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发布时间:2021-03-04 05:43:45

❶ 关于卖货的常用英语口语

This month we are holding a promotion. That means you can enjoy a 10% discount once you take one.This is the best brand in this instry in Guangzhou.More information can be taken from here.http://hi..com/englishphone/blog/item/f185a400e9847ae708fa9314.html

❷ 商场常用英语口语

小王:What's the price of this T-shirt?
这件衬衣怎么卖?营业员: hundred each.
That's too unreasonable!Aren't you having a big sale today?营业员:是的,这已是打完折后的价格了.
Yes,but this is the discount price小王:还是太贵了,你便宜点我就买 (直接杀价)
It's still too expensive.I'd buy this if it were cheaper.营业员:你要是诚心买,就180拿去
You can take it at the price of 180 ,if you are so sincere to.小王;我是真心想买,但你出的价超出我的预算 (拐弯抹角地杀价)
Yes ,I really want it,but the price is beyond my budget.营业员:你说多少钱?
You give me a price,please!小王:80
营业员:这个价我不能卖,我进价还不只这个价呢? (不要信)
I can't sell it. The price you give me is lower than its cost.小陈:你看这衣料又不是纯棉的,做工比较粗糙,进价肯定不高,这个价你能卖给我的。 (列出了一堆缺点,让对方无话可说)
You see the T-shirt isn't made of pure cotton and the texture is not so smooth.I think its cost is low,and you can sell it at this prive.营业员:80真的不能卖
80?No,I can't 小陈:我在别家有看过更便宜的,一摸一样的衣服 (尔虞我诈地杀价)
I saw the same T-shirt much cheaper in other places 营业员:那绝对不可能
It's impossibe.小王:(最后一招,准备走人)营业员:一人退一步,90
How about 90,both of us step back.小王:就80,我身上就这么多钱,贵了买不起。我是诚心想买 (坚持自己的原则)
80 no more,because I can't afford it beyong this price. But I really want to buy this T-shirt.营业员:好好,你拿去吧,我从没卖过这个价的 (不要听)
Ok, you can take it. I have nerver sold it at this price.

❸ 商店日常用语(服务用语) 英语口语

hello, do you need help? 你好,需要帮助吗
i think this one fits you very much. 这件很适合你
it is very pretty for you. 你穿上很漂亮
i can give you a discount. 我可以给你打折
do you want to try it on? 试一试吗
what size do you want? 你要版什么号权
bye, welcome back! 欢迎下次光临

❹ 超市服务员常用的英语口语

迎宾时问候: morning/afternoon sir/miss!Welcome to you!

提供帮助时问候:Can I help you ?

付款时:Would you like a plastic bag?
It costs you...yuan.
Receive you ...yuan.
Here is your change ...yuan.

送宾时问候:We appreciate your business!
Welcome here next time!



Biscuits 饼干类Snacks 零嘴Crisps 各式洋芋片 Confectionery 糖业类 Pet. Food 宠物食品Toiletries 厕所用品 Cereals 榖类食品Poultry 家禽类Pickles 各式腌菜 以下将常用的食品的中英对照作整理, 以方便大家采购: A. 肉品类 (鸡, 猪, 牛) 鸡以身体部位分:Fresh Grade Legs 大鸡腿 Fresh Grade Breast 鸡胸肉Chicken Drumsticks 小鸡腿 Chicken Wings 鸡翅膀猪肉则分: Minced Steak 绞肉 Pigs Liver 猪肝Pigs feet 猪脚 Pigs Kidney 猪腰Pigs Hearts 猪心 Pork Steak 没骨头的猪排Pork Chops 连骨头的猪排 Rolled Porkloin 卷好的腰部瘦肉Rolled Pork Belly 卷好的腰部瘦肉连带皮 Pork sausage meat 做香肠的绞肉Smoked Bacon 醺肉 Pork Fillet 小里肌肉Spare Rib Pork chops 带骨的瘦肉 Spare Rib of Pork 小排骨肉Pork ribs 肋骨可煮汤食用 Black Pudding 黑香肠Pork Burgers 汉堡肉 Pork-pieces 一块块的廋肉Pork Dripping 猪油滴 Lard 猪油Hock 蹄膀 Casserole Pork 中间带骨的腿肉Joint 有骨的大块肉 B. 牛肉 Stewing Beef 小块的瘦肉 Steak & Kidney 牛肉块加牛腰Frying steak 可煎食的大片牛排 Mimced Beef 牛绞肉Rump Steak 大块牛排 Leg Beef 牛键肉OX-Tail 牛尾 OX-heart 牛心OX-Tongues 牛舌 Barnsley Chops 带骨的腿肉Shoulder Chops 肩肉 Porter House Steak 腰上的牛排肉Chuck Steak 头肩肉筋、油较多 Tenderised Steak 拍打过的牛排[注]: 牛杂类在传统摊位市场才可买到,超级市场则不贩卖。有: Roll 牛肠 Cowhells 牛筋Pig bag 猪肚 Homeycome Tripe 蜂窝牛肚Tripe Pieces 牛肚块 Best thick seam 白牛肚C. 海产类鱼: Herring 鲱 Salmon 鲑Cod 鳕 Tuna 鲔鱼Plaice 比目鱼 Octopus 鱆鱼Squid 乌贼 Dressed squid 花枝Mackerel 鲭 Haddock 北大西洋产的鳕鱼Trout 鳟鱼、适合蒸来吃 Carp 鲤鱼Cod Fillets 鳕鱼块,可做鱼羹,或炸酥鱼片都很好吃 Conger (Eel) 海鳗Sea Bream 海鲤 Hake 鳕鱼类Red Mullet 红鲣,可煎或红烧 来吃 Smoked Salmon 熏鲑*Smoked mackerel with crushed pepper corn 带有黑胡椒粒的熏鲭* Herring roes 鲱鱼子 Boiled Cod roes 鳕鱼子*以上两种鱼只需烤好手放柠檬汁就十分美味了 海鲜: Oyster 牡犡 Mussel 蚌、黑色、椭圆形、没壳的即为淡菜Crab 螃蟹 Prawn 虾Crab stick 蟹肉条 Peeled Prawns 虾仁King Prawns 大虾 Winkles 田螺Whelks Tops 小螺肉 Shrimps 小虾米Cockles 小贝肉 Labster 龙虾D. 蔬果类蔬菜可买到的有: Potato 马铃薯 Carrot 红萝卜Onion 洋葱 Aubergine 茄子Celery 芹菜 White Cabbage 包心菜Red cabbage 紫色包心菜 Cucumber 大黄瓜Tomato 蕃茄 Radish 小红萝卜Mooli 白萝卜 Watercress 西洋菜Baby corn 玉米尖 Sweet corn 玉米Cauliflower 白花菜 Spring onions 葱Garlic 大蒜 Ginger 姜Chinese leaves 大白菜 Leeks 大葱Mustard & cress 芥菜苗 Green Pepper 青椒Red pepper 红椒 Yellow pepper 黄椒Mushroom 洋菇 Broccoliflorets 绿花菜Courgettes 绿皮南瓜,形状似小黄瓜,但不可生食 Coriander 香菜Dwarf Bean 四季豆 Flat Beans 长形平豆Iceberg 透明包心菜 Lettuce 莴苣菜Swede or Turnip 芜菁 Okra 秋葵Chillies 辣椒 Eddoes 小芋头Taro 大芋头 Sweet potato 蕃薯Spinach 菠菜 Beansprots 绿豆芽Peas 碗豆 Corn 玉米粒Sprot 高丽小菜心E. 水果类Lemon 柠檬 Pear 梨子Banana 香蕉 Grape 葡萄Golden apple 黄绿苹果、脆甜 Granny smith 绿苹果、较酸Bramleys 可煮食的苹果 Peach 桃子Orange 橙 Strawberry 草莓Mango 芒果 Pine apple 菠萝Kiwi 奇异果 Starfruit 杨桃Honeydew-melon 蜜瓜 Cherry 樱桃Date 枣子 lychee 荔枝Grape fruit 葡萄柚 Coconut 椰子Fig 无花果F. 其它 米: Long rice 长米,较硬,煮前先泡一个小时 Pudding rice or short rice 短米,较软Brown rice 糙米 THAI Fragrant rice 泰国香米* Glutinous rice 糯米**可在中国商店买到。 英国面粉 Strong flour 高筋面粉 Plain flour 中筋面粉Self- raising flour 低筋面粉 Whole meal flour 小麦面粉糖 Brown sugar 砂糖(泡奶茶、咖啡适用) dark Brown Sugar 红糖(感冒时可煮姜汤时用)Custer sugar 白砂糖(适用于做糕点) Icing Sugar 糖粉(可用在打鲜奶油及装饰蛋糕外层)Rock Sugar 冰糖 中国超市: 伦敦和曼彻斯特均有中国城,货品则相当繁多,下列只是平时较常用的材料。 Noodles 面条 Instant noodles 方便面Soy sauce 酱油,分生抽浅色及老抽深色两种 Vinger 醋Cornstarch 太白粉 Maltose 麦芽糖Sesame Seeds 芝麻 Sesame oil 麻油Oyster sauce 蚝油 Pepper 胡椒Red chilli powder 辣椒粉 Sesame paste 芝麻酱Beancurd sheet 腐皮 Tofu 豆腐Sago 西贾米 Creamed Coconut 椰油Monosim glutanate 味精 Chinese red pepper 花椒Salt black bean 豆鼓 Dried fish 鱼干Sea vegetable or Sea weed 海带 Green bean 绿豆Red Bean 红豆 Black bean 黑豆Red kidney bean 大红豆 Dried black mushroom 冬菇Pickled mustard-green 酸菜 Silk noodles 粉丝Agar-agar 燕菜 Rice-noodle 米粉Bamboo shoots 竹笋罐头 Star anise 八角Wantun skin 馄饨皮 Dried chestuts 干粟子Tiger lily buds 金针 Red date 红枣Water chestnuts 荸荠罐头 Mu-er 木耳Dried shrimps 虾米 Cashewnuts 腰果

❺ 商务英语常用口语

商务英语的口语就是课本上各章节的那些讨论 也有可能上外教课 但是外教的口语内课就不一定跟商务容英语的内容有关了 我现在正在上博瑞BEC中级的寒假班 费用980但报名的时候有50块的优惠 花了930 上课11天 每天上下午共四节 我们已经上过一天口语课了 口语课的目的也就是让大家敢开口说话 给我们上口语的那个外教是澳大利亚的 说话不快 声音不太好听 还不如我们学校自己的英语口语课(外教) 口语就是两三个人一组对课本上的speaking部分进行讨论 主要是言之有物才行 顺便提醒一下 注意听力部分

❻ 购物时常用的英语口语有哪些

Let's go window-shopping.
I'm flat broke. (我身无分文。)
Let's go window-shopping anyway. (不管怎么说,我们去逛逛吧。)
Why don't we go window-shopping?
Shall we go window-shopping? (去逛商店吗?)
What a crowd!
It's so crowded!
What a big crowd!
When does the store open?
When does the store open? (商店几点开门?)
It's closed today. (今天休息。)

❼ 求服装销售类常用英语口语。

clothes 衣服,服装
wardrobe 服装
clothing 服装
habit 个人依习惯.身份而着的服装
ready-made clothes, ready-to-wear clothes 成衣
garments 外衣
town clothes 外衣
double-breasted suit 双排扣外衣
suit 男外衣
dress 女服
tailored suit 女式西服
everyday clothes 便服
three-piece suit 三件套
trousseau 嫁妆
layette 婴儿的全套服装
uniform 制服
overalls 工装裤
rompers 连背心的背带裤
formal dress 礼服
tailcoat, morning coat 大礼服
evening dress 夜礼服
dress coat, tails 燕尾服,礼服
nightshirt 男式晚礼服
dinner jacket 无尾礼服 (美作:tuxedo)
full dress uniform 礼服制服
frock coat 双排扣长礼服
gown, robe 礼袍
tunic 长袍
overcoat 男式大衣
coat 女大衣
topcoat 夹大衣
fur coat 皮大衣
three-quarter coat 中长大衣
st coat 风衣
mantle, cloak 斗篷
poncho 篷却(南美人的一种斗篷)
sheepskin jacket 羊皮夹克
pelisse 皮上衣
jacket 短外衣夹克
anorak, ffle coat 带兜帽的夹克,带风帽的粗呢大衣
hood 风帽
scarf, muffler 围巾
shawl 大披巾
knitted shawl 头巾,编织的头巾
fur stole 毛皮长围巾
muff 皮手筒
housecoat, dressing gown 晨衣 (美作:ster)
short dressing gown 短晨衣
bathrobe 浴衣
nightgown, nightdress 女睡衣
pyjamas 睡衣裤 (美作:pajamas)
pocket 衣袋
lapel (上衣)翻领
detachable collar 假领,活领
wing collar 硬翻领,上浆翻领
V-neck V型领
sleeve 袖子
cuff 袖口
buttonhole 钮扣孔
shirt 衬衫
blouse 紧身女衫
T-shirt 短袖圆领衫,体恤衫
vest 汗衫 (美作:undershirt)
polo shirt 球衣
middy blouse 水手衫
sweater 运动衫
synthetic fabric 混合纤维
acryl 压克力
polyester 伸缩尼龙
nylon 尼龙
worsted 呢料
cashmere 羊毛
patterns 花样
tartan plaid 格子花 (美作:tartan)
dot 圆点花
stripe 条纹
flower pattern 花纹花样
veil 面纱
short-sleeved sweater 短袖运动衫
roll-neck sweater 高翻领运动衫
round-neck sweater 圆领运动衫
suit, outfit, ensemble 套服
twinset 两件套,运动衫裤
jerkin 猎装
kimono 和服
ulster 一种长而宽松的外套
jellaba, djellaba, jelab 带风帽的外衣
cardigan 开襟毛衣
mac, mackintosh, raincoat 橡胶雨衣
trousers 裤子
jeans 牛仔裤
short trousers 短裤
knickers 儿童灯笼短裤
knickerbockers 灯笼裤
plus fours 高尔夫球裤,半长裤
braces 裤子背带 (美作:suspenders)
turnup 裤角折边,挽脚
breeches 马裤
belt 裤带
skirt 裙子
divided skirt, split skirt 裙裤
underskirt 内衣
underwear, underclothes 内衣裤
underpants, pants 内衣裤 (美作:shorts)
briefs 短内裤,三角裤
panties 女短内裤
knickers 女半短内裤,男用灯笼短裤
brassiere, bra 乳罩
corselet 紧身胸衣
stays, corset 束腰,胸衣
waistcoat 背心
slip, petticoat 衬裙
girdle 腰带
stockings 长袜
suspenders 袜带 (美作:garters)
suspender belt 吊袜腰带 (美作:garter belt)
socks 短袜
tights, leotard 紧身衣裤
handkerchief 手帕
bathing trunks 游泳裤
bathing costume, swimsuit, bathing suit 游泳衣
bikini 比基尼泳衣
apron 围裙
pinafore (带护胸)围裙
shoe 鞋
sole 鞋底
heel 鞋后跟
lace 鞋带
moccasin 鹿皮鞋
patent leather shoes 黑漆皮鞋
boot 靴子
slippers 便鞋
sandal 凉鞋
canvas shoes, rope soled shoes 帆布鞋
clog 木拖鞋
galosh, overshoe 套鞋
glove 手套
tie 领带 (美作:necktie)
bow tie 蝶形领带
cravat 领巾
cap 便帽
hat 带沿的帽子
bowler hat 圆顶硬礼帽
top hat 高顶丝质礼帽
Panama hat 巴拿马草帽
beret 贝蕾帽
peaked cap, cap with a visor 尖顶帽
broad-brimmed straw hat 宽边草帽
headdress 头饰
turban 头巾
natural fabric 天然纤维
cotton 棉
silk 丝
wool 毛料
linen 麻

❽ 卖东西的英语口语 常用的

.A:Do you have any on sale? (你们有什么特卖品吗?) B:Yes.we have/NO,we haven't .A:Can you give me a little deal on this? 这能卖得便宜一点吗? B: How much do you want to pay for this? 你想出多少钱 .A:Can you give me this for cheaper? 能便宜一点给我吗? B:What's the lowest you're willing to go? 最低你能出什么价? .A: Give me a discount. 给我打个折吧。 .How much do you want for this? 这件东西你想卖多少钱? Do you find anything you like? 你找到你喜欢的吗? What can I do for you? 你要些什么? Can I help you? 我能帮你吗?(需要些什么?) Anything I can do for you? 我能为你做些什么吗? I want a…… 我想买…… I’d like to see some towels. 我想看看毛巾。 Show me that one, please 请把那个给我看看。 Would you show me this cup? 你能把这只杯子让我看一下吗? I’m just looking, thanks. 我只是看看,谢谢。 Can I pay by credit card / traveler‘s check? 我可不可以用信用卡/旅行支票付账? Cash back? 是否要找回现金? How are you going to pay? 你要怎么付款? Can you give me the invoice? 能不能给我一张发票? How much does this cost? 这是多少钱? I like this. 我喜欢这个。 I would like to take this one. 我要买这个。 Do you have any other colors? 有没有别的颜色? May I try this on? 我可以试穿一下这个吗? Can you cut me a deal? 你可以算便宜一点吗? .What time do you open/close? 你们几点营业/打烊? I'm looking for a gift for my friend. 我要买这个礼物送给我朋友。 Please wrap this for me. 请帮我把这个包起来。 Thank you, but I'm just looking. 谢谢,可是我只是看看。 How much do I have to pay? 我该付多少钱? How can I pay? 我要如何付钱? May I write a check for you? 我能开支票吗? The fit isn’t good. 尺寸不太合适。 It’s too big. 太大了。 Too small. 太小。 It seems to fit well. 好像蛮合身的。 Can I have a size larger? 可以给我一个大一点儿的吗? How about this blue one? 这个蓝色的怎样? Could you give me a discount? 能给我个折扣吗? Are these clothes on sale? 这些衣服打特价吗? Is the price negotiable? 这价钱可以商量吗? How about buy one and get one free? 买一送一怎么样? Can you give me a better deal? 可以给我更好的价钱吗? I'd buy it right away if it were cheaper. 便宜一点的话我马上买。 The price is beyond my budget. 这价钱超出我的预算了。 I'll give 500 dollars for it. 五百块我就买。 That's steep, isn't it? 这价钱太离谱了吧? It's too expensive. I can't afford it. 太贵了。我买不起。

❾ 商务英语的常用口语

1 Do I have to make a reconfirmation?
2 Is there any earlier one?
3 Could you tell me my reservation number,please?
4 Can I get a seat for today's 7:00 a.m. train?
5 Could you change my flight date from London to Tokyo?
6 Is there any discount for the USA Railpass?
7 May I reconfirm my flight?
8 Are they all non-reserved seats?
9 Do I have to reserve a seat?
10 May I see a timetable?
11 How long will I have to wait?
12 Which would you prefer,a smoking seat or a non-smoking seat?
13 Do you have any other flights?
14 When would you like to leave?
15 Can I reconfirm by phone?
16 Where can I make a reservation?
17 Do I need a reservation for the dining car?
18 How many more minutes will it take for the train to arrive?
19 Is this a daily flight?
20 Excuse me. May I get by?
21 How much does it cost to go there by ship?
22 Can I cancel this ticket?
23 Check it to my final destination.
24 Please come to the airport by eight thirty at the latest.
25 Take your baggage to the baggage section.
26 Please open your baggage.
27 Please fill in this disembarkation card.
28 Let me see your passport,please.
29 I have come to make sure that your stay in Beijing is a pleasant one.
30 You're going out of your way for us,I believe.
31 It's just the matter of the schele,that is,if it is convenient of you right now.
32 I think we can draw up a tentative plan now.
33 If he wants to make any changes,minor alternations can be made then.
34 Is there any way of ensuring we'll have enough time for our talks?
35 So our evenings will be quite full then?
36 We'll leave some evenings free,that is,if it is all right with you.
37 We'd have to compare notes on what we've discussed ring the day.
38 That'll put us both in the picture.
39 Then we'd have some idea of what you'll be needing.
40 I can't say for certain off-hand.
41 Better have something we can get our hands on rather than just spend all our time talking.
42 It'll be easier for us to get down to facts then.
43 But wouldn't you like to spend an extra day or two here?
44 I'm afraid that won't be possible,much as we'd like to.
45 We've got to report back to the head office.
46 Thank you for you cooperation.
47 We've arranged our schele without any trouble.
48 Here is a of itinerary we have worked out for you and your friends. Would you please have a look at it?
49 If you have any questions on the details, feel free to ask.
50 I can see you have put a lot of time into it.
51 We really wish you'll have a pleasant stay here.
52 I wonder if it is possible to arrange shopping for us.
53 Welcome to our factory.
54 I've been looking forward to visiting your factory.
55 You'll know our procts better after this visit.
56 Maybe we could start with the Designing Department.
57 Then we could look at the proction line.
58 These drawings on the wall are process sheets.
59 They describe how each process goes on to the next.
60 We are running on two shifts.
61 Almost every process is computerized.
62 The efficiency is greatly raised,and the intensity of labor is decreased.
63 All procts have to go through five checks in the whole process.
64 We believe that the quality is the soul of an enterprise.
65 Therefore,we always put quality as the first consideration.
66 Quality is even more important than quantity.
67 I hope my visit does not cause you too much trouble.
68 Do we have to wear the helmets?
69 Is the proction line fully automatic?
70 What kind of quality control do you have?
71 All procts have to pass strict inspection before they go out.
72 What's your general impression,may I ask?
73 I'm impressed by your approach to business.
74 The proct gives you an edge over your competitors,I guess.
75 No one can match us so far as quality is concerned.
76 I think we may be able to work together in the future.
77 We are thinking of expanding into the Chinese market.
78 The purpose of my coming here is to inquire about possibilities of establishing trade relations with your company.
79 We would be glad to start business with you.
80 I'd appreciate your kind consideration in the coming negotiation.
81 We are happy to be of help.
82 I can assure you of our close cooperation.
83 Would it be possible for me to have a closer look at your samples?
84 It will take me several hours if I really look at everything.
85 You may be interested in only some of the items.
86 I can just have a glance at the rest.
87 They've met with great favor home and abroad.
88 All these articles are best selling lines.
89 Your desire coincides with ours.
90 No wonder you're so experienced.
91 Textile business has become more and more difficult since the competition grew.
92 Could I have your latest catalogues or something that tells me about your company?
93 At what time can we work out a deal?
94 I hope to conclude some business with you.
95 We also hope to expand our business with you.
96 This is our common desire.
97 I think you probably know China has adopted a flexible policy in her foreign trade.
98 I've read about it,but I'd like to know more about it.
99 Seeing is believing.
100 How would you like to proceed with the negotiations?
101: Mr. Green, we have decided to accept your order.
102: Thank you for your quick feedback.
103: You are welcome, in spite of the current shortage of the goods.
104: Yes, we know that. We will appreciate your help.



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