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发布时间:2021-02-16 15:52:17

1. 七下英语作文

My home is 3 miles away from the school.I get up at 6 a.m. every day.After breakfast,I go to school by bus.It takes me 20 minutes to get there.I have four lessons in the morning and three lessons in the afternoon.I am good at playing the piano.I join the music club in the school.After 5 o’clock,I play the piano for an hour in the school club.I go home at 6 p.m.After supper,I either do the homework or watch TV.I go to bed at 10 p.m.

2. 七年级英语作文

Save pandas in danger。Pandas are a kind of precious and lovely amianl,but do you konw,they are in danger now,So we need to do something to save them incase they die outFirst, we need to protect the people who want to make money by this from killing pandas,laws punish them more strictlySecond,we need to set a protecting places that are safe and can provide enough food for pandaFinally,we should let more and more people know how important pandas are for us

3. 七年级下册英语基础训练作文

Hi!my name is Peter.Do you want about me?My work in China-Chongqin.My work day is five .On weekends,I stay at home.I often watch TV and go to see friend.He is very happy.

4. 如何做好初一英语入门教学

在英语学习中,语音、语法、词汇的掌握属于基本功,而语音却是基础的基础。学生怕英语,往往是从听不懂、不会读、单词记不住开始的。主要原因是学生没有掌握音标和单词的拼读规则。英语是拼音文字,只要掌握了音标和读音规则,大量的单词就可以自己拼读了,它比汉语好学。因此,我从初一开始就结合字母教学生国际音标。英语有48个国际音标,其中元音20个,辅音28个。根据舌位图,先教12个单元音:前元音[e][ ][i][i:],中元音[a] [a: ] [ ],后元音[u][u:] [ ] [ ]。它们的口形分别是从小到大。让学生牢固地掌握每一个单元音发音口形的大小、舌头在口腔中的前后位置,使他们准确地把握好每一个音的正确读音。舌位图浅显直观,根据舌位图来教单元音,学生很容易接受。8个双元音分别是由两个单元音构成,分别带有三个[i]的[ei][ai] [ i],带有三个[ ]的[ ] [ ] [ ]和带有两个[u]的[ ][au]。在单元音学好的基础上,只要把双元音的读音要领告诉学生,双元音就很容易掌握了。接着教28个辅音音标。在教辅音时,先教11个清辅音[p] [t] [k] [f] [s] [ ] [ ] [ ] [tr] [ts] [h],在学生能读、能默写这11个清辅音后,再教15个浊辅音 [b] [d] [g] [v] [z ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [dr][dz] [r] [l] [m] [n] [ ]。在教浊辅音时,告诉学生,浊辅音中的前10个和清辅音中的前10个是一一对应的,对应的一对发音的口形、舌头的位置基本相同,只是发音的气流有区别。最后再教2个半元音[w] [j]。只要让学生记住10对对应的清浊辅音,记住其中有三个鼻音[m] [n][ ],大头就解决了,其它所剩几个也容易掌握。
更为重要的是,学生学好音标后,能够自己拼读单词,从而让学生通过读音和拼读规则来记单词,这样单词就容易记了。单词记得住,能读、能听、能拼写,学生就不会再怕英语了。而且通过音标识记英语词汇,不必时时刻刻请教老师和同学,能够变被动式学习为主动式学习,这样学生学习英语的信心自然增强。而且,由于有了标准的发音,能够激发起学生用英语交流的兴趣,极大地增强学生学习和运用英语的信心和勇气。学生的英语听说能力也能由此得到极大的提高。这样英语学习也就成了一种乐趣,就能为以后的英语教学开通一条宽阔的大道。 其次,要重视学生学习英语兴趣的培养。
Unit 3 This is my sister时,我要求学生每人带一张自己家的全家福照片,在课堂上各自用英语介绍自己的家人,贯穿于全单元的每堂课。学生除了用英语陈述各自的家庭成员外,还互相提问,兴趣盎然。
这样,英语学习就不再是一种负担,而是一件让人极其愉快的活动,学好英语也就是自然而然的事了。总之,只要教师加以积极正确的引导,学生对英语就会产生兴趣,就会感到英语就在自己的身边。同时,要让学生知道英语的广泛用途和学好英语的重要性,让学生一开始就重视英语学习,下定决心把英语学好。 再次,要重视培养学生的英语听说能力。
在英语学习的听、说、读、写诸能力中,听说能力始终是摆在第一位的。新课程标准更是强调了这一点。在七年级英语入门教学中,英语知识点还不太多,主要以情景会话为主。教师要尽可能地创设英语情境,想方设法让学生多听多说英语,形成良性的英语听说习惯。如教学Unit 7 How much are these pants?时,可以设立模拟商场,让学生练习用英语购物。这样,英语也就学活了,就有了生机和活力,不再是干巴巴的文字和图片,英语课堂也才有了生气,课堂教学也才能称其为师生学习交流的舞台。
英语的入门阶段还需要克服困难的决心。入门关不好过,因为英语学习中的种种困难有80%都集中在这个阶段。语音、语法、词汇,听说读写的技巧,都要在这个阶段实现零的突破,打下基础,养成习惯。难怪中外各种英语教学法大都围绕这个阶段的各种问题做文章。总之,“师父领进门,修行在个人”,这入门关过好了,以后的学习道路就会平坦很多。祝愿学生们都能快快乐乐学好英语,Believe in yourself, you’re the best!

5. 七年级英语作文3篇

The Mid-Autumn Festival
The Mid-Autumn Festival is a very important Chinese festival. It’ on lunar fifth of August.
In the evening, we have a big dinner. Look, there is a lot of delicious food on the table. We can drink a glass of juice. We stand beside the table and we say, “Cheers, cheers, happy Mid-Autumn Festival!” We make a wish to each other. At night, the moon is usually round and bright. It looks like a ball. We can enjoy the moon. Moon cakes are the special food for this festival. We can eat moon cakes, too. In the Mid-Autumn Festival, my parents and I are all very happy and excited. It is time for sports
It is about half past four.It is time for sport.The students are on the playground.
They are playing a football match.LiDong is one of them.He is good at football.He plays well.He is on the school football team.LiDong says,"I like playing football.It is my favourite sport."LiDong's friends,PanChen and WangHaisay,"He's a football fan.Ronaldo is his favourite player."
Look at the boys around the basketball court.Many boys are watching a basketball match.The tall boy,Tanglin,is very good at playing basketball.He is very fast and he plays well.Many of his friends say,"He is a good basketball player.His favourite basketball player is YaoMing.His team is sure to win.
I hope they can be the good players of our country,too. Ladies and gentlemen,

You're listening to “Everyday Music”。Here is the weather forecast for the next 24 hours until midday tomorrow. Rain will continue in all the areas of our province. It will last until late tonight and then it will die away graally . And it'll probably be cloudy all early morning. Tomorrow will be sunny in the south and in the morth there will be showers with bright periods.

Temperatures will be between twenty-three and thirty degrees centigrade.

That's all. Thank you.

6. 七年级英语作文带翻译


7. 如何提高七年级的英语写作水平

许多心理实验证明,在有意识记忆中,任务越明确越具体,效果就越好。因此,英语教师应该有针对性地布置好背诵任务,根据课文的进度,明确背诵的教学任务,使学生在早读时有的放矢,如:识记单词、朗读、背诵重要的句,段、篇,理解识记语法规则,预习新课等。此外,笔者正要求学生把每个单元每个话题(仁爱版)讲读课文中的Section A 和 Section B背诵,阅读课文中的Section C和 Section D熟读(至少20篇以上),让学生通过机械记忆在大脑中有一定概念,经过大量的输入,再经过大脑整合后才有利于学生的“输出”,“写”便是语言的输出方式之一。
背诵课文不仅有助于语感的形成,更重要的是能增强学生的自信心。我要求学生在背诵时,做到两个原。1、“三大”原则:大声、大胆、大量。苦练英语时,一定要做到大声说,因为只有大声说才能刺激你的听觉、加深你的记忆,达到终生不忘;与外国人交流时要大胆说,不要害怕犯错误。要热爱“丢脸”;要保证英语的成功,还必需要大量说,要让你的口腔肌肉不停地运动,量变才能引起质变。2、三“最”原则。操练英语的时候,一定要做到:最大声、最清晰、最快速。这也是李阳老师闻名全球的“三最口腔肌肉训练法”。 和其他任何学习一样,背诵也有一个由低级到高级,由量变到质变的过程。学生背得越多,就会有越多的灵活的表达方式,就会有越来越浓的学习兴趣,就会有更高的英语口头表达能力,写作能力以及综合运用语言的能力。
常言道“读书破万卷,下笔如有神”、“熟读唐诗三百首,不会写诗,也会吟”,“Practice makes perfect.”等。这些都是学习一切语言的共同经验,同时也说明人们在学习语言的时候,如果离开了阅读,要提高写作能力是十分困难的。阅读是吸收语言材料和学习语言形式的必经之路,阅读为写作提供语言、内容和范例。读、写结合是培养和提高写作能力的有效途径,大量、广泛地阅读,不仅扩大词汇量,而且还丰富语言知识,有效地提高了运用语言的能力。笔者认为,教师应该根据教学的需要,采用课内和课外阅读相结合的方式,建议学生建立“优美英文词、组、段欣赏本”,为以后的写作储备厚实的能源。当学生在阅读文章时,如果能分辨、品尝出英文段、句的优美时,那么我敢断言这个学生已经真正开始喜欢上英语了,并且已进入学习外语的新的境界了。同时我们教师还应该适时引导学生通过报刊、杂志的英语阅读学习,积累词汇、储存句型、惯用法,来丰富文化背景知识,学习谴词造句、布局谋篇等写作技巧,进而鼓励他们仿写报刊杂志上的文章,促进书面表达的能力提升。
句型是文章之骨架和基本单位,提高写作水平的一个有效方法就是掌握常用句型。在做改错题时,能知道句子的错误所在,便是掌握好句型的最好体现,想一想一个人如果能帮别人修正错误了,那你说他离“老师”距离还远吗?而我们目前的教材内容丰富多彩,比如在我们仁爱版教材中(主编Jim Greenlaw,地道的加拿大人),语言纯正、原汁原味,一些常用、地道、固定的句型比比皆是,可是很多学生对此熟视无睹,一写作起来,就“无话可说”或不知“活用”。作为教师的我们应该指导学生用心强记忆这些见过、学过的句子,增强语感,并根据学过的话题及涉及到的话题,设置情景,布置适当的写作练习,如:写邀请涵、写信、写请假条、谈论天气、购物等,让学生有意识地用学过的一些常用句子和固定短语、句型进行针对性练习训练,并督促学生在写作记叙文时,应特别注意when,where,who,what,why的交代,力争学生在写作时做到句结构的多样化,语言富于表现力,并通过改错题这个载体,杜绝chinglish(中式英语)现象的出现。
教师本身的水平,特别是评价学生作文的水平要提高。教师的评价方法要讲究,评价态度要适当。为使学生能在短时间里能见到自己作文准确的评析,加深写作的记忆,教师应该在三个工作日内,认真地批阅完毕。同时要求教师是批阅学生作文时候,不仅要打上分数,还要直接校正学生文中所犯的错误、用符号标出错误类型并划线、并给出具体评语。同时把文章中好的句子和词组标志出来,并写明好在哪里,相信学生看到评语会有一种成就感,这将大大激发学生写作的热情。此外,教师应该建立一本“学生作文集”,在批阅的过程中,跟踪记录以下内容:1、将带有普遍性和典型性的错误进行记录,如:以Because play table tennis is very interested and it can make I relax.以便讲评课上教师将其板书在黑板上,让学生共同分析讨论错误原因和改正。2、把好的句子和词组摘录下来(并附上学生的名字,以便表彰),课上和学生一起欣赏优美的英文句子,并恰如其分的评析它们,让学生们在得到表扬的同时,也慢慢地感受到英文隐含的内在魅力,激发学生学习英语的兴趣。3、每次都记下3到4个优秀范文学生的名字,让他们在作文点评课时诵读其文章,这不仅让优秀生得到了最好的褒奖,也让其他学生在欣赏佳作的同时,也学会写作的思路和技巧。“取人之长,补己之短”,激励学生在今后的写作中积极尝试创新。

8. 急求初一下册英语作文10篇!!!

七年级下 英语作文

unit 1

Dear friend,

My neme is Wang Ping I come from China. My frist name is Ping and last name is Wang. I'm 14 years old. I can speak Chinese and a little english. I like palying vollerball. I like going to the movies. My favorite movie is Rush Hour because I like Cheng Long very much. I have a brother,Wang Qiang and a sister,Wang Li. Ther like going to the

movies, too.

unit 2

dear mike,

i konw you're arriving next sunday.let me tell you the way to my house.take a taxi from the airport. you pass a bank on your right and then go down long street. you go through sixth avenue and seventh avenue. then you see a big supermarket,turn left at new park. then go down and my house is on your right.

unit 3

there is a new zoo in our city. the zoo is really interesting because there are all kinds of animals in it. people all like them very much. i like going there on sundays. i like koalas very much because ther're very cute. but they're kiof lazy. they sleep ring the day and get up at night. they're also very friendly tu us.

unit 4

i'm a student now and i study in no.2 middle school. i like study. i study every day . i think it's very interesting. in the future. i want to be a reporter. i think it's an exciting job. i like talking to people. i like going to many different places. i like meeting lots of interesting people. but sometimes it's a little dangerous. i like exciting work.

unit 5

look! this is a happy family. this is bruce's family. bruce is playing computer games. he likes it very much. his grandmother is watering the flowers.his father is reading a book. his mother is watching tv. she likes the tv show very much. his sister mary is doing her homework. everyone is having a good time.

unit 6

dear frank,

i'm a middle school student in mengzi. it's a beautiful city. and i like the weather here. it's warm in spring. it's a little windy so we can fly kites in the park. it's hot in summereople like swimming in this season. it's cool in autumn. people like palying sports outside. in winter, it's very cold and it often snows. people like wearing scarfs and go skiing. people have a good time all the year.



unit 7

dear mike

we have a new english teacher this term. her name is julia. she's very good-looking. she's tall and of medium build. her hair is long and curly. she likes teaching english very much. her class is very interesting. she often plays games with us. she likes reading very much. she always goes to the library on weekends. she's really friendly. we all like her and her class



unit 8

my neme's xiao li. i'm a chinese girl. i like mplings best. because ther're our chinese treditional food. i'd like mplings on some festivals. i like mplings with beef best. i usually have porridge and an egg for breakfast. for lunch, i usually have rice, vegetables and pork. i like noodles and fish fmy sypper. i eat fruit every day. i'm very healthy.

unit 9

mike is my good friend. he had a busy weekend because he did lots of things on sa=taurday and on sunday. let me tell you what he did. on saturday morning, he did homework. he studied hard. in the afternoon, he cleaned the room. in the evening, he helped his parents wash the dishes. on sunday morning, he was very happy. in the evening, he studied for the english test. he liked english very much. mike had a busy but interesting weekend.


last saturday, tom got up at 6 o'clock, then he walked in the park. and he did exercise. at noon, he ate in KFC with his parents. he enjoyed the food very much. in the afternoon, he played soccer with his classmates on the school playground. they played from 2 pm to 4 pm. tom had a really fun day.

unit 11

peter and liam are talking about some tv shows. peter loves talk shows and he thinks they're really interesting. liam likes them, too. liam loves sports shows very mu because he likes sports. peter likes them, too. peter doesn't like soap operas because he think ther're too boring, but liam doesn't mind them. peter doesn't mind game shows but liam doesn't like them.

unit 12

my school rules

there are many rules in our school. we have to wear school uniforms every day. we have to boring our school id cards with us. we can't talk loudly at anytime. we can't run or jump in the hallways. we can't listen to music in the classroom. we can't eat snacks at school. we can't eat in the classroom. we have to eat in the dining hall.

热 嗯的 年少轻狂


ther're too boring, but liam doesn't mind them. peter doesn't mind game shows but liam doesn't like them.

unit 12

my school rules

there are many rules in our school. we have to wear school uniforms every day. we have to boring our school id cards with us. we can't talk loudly at anytime. we 't run or jump in the hallways. we can't listen to music in the classroom. we can't eat snacks at school. we can't eat in the classroom. we have to eat in the dining hall.

9. 七年级下册英语作文8篇

My Favorite Season
My favourite season is summer. I like summer because it's a season of enthusiasm. In summer, everything turns energetic. We are the most efficient to do things at this period of time. What's more, we are able to do a lot of sports and activities in summer. The trees and grass become very green and beautiful and I like that colour for what it represents. It is a symbol of hope. And with hope, we are motivated and creative. So summer is also the season of hope. We are able to take cold drinks in summer which is my favourite as well. In a word, I like summer, because it makes me energetic and gives me hope.

My favourite teacher
I like my English teacher Miss* best.Miss * is tall and thin,she has long straight hair and big eyes,her voise is light,and she's very kind,so we all loves her.
Yesterday morning,I slept late and missed the bus,so I was late for school.When I arrived school,it was 10am.I thought that Miss * will be angry with me.However,she didn't be annoyed with me anymore.She just said don't be late again to me.How kind Miss * is!
There is another thing I can't forget.One day in her Ehglish class,she asked me to spell accountant.I am not good at Ehglish anymore,and I don't like to remember the words.So I stood and answered nothing.To my surprise,she only said that memorizing the words is important for our study.
Miss * is really kind,isn't she?So she is my favorite teacher.
if i have enough money
if i have enough money,i will travel for seven days.the fitst day,i will go to beijing.because beijing is the capital city of china.first,i will go to tian'anmen square.and then,i will go to the palace museum.then,i will go to my grandparents'house .i miss them very much.from the third day to the sixth day,i will go to qing with my friends.i will go to swim in qing.at the last day,i will go on a trip to my city. i want to know my city carefully,
I think i will have fun.

Our life will change greatly in the future.
In the future, every family will own at least one computer, with which we can shop online without going out. That is really fantastic. Also, robots will be employed by every family. They can help do much of the housework. Therefore family members will have more free time to spend time together. In the future, kids don't need to attend school any more. There is internet access in every family, with the help of which kids can study by themselves.
Spring is coming,in the park,there are so many chilren and old men playing in the park.Lision,many birds are singing the song of Spring.The grasses are very green and soft.The flowers are very beautiful,most of them have come out.The park is very lively.I like this,I like Spring!
It was Sunday. I got up at seven o'clock. After breakfast I cleaned my room. Then I did my homework. I went shopping with my mother by bike in the afternoon. I met one of my best friend Li Lei and talked with her for a while. Before supper I played table tennis with my father. In the evening I surfed the internet and read books. I really had a busy and meaningful day.

After the Yushu earthquake ,our school held an Earthquake Safety Ecation Week . There were a lot of meaningful activities ring the week.On Mondey ,the whole school met in the playground and mourned for the dead in the quake .On Wednesday ,an expert was invited to give a lecture on how to escape from an earthquake .And on weekends,students came to the streets to raise money for Yushu.The Earthquake Safety Ecation Week was a big success.We have learnt how to protect ourselves in an earthquake and help others in trouble.Many students said they would do more things to help Yushu's people rebuild their homes.

I had a terrible last summer vacation.I had to get up early in the morning.Then I had to do my homework.It was boring and a little bit difficult.I can't stand it. In the afternoon, I had to go to the Children's Palace to learn English. Later, I had to help my mom clean the bedroom. I never had any fun in the vacation.How about you? How was your vacation?



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