Ⅰ 与你的伙伴谈成功的方法的英语口语对话
3.只会学英语,而不能尽快地去用,那就永远也学不好英语。要始终寻找机会说英语。可以和你周围的同学或朋友交流,即巩固了已学的和 从别人那里学到新的的东西。
Ⅱ 在英语口语中,跟长辈上级老师打招呼用什么
可能是How are you吧
Ⅲ 英语中生人见面与熟人见面的口语
非正式场合:how are u? nice to see u! good to meet u.
正式场合:how do u do?
熟人见面:hi, Jack,! hello friend! good morning!随意了。。
Ⅳ 急需一篇英语口语考试的对话
A:What is your favorite movie? Do you like comedy?
B:Well, "the god must be crazy" is a very interesting one. I almost died with laughing. Comedy is my favorite kind of movie.How about you?
C:I have also seen that movie. It is great, isn't it? The plot and character is very wondeful.
A:Really? who is the director?
B:i am not very clear about that. Do you have any information?
C:well, Jamie Uys. He is an African but he has died in 1996 because of heart attack.
A:What a pity! what does that film talk about?
B:A Sho in the Kalahari desert encounters technology for the first time--in the shape of a Coke bottle. He takes it back to his people, and they use it for many tasks. The people start to fight over it, so he decides to return it to the God--where he thinks it came from.
c:Meanwhile, we are introced to a school teacher assigned to a small village, and a despotic revolutionary, and a clumsy biologist.A odd but romantic story.
a: wow,it seems very intresting. what about the ending?
b:it is no doubt a perfect one. I have to admit I am glad I got to see this movie.
c:this movie is not an emotional soap opera. it tells us a lot of things, such as perseverance ,determination and pure love.
a:i hope i can watch it someday.
b:you are so lucky. i saw it in the library yesterday. so you can borrow it.
c: this movie is excellent, it is funny, sweet, and all around one of the best movies I have seen.
a: thank you all. i will go to the library right now. see you.
b and c: see you.
Ⅳ 英语口语交谈中比较常用的一些翻译
See you then. Will talk later. Talk to you later. Bye
What kind of famous proct your hometown proce?
Where do you go school? Which grade are you in? Preparing for Univeristy?
Going to apply for Summer Tutorial Classes
I am going to hold a counselling class
Primary school children(口语中kids比较常见) are very naughty
It has been 3 years since I graated.
I am a Year 2 University student. I am a Postgraate Student.
Which city are you in? What do you usually like to do?
比较平常会把want to说出来成为wanna;going to -- gonna; give me -- gimme; 等等……
Ⅵ 英语口语过级的句子和对话
Ⅶ 如何通过和老外交谈来学习英语口语
随着改革开放的不断深入,来华的外国人也越来越多,这为我们练习外语提供了很大的便利。比如在一些城市的外语角,往往有外国人受到邀请或者自愿前去和中国外语爱好者练习口语。我们学习外语口语的人一定要利用好这样的机会,锻炼自己的语言应用能力。可是有的初学者往往不知道如何和外国人交谈。这里我就自己的体会和认识谈一谈。 第一,要有一个不卑不亢的态度。我们长期闭关锁国,形成了一种特别的心理定势,对待外国人或者卑躬屈膝,或者无端地傲慢,而不是把他们也作为和自己相等的人来看待。尽管我国开放已经二十多年,但是这种心理积淀还没有完全清除。所以有的人一见到外国人,就自觉低人一等,腿肚子发软,这是要不得的。但同时我们也要防止敌视外国人的心理。不要认为所有的外国人都是敌人。作为个体的外国人也有好,有坏,和我们自己一样。 第二,要有开口说话和提问题的胆量。要认识到外语不是自己的母语,说不好是自然的事情,说得一点没有毛病才是不自然的(若果如此的话,下面的文字就可以不读了)。所以不要害怕犯错误。一般情况下,犯外语错误是不会受到恶意的讥笑的。另外如果遇见了自己不能表达的现象,可以提出问题,问一下对方正确的表达方法。一般都会得到很好的答复。 第三,要有备而谈。尽管自由如水是好的谈话的一个特征,但是学习外语的交谈却应该受到良好的控制。因为我们用外语交谈往往最大的障碍一般来自词汇,所以如果任其所之,那么自己往往会陷入迷茫的境地,因为对方说的很多词汇你可能没有听到过。所以最好在谈话之前自己准备一下,见到老外谈些什么,这方面的词汇有哪些,如何控制话题等等。当然,这样做有的时候是有一定难度的,但它的效果却非常好。另外,话题准备应该不限于一个,以免谈话僵持。 第四,学习一些必要的文化背景知识。虽然说入乡随俗,外国人到了中国应该遵从中国的主流文化,但是他们一些基本的禁忌还是应该为我们所了解的。比如初次见面不要过问属于隐私性的问题等等。这样在交谈中才不至于出现尴尬的局面。
Ⅷ 求简单英语对话内容!英语口语考试!
A: Hello. Can I speak to Yolanda, please?
B: Hold on, please.
A: Thank you.
B: Sorry, but she's out.
A: May I leave a message?
B: Sure.
A: This is Tom Gray, would you please ask her to come to my Birthday party this Sunday?
B: OK. Got it.
A: Thank you. Umm.. By the way, please ask her to take her sister with her?
B: I'm her sister Lucy.
A: Wow, sorry Lucy. Then would you please come with her together?
B: OK. I'm glad to. Bye bye.
A: Bye.
Ⅸ 英语口语考试 求几段对话
Hello, morning to u doctor, i feel a little bit vomiting now, cud i ask for a medicine?
morning to u, yes, what did u really feel like?
just vomiting, and i am hungry, but don't want to eat anything.
ok, how long does it take? still that u said?
oh, no, better now, mabye no need to have medicine?
of course no, here is the prescription. hoping u'll recover soon.
thk u doctor, bye.
Ⅹ 求英语口语关于打招呼的十句对话
1、How are you doing? 你好吗?
2、How’s life treating you? 日子过得还算惬意版吗?
3、What’s up? 有什么新鲜事儿?
4、How's everything? 一切权都好?
5、Nice to meet you. 很高兴见到你。
6、I hope we’ll meet again some time.希望不久后能再见到你。
7、pleased to see/meet you again.很高兴再次见到你。
8、How do you feel today?你今天觉得怎样?
9、How come you look so tired?你怎么看起来这么疲倦?
10、Why are you in such a good mood?你怎么心情这么好?