A. 对英语的看法,英语作文(带翻译的)
Nowday , some students don’t like learning English because learning English is hardwork. I think it’s necessary for us to learn English in our daily life. We should have good ways of learning English and spend much moren time on it.
Here is my some advice.
First ,we should read English as much as possible and talk with your parents and friend. Don’t be afraid of make mistakes when you talk with other people . Because everybody makes mistakes . What is more, we should write as much as possible. We spend much time doing practis.We also try to listen to English more. We may listen to English music, some tapes.
Last ,but not least .It’s important for us to listen to teacher and take notes carefully in class. We should do our homework carefully. We also should believe ourselves.I believe if we work hard, we are sure to learn it well.
B. 求关于学习英语感受的英语作文
C. 对英语学习的感想,越多越好
其次,对于单词,有如下几种方法,第一个,是加强记忆的频度,也就是说,早上记了几个,隔几个小时又看一次,总之一天之内,记忆的间隔不要太长,否则你辛苦积累的记忆会随着时间的延长而淡化,第二个,是可以根据自己的理解编顺口溜,比如good morning 是狗摸你…(见笑了)…,第三个,最重要的是,记单词的时候,不要忘了阅读,一边记单词,一边看文章,这样可以把孤立的单词串联起来,记忆的效果会加倍,第四个。我建议你记单词要分门别类记忆,要形成一个意群,比如,重要性用magnitude magnificence ,表示非常,大大地有exceedingly,tremendously,extremely……这样做在你写作时,是十分有好处的,写作时不要尽写一些低级词汇,你要写高级词汇,比如重要性写magnitude,许多写a multitude of 或者handsome。
最后,我建议你,平时读报,或者做题的时候,发现有好的句子好的词汇,你要抄下来,长期下来,你的作文会有提高的,需要说明的是,这个提高过程可能很缓慢,但是最后能收到很好的效果,以前25分的作文我都能保证在21-23这个级别,靠的就是对语法的熟练掌握和积累了许多较高级的词汇,句型,句子。我个人的理解是,在你的语法达到基本不会出错的程度上,作文便应该以词汇取胜,因为在这个层次上,大家的语法都差不多,没什么变化,唯一有变化的就是你的词汇!给你打个比方吧,很多想到“许多”就用many,但是你别忘了many a ;handsome;massive,innumerable;很多人想到“专家”就写expert,但很少人会想到specialist,很多人在想到“擅长”这词,就写be good at ,却不知还有更高级的表达法:be expert at 或者excel in ……高手和庸才,就体现在这些细微的差别上 !!
D. 英语作文写作心得怎么写(用中文写)
E. 求英语学习心得体会作文一篇
一、 感情第一
In my opinion,要想学好英语或者说至少在学的过程中不感到痛苦,就必须学会将英语变成一种爱好,一种兴趣,这样在学习的过程中才不至于半途而废、有始无终且学习时如座针毡、抓耳挠腮、味同嚼蜡、痛苦无比!我相信大多数的“非英语专业的、有远大抱负的、酷爱本专业的莘莘学子”在最初面对英语时都会或多或少的有类似感受,万事开头难嘛。因此,如何克服这种感受,逐渐培养起自己对英语的热爱是至关重要的!我们必须认识到进入21世纪,英语已经成了必不可少的重要交流工具(其其他重要性就不螯述了)而且是你进一步深造所必不可少的桥梁,不管你是出国还是考研。所以我觉得你必须学会“爱”上“它”,才不至于受其折磨、蹂躏、践踏而又毫无对策。记住学会“爱”上“它”也是保证你将来成功的第一步!
二、 长期积累
“积累”可以说是任何学习所必需的,在英语学习中它显得更为重要!For example :我将英语中的“单词、语法、句子、结构、阅读、写作、听力、口语”等等一切比喻成不同的层,你每学一些相关的东西就会在相应的层上加一些东西,而你学的越扎实,同样层与层之间就砸的越扎实。这样当你有着一日在使用的时候,储存在层中的知识就会像水一样被源源不断的挤压出来给你提供源源不竭的语言素材,你会感到好象有用不完的东西在不断的向外涌出,这时我相信你的信心和成就感就会接踵而来了,而你的英语学习也渐入佳境了。
三、 执着追求
所谓“执着追求”,引用英国利兹大学一位教授的话就是一定要相信“the power of your dream”。我的理解是:first ,你一定要梦想,只有有了梦想你才有了追求的目标,才有力量,才有方向和动力。以我为例,考研可以说是我一直以来的梦想,只是由于种种原因,其中尤其是糟糕的英语,才暂时搁浅的,但是在我心中可以说这个梦想一直不曾消失,相反还越发强烈。我想这就是“the power of the dream”,它会一直在你内心的最深处呼唤着你,指引你,督促和激励你。这种力量是潜移默化的,是永恒持久的,是无比强大的。因此我认为第一步就是确定你心中的“dream”,然后才能为之去拼搏努力。second ,梦想可能暂时被压制,但当它再次被激活时,它会以排山倒海,不可逆转之势袭来,这时我们所能做的就是去完成和实现它,而方法之一就是执着追求!排除一切艰难险阻,用持之以恒的毅力去完成你的梦想,再大的困难在你和your dream面前都会变得不堪一击,战胜一切困难,迎来最终的胜利只是时间问题。我相信读到这里朋友们应该有了足够的信心和力量,去走属于你自己的阳关大道。
F. 一篇关于学英语的方法和感受的英语作文
From my perspective, the best way to learn English is to read more, listen more, write more. Listen to the teacher carefully in class, take notes, memorizing English words, listen more, and do more reading.
Of course. More listen English song and see English film is important, too.
G. 求故事感悟英语作文
1. Patience and perseverance
1. 耐心和毅力
Thomas Edison said “ is one percent inspiration and ninety nine percent perspiration.” This is a truth that I have learned in my life. We often want results to appear overnight and we give up too fast when something does not work out the way we want it to.
When I started this blog I didn’t put much effort into it. I threw something together hoping that miraculously it will find its own readers and it will be a success. Of course that never happened. My first posts were not that great, but I worked my way to better grammar, a better writing style and better advice. Patience and perseverance were my allies in this journey. It took me almost three years to get where I am now but I have enjoyed every step of that journey.
2. Loosen the reins
2. 松开束缚你的缰绳
Do you like to be in control of your life? I used to have a real problem with that because I just could not loosen up in life. I had to have everything just the way I planned; I had to be No.1 all the time (your typical description of an over-achiever.)
The trick about life that I’ve learned is that we are never in full control of our lives. While we can try our best to be the best we can be, sometimes things just happen. They just do.
I do not have to be No. 1 anymore.
I do not have to leap over hurdles to be happy and content.
3. Accept who you are
3. 接纳你自己
The biggest discovery that any of us can make is discovering who we really are. A lot of times we try to be somebody else because we want to portray a particular image in life. No matter how much you try, this “fake” personality will never work out and you will never be able to feel at peace and in balance with yourself.
When I gave up my attempts and accepted who I was (basically a nerd) I started feeling so much better. This discovery made me realize my strengths and feel confident around strangers and generally in any situation. Yes, I am not a social butterfly but I am also not the one who will sit in the darkest corner of the room ring a party.
4. Listen to your gut
4. 听从你的直觉
One of the best skills that a person can learn is listening to him/herself. Listening to yourself will help you make friends with your body it will help you use your intuition and your potential to its fullest. The “gut feeling” can be the voice of God talking to you. It can be your unconsciousness or it can be both.
I am not the only one who was using intuition to make decisions in life. George Washington solved his most difficult problems ring the Revolutionary War with intuition. His orderlies were instructed not to disturb him while he relaxed and intuited decisions. Actually according to one theory the founding fathers valued intuition so much that they have tried to remind us about it on the back of the dollar bill. The picture of the unfinished pyramid with an eye above it represents how important intuition (the eye) is in developing ideas or making decisions (completing the pyramid.)
5. Always challenge yourself
5. 时常挑战自己
When we get comfortable with a certain way of life, we get lazy. This laziness keeps us from growing from trying new things and from living a more balanced and happier life.
One of the challenges that I place in front of me is to learn something new constantly. It keeps my life exciting, it opens new business opportunities and it makes me a more full person.
When I still lived in Ukraine, I found a job in a web design company. I was hired because of my English skills but words like “hosting” “html” and “ftp” sounded like a foreign language to me. During the first few days I was scared of everything because I didn’t understand what was going on there and what I had to do. In order to feel comfortable I decided to learn HTML and go through all the basic web tutorials that I could find. In a month I could create a simple site. I was comfortable talking to customers and I actually could guide them through the process of setting up a website and making basic customizations. That was a huge personal triumph.
These life lessons help me keep my cool in life and live in balance. Can you share your life lessons with me?
6.letting go
To let go does not mean to stop caring. It means that I cannot do it for someone else.
To let go is not to cut myself off. It’s the realization that I cannot control another. To let go is to admit powerlessness, which means that the outcome1 is not in my hands.
To let go is not to try to change or blame another. It is to make the most I possibly can be out of myself.
放手,就是不要试图改变别人或求全责备, 而是充分发挥自己的价值。
To let go is not to care for, but to care about.
放手,就不要时时牵挂,全力照顾, 而是于默默中情之所系。
To let go is not to fix, but to be supportive.
To let go is not to judge, but to allow another to be a human being.
To let go is not to be in the middle, arranging all of the outcomes, xiaogushi8.com but to allow others to affect their own lives.
To let go is not to deny, but to accept.
To let go is not to nag, scold, fuss, or argue, but to search out my own disadvantages and correct them.
To let go is not to change everything to my desires, but to take each day as it comes and cherish5 my life.
To let go is not to regret the past, but to live for today and grow for the future.
To let go is to fear less and to love more.
H. 我对英语的感想 英语作文
In my opinion,learning English is like a bridge to communication.When we are in the other country,we cannot only speak our mother language.So,English which is the language used to spoken all over the world,can help us a lot.
I love learning English ,because it also can be use to talk to my classmate when mom is with me but I do not want her listen to me.
I love learning English becuse in the English world ,there are always various knowledge,happiness,culture,history and,so on.
I love English ,which is the idea for me ablout English.
I. 英语阅读与写作上面的阅读感悟怎么写