① 48个国际音标、附50个单词举例!
字母 常见发音 例词
Aa / eI / cake, face, date, snake, grape, make, game, plate, name, lake,
/ æ / cat, map, hat, sad, happy, black, bag
Bb /b/ book big bag box
Cc /k/ cat cake cup clock car
/s/ face nice pencil
Dd /d/ desk doll dog dad
Ee / i:/ evening, we, he, be , she, these,
/ e / bed, help, desk, ten, leg, dress, egg, hen, yes, very
Ff /f/ fine friend fly foot fan
Gg /ɡ/ goose glass egg girl
Hh /h/ hat he house hand
Ii / aI / ice, bike, ride, white, Friday, library, rice, like, nice, kite, size,
/ І / pink, six, in, pig, fifty, river, windy, sick, sister, sit, milk, fish,
J j / dʒ / jeep jacket juice Jim
Kk /k/ kite cake black thank
Ll /l/ leg left ruler flag lamp
/l/ apple bowl tell old
Mm /m/ am map my mouth milk
Nn /n/ no know new hand ten
Oo / əʊ / no, home, nose, rose, go, those, hole, close, hello,
/ ɒ / not, closet, box, fox, lock, lot, shop, rock, office, on,
Pp /p/ map jeep pig pen apple
Oq(u) /kw / quiet quilt queen
Rr /r/ red radio brother ride
Ss /s/ sit miss this smile books
/z/ nose those rose rulers
Tt /t/ it sit not that table
Uu / j u:/ computer, Tuesday, excuse, unit, January, music, use, cute
/ u:/ blue
/Λ/ sun, sunny, run, fun, jump, lunch, but, bus, under, ck, us, Sunday,
Vv /v / five vest very seven
Ww /w/ we window watch want
Xx /ks / box six fox taxi
Yy / aI / my fly why bye by
/ j / yes yellow
/ І / happy, baby, very, cloudy, sunny, windy, rainy, snowy healthy
Zz / z / zoo zebra
2. 元音字母组合的常见发音
ai / eI / wait paint,rainy,train
ay / eI / may play day say
air / eə / air hair chair
al / ɔ: / tall small ball wall all
ar /α: / farm car cartoon smart garden star
ea /i:/ meat please tea read peach
/e/ head bread ready breakfast sweater
ee /i:/ meet see bee feet jeep sweet
ear / І ə / ear hear near
ere / Іə / here
/ eə / where there
er / ə / mother father sister brother teacher winter
/З:/ her
ight / aI / right light bright
ir /З: / bird girl shirt thirty birthday thirteen
oa / əʊ / boat coat goat
oo / ʊ / book foot good
/u:/ moon balloon room noon spoon soon
or / ɔ:/ short fork sport
oor / ɔ: / door floor
ou / aʊ / out house mouth mouse
ow / əʊ / bowl window snow show rainbow know
/ aʊ / now cow flower how
oy / ɔI / boy toy
ur /З: / turn Thursday nurse
th /θ/ thank mouth
/ ð / this that with
tr /tr/ tree train truck
dr /dr/ dress driver
sh /∫/ shirt wash short English ,fish, she
ch / t∫/ child chair catch ,watch, chain, chicken peach
tw /tw/ two twin twenty
wh /w/ white wheel what
/h/ who whose whom
ts /ts/ jackets kites
ds /dz/ birds friends
② 所有音标 举例 单词
③ 列出小学阶段学习的英语音标并在每个音标后面举例出单词。至少5个,...
单 词
bread breakfast head sweater
read (read的过去式)
let bed bedroom set met (meet的过去式)
get puppet red yellow pen pencil best better
December November September
bell men yes festival February
kept (keep的过去式) next question
relative twelve when welcome wet rest
brother sister tiger mother father
worker driver paper teacher answer
September October November December
keeper reporter wonderful player hamburger
doctor visitor collector forget mirror
April holiday
Saturday hamburger surprise
ago about around away January February
camera walkman Christmas
police collect carrot dragon of
hear dear near year ear earphone
deer cheers beer
chair fair hair air aircraft pair
where there
care careful pare parent
bird girl skirt T-shirt dirty birthday
thirty third thirteen first thirsty circle
world work worker worse
earth early
bright right tonight night light
I nine five ninth nineteen ninety like
child kind mine bike kite find white
nice exciting excited fine mobile quiet
sign beside time Friday behind pineapple
smile tiger
cycle by eye try sky dry fly July nearby
miss give lift did thing think thin
it this pick little big win list milk
live chicken chick hill fill wind windy
litter field film kick middle
fifth fifty his mirror sit six
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday
Friday Saturday Sunday January
February sunny windy cloudy rainy quickly
teach teacher team bean read leave
meat mean please jeans pea sea
east Easter eat tea teapot clean seat
need meet keep keeper goalkeeper
④ 求英语音标及简单单词举例
⑤ 英语音标单词举例十个
1、[ɔ:] [ɔ]
含有[ɔ:]的单词:, door, tall, small, short
含有[ɔ]的单词:clock, dog, hot, song, strong
2、[ɑ:] [ʌ]
含有[ɑ:]的单词:car, dance, party, father, aunt
含有[ʌ]的单词:bus, love, money, mother
3、[u:] [u]
含有[u:]的单词:shoe, food, moon, blue, school, zoo
含有[u]的单词:book, wood, good, cook
4、[i:] [i]
含有[i:]的单词:sheep, meat, tree, green, tea, eat, sleep
含有[i]的单词:pig, ship, chicken, fish, city, river
5、[ə:] [ə]
含有[ə:]的单词:bird, earth, girl, shirt, skirt
含有[ə]的单词:tiger, flower, rubber, mother, teacher, today
6、[e] [æ]
含有[e]的单词:pen, pencil, egg, red, bed, head, leg
含有[æ]的单词:apple, flag, fat, bad, happy, man, cap, hat
7、[ai] [ei] [ɔi]
含有[ai]的单词:sky, fly, hi, bike, I
含有[ei]的单词:play, rain, baby, snake, name
含有[ɔi]的单词:boy, toy
8、[iə] [eə] [uə]
含有[iə]的单词:deer, ear, tear, here, beer
含有[eə]的单词:bear, pear, hair
含有[uə]的单词:poor, sure
9、[əu] [au]
含有[əu]的单词:nose, rose, go, home, hope
含有[au]的单词:flower, house, now, cow, mouse
10、[w] [j]
含有[w]的单词:way, west, wet
含有[j]的单词:yes, yellow, you, year, yak
国际音标(IPA,International Phonetic Alphabet),是1888年国际语音协会(International Phonetic Association)的语言学家制定出的一套可国际通用的语音符号叫国际音标符号(IPA—International Phonetic Alphabet)。
⑥ 有米有关于 48个国际音标的 书 最好书里面带有举例单词的那种
⑦ 请问怎么用音标拼单词举例说明 详细的
⑧ 音标单词举例要五个
p put please page pet sleep
b but book before begin public
t telephone talk get tired take
d door red do dot add
k cake kite kick rock like
g go girl gate gap gas
⑨ 英语国际音标表(附单词举例)
新月空中英语 语音教室