A. 帮忙解答一下这英语阅读理解
T - 1. 参考原文: .... Farmers are busy in the fields.
F - 2. 参考原文:It often rains. Swimming is the best sports in summer. 二句没关联
T - 3. 参考原文:Autumn .... is the best season. Farmers get in all kinds of crops.
F - 4. 解释:Farmers plant crops in SPRING and get them in in AUTUMN.
T - 5. 参考原文:Sometimes it snows in winter and the fields turn white.
T - 1. 参考原文:My friend has a big police dog ... often clever .... takes Jack for a long walk in the park.
F - 2. 参考原文:Every Sunday afternoon my friend takes Jack for a long walk in the park. 即每周只一次
T - 3. 参考原文:Soon it was time for my friend to take Jack for his walk. But the visitor still stayed. Jack became very restless.
F - 4. 解释:... and then sat down in front of the visitor and looked at him. 只表示不满
T - 5. 解释:... holding the visitor’s hat in his mouth 是表示逐客。
B. 关于鹿晗的英语试卷阅读理解加答案
C. 英语阅读理解TF
TTFFF 不知道对不对啊
D. 2015年英语试卷上有鹿晗的题
E. 英语 歌手鹿晗阅读理解
I like a star.His is a boy called Lu Han.Lu Han was born in Beijing.When he was 18,he went to South Korea.Then he became a mumber of a team called"EXO".Now he is working in China,and he has got a lot of fans.
F. 鹿晗的英语短文
Exo is a very famous group, from the SM company. There are 12 members, 8 are Korean, 4 are chinese. They are very handsome young man, and they are good at singing and dancing. Luhan is a very lovely boy, he has a clear eyes, like a blue lake, he is from Beijing China, he is very warm and very kind, and he has a lot of fans.
G. 英语阅读理解题
一个夏天一滴雨滴从一片云降落 其他雨滴跟着同时降落 我们的故事就是关于雨滴
雨滴降落到了山边 然后流入了小河 这个小河带着雨滴到了大河 这个雨滴走过了很远到了大海 然后这雨滴与大海中的盐水混合了
现在这个水在大海的表面当这个太阳温暖它的时候 它变成了水蒸气 它离开了大海 到了空气中 没有带走一点盐分 它把盐分都留在了大海
水蒸气随着暖流到了北方 在路上这暖流遇到了冷空气 冷空气将暖流推到了高处
在他升到的时候慢慢变冷 这水蒸气又变回了小水珠在云中有成千上万的小水珠
然后这些小水珠凝聚成了打水柱 我们的水珠就是其中之一 现在这个水珠iande越来越重以至于不能呆云上 然后它降落到大地 通过这个方式 我们的雨又有了到大海的再一次循环
H. 英语阅读理解文章
I. 英语阅读理解答案
J. 英语阅读理解的答案、
1、C east part of Spain \capital of a province on the coast\ Venezuela
2、C 旧城区 白房子 着色的屋顶 窄街道 新城区,新房子,长又宽的街道,推出是 房子的年龄。内
3、B 8世纪时是西班容牙首都,所以最重要。而现在不是。
4、D 文中有原句
5、D 最主要收入来自农业 有原句Most of the city‘s money is made from farming.