1. 如何写英语作文课评课稿
1、 体现了任务性教学以学生为主体,以人的发展为本的教育理念。从这堂课的题目来看,老师与学生的训练很默契,
2、 通过各种各样的课堂活动,注重对学生动机、兴趣、意志、信心等非智力因素的培养。
1、 运用现代化的教学手段,给学生创设了良好的语言交际环境。
2、 学生参与面广。据我统计,整堂课有30位左右的同学站起来发言。
3、 课堂互动频繁。师生之间的一问一答,生生之间的pair work、group work使课堂动了起来,活了起来。
1、 运用多种教学手段。能用不同手段完成不同任务。
2、 有亲和力。上课时老师始终面带笑容,平等待人,对学生耐心启发,循循诱导,课堂气氛轻松和谐。在这种氛围下能充分发挥学生的积极性和能动性。
3、 应变能力强。能妥善解决课堂上出现的随机问题,并与教师设计的课堂进程以及提出的各项要求同步。
2. 英语作文的常用评语有哪些
3. 英语写作教师评语
Teachers’ Remarks
In my school, our head teacher will give his remakes for every student on a note book after final exam. And then I have to bring it to my parents. Our head teacher will put our scores of mid-term exam and final exam on it. And then he will write some remarks on us performance in the school and the thing he thinks highly of and the thing I need to correct. In order to have a good winter holiday, I have to make my parents happy. So I always try my best to earn a good evaluation from my head teacher. In front of him, I am always a good boy. So, I always have a nice remark.