1. 看小说可以使我增加阅读兴趣用英语翻译
Reading novels can increase my interest in reading
2. 英文翻译 兴趣爱好很多,最喜欢的是阅读
I have a lot of habbits,my favourite habbit is reading (books)
3. "在阅读兴趣小组"用英语怎么说
in a group of reading
4. 培养阅读英语文章的兴趣英语翻译
To cultivate interests of reading English articles.
To develop interests of reading English articles.
5. 几年前,她对阅读有兴趣翻译成英语三种形式
A few years ago, she was interested in
A few years ago, reading became her
A few years ago, she became a reader.
6. 我对阅读很感兴趣翻译成英文句子
I'm very interested in reading.
7. 培养阅读英语文学作品的兴趣,提高英语的理解水平和表达能力。 这句话用英语怎么翻译
Develop interest in reading English literature to improve the English level of understanding and expression
8. 小学语文阅读兴趣培养方法初探之英文翻译
In the primary language teaching process, the teacher must pay attention to the learning interest of student's training, "shall I learn" into "I want to learn," from "boring" to "read" reading a vivid, through different ways in different methods, fully a trial student-centered, with no interest for power, love and establish an equal teacher-student relationship to cultivate the students' interest in Chinese reading, lets the student in the pleasant atmosphere actively to obtain language knowledge, achieve the aim at improving quality of teaching.
Keywords: study interest, Bake interest method, Pupils, Reading teaching
9. 为了让学生意识到阅读的重要性并培养阅读兴趣英语怎么说
In order to make the students aware of the importance of reading and to cultivate the interest in reading.
10. "对读书感兴趣"用英语怎么说
i am interested in reading