩子!你忘记我们练习了好几百回,才学会的第一首娃娃歌吗?是否还记得每天总要我绞尽脑汁,去回答不知道你从哪里冒出来的吗?所以,当我重复又重复说着老掉牙的故事,哼着我孩提时代的儿歌时,体谅我。让我继续沉醉在这些回忆中吧!切望你,也能陪着我闲话家常吧!孩子,现在我常忘了扣扣子、系鞋带。吃饭时,会弄脏衣服,梳头发时手还会不停的抖,不要催促我,要对我多一点耐心和温柔,只要有你在一起,就会有很多的温暖涌上心头。孩子!如今,我的脚站也站不稳,走也走不动。所以,请你紧紧的握着我的手,陪着我,慢慢的。就像当年一样,我带着你一步一步地走。 这次活动让我从中学到很多,也得到了许多深刻的为人处世的道理。 学校把社会作为实践的场所,让我们参与社会,在公益劳动的实践中有所启示。通过志愿服务,启发了我们在公益劳动中寻找能使我们受到教育,有所感悟的亮点,引导我们去了解社会、感受社会。这些都让我们体会到了老一辈的孤独、我们的幸福和自私。虽然我们满头大汗,但我们很高兴,因为我们心里都有一股自豪感。而这种自豪感不是在学校里能够体会到的。公益劳动是不记报酬、不谋私利、不斤斤计较的;公益劳动是忘我的劳动,也是培养我们关心公共事业热情的。参加公益劳动的光荣感,塑造自己美好的心灵。这些都让我们觉得自己是另一个雷峰。 处于这个时代的我们,大多都是独生子女,对待一些人际关系和自我评估的方面都有所欠缺。而这次的集体公益劳动,使我体会到了集体的力量、集体的温暖和自己的不足。也让我亲身体会到了劳动的光荣感。这些都促进了我努力改正自身错误,正确认识自己。而现在,由于一切向钱看的思想的影响,在一些人的头脑中装满了金钱的利益,干什么事都讲钱,干活不讲报酬认为是傻瓜,甚至有的“公益劳动”也变相要钱。在这种情况下,学校有意识地组织了我们去参加力所能及的公益劳动,对于抵制一切向钱看的思想腐蚀可以起到一定的作用。让我们亲身体会到了劳动的艰辛和劳动穿早世界的真理,抵制了我们轻视劳动和不劳而获的思想的侵蚀,避免了我们形成好逸恶劳的坏习惯。公益劳动也同样加强了我们的劳动观念,帮助我们树立正确的人生观、价值观。公益劳动同样培养了我们的竞争意识和开拓进取的精神。 学校这次组织的公益劳动让我懂得了公益劳动不仅能造福社会,而且能陶冶情操,美化心灵。而我们也该为了公共利益而自觉自愿地参加劳动,因为那是我们中学生的劳动态度的一个特征。不记报酬也是我们中学生劳动态度的一个特征。我们讲的公益劳动,就是以不记报酬为前提的;那是根据以公共利益而劳动;我们必须为公共利益而劳动,自觉要求进行劳动。积极参加公益劳动是为社会尽力,是热爱劳动的表现。 社区实践活动提高了我们的社会实践能力。引导了我们接触、了解社会,增强我们的社会责任感和社会适应能力。而学校组织的劳动,更让我们明白了学会独立的重要性。在竞争如此激烈的今天,对于我们这些大学生,独立的培养和社会的洗礼是多么的重要。在这个更新速度超快的今天,如何适应社会也是我们即将面临的困难。对于现在的我们,越早接触这个日新月异的社会,就意味着我们越能适应它。 回来的路上,我百感交集,老人们在自己的工作岗位上默默无闻的奉献了一辈子,现在尽管子女都不在身边,但是依然保持了一份坚强、乐观的心态,在生活中老有所为。那么作为后辈的我们,更应该力所能及的去帮助他们,关心他们的晚年生活,或许这些老人的处境还算好,社会上还有更多的老人沦落到街头,饱受人世的冷眼。我想,每一个热血青年都不忍让老一辈人在流离失所中,生活在无尽空虚中。就让我们携起手来,献出自己的应有力量吧。慰问活动结束了,我觉得回校后会发动更多的同学参与到献爱心的活动中,进一步提高自己的实践能力,培养关爱生命、服务他人的美好情操,为构建和谐社会贡献青春和力量

C. 关于社区活动可以培养学生服务社会的意识的英语作文

students can be aware of serving the society by serving the community?as you can see, community servise isn't about padding one's resume, it isn't about doing things ao that one might be proud and arrogant about it. But it is the dawning realization of to the greater understanding our humanity, our fragility and a greater appreciation of the great lives that so many of us lead and deem to be normal - when it pretty much is extraordinary in its own respect relative to many other indivials around the world. Community service puts me out of myself and lets me see a different part of myself, which is important to me, and makes people to realise that in this world, there is still somewhere, some parts that people need help, and we can do our little best to help them go through, and that's what's making me so proud of. and sure, it will definitely make us realise that in the society we need to help peole and people will help us too, it's a caring world, and we need to help each other, that's called humanity. community service should be a part, a crucial part of the students experience, as it's import knowledge that can't be learned from inside the classroom, it teaches us how to see through the world, and make us realise something, that something we might wanna change in the future,and we will do our best to make it happen. we serve simplely because someone needs help, and we can experience a whole new different community than the one we are familiar with. Through community service, you can learn what it means to be a part of something bigger than yourself, and throught community service, it will enhance the urge to change the imperfect part of our country, and that can push us to be something we always want, something great, something important, and therefore, we will have goals that push us moving forward, and better serving the society. In the last, I just want to say that part of being a person is about helping others. and we should do our best to fulfill that.

D. 英语作文:关于暑假参加社会实践活动的看法

General is divided into four parts: the basic situation of 1\ this practice; practice 2\ the practice (achievement and problems), this part is the main part; mainly harvest 3\ practice or experience; 4\ participate in practical activities after a few points on learning, work in the future. In writing, there must be a point of view, a practice case, can is a summary of vivid, convincing, to achieve a better effect.

E. “参加一次公益活动”的英语作文 急急急

学校把社会作为实践的场所,让我们参与社会,在公益劳动的实践中有所启示。通过小组为单位的社区志愿服务,启发了我们在公益劳动中寻找能使我们受到教育,有所感悟的亮点,引导我们去了解社会、感受社会。 在敬老院中,我们小组的同学毫不嫌脏。耐心、仔细地帮助老人们洗脚、剪指甲。这些都让我们体会到了老一辈的孤独、我们的幸福和自私。我们在那里尽可能地多和老人聊天、谈心,竭尽所能使老人感到温暖。我们还帮助敬老院的职工一起打扫敬老院。虽然我们满头大汗,但我们很高兴,因为我们心里都有一股自豪感。而这种自豪感不是在学校里能够体会到的。

F. 英语作文劝说他积极参加社会实践活动

Nowadays, a large number of students show great interest in school activities.In their eyes, learning from books is not the sole task of their school career.They also wish to take every chance to obtain practical knowledge.Additionally, they find that after long hours of study, they can relax both physically and mentally by taking part in school activities.
However, other students insist that school activities have nothing to do with their studies and they fear that school activities will take up too much of their time.Therefore, they would rather spend most of their time studying.
As far as I'm concerned, I think we should agree with the former group of students.We can learn plenty of things from the students we meet in activities.What's more, we can also get lots of social experience from doing so. Such experience can never be learned by being a "book-worm".

G. 关于社会实践的英语作文

To a student, there are many advantages of having more social practices.
First,more social practices may offer you an opportunity to display your ability and apply what you have learned in school.Second, social practices in business can develop a sense of competition,which you need in future.It increases your confidence in yourself because through the work you can realize your own value,Besides, it helps students develop a sense of independence,and helps relieve your parents'economic burdens.With the money earned,you can buy whatever you need for your study.
However,social practices has some disadvantages.It often distracts students' attention from their studies.It is evident that you can hardly focus your attention on your study if you work several hours on the job.You may be thinking of how to improve your work most of the time.
Because of the advantages and disadvantages involved in working part time,you have to strike a balance between your study and the job.Study is your major task while practice is a minor one though work experience is desirable.
Therefore we should balance two aspects of social practices.
We should give prior to the study, while take the social practices secondary place. Only by doing so, can we get benefit from social practices,and get good scores in study.

H. 参加社会实践公益活动过程!!!用英语写一篇文章

The first harvest, you should clear the purpose of participating in social practice.
Is the only enterprises and businessmen in order to meet the employment requirements » Zhenzhen Qieqie or would like to learn some of the things »
Or would like to make some money of their own active space consumption »
This is clearly very important, because only a clear starting point, which can make effective action.
I also make an in-school students, now in Hainan for travel companies to do business, this is my work a long-term. I think you said the social practice should be the main work area. Therefore, I suggest that you can find the best long-term work, and also a temporary interruption of work. I now do apart from tourism, but also for mobile marketing company campus card, for Kangshifu companies do Cuxiao Yuan! This way, you practice it more fully, learning things will be more. I just give you months of the information, Argentina! Of course, all social practice should not affect the premise of learning, because we are now also is, after all, students!
In addition, to find part-time work in accordance with their own after school hours and their own interests and hobbies to be.
For example, the girls find the best ... so that more secure, more stable income, say, under normal circumstances, the girls also quite patient, more suitable for similar work.
Can also take part in more social welfare activities in some of Afghanistan, in order to exercise his other hand,
Ecation was also to purify the soul ah! ! ! !
Oh, that is, how specific practice, you still depend on the actual action Albania!
Such things, we should take the initiative to attack I suggest you to pay some regular practice and business friends! !

I. 积极参加校园活动和社会活动的英文作文50字的理解




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