⑴ 中文翻译成英文
⑵ 初二英语题.(要用初二第二课刚学的单词来翻译句子)
1.他们选举Tom当他们班的班长。 They select Tom as their monitor.
2.我建议明天去钓鱼。 I suggest going fishing tomorrow.
3.我们应该在作出决定前考虑久一点。 We should consider a little longer before we made the decision.
4.今天公园免费,所以很多人去游览了。 Today, many people go to the park because it is free.
5.我们老师手拿一把伞走进教室。 Our teacher came into the class room with an umbrella in his hand.
6.他很乐于帮助人,我们都投他票。 He's willing to help people, so we all vote him.
7.我爸是个商人,他有15年的从商经验。 My father is a businessman with 15 years' experiences.
8.李老师是位经验丰富的语文老师,很受学生们的欢迎。 Mr./Ms. Lee is a experienced Chinese teacher, he'she is quite welcomed by the students.
9.我正考虑买一幢二手房。 I'm thinking of buying a second-hand house.
10. 同学们开了个班会制定新学期计划。Classmates hold a class meeting to plan the new term.
Piece of cake! Pal, you really want to improve your English? Think of your exams! How are you going to have your score without others' help?!
⑶ 翻译英文,谢谢!急用!!!
1, objective analysis of the background: Beijing Normal University Primary English version of the Fifth Element first class. This lesson has a story in the first teaching moles using Graphic combination in the form of small stories through this mole to show the main content of courses, is a story of second-grade English classes.
2, students learn intelligence analysis: After a year of the majority of students learning English, the English classes are basically familiar with the conventional requirements, develop a number of listening, speaking habits. (1) Vocabulary: As already studied the family members of the word; lesson of New Words: boat, bike, his, her, (2) simple greeting: Hello! Hi! (3) of the functional sentences ( other people) This is ... That's ... He's ... She's ... the sentences, the learning-based unit of tests to make. But because his / her on the distinction between second-year students is difficult, and too easy with just the school he / she is confused. You need to design context, integration and achieve a breakthrough difficult.
⑷ 语文课 翻译成英文
Chinese class
Chinese lesson
敬请采纳,如对本题还有疑问可追问,Good luck!
⑸ “英语课代表”如何翻译成英文
1,assistant to English teacher
2,Class representative
⑹ 请帮忙将课程名称翻译成英文
测量与地图,surveying and cartography
毛泽东思想和中国特色社会主义理论体系概论Mao Zedong Thought and Introction to the theoretical system of socialism with Chinese characteristics,
中西方比较艺术与审美专 Comparison of Chinese and Western art and aesthetics,
环境变迁 enviromental changes,
马克属思主义基本原理 Basic Principles of Marxism,
公共关系学 public relationship science
⑺ 翻译成英文
Now, the computer art union with every discipline is one kind of trend and tidal current , modern distance learning is to need the course developing out large amount of advanced network of function right away with the fact that one kind of new model modernizing development of technology but coming into being ecating way, but putting modern distance learning project into practice. The network course will teach and the network combines each other, have broken tradition teaching restriction on many ways such as teaching time , teaching place, effect having brought teaching resource and the network resource into play sufficiently.
"Network course design and exploitation OS", are that the structure making use of ASP and the ACCESS data base technology to be in progress to website management system builds , usage Dreamweaver website exploitation implement carries out overall design on website mainly. Should design that the form with website throws into Internet and be put into use in campus net , display teaching resource with various form , include characters data , photograph , stream medium video frequency , flash animated cartoon etc. among them. System includes function mole such as on line, exchange , on line, test , send out note review.
At present, many network courses being already put in use takes network teaching content seriously all not very explain , demonstrate a link. This course if very good attracting of energy stops student, that being able to or not high limit field communicates teaching thought is to owe a thesis the key studying to the student , therefore how especially efficiently to improve teaching person communicating with to accepting a scholar's immediately, how especially the personalization field grinds main part that a user and network course system all be that thesis together combining with sending out a marriage partner.
⑻ 求翻译成英文
An important branch of Applied Linguistics, mainly study people process and result of learning a second language, its purpose is for language learners' language ability and communication ability of objective description and explanation of science.
早期的第二语言习得理论是教学法的附庸,为服务提高教学质量而存在,1967年Larry Selinker在《语言迁移》这本专著第一次提出中介语理论,第二语言习得理论从此有了自己的研究领域而开始成为一门独立的学科。现时的第二语言习得研究涉及三大领域,即中介语研究,学习者内部因素研究和学习者外部因素研究。
Early in the second language acquisition theory is a teaching method for improving teaching quality, service and Larry Selinker in 1967, "language transfer" this book first proposed the interlanguage theory, the theory of second language acquisition from a field of study on their own and become an independent discipline. The study of second language acquisition are involved in three major areas, namely the Interlanguage Study, internal factors and external factors of the learners learning.
1994年美国费城Temple大学教育学院二语英语教学教授Rod Ellis撰写巨著《第二语言习得研究》,成为该领域的经典教科书。该书共分七个部分。第一部分勾画了整本书的概念框架。第二部分总结了有关学习者语言本质的主要理论,包括学习者错误,发展模式,语言变项和语用特征。第三部分从外部因素解释第二语言的习得,主要阐述社会因素和输入/交互的作用。第四部分从内部因素解释第二语言的习得,包括语言迁移、认知论解释和语言普遍性。第五部分将讨论的重点从学习转移到学习者,论述了第二语言习得的个体差异和学习策略。第六部分是关于课堂英语教学的论述,讨论了课堂交互和正规教学的有关理论。第七部分是全书的总结,从数据分析,理论构建和实际运用三个角度对现时的第二语言习得研究进行了批判分析。该书系统详尽,可做为该领域研究生的教材和第二语言习得研究者的参考书,并与2000年由上海外语教学出版社引进出版。
In 1994 the United States of America Philadelphia Temple University College of ecation in two language teaching English professor Rod Ellis wrote the masterpiece "the study of second language acquisition", has become a classic in the field of textbooks. The book is divided into seven parts. The first part outlines the conceptual framework of the whole book. The second part summarizes the main theory about the nature of language, including the learner errors, development mode, language variation and pragmatic features. The third part in second language acquisition is explained from the external factor, mainly expounds the social factors and input / interaction. The fourth part in second language acquisition is explained from the internal factors, including language transfer, cognitive theory and linguistic universals. The fifth part will discuss the transfer from learning to learners, discusses the indivial differences in second language acquisition and learning strategies. The sixth part is about the English Teaching in class discussion, discusses the related theory of classroom interaction and regular teaching. The seventh part is the summary, from the data analysis, theoretical and practical angles of the three critical analysis to the study of second language acquisition at. The book detailed research in this field, can be used as teaching materials and the second language acquisition researchers' reference books, and in 2000 by the Shanghai foreign language ecation press and publishing.
At present, the field of development in China, College of foreign language and the foreign language college and comprehensive university with the professional master's degree, published academic papers and graate thesis increases every year. Professor Jiang Jingyi, famous scholars in this field including the Guangdong University of Foreign Studies professor Wen Qiufang, Nanjing University professor Wu Xudong and South China University of Technology.
Open wide: two language acquisition, language acquisition, interlanguage, language transfer, learning strategies
Or provide other about language acquisition of English introction, including the research content.
I hope it can help you!
Hope to adopt!
Thank you very much!
⑼ 2本大大的英语书翻译成英文
two giant(巨大) english books(普通的书)/ textbooks(课本)
⑽ 英语翻译
2.I have a few questions to seek advice.
3.Is there any other ways let I can get into the Univerisity?还有其他的方式让我能专进大学属吗?
4.I am now in school, you need to learn what subjects.
5.Can you tell me your telephone number?