1. 大一英语口语考试情景对话。
2. 大学英语口语对话
喔 还有一件事 我现在学的ABC天卞英语中心的导师要我明白,若想征服英语很简单的~坚持要有一个好的研习环境以及熟练口语对象,外教水平很重要 东南亚口音重 一定要找欧美籍,发音纯正很重要 保持每日口语练习 一对一家教式教学才可以有很.好.的进步效率。学习后仍要回放复习课堂音频,帮助加强记忆!若真的是无口语交谈的人的话 可以上可可或大耳朵得到课余教材学习,多问多听迅速的语感就提升起来 整体效果是绝对迅速明显的;男孩和他的树 大学英语 三人情景对话分享——中文部分 从前,有一棵巨大的苹果树。 一个小男孩每天都喜欢在树下玩耍。他爬树,吃苹果,在树荫下小睡……他爱和树玩,树也爱和他玩。 时间过的很快,小男孩长大了,他不再每天都来树下玩耍了。 “来和我玩吧。”树说。 “我不再是孩子了,我再也不会在树下玩了。”男孩回答道,“我想要玩具,我需要去买玩具。 “对不起,我没有……但是,你可以把我的苹果摘下来,拿去卖,这样你就有了。 男孩兴奋的把所有的苹果都摘下来,高兴的离开了。男孩摘了苹果后很久都没有回来。树很伤心。 一天,男孩回来了,树很激动。 “来和我玩吧。”树说。 “我没时间玩,我得工作,养家糊口。我们需要一栋房子,你能帮助我吗?” “对不起,我没有房子,但是你可以砍下我的树枝,拿去盖你的房子。”男孩把所有的树枝都砍下来,高兴的离开了。 看到男孩那么高兴,树非常欣慰。但是,男孩从此很久都没回来。树再一次孤独,伤心起来。 一个炎热的夏日,男孩终于回来了,树很欣慰。 “来和我玩吧!”树说。 “我过的不快乐,我也一天天变老了,我想去航海放松一下。你能给我一条船吗?” “用我的树干造你的船吧,你就能快乐地航行到遥远的地方了。”男孩把树干砍下来,做成了一条船。 他去航海了,很长时间都没露面。 最后,过了很多年,男孩终于回来了。 “对不起,孩子,我再也没有什么东西可以给你了……”树说。 “我已经没有牙咬苹果了。”男孩回答道。 “我也没有树干让你爬了。”树说。 “我已经老得爬不动了。”男孩说。 “我真的不能再给你任何东西了,除了我正在死去的树根。”树含着泪说。 “我现在不需要什么了,只想找个地方休息。过了这么些年,我累了。”男孩回答道。 “太好了!老树根正是休息是最好的倚靠,来吧,来坐在我身边,休息一下吧。 男孩坐下了,树很高兴,含着泪微笑着…… 大学英语 三人情景对话分享——英文部分 a boy and s tree a long ago,there was a huge apple tree. a little boy love to come and play around it everyday.he climbed to the tree top,ate the apples,took a nap under the shadow…he loved the tree and the tree loved to play with m.time went by…the little boy had grown up and he no longer played around the tree everyday. one day,the boy came back to the tree and he looked. come and play with me ,the tree asked the boy . i am no longer a kid, i dont play around trees anymore.the boy replied, i want toys.i need money to buy them. sorry,but i dont have money…but you can pick all my apples and sell them. so,you will have money.the boy was so excited .he grabbed all the apples on the tree and left happily.the boy never came back after he picked the apples.the tree was sad. one day,the boy returned and the tree was so excited. come and play with me ,the tree said. i dont have time to play.i have to work for my .we need a house for shelter.can you help me? sorry,but i dont have a house .but you can chop off my branches to build your house.so the boy cut all the branches of the tree and left happily. the tree was glad to see m happy but the boy never came back since then. the tree was again lonely and sad. one hot summer day,the boy returned and the tree was delighted. come and play with me !the tree said. i am sad and getting old.iwant to go sailing to relax myself.can you give a boat? use my truck to build your boat.you can sail faraway and be happy. so the boy cut the tree truck to make a boat .he went sailing and never showed up for a long time. finally, the boy returned after he left for so many years. sorry,my boy.but i dont have anytng for you anymore.no more apples for for you…“the tree said. i dont have teeth to bite.the boy replied. no more truck foe you to climb on. i am too old for that now.the boy said. i really can give you anytng…the only tng left is my dying roots. tree said with tears. i dont need much now,just a place to rest.i am tired after all these year the boy replied. good!old tree roots is the best place to lean on and rest. come,come sit down with me and rest.the boy down and the tree was glad and smiled with tears…… ts is a story of everyone. the tree is our parent. when we were young, we loved to play with mom and dad…… when we grown up, we left them…only came to them when we need sometng or when we are in trouble. no matter what,parents will alway be there and give everytng they could to make you happy. you may tnk the boy is cruel to the tree but that how all of us are treating our parent.tme is too slow for those who wait,too swift for those who fear,too long for those who grieve,too short for those who rejoice,but for those who love,time is eternity 这是每个人的故事,树就是我们的父母。当我们年轻的时候,我们愿意和爸爸妈妈玩。当我们长大成人,我们就离开了父母,只有我们需要一些东西或者遇到一些麻烦时,才会回来。不论怎样,父母总是支持我们,竭力给我们每一样能让我们高兴的东西。 你也许会想,男孩对树太残酷了,但是,那正是我们所有人对待父母的方式啊!。
3. 情景对话 三人组(关于新生大学生活英语口语对话)
M: hi, Dan, what are u doing? D: I am playing war craft. M: Where is Tommy? D: Shiiiii! M:What? What's the matter? D: Don't u see? He is still sleeping. M: My goodness! I can't believe this! It’s almost nine. He got to get up now. Don't u remember we are required to make up a three people dialogue for tomorrow's oral class? D: Yes, I do. You wake up Tommy and I will play one more round of war craft. M: You'd better stop playing right now. We don't have much time to prepare this dialogue. Tommy! Tommy! Wake up! Time to wake up! T:five more minutes, please. Mike: No way, Jose. Time really flies.We still have a lot to do. Hurry up. T: (Tommy sits up in his bed) Can I lie down two more minutes, please, just two more minutes? when Danny finishes his game, I will be fine.(Yawns) I don't know why I am so so sleepy. (Tommy lies down again.) M: Guys!!! I am really angry now. Time waits for nobody. If you two don't stop what you are doing now, I will find somebody else to be my partners. D and T: all right. All right. We listen to u. M: That's more like it. We need will power. D and T: what is will power? M: Will power is trying hard not to do something that you really want to do. D: You mean like trying not to play war craft? Mike: right. T: you mean like trying not to stay up late? M: right. Danny turns off his computer. Tommy gets up and goes to the bathroom. Two minutes later the three maskeetters are working on their assignment. Danny: Mike, can I take a little break? Let me play one round and we will continue our work? Tommy: Mike, Can I lie down a minute? My back hurts. Mike: No! No! No! Let's finish our work first before we do anything. We need will power!!! Danny and Tommy: that's true. We need will power! We listen to you.
4. 大学英语情景口语对话 三人日常对话,多来点,五分钟左右,跪求!!!!!
5. 大学生英语口语关于音乐的情景对话
四个人那就Allen Brain Cindy Doris好了。
人设:Allen喜欢流行音乐,关注欧美乐坛;Brain喜欢摇滚,是个愤青;Cindy喜欢乡村音乐,Taylor Swift的脑残粉;Doris比较高冷,都是听Amy Winehouse这种病态爵士的。
Allen: Hi fellas, have you heard that taylor swift broke up with her last boyfriend, again, the other day?
Doris:Come on, knock it off Allen, nobody wants to hear about Taylor Swift anymore, but she is like rash, you can't shake it off.
Cindy: hey hey im sorry, im still here! look, i can't say that taylor is as pure as the other girl, but i can assure you every song she wrote, well although most of them are for her exes , she wrote them by heart.
Brain: like what? we are never ever ever ever ever ever getting back together? how sincere.
Cindy: you never appreciate country music, i get that, but country music is like a breeze in the summer, you guys know that gutair is main instrument right? some research says gutair is the most popular one and the most easy one to learn.
Doris: well, i don't think easy to learn is something you can show off. More easy it is, less mature it could be. you can't expect some extrodinary music comes out of that simple system. pretty much just for fun, and yeah like you said, breeze in the summer, suits well to sweet girls like you though.
Allen:haha, yeah contry music is sweet! nice adjective. i think we should talk about Nirvana, i just heard one song of them, prabobly the most famous one...
Brain: Smell like teen spirit?
Allen: yeah, have to say pal, you are the expert.
6. 大学英文两人情景对话
M: Hi! How are you?
w: Well. Fine. Thank you. Just the weather.
M: Yeah. It's getting colder and colder. We'd better take more clothes in case of something bad happening.
w: Yes. By the way, may I have your name?
M: My name is Manny. How about you?
w: My name is Wooy. And I'm from Class 9. I am a senior student, from Hainan ialand.
M: Wow. I am a freshman. And I'm from Africa. Would you please tell me something about our school? I am very excited to learn more information about our school if you are not busy.
w: Well. It's hard to say. What do you want to kow best?
M: Mmm. Maybe you could tell me something about the learning motivation.
w: OK. Studnts of our school are more dilligent than others. Since they ave stuggled quite hard to be accepted. They seems to pay more attention on study.
M: Well. It seems I should spare more time on studying.
w: SPARE? Sorry, I can not understand the meaning by spare. Would you please explain?
M: Mmm. to be honest. I am not that kind of student who are studying hard everyday. As the saying goes'Time to enjoy.' If I am right, I think maybe It would be better for us to have fun rather than studying all the time. Also, I am not mean tat we sould not study at all, but try to make a balance between them.
w:Sounds interesting. If so, you must very professional about playing.
M: Adequate. But I really play lot. And many interesting stories happening all the time.
w: Would you bother to share with me some?
M: OK. What do you want to know BEST?
w: How about travling?
M:Mmm. I traveled a lot. Whenever I reached a new place, usually, I would do two things fist.
w: What kind of these two things?
M: Guess!
w: Come on! just tell me.
M: Ok. The first is to find the nearest restrauant. So that I won't die because of starve. The second is, to find, the nearset, restroom.
W: whoo. My god. How interesting! How wonderful you are! So that you won't die because of emergency.
M: Yes. Besides, I often met interesting people.
W: How?
M: About half a year ago. I went to the Great Wall.
W: umm.
M: One day, the Chinese guide ided us enjoying one of the eight wonders in the world. Sunddenly, something hit me.
w: What?
M: I have to go to the bathroom. so, I asked my guide embassingly. Since she is a girl. I have to require more politely.
W: What did you aske her?
M: I said ' Hi. sorry to bother you, But i have to go somewhere.'
W: so, she led you go?
M: i HOPED so.
W: what happened? What did she say?
M: She answer in a puzzled way 'Of course! You can go anywhere!'
W@M: Oh my god!
W: How could she be so cute! But I think it's time for you to learn chinese.
M: oH, My!Yes! I have to learn. But, i am new here. and i have no friends here, especially the standard chinese.
W: If you won't mind. Maybe I could be your chinese teacher.
M: you are so kind! I would be a good student.
W: You BET!
M: oh, it seems it's time to have dinner. how about eating together?
W: Ermm. OK. That's good.
M: let's go. You would be really a good teacher.
W: you would be a good student too. by the way, do you have any idea about the best food here?
M: Not yet. Maybe you could teach me.
W: Ok. let's talk by walking.I will tell you all I know.
M: That's sweet.
7. 跪求一篇长的英语情景对话 有关大学生活的!!
If the day is done ,
If birds sing no more .If the wind has flagged tired,Then draw the veil of darkness thickupon me ,Even as thou hast wrapped the earth withthe coverlet of sleep and tenderly closed,The petals of the drooping lotus at sk.From the traveler,Whose sack of provisions is emptybefore the voyage is ended ,
Whose garment is torn and st-laden ,
Whose strength is exhausted, removeshame and poverty,
And renew his life like a flower under
The cover of thy kindly night.
8. 大一英语情景对话~!6篇!!!
A被使不安,因为他正很难赶上他的研究。B 使A缓和并且通过给一些消息并且为学习建议一些好方式帮助A。
题目2 天气
A和B正抱怨天气。它中暑( 闷热的)甚至没有slighest 风或者任何迹象这样的天气结束。因此他们不能作为安排出去。
题目3 旅行
题目4 健康
一感到向下和他去看病硼。A 解释对B 和B的他的症状检查A。然后B 医生给消息不久康复。
离开他或她的家乡超过3 年之后,A已经在春天回家并且找到晴朗蔚蓝的天空。A和B过去谈论变化。然后B告诉一怎样这座城市改进这种环境。