① 初中英语口语大赛“外教问答”环节的问答内容一般都包括哪些方面
从近几年我市中学生英语口语大赛实况来看,首先一上台来,外教会跟学生亲切的寒暄几句,以消除学生紧张情绪。外教往往会用语速较慢的英语问学生一些问题,例如:Hi! / Good morning / afternoon! / Can you tell me something ahout yourself / family / school? / What do you usually do in your free time? / Do you like reading? Why? / How do you usually go to school? Why? 等等。回答这类问题时,学生不要紧张,因为都是平时常用的简单知识。要求学生发音正确,语言连贯流畅,最好加上面部表情或肢体语言。要会使用诸如“Well / Aha / Hmm / Yeah”之类的词语来填补空档,语速不要过快。
接下来,外教会用较快的语速对学生进行考核,所问的问题也比较深入全面地考核学生听、说能力了。如果学生没有听懂问题,应该立刻问外教:“I beg your parden.” 但学生精力要集中,不能过多使用词类句子。外教可能会问学生:I'm a new student in your school. Would you mind showing me around it? / In China, there are lots of bicycles and cars in the street everywhere. Which way do you prefer to take to go to work? Why? / We all know that health is very important to us. Could you give me some advice on how to keep healthy? / Are animals our friends? Can you give me some examples? 这类问题都是围绕课本所学的内容展开,要求学生能够用较为流畅的口语进行表达,能对观点给出自己的判断,能用实例来支撑自己的观点。
② 英语口语比赛中的几个问题
ireless station; so long as it
③ 在英语口语比赛上评委都会提些什么问题
④ 小学英语口语大赛的形式及常见的题目
我是一个中来学生,但英语成绩自很好,也参加过几次口语比赛。 英语口语比赛往往分四场:初赛(让学生朗读课文,读的好的留下,参加复赛);复赛(学生用英语在规定时间内介绍自己,同样优者进入半决赛);半决赛(学生当场回答老师提出的问题,当然用英文,问题可以是:WHERE IS YOUR HOME?,HOW IS YOUR FAMILY?,HOW IS YOUR TEACHER LIKE?等);决赛(当场给学生一个题目,在五分钟准备时间后让学生即兴演讲)。
希望你能举办一个专业的比赛,I beleive in you.
⑤ 大学英语口语比赛题目
1.Ture friendship2.Listen to walk before you can run3.In life,it is attitude that matters most4.If I had a time machine......5.The role of Internet for college students6.Challenge faced by Chinese college students7.On confidence8......is my dream9.Why people attend college or university?10.The knowledge gained from experience and from books,which is more important?11.People should sometimes do things that they do not enjoy doing.Do you agree?12.Learning about the past is valuable for those of us living in the present13.Never give up14.What is a very important skill a person should learn to success15.A person should never make an important decision alone16.U.S.soap operas and English learning17.My views on TV pop shows like ''Super Girls'' and ''Happy Boys''18.Yao Ming's influence
⑥ 全国大学生英语竞赛的口试题目。
⑦ 如何应对英语竞赛口语问答
⑧ 高中英语口语大赛即兴问答题目及回答
Should People Keep Pets?
There is much discussion today about whether it is good for people to keep pets at home in cities.
Some students believe that keeping pets at home can bring up the children’s sense of responsibility and loving. Besides, pets sometimes are the guards of our family. We feel safer when there is a pet at home. However, the other students don’t think so. In their eyes, keeping pets makes our environment dirty, causing a lot of diseases. Moreover, people have to spend a lot of money on keeping pets. They think that it is a waste of money.
There is no doubt that animals are very lovely, so I think it’s a good idea to keep pets at home. But we must prevent them from be harmful to our human beings.
I hope to become a university student. My elder sister has studied in a university for one year and she told me that there were many advantages to be a university student. For example, university students can learn more specialized subjects and there will be more time and room for them to arrange their own things. In addition, university students can choose some subjects they like and they have more opportunities to look for the jobs in spare time. They can join many associations to show themselves and get some important experience. Those attract me so much. I will work hard to achieve success in the Collge Entrance Examination.
⑨ 英语口语大赛最容易提问的几个问题
噢 还有就是 我目前上的ABC天卞欧美外教口语的外教才和我提过 事实上想学会英语是很容易的~一定具有好的学习空间及练习口语对象 最关键就是外教水平 最好欧美母语 口语纯正很重要,保持经常口语练习 1 on 1针对性教学才可以有.好.的学习成效..完成课堂后仍要回放复习课堂音频 来进一步深化知识。若真的是无口语交谈的人的状况下,只能上 VOA或大耳朵拿到课后材料研习 多说、多练、多问、多听、多读 很快的口语能力会提高起来,学习效益会非常达成目标的..Never too old to learn, never too late to turn.亡羊补牢,为时未晚 There was once a shepherd to the sheep and found that the sheep pen was broken, someone advised m to fill the hollow as soon as possible, he did not listen, the next day the sheep indeed stolen. So he finally sheep pen good repair.从前有一个人他家里养了许多羊 一天,羊圈上的栏杆上塌了一个洞,邻居看见了,就提醒他赶快修羊圈,他呢,摇摇头说:“只有一个小小的洞,没关系的,过几天再修吧。”邻居没办法,只好走开了 当他准备修补羊圈的栏杆,顺便看看小宝贝羊羔长的怎么样时,发现羊跑掉了不少,没剩几只了,他看到这番景象,不禁伤心地大哭起来:“我的羊儿呢?哇……哇……” 羊儿不见了,是因为羊圈上栏杆的洞修得太迟了。你一旦发现,就要及时修补,否则羊就一只一只地跑走了,你现在修补还不算晚,还能挽救剩下的羊只