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发布时间:2021-02-13 05:26:39

❶ 跪求 今天中考,,英语作文、今天是父亲节,假如你是李华请你给美国笔友john写一份电子邮件

Hello,Jhon.I am LiHua.Today is Fathers'Day.I want to do something for my father.First i will make a card for him.Then i will buy some food and cook a meal for him.I will take a walk with him.And i will be very clever.What will you do for your father?
Write me soon.
Yours,Li Hua.


❷ 如何进行有效的中考英语写作训练

1. 能根据写作要求,收集、准备素材。
2. 能独立起草短文、书信等,并在教师的指导下进行修改。
3. 能使用常见的连接词和逻辑关系。
4. 能简单描述人物或事件。
5. 能根据所给图示或表格写出简单的段落或操作说明。
(08 绍兴)七、书面表达(本题共2小题,76小题5分,77小题15分,共20分)
76. 假如你叫Ben, 即将参加奥运会志愿者面试,请你根据自己的实际情况完成下面的自我介绍,并用一句话说明你成为志愿者后的打算。(注意:文中所填内容必须全部用英语表达)
I am Ben, a student in Class 3, Grade 3. I am _______ years old. My hobby is __________. I work hard at my subjects and I am good at ____________. To be a volunteer for Beijing Olympic Games is my dream. If I become a volunteer, ___________________.
77. 假如你是今天英语课上的值日生,请根据表中信息完成主题为“班级新闻”的值日报告。

(09 绍兴) 七、书面表达(本题有2小题,76小题5分,77小题15分,共计20分)
76.Eric 是一位来自美国的交换
Eric, it is easy to find the
Space Museum. Just go across the _________ near our school. Walk down the street, and ________ at the first crossing. Walk on, and you’ll see the Space Museum. It’s __________ the restaurant. Please ___________.
中国课堂 美国课堂
特点 不称呼老师名字
举手发言 学生面对面就座
There are some differences between a Chinese class and an American class. Let’s have a look.In China ___________________________________________________________________________________
★★★真题感悟: 从08年和09年连续两年的书面表达来看,第一题主要考查学生的基础词汇和基本的句法,而且也没有固定的答案,给学生提供了自由发挥的空间,应该说对考生没有多大难度。第二题为半开放性作文,所选的话题都贴近于学生的生活,体现了以“学生能力立意”和以“教育价值立意”两大命题特色,使每位考生有话可写,又不会跑题。但从作文的要求来看,要求考生根据表格的内容能流畅组织成文,不能逐条翻译,同时又要学生发表自己的想法,这对考生来说有一定的难度,要求考生有一定的知识储备和一定的写作技巧,才会发挥出理想的成绩。
三. 2010年中考书面表达的应对策略
1. 制订学期计划,确立每周写作训练话题。
制订了每周的写作计划是不够的, 学生的写作水平能否提高,不纯粹决定于写作的数量及频度,其中离不开教师的有效指导,教师要帮助学生学会写作。 为了提高课堂教学的效率,将个人才智转化为集体优势,每周备课组活动时,有一位教师负责主讲本周写作话题,精心设计好该话题的教案,进行说课活动,说课内容一般包括本周话题的教学内容、教学目标、教学方法、教学过程和教学理念,通过说课,充分发挥集体优势,完善课堂设计,有效施教。在进行说课的同时,也要求主讲教师做好课件,实现资源共享,共同提高教学质量,使课堂变得生动、有趣、和谐,从而激发学生的写作兴趣。另外每月推出一位教师上写作研讨课,组织其他教师进行观摩和交流,促进全体成员整体素质的提升,以利于教学质量的不断提高。
周次 日期 写作话题 教材连接

3.1-3.6 有关人物描述,兴趣爱好,感恩的话题
如:1)Introce myself/my friend/…
2)The person I will never forget. B8(上) Unit 6 & Unit 9
B8(下) Unit 6
B9 Unit 2

3.7-3.13 有关语言学习的话题
如:1)How to learn English/Chinese well?
2) How do you study for the test?
B9 Unit 1

3.14-320 有关校园生活,课外娱乐,日常活动的话题
如:1) What rules do you have at home/school?
2)How to spend your weekend? B8(上) Unit 7&Unit 11
B9 Unit 3

3.21-3.27 有关计划和愿望的话题
如: 1) My dream
2) If I had a lot of money, … B8(下) Unit 5
B9 Unit 4

3.28-4.3 有关健康,饮食,运动,卫生,安全的话题
如:1)How to keep healthy
2)How to protect ourselves B8(上)Unit 1& Unit 2
B9 Unit 6 Reading

4.4-4.10 有关旅游和交通的话题
如:1)Where would you like to go on a vacation?
2)An unforgettable experience B8(上) Unit 3&Unit 8
B8(下) Unit 3 & Unit 9
B9 Unit 7 and Unit 10

4.11-4.17 有关志愿者活动,爱心表现的话题
如:1)What could you do to help people in trouble ?
2)How to be a good child B8(上)Unit 10
B9 Unit 8

4.18-4.24 有关风俗习惯,礼仪,节假日活动的话题
如:1)The customs in China/in foreign countries
2) The most important festival B8(下) Unit 7
B9 Unit 12
B9 Unit 13 Reading

4.25-5.1 有关评价,分析利弊的话题
如: 1) The movie/book /music you like best
2) The advantages and disadvantages of… B8(上)Unit 12
B9 Unit 6 & Unit 9
B9 Unit 13

5.2-5.8 有关环保,关爱动物,节约的话题
如:1)How to make our city more attractive?
2) How to protect animals?
B9 Unit 15
5.9-5.11 有关个人情感,人际关系,生活琐事的话题
如:1)How to get along well with your teachers?
2)How to deal with our problems? B9 Unit 1 Reading
B9 Unit 3 Reading
十二 5.16-5.22 有关问路,购物,就餐,打电话,提建议,
邀请,感谢,抱怨,天气等小话题 B8(下) Unit 2,Unit 8 and Unit 9 B9 Unit 11
十三 5.23-5,29 有关热点话题
(1) 教师上课前,组长负责,讨论并整理好每周话题所涉及到得词汇、句型、和亮点等,让学生以宽松的方式激活原有的知识,拓展知识面
(2) 独立完成自己的文稿之后,根据中考作文评分标准给自己打分,然后组员交换批改,又要给组员评分,通过这样两次批改的方式,使每位学生能明确意识到自己的不足,就会主动去写出最优秀的英语作文。
3. 科学评价学生,提高作业批改质量
教师对学生的作文的评语不能过于单一,要采用积极肯定的评语,首先表扬他写作的优点或进步之处;然后婉转的表达自己的建议,例如 I am glad you have made some progress. By the way, are you pleased with your handwriting? 这样的话,学生会很乐意接受自己的不足。
(1) 加强语言基础知识的学习和训练。 ①要有足够的词汇量; ②要掌握好英语的五种基本句型; ③要把握基本的语法知识,如:动词的时态和语态、主谓一致、非谓语动词的使用、形容词/副词的比较等级等等; ④熟悉习惯用语和习惯搭配; ⑤注意相似词语、易混词语的辨析。
⒉ 把握技巧,在考场中充分发挥
(1) 认真审题,明确要求。 审题是做好书面表达的前提,做题之前应认真分析说明材料,明确题目要求。审题包括“三审”:审文体,审格式,审人称。
(2) 捕捉信息,组织要点 。书面表达的评分依据之一就是内容要点。因此,在认真审题,弄清题意的基础上,逐个地完整无缺地把内容要点列出(一般为5—8个要点),并用明白、恰当、得体的语言表达出来;其次要尽量杜绝中国式英语,更不能逐字逐句地将汉语译成英语,使得文章支离破碎。
(3) 注重开头,写好结尾。 大家都知道“Well begun is half done”。从历年的试题来看,都有一定的材料提示,而且有明确的字数限制。所以开头宜开门见山,确保不出任何错误,最好能做到引人入胜。另外文章能否得高分,结尾也很关键。好的结尾能起到画龙点睛的作用,也能使阅卷老师的眼睛为之一“亮”,这样的作文,高分非你莫属。至于说怎样结尾,应根据不同体裁的文章而定,或总结全文,或表明对所写人物的态度,或适可而止,水到渠成。
(4) 谴词造句,准确表达。 清理了要点之后,就要组词成句了。要尽量用课文中学过的较为规范的词语、句型、范例。当遇到生僻的短语或句式时,可灵活地使用自己已经学过的表达方式巧妙地绕过去。对于英语水平较高的同学,在能清楚表达文章内容的前提下,尽量措词有加,不时出现“闪光点”,为你的文章增辉添彩。而达不到这个层次的同学,还是尽量用简洁、精炼的语句表达,做到言简意赅的为好。
(5) 整理成篇,行文连贯。 在根据要点完成连词成句的步骤后,要分清文章的层次,先说什么,后说什么,把这些句子重新排列组织起来,使之前后连贯,构成一篇语气通顺的文章。同时还要注意句子与句子之间过渡要自然,可加上适当的表示并列、递进、因果、转折等关系的连词,使文章更加流畅。
(6) 规范书写,一气呵成 。上述所有的环节完成之后,最后一步就是规范、整洁的将草稿上的文章抄写到答题卷上去。一篇切题、内容丰富、表达清楚、自然流畅的文章,加上潇洒、漂亮的书写,自然就会成为一篇佳作。

❸ 帮帮忙写一篇英语电子邮件写作,email writing

电子邮箱不用说明,因为发送时双方都会会看到。我在信里假设Jin是“我” (I) 和Zhang Xiaoli 是“你” (you)。


称谓、头衔 Zhang Xiaoli,

I am planning to travel to China, because I am hoping to discuss the company's new range of procts of this year with you in person.

I am going to be in Guangzhou around April 9th and 10th and am hoping to visit (或者用see或meet)you at ten o'clock on the 10th in the morning.

Could you provide me with some information on the company and the address of the company in detail, please?

Thank you in advance.

Jin Nino所在的公司
Jin Nino的称谓或头衔
Jin Nino (这个名字要用电脑打印上去)

然後签名 (亲笔签名)

❹ 英语写作电子邮件

An E-mail
Dear Jenny,
How are you getting along these days? I hope everything is all right. But I am upset these days because of my parents. I think they take care too much about me and too overvalue my grades. I have to tell them my every exam and my grades. If I do well, they are happy. If I don’, they would be every sad and nervous, especially my mother. My mother even makes a detailed plan for my future. In her plan, I will go the best senior school of my city and then go to a top university of our country. She wants me to be a civil servant in the future, because this job is steady and well-paid. But I don’t like it; I want to be a journalist. I feel so upset about her plan. I told them my feelings before, but they never listened to me and said what they doing are good for me. What should I do?

❺ 求中考英语作文套话~

1、 环保
1. It's our ty to protect our environment。
2. It is very important to take care of our environment
3. We should not throw litter onto the ground
4. We should not spit in a public place/ cut down the trees
5. We should plant more flowers and trees。
6. We must pick up some rubbish and throw it into a stbin
7. If everyone makes contribution to protecting the environment, the world will become much more beautiful。
2、 旅游
1. Last Sunday(Saturday,…) ,it was sunny(rainy, windy, foggy,)
2. I got up very early (late). After breakfast I went to …with my friends by bike, bus,…
3. We enjoyed ourselves。
4. We forgot the time. We didn't come back until 5 o'clock。
5. We all felt very tired, but we were happy。
6. I thought I would never forget this trip。
7. Last summer, my parents and I went to Beijing for our holidays。
8. We visited a lot of places of interest。
9. We had a good time there。
10. We bought a lot of things. The clothes here are good and cheap。
3、 比赛
1. Last Sunday, Class One had a football match with Class Two。
2. All of us went to watch it。
3. The match was very exciting。
4. In fact, I have never seen such an exciting match before。
5. The score was 5-3. Our team scored three goals in the last fifteen minutes。
6. Class One won this match. Class Two lost。
7. Class One played well. They deserved to win。
8. Their PE teacher was very pleased with their performance。
4、 健康
1. It is very important to keep healthy。
2. How can we keep healthy?
3. We can't go to sleep too late. We can't get up too late。
4. We should eat the food healthily。
5. We should do more exercise。
6. Last Tuesday I got a cold and had a pain in my head。
7. I didn't feel like eating anything。
8. I decided to see the doctor。
9. In the doctor's office, the doctor looks over me carefully。
10. He said :"Nothing serious." And he told me to take a rest and drink more water。
11. A nurse gave me an injection. It was a little painful。
12. The doctor asked me to take the medicine three times a day。
13. A few days later, I felt better. From then on I believe that keeping healthy is the most important thing in the world。
5、 学科
1. My favorite subject is English。
2. More than three quarters of the information on the Internet is in English。
3. It is used by travelers and business people all over the world。
4. China has joined the WTO and the Olympic Games will be held in China. English becomes more and more useful。
5. So English is very important and I like English very much。
6. We have a lot of fun in the English class。
7. Our English teacher often makes us happy in the English class。
8. I hope I can go abroad one day, and then I can speak to foreigners in English。
9. I like English and try my best to learn it。
6、 节日
1. In China the most important holiday is the Spring Festival。
2. It comes in January or February。
3. On the Spring Festival Eve people have a big dinner. They have a lot of nice food to eat。
4. During the Spring Festival people have a lot of interesting things to do。
5. People visit their relatives and friends。
6. They greet each other with a hug and say, "Happy New Year"。
7. As China is a big country, people in different places celebrate this holiday in different ways。
7、 写人
1. His name is Jack。
2. He was born in London in 1982。
3. He is 1.68 meters tall and weighs 52 kilos。
4. He is 20 years old。
5. He comes from England。
6. He is a good ping-pong player。
7. He is medium build。
8. He has short hair。
9. He is outgoing. Every one likes to talk with him. He gets on well with us。
10. He teaches English very well。
11. He works very hard. He works in No.5 Middle School。
12. He loves watching football games after work。
13. He often helps me with my English。
14. At the age of six, he began to play table tennis。
8、 生活
1. Jim got up very early。
2. Jim cleaned the room and do the housework。
3. Jim went to shop and did some shopping。
4. Jim did some cooking。
5. Jim fed the cat。
6. Jim sweeps the floor。
7. He washes the dishes。
8. He has lunch at school。
9. It is a busy day. He is very tired. But he feels happy。

❻ 中考英语写作指导,该如何写好英语




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