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发布时间:2021-02-21 14:40:43

㈠ 英语写作 求高手给一篇范文。。题目如下:

How to choose books your book discussion group will enjoy

There are many different ways to choose books for your book club/reading group, and there is no reason to stick with the same formula all the time. Here are a few suggestions:

Choose a theme - e.g. a particular culture, country, author, time period, genre or subject. Or avoid getting stuck in a theme by deliberately choosing books that are different from each other! BookBrowse's reading guides are sorted by title, author and a wide range of themes.

Take it in turns to choose.
Agree who will short list the books for the next meeting and have them bring along 2-3 recommendations which the members vote on.

Browse BookBrowse!
A great way to find exceptional books, save time at your meetings and be sure that everyone knows a bit about the books they're going to be voting on, is for one person to visit BookBrowse and select a shortlist of books that look to be of particular interest. Then email the URLs (page addresses) to the other members, who can then browse the extensive excerpts, multiple reviews etc. of each book and come to the meeting with an opinion on the shortlisted books.

If you have trouble agreeing, why not read all of them (spread out over a few months of course)?

If you find yourself disappointed that the group don't want to read a book that you think looks excellent, keep in mind that there is absolutely nothing stopping you reading it yourself - and if it proves to be as good as you think, you can always recommend it to the group at a later time!

Look for recommendations at your library or bookstore. Most libraries have lists of recommended titles and 'librarian picks', and many libaries will be happy to work with you and your group to find book choices that you're likely to enjoy; or check out lists of awards such as The Pulitzer Prize, Booker Prize and National Book Awards.

It's unlikely that everybody will agree on every book choice every time. Make it clear when the group is set up, and when new members join, that a majority vote will carry - encourage members to treat new genres or authors with an open mind - after all most people join a book club to expand their reading experience.

Be mindful of genre burnout - don't stay with the same list/theme for too long, or take a break every now and then with a book that breaks the mold.

Select your books at least two to three meetings ahead of time, so that you have plenty of time to read them (and potentially to borrow from the library or share copies amongst the group). Some groups plan their entire year's reading at one meeting, others prefer to stay just a few books ahead.

However, be cautious of committing to books too far ahead as the mood and interests of the group might change over time and you could find yourselves tied into a book or genre that is no longer of interest to the group.

At least for the first few meetings, choose reasonably short books (leave War and Peace for a later meeting!) with a ready prepared reading guide. Avoid books that are bound to become controversial (e.g. religion and politics) until the group members have had time to get to know each other.
From the Publisher
All Kinds of Minds: This book was written to help children in the elementary grades understand how they learn, how weaknesses make learning difficult, and how their strengths can be used to improve their learning skills. As the title indicates, minds vary - none is perfect -and everyone needs to appreciate all kinds of minds.

All Kinds of Minds is a mainly fictitious account of 5 appealing and realistic children. Each of them has 1 or more learning disorders. Young readers will easily identify with the experiences of the characters as they appear in a variety of situations: humorous, serious, suspenseful, and sometimes sad.

During the first 7 fictitious chapters, each of the main characters learn about getting help from others, helping themselves, and building on their strengths. The final chapter, which is nonfiction, reviews important concepts and facts that appear in the preceding chapters. It also offers young readers suggestions for overcoming the effects of learning disorders. Some children will be able to read All Kinds of Minds on their own; others may require some help from an alt. Still others may need an alt to read the book to them as they look on.

㈡ 两篇英语写作

Writing A:

Nowadays,the using of the mobile phone is very usual among the alts,especially the students in universities and colleges.On one hand,the mobile phones privide more convenient to the students,for example,students can connect with their families more easily than before,they can send messages to others,too.they even can see their friends via the mobile phones.On the other hand,as the old saying:every coin has two sides.the using of the mobile phone also has side effects to them .many of them are addicted to the mobile phone,no matter day or night,they use mobile phone everytime and everywhere.many of them have eyes dieases which can effect their study and common life.In my opinion,I think the students should use mobile phone temperately, can convert the mobile phone into a tool in their study,more than a gamebox.

㈢ 英语写作高手的来,写5篇文章 高分悬赏。

小样~~根据内部消息~~考 第四个·~~

㈣ 推荐好一点的英语写作讲解







㈤ 西安外国语大学怎么样

简介:西安外国语大学是新中国最早建立的4所外语院校之一,是西北地区唯一的一所主要外语语种齐全的普通高校。1951年,经中央人民政府教育部批准,由兰州大学文学院俄文系、西北大学外国语文系俄文组、俄文专修科合并组建了西安外国语大学的前身——西北俄文专科学校。1952年,中共西北局党校俄文班并入西北俄文专科学校,学校开始招生。 1958年更名为西安外国语学院。1979年开始招收研究生,1986年经国务院学位委员会批准,正式成为硕士学位授权单位。2006年经教育部批准,学校更名为西安外国语大学。2011年被陕西省人民政府列为“十二五”期间重点建设的高水平大学。2013年经国务院学位委员会批准成为博士学位授予单位,获得外国语言文学一级学科博士学位授予权。2014年经人力资源社会保障部和全国博士后管委会批准设立博士后科研流动站。经过60多年的建设和发展,学校已实现了由单科外语院校向突出外语教育和国外人文社会科学研究特色,以人文学科为主体,社会学科、管理学科和理学学科协调发展的多学科外国语大学的转变,是国家西部重要的外语人才培养基地,在西北地区的外语教育教学和研究领域发挥着不可替代的作用。 学校总占地面积1593亩,建筑面积81万平方米。学校办学基础设施完善,教学设备先进,多媒体网络教室、语言实验室、计算机实验室、同声传译室、模拟导游实验室、新闻采编实验室等现代化设施齐全。先进的卫星接收系统可接收不同语种国家电视节目。图书馆实行计算机管理,并设有大型电子学术期刊文献库。2009年,学校被授予省级“文明校园”。 学校现有35个学院(部)等教学机构,开设45个本科专业,7个辅修专业,具有外国语言文学一级学科博士点,外国语言文学、中国语言文学、工商管理、教育学4个一级学科硕士点,13个二级学科博士点,59个二级学科硕士点,覆盖文学、经济学、管理学、法学、教育学、理学、艺术学7个学科门类,是翻译硕士、汉语国际教育硕士、旅游管理硕士、会计硕士、新闻传播硕士、教育硕士专业学位培养单位,与国外9所大学联合培养博士研究生。外国语言文学一级学科为陕西省普通高校哲学社会科学特色学科,英语语言文学、法语语言文学、德语语言文学为陕西省重点学科;英语专业为国家级专业综合改革试点,英语、俄语、法语、旅游管理、翻译等5个专业为国家级特色专业,会计学(ACCA)和旅游管理(英语)、工商管理(CIMA)、金融学、人文地理与城乡规划专业为省级专业综合改革试点,英语、德语、法语、俄语和日语等5个专业为陕西省名牌专业,英语、俄语、法语、西班牙语、旅游管理、翻译、德语、会计学(ACCA方向)、日语等9个专业为陕西省特色专业;英语写作为国家级精品课程,英语精读、英语写作、英语翻译、法语精读、基础日语、德语精读、英语模拟导游、俄语翻译、英国文学、英语视听说、中国文化解说、管理学、法国文学史、翻译与实践、国际贸易与实务、商务英语写作等16门课程为省级精品课程;财务会计被评为国家级双语教学示范课程,财务会计、国际商法等2门课程被评为省级双语教学示范课程;“英语写作”被评为国家级精品资源共享课,“财务会计”、“商务分析”、“旅游学概论”、跨文化人力资源管理、金融学、国际贸易实务、经济地理学、人文地理学、城市规划原理、外语教师教育ESP课程、旅游地理学等11门课程被评为省级精品资源共享课;“应用型翻译人才培养模式创新实验区”被评为国家级人才培养模式创新实验区,国际商务、应用型翻译、国际旅游、国际化外语教师教育、国际会计、国际化应用型金融人才和国际工商管理(CIMA)等7个人才培养模式创新实验区被评为省级人才培养模式创新实验区;法语文学与翻译教学团队为国家级教学团队,法语文学与翻译、中外旅游文化、国际商务、翻译、英语写作、工商管理类主干课程、旅游法理论与实务、工商管理(CIMA)、金融学(CFA)国际化创新、国际贸易双语、区域旅游与城乡社区规划、旅游业运营管理等12个教学团队为省级教学团队。“翻译专业教学模式研究、创新与实践”、“国际化商务人才培养模式创新与实践”获得陕西省教学成果奖特等奖。学校与环球时报在线(北京)文化传播有限公司合作建立文学实践教育基地先后获批成为国家级、省级大学生校外实践教育基地,与西安百事可乐饮料有限公司合作建立的管理学实践教育基地获批省级大学生校外实践教育基地。学校是非通用语提前批次招生院校、推荐优秀本科生免试攻读硕士研究生院校和接收保送生资格院校。现有博士研究生、硕士研究生、本专科生、外国留学生及各类培训学生2万余人。 学校科研实力强,设有欧美文学研究中心、外国语言学及应用语言学研究中心、陕西旅游研究院、人文地理研究所等31个学术和研究机构,欧美文学研究中心、外国语言学及应用语言学研究中心为陕西高校哲学社会科学重点研究基地。学校还与中国教育国际交流协会合作共建国际教育交流研究中心,形成了较为完整并具有一定规模的外语及跨学科科研体系,承担了一批国家级、省部级及外国文化部资助的科研项目,出版了高质量的大型辞书、专著、译著、论文和教材。学校创办的《外语教学》、《人文地理》、《西安外国语大学学报》等学术刊物是在国内外学术界具有一定影响的中国人文社会科学和中国地理学核心期刊,其中《外语教学》、《人文地理》杂志连续多年入选CSSCI来源期刊,《西安外国语大学学报》为CSSCI扩展版来源期刊。 学校坚持发挥自身优势,广泛开展国际学术交流,先后与国(境)外169所大学和教育机构建立了友好合作关系。学校先后被教育部确定为富布莱特项目定点院校、接收中国政府奖学金项目来华留学生委托培养单位。与100多所国外大学开展联合培养博士、硕士、学士“双校园”项目,开辟了美国、新加坡、泰国、法国和英国等海外实习基地。2014年,学校积极响应国家建设丝绸之路经济带战略,成立了中亚学院,专门开展中亚国家留学生教育。学校在美国、哈萨克斯坦、阿根廷和奥地利建立了3所孔子学院、1所孔子课堂。2012年,经国家汉办批准设立汉语国际推广多语种基地(西安)。学校与美国洪堡州立大学合作创办了西外洪堡学院,与法国巴黎摩达尔时装艺术设计学院合作创办了西外巴黎时装艺术设计学院;与英国特许公认会计师公会、管理会计师公会合作开办了ACCA教改班、CIMA教改班、CFA教改班。韩国文化院、德国歌德学院、美国普城英语集团分别在学校设立了“世宗学堂”、“歌德语言中心”、“秦苏珊英语中心”,学校还与俄罗斯新西伯利亚国立技术大学共建俄语语言文化中心。此外,学校还设有教育部出国留学人员培训部、国家留学基金委留学预备教育中心、中国(教育部)留学服务中心留学培训基地。 学校着力提高人才培养质量,取得了明显效果。西外毕业生以“外语功底扎实,交际能力强,综合素质高,适应工作快,敬业爱岗,踏实肯干,有发展潜力”而深受用人单位欢迎,毕业生就业率连续多年保持在较高水平。学校志愿者团体积极服务社会经济文化发展,大学生参加了北京奥运会、上海世博会、西安世界园艺博览会、深圳世界大学生运动会、南京青奥会、欧亚经济论坛等重大活动的志愿者工作,学校志愿者总队被授予“中国百个优秀志愿服务集体”等多项荣誉。为适应新世纪社会发展和经济建设的需要,学校将紧抓国家高等教育大发展和西部大开发的历史机遇,“立足陕西,服务西北,辐射全国,面向世界”,坚持走开放式、国际化办学道路,不断深化教学改革,改善办学条件,提高教育教学质量,为建设特色鲜明的高水平大学而努力奋斗!

㈥ 西外历年英语二外都不写作文吗

如果按照以往的评抄判标准的话,英语四级达550分以上,英语六级达520以上者就可以报考全国大学生口语等级考试了!口语等级考试内容如下: 大学英语四、六级考试口语考试每年举行两次,分别在5月和11月举行。目前在全国28个省市设有考点

㈦ 20篇精品英语小作文写翻译要写名师点评


㈧ 英语写作作文带翻译,字数不得少于80词,答得好有高悬赏哦!!


㈨ 求英语写作好的


㈩ 求分享一些英语写作模板




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