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发布时间:2021-02-11 10:31:48

㈠ 我有写一篇关于小学到现在生活的变化情况的英语作文,那里会有范文

My hometown is located at the suburb of Shanghai. Once there were many villages and in the village each family had their own unattached houses. The villagers had a little land and cultivated vegetables in their free time. Later, under the government’ relocation policy, villagers’ private houses were pulled down; instead, blocks of commercial residential buildings were set up. Therefore, the natural environment as well as the humanistic environment has changed greatly. The first day when I moved into this residence area, I marveled at the new face of this area. Once the road stretched to the village was rough and narrow, and it was impossible for big trucks to come in. Now it is taken place by the broad bituminous macadam. The ordered blocks of buildings are instead of the varied private houses, which makes the whole area well-regulated. Now in the center of the residence area, there is a big well-designed lawn. On the lawn extended paths embedded cobblestones to each building. Along the paths litter bins are set that convenience the residents and keep clean. In the past trees, grass, and even rubbish scattered here and there in the village. However, regardless all the advantages it brings, I feel that I have lost something. The rivers, the farmland and the ancient trees, which brought me much joy in my childhood, now have disappeared from my sight and impressed in my memory forever. Compared with the past, people’s life style also has a new face. Before the day breaks, most old people get up. Some of them do morning exercise such as tai chi, and some of them walk to the market, while in the past they used to cultivate in their farmland. Since the social welfare provides more security for the old people, their life become more comfortable than before. I still remember that in the past farming and playing mah-jongg was the only thing they could do in their free time. Though they still play mah-jongg at weekends, they still have many other entertainments, such as dancing and seeing films in the community center. From time to time, they summon up people to rehearse some programs for performing in public when the traditional festivals come. All the changes seem to be favorable, but there is one change that I don’t admire. People now almost no long drop around each other. The relationship of the neighborhood is less harmonic than before. Sometimes the neighbors argue the trifle and maybe become strangers from then on. Just like a coin has two sides, the changes have brought both advantages and disadvantages. It is certain that the advantages are far more than the disadvantages. We should keep changing and develop into a better life. DanceInWind 回答采纳率:14.8% 2008-09-05 11:59 检举 我家在周至县,近几年发生了很大的变化。就拿我家来说吧。 以前,我们家没有电脑。爸爸是个工程师。以前,爸爸画图都要用手画,画的时候要用尺子,画错了不得用橡皮擦,不小心会把绘图纸擦烂,画图慢,还得不停地削铅笔。画出的线条不优美。画一张图纸要用一两天时间。还要描图、晒图最后才能形成工程图纸。总共需要三天。现在,我家买了电脑。他可以用电脑画图了,不用描图;只要用一小小的鼠标点来点去,就可以代替人工所做的一切。一张工程图画好只要一下的时间。画完了直接一打印,又清晰又美观。 有了电脑。我总在电脑上帮妈妈打文章。我自己还用文件夹,存了动画片、日记、作文等。我还用它看文学名著。我还用它学英语、装软件,打游戏……妈妈就用它制卷子、打词语。电脑给我家带来了许多方便。 今年夏天,我们家还添了电冰箱。以前,夏天的东西经常会坏,坏了就扔了,多可惜。现在电冰箱可以冷藏食品,食品放在冰箱里不会坏。它可以给我制作冰块。我补课回来,我就冷冻一个冰块让我解渴。冰箱给我家带来了方便。 去年,我们家还买了空调。以前,在冬天没有空调,起床穿衣服,我总藏在被窝里。现在有了空调,起来穿衣服就不会感冒了。在夏天没有空调时,能把人热得发闷,不想活动。现在,在夏天有了空调,无论在什么时候,只要一开空调,调成冷风,会觉的非常凉爽,像置身于凉爽的森林一样。 最近,我们县上出现了互联网,大部分家里人的电脑都上了Inter网。以前,没有互联网,想投稿或有事只要发一个E-mail,就可以把作文投上去,把信寄了出去。互联网也给我们带来了方便。 啊!我们家乡变化真大呀!

㈡ 关于小学学习情况的英语作文

Today, I summed up his six years is wrong, in elementary school, we learn the past tense, future tense, now, and there are imperative sentence, interrogative general, special interrogative, etc., in English, my favorite subject, let me understand the language of the wonderful

㈢ 在小学我的英语学习情况英语作文(不少于60个词)

deaf for a few days at some time ring his early alt life. Darkness would make him

㈣ 急需小学英语工作总结!

一堂准备充分的课,会令学生和老师都获益不浅。例如我在教授Unit 3 . Lesson 9 的时候,这课的主题是“如何询问和回答时间”,教学难度比较大。如果照本宣科地讲授,学生会感到困难和沉闷。为了上好这堂课,我认真研究了课文,找出了重点,难点,准备有针对性地讲。为了令教学生动,不沉闷,我还为此准备了大量的教具,授课时就胸有成竹了。当讲到“half”的时候,我拿出准备好的圆卡纸,把它剪成一半,告诉学生这是圆的一半,也就是half。讲到”quarter”时,又把半圆剪成一半,那么剩下来的就是圆的四分之一,也就是”quarter”了。这样学生就形象地明白了这两个单词。而讲到如何表达时间时,我用了一个用红卡纸做的大钟,同学们一开始就被它吸引住了,显得颇有积极性。用实物让学生练习”What’s the time? It’s……”的句型,学生特别用功,教学效果十分理想。相反,我没有认真备课的时候,课堂气氛沉闷,教学效果不好,与此相比可见,认真备课对教学十分重要。特别是对英语这门学生不甚熟悉并感到困难的外语来说至关重要。
英语是一门外语,对学生而言,既生疏又困难,在这样一种大环境之下,要教好英语,就要让学生喜爱英语,让他们对英语产生兴趣。否则学生对这门学科产生畏难情绪,不原学,也无法学下去。为此,我采取了一些方法,就是帮助班上的同学改英文名,尽量多讲一些关于英美国家的文化,生活故事,近来更帮部分同学交上了”penfriend in America”,让他们更了解英语,更喜欢学习英语。因为只有英语水平提高,他们才能达到交异国笔友的目的,同时也可以提高同学们的英语写作能力,对成绩优秀的同学很有好处。
因为英语的特殊情况,学生在不断学习中,会出现好差分化现象,差生面扩大,会严重影响班内的学习风气。因此,绝对不能忽视。为此,我制定了具体的计划和目标。对这部分同学进行有计划的辅导。例如在七班,我把这批同学分为三个组。第一组是有能力提高,但平时懒动脑筋不学的同学,对这些同学,我采取集体辅导,给他们分配固定任务,不让他们有偷懒的机会,让他们发挥应有水平; 第二组是肯学,但由于能力不强的同学。对这部分同学要适当引导,耐心教导,慢慢提高他们的成绩,不能操之过急,且要多鼓励。只要他们肯努力,成绩有望搞提高;第三组是纪律松散,学习不认真,基础又不好的同学。对这部分人要进行课余时间个别辅导。因为这部分同学需要一个安静而又不受干扰的环境,才会立下心来学习。只要坚持辅导,这些同学基础重新建立起来,以后授课的效果就会更好。

㈤ 小学英语写作教学中存在哪些问题


㈥ 关于向小学老师汇报中学学习情况的英语作文

Preview is an important way reflect students' independent learning ability, with adequate preparation, in order to more easily understand the teacher was talking about. Preview can say good study habits based on adherence preparation, can often achieve a multiplier effect. Well, now the situation prep school students are like? After investigation, I found that most students currently do not develop the habit of consciously preview. Many students do not understand the right way to prep that is the rehearsal read through textbooks, the lack of initiative in prep find important and difficult consciousness. This phenomenon is not very common in the general class, the focus of the class, there are many students are in this state, in the survey, only a small portion of students are able to do in the preview consciously looking for the key, difficult, to complete the teacher assigned the task preview At the same time, it will not take the initiative to generalize knowledge points. Thus, the prep school students learning stage or a weak link

㈦ 怎么写小学学期总结 (英语)







二、在生活上,我基本上都可以和同学们友好相处,和睦共处,互帮互爱,自己的事情自己做,形成独立自理自立的良好品德。 宿舍是一个大集体,八个人生活在同一个空间里面,但是各自的生活习性都不相,这就需要大家互相理解和迁就,只有这样才能和好相处,为我们的学习创造一个良好的学习和休息环境。这个方面我们宿舍就做得比较好。我初中就已经到外面读书,因此很早就过着一种集体生活,所以我比较会理解别人,当然,我们宿舍的融洽和谐关系还很大归属于我们每一个宿友。可是最我我觉得自豪的是,进大学以来,我从来没有一次光顾洗衣部,即使是在寒冷的冬天,我也坚持自己洗衣服,不给自己偷懒的机会。因为我知道惰性这样东西是培养出来的,只要不给它一次机会,它就永远没有可能成为现实中的东西了。还有的是,我在生活中,始终保持干净的作风,做到勤清洁,勤洗手,养成良好的卫生习惯。

(1) 不是特别重要的事情允许自己请假,而且一个学期的请假节数不超过5节;

(2) 星期六和星期日尽量多到图书馆去看书,还要多到一些城市去看看,增长自己的见闻;

(3) 在老师布置作业五天内必须完成,当然论文除外了;

(4) 每天晚上不能超过十二点睡觉,要保证充足的精力上第二天的课,防止出现上课时打磕睡的情况;


英翻译:Time lives with really quickly , will arrive at this school term at last stage soon in a twinkling. That day recollecting an once over , just arriving in Fo Shan City university registering is visible before the eyes, so that's why people often says life if comb! Sum up this every school term aspect condition , can sum up several the following essentials presumedly.
The school term has had one, very big progress on studying, comparing with the first , every also obvious time of test achievement than before has improved to some extent. Go to a school term since being to arrive in brand-new university campus just , not knowing here condition well very much, especially here school hours, that every saves class is fifty minutes , is accustomed not very , often sit not to live, have got every several final minutes saving class not giving some attention conscientiously , have wasted many time.Fitting in with going by up a school term, this school term can be accustomed to the system studying time so mainly all , ensure that every hall class listens to the pleasant to hear foot seriously. Have had on the quantity there are still in reading the book after school greatly increase by, not only above insisting that every week reads at least two special field books, insist on every time finish watching write down impression after reading afterwards right away , important knowledge is written down down , is make self frequent having time hereafter open up come to take a look at. On doing one's assignment, I all am that self school assignment makes not inlge in corrupt practices , does not plagiarize with regard to self every time , draw support from the data after school right away as for the school assignment writing a thesis , hope the writing ability being able to improve self on this account.Time , I return resource back to make full use of school library on after school , make the best use of one's time reading every aspect book knowledge , face in order to obtain the knowledge improving self, angle broadening self pondering a problem, consider a problem , avoid thereby having many sides single-faceted look at a problem , form not good thinking habit. Still have one point wanting to say being an elective course, this school term I have taken real estate as an elective course managing this course , this course has belonged to the content that economic management is , have read coming having reported therefore since but my interest in this aspect is comparatively strong. The real estate circumstances composes in reply at present fundamental real estate knowledge by the fact that this elective course , I know to arrive at our country presumedly, have a cognition summarizing comparatively. I think that this from job comes out to me hereafter is to have being bound to help, after all modern this society, having certain economy knowledge in hand is very necessary , what real estate introces that promotes sales of artifice , is useful to each instry.Even if I am not engaged in this instry hereafter, I believe that I all can get certain enlightenment from here , the minimum is able to have .know about on how to coming into contact with with person. That on studying, I think that still having the same thing is very important, be to study attitude! I am not very upright to the attitude studying previously , often being "to have had to have chatted " , not will get much better after now, a kind of I am started forming is modest , frequent study about attitude asking about. Because of I know learning resorting to deception without end coming upper thing, be not to know not knowing right away , definitely cannot smatter! Need to want to get sb. somewhere on knowledge, all successful both ancient and modern , Chinese and foreign examples have all proven that as long as keeping only row studying attitude this two kinds. , therefore, I ask about the schoolmate and the teacher as soon as having question until doing it know till. I am also such even if being a friend , "do , have necessarily my teacher , because of Confucius had criticized three people" I think that principle is in here right away.
In two, I can keep in with with the schoolmates mainly all , live together in peace , help mutually loving one another in daily life,self does self thing, morality forming fine taking care of self on one's own standing on one's own feet. The dormitory is that a big collectives , eight people live in a same space inside, but respective life habit all Bu Xiang , needing everybody's mutual make of and accommodating self to right now, only have such ability being at peace get along with, being our study about creates a fine study about and rest environment. Our dormitory does this aspect right away comparatively well. My junior middle school arrives at right away already outside reading a book , live one kind of collective life therefore very for a long time, our harmonious dormitory harmonic relationship belongs to our every old friend very greatly therefore that I compare may understand others , the of course. I do not once patronize the headquarter who washes clothes all along since but I I think that being proud, enters college most,even if being winter depend on frigidity's, I also insist self on washing clothes , do not give self the slack chance.Such thing is to cultivate out because of I know an inertia , needing only does not give it a chance , it will have never have thing in may become reality. Have plenty of, I in life, all the time, keep clean style , achieve the frequent cleaning, is frequent wash hands, form fine hygiene habit. I think that I gain a maximum being to have learned have a swim three, on entertainment, be to have strengthened body constitution on the entertainment basis secondly. School stipulates this school term to need to carry out have a swim have an exam , this is a big challenge beyond doubt as for me. Because I arrive at mostly incapable have a swim's from childhood , think that from in the heart, I am afraid and worry about. Teaching and my self instrious has taken exercise however process teacher's taking the utmost care , I have passed this time of have an exam finally successfully.Secondly, we all have much sports activities in the afternoon in every day, among them, having running , playing basketball , playing football , playing badminton and so on, I make an appointment with several friends to go for a run together right away , am also to take one kind of good method of the body exercise although moving amounts is not very big, also am one kind of entertainment way! I think that my physical constitution has already strengthened many now, the elephant feels very tired like that often no longer previously , I think that this is my once significant gains going ahead in entertainment. Even if upper stated, existence is not a shortcoming short although I have had certain progress, but our in this school term , still have much the problem needing an improvement. For example , I are more comparatively in this school term ask for leave, some moment delivers school assignment fault the time making use of Saturday and Sunday is not very rational very on schele.People often says university's life is extraordinarily relaxed and free , I also think that being such indeed. Time is always precious but , I do not want to become the people who dawdles away one's time , does not miss self regretting that self squanders time like this ring the period of old. For correcting the shortcoming not setting a high value on one's time above me, I decide to work out the following few measure for self, to supervise and urge self more well. Include this several concretely:
(1) is not that the especially important thing allows self to ask for leave , a school term ask for leave pitch number does not exceed 5 knot and;
(2) goes round library to read a book on Saturday and on Sunday to the full much , wants to go round a few cities to take a look at much too , increases self knowledge;
(3) must be completed in teacher arrangement within school assignment five day , the thesis certainly has not included;
In short ,I want to develop merit , to correct a shortcoming , can not waste 00:01:01 again, especially within time on Sunday , am going to sum up the thing summing up one study of Zhou Li 's , to finish doing note in time. Specifically for self special field, read the special field book and law case much to the library , broaden self knowledge face and increase the depth looking at a problem, want to communicate with to assuming a post of the class teacher much too at the same time , not knowing the habit asking that withdrawal is shy right away. That university lives is very precious , I do not hope that indifferent slight field spends this several years , I want to cherish this rare reading a book well the chance, makes great efforts to read a book , is that self university life adds rich beautiful



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