Ⅰ 求仁爱版英语九下的课文和单词朗读 Mp3格式的 谢谢!
【2015春仁爱英语九年级下册单词和课文mp3.rar】的下载地址: 密码:g758 注:这是压缩文件,需解压成mp3格式才能播放。
Ⅱ 求仁爱版英语九年级上下册单词朗读的MP3格式[email protected]
Ⅲ 求仁爱版英语九年级上下册课文和单词朗读的MP3
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Ⅳ 仁爱版英语单词九年级下mp3免费下载 哪有多谢
Ⅳ 求仁爱版英语九年级下册朗读mp3
2012秋季仁爱版九年级(上册下册全套)英语课文和单词朗读录音mp3教学素材 是这个嘛?
Unit 1 The Changing World
1. My hometwon has become more and more beautiful
2. Which country has the largest population.
3. The world has changed for the better.
Unit 2 Saving the Earth
1. Pollution causes too many problems.
2. All these problems are very serious.
3. What things can we do to protect the environment?
Unit 3 English Around the World
1. English is widely spoken throughout the world.
2. English is spoken differently in different countries.
3. Could you give us some advice on how to learn English well?
Unit 4 Amazing Science
1. Spaceships are mainly controlled by computers.
2. When was it invented?
3. What do you know about Mars.
Unit 5 Knowing about China
1. How much do you know about China.
2. I am becoming more and more interested in China's history.
3. The dragon has become a symbol of Chinese nation.
Unit 6 Entertainment and Friendship
1.I would rather than watch sports shoes than those ones.
2. Who is your favorite character in literature?
3. I will remember our friendship forever.
Ⅵ 仁爱英语九年级上下册课文和单词朗读MP3
Ⅶ 求仁爱版英语九年级上下册单词朗读的MP3
[email protected]