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发布时间:2021-03-01 04:07:40

❶ 浅谈如何建构英语阅读的前结构

”具体说,读者的前结构包括一个人的全部知识和体验以及在获得知识和体验的同时而获得的感知﹑情感﹑体验和各种能力。这种状态可伴随阅读过程始终并一直起着重要作用。English Pre-structure英语前结构()是指“个体通过学习而获得的,在已有语言前结构和总的前结构的基础上发展起来的有关英语语言的知识和能力”。学生在刚进入高中学习时,阅读能力普遍较差,主要是词汇量不够;理解不通畅,对基本语法与句子结构掌握不牢,或不了解文化背景,正确率低;还有阅读速度慢。为了探索高中英语阅读教学模式,探讨高中英语教法,培养学生阅读理解能力,我们提出建立起英语阅读的前结构,并在高中三年英语教学中,认真实践,它对于提高学生的阅读速度,提高学生的理解能力至关重要。一.建构阅读前结构的最佳时间此项工作最好在高一﹑高二进行,属于输入阶段,亦是课本精读阶段。此时,学生已掌握一千左右的单词,可以读懂简单的文章。教师在阅读教学方面应有长远打算,有整体规划,有系统性,不能只注重训练形式,忽视对学生阅读方法和技巧等方面的指导,应对文章进行篇章结构分析,并在文体思路方面给学生必要的指导,帮助学生能根据文章的不同体裁,采取不同的阅读方法,准确地理解阅读材料。高三属于输出阶段,亦是课本泛读阶段。经过两个学年的阅读前结构的积累,学生在高三学习中阅读水平会有很大提高。学生可以根据所学阅读方法,检验其正确性。同时扩大阅读量,让学生自己去体会语言,理解语言,感受语言以及所学的阅读方法。二.掌握篇章结构的特点要想进行有效的阅读,必须具备篇章知识。如一份通知,在第一句话中,读者就可以知道何时﹑何地﹑何事要发生;如想知道一本书的内容,首先要阅读内容提要﹑目录﹑前言等;要想了解报纸中你感兴趣的东西,就要了解报纸的版面设计;还有寓言﹑故事﹑诗歌和戏剧等体裁都有各自独特的结构。因此说,了解篇章结构知识,有助于对文章内容的了解,可以提高阅读效率。我们知道,文章是由段落组成的,每个段落都应该为文章主题思想服务,并且有自己的主题句。SEFC 1A lesson10 American English(1)教师可以让学生边读边找每段的主题句(topic sentence)﹑支持句(supporting sentence)﹑然后让学生之间展开讨论,总结出文章的中心思想,悟出某些句,段的内涵,这对学生想象能力和创造性的思维能力的培养有很大帮助。三. 增加背景知识的输入了解所学语言国家背景知识,对阅读理解起着重要作用。阅读材料的背景知识对阅读速度及阅读理解有重要的影响。任何一个熟练掌握本族语的人都不能否认,有许多用本族语言文字写的材料我们是读不懂的。之所以“不懂”,不是不懂语言,不是没有阅读能力,而是因为阅读材料的内容需要读者具备相关的背景知识,而读者恰好缺乏这方面知识,所以就不具备这方面的阅读才能。英语既是该语言的文化的载体,又是思维传播的媒体,因此,在课文教学中,教师应尽可能向学生介绍所学语言国家背景知识,如风俗习惯﹑风土人情﹑历史地理﹑社会文化﹑政治经济等方面知识,促使学生了解该语言的运用规律,认识其文化特征,探索使用该语言的民族的思维规律。学生只有具备了这些方面的知识,阅读起来才能抓住主要内容,调出有关背景知识,积极预测,不断订正修改,才能透彻地理解文章的内容。如,2001年高考题D篇,就考查了英语的来历,如果对英语发展的背景知识不了解,就不可能做好这道题。四. 增加语言知识的输入 一般而言,读者在丰富总的前结构的时候也同时丰富了语言前结构,因为读者许多知识都是通过语言描述而获得的。一个人的语言知识主要由两个方面构成:一是语言符号自身的知识,二是语言的变体(varieties of a language),它包括情景语言变体,即由言语交际情景的不同而形成的语言变体,如喜怒哀乐。人们在不同场合会使用不同的语体,由于社会经济地位,文化教育素养等的不同又可形成的不同语体,如职业﹑年龄﹑种族﹑家庭背景等因素都会在语言运用上有所体现。文体语言变体,是由语言使用领域的不同而形成的语言变体。如:科技文体﹑新闻文体﹑广告文体﹑文学文体等。学生们了解这些语言知识,在阅读中注意每种文体的使用特点, 阅读时对他们的理解能力的提高会有很大帮助。 在识别语言符号时,应意识到词汇﹑语法知识在形成阅读理解能力方面的作用,促进语言基础知识和阅读理解能力之间的正迁移。近年来的NMET阅读理解短文的句式结构或长而复杂,或短而难懂,词汇量大,并且大纲外词汇增多。由此可见,语法知识在阅读理解中的重要性已经突现出来。如何学好语法和语言基础知识,为培养和提高阅读理解能力打下坚实基础,并在阅读理解语篇能力训练中巩固,这是当前英语学习中亟待解决的一个现实问题。阅读能力具有综合性,语言理解能力是其核心。新教材的文章具有思想性强﹑体裁广泛﹑内容多﹑信息量大﹑能力要求全面等特点,因此,在平时教学中,要帮助学生先构建好语言知识前结构,然后渗透能力的培养,以阅读为主线,加强完型填空,短文改错等题解题思路和方法的训练。还特别要注意时态,构词法,句子结构以及固定表达的学习,并能灵活运用所学语言,语法知识来解决阅读中的实际问题。知识和能力是相辅相成的,没有好的基础知识,能力也是不能发展的。如果知识打不牢,那么能力则是空中楼阁。建构英语前结构是提高学生阅读理解能力的重要前提,也是学好英语的基础,我们要不断总结经验,在教学中有意识的建构起学生的英语阅读前结构,把我们的英语教学提高到一个新水平。

❷ 如何突破初中英语阅读课的文本解读

据笔者了解,新目标英语(Go for it)八、九年级教材中的拓展阅读材料文章长、词汇、语法等语言知识点多,文章有一定难度。最使教师困惑的问题是:如何处理文本解读和语言学习的矛盾。老师们都有这样的深切体会,鉴于学生很难对文本内容和语言学习同时做理性的分析,在处理阅读中的语言时会产生两种弊端,一是课堂只就课文内容进行讲解和问答活动,不关注文本词汇和语言,导致课堂活动有时脱离文本。二是在分析内容过程中脱离文本进行词汇和语言讲解和操练,隔断了学生文本解读的连贯思维。
三 、感悟文本内容,提高学习思维和感知能力。
<<新目标英语(Go for it)>>阅读课堂教学分为三个阶段:Pre-reading, While-reading, Post-reading。三个阶段各有侧重。
1. Pre-reading
2. While-reading
3. Post-reading

❸ 怎样选择合适的英语阅读材料,并构建阅读体系

英语习课比较重要像语、翻译、答题技巧等主要通课习所定要专同要回:根据自习情况、答薄弱板块、项目等制定习计划落实、提高语实行同建议买本语书攻克 英语阅读比较重要环节英语阅读理解每至少练习篇关于阅读理解能力通练习《精英特全脑速读记忆软件》激发脑潜能提高英语习、阅读效率速读记忆种高效阅读、习辅助提高我阅读理解能力、记忆力、注意力等面能力提高英语习效率用软件练习每月间我阅读速度提高5-10倍左右记忆力、理解力等相应提高终提高习、复习效率取绩具体练习参考:精英特官中国 几点经验:①阅读记忆单词种比较效记忆像纯粹单词记忆乏味同记更牢;②阅读要逐字逐句翻译要句反复阅读即阅读碰理解句遍遍沉浸阅读句反复琢磨其实完全没必要要选答案并意味着原文每句都要读懂抓住些重点句够确做理解整段落整篇文章主涵盖题点句用捉摸③写作综合东西单词、语、阅读都基础前面积淀写作问题

❹ 高考英语阅读有一种篇章结构题,就是比如问第一段写来是干什么用的。



❺ 如何建构科学的英语阅读教学模式


❻ 教师是意义建构的帮助者、促进者 的英语翻译

Meaning of the role of organizing
———Teacher is a sense of construction, the helper
Organizing knowledge is not being considered by the teacher to pass on, but under certain circumstances which learners social and cultural background, by study and use of the necessary information through reorientation, to learn the meaning of the way. he encouraged the teachers guidance to students to study, the teacher is the meaning of helpers, for organizing, and is not the and instilling knowledge. Student's information processing, a significant part of the initiative of construction, and is not an external stimulus passive recipient and into the object. the teacher will be the meaning of a helper, he asked the teacher in the teaching process as a good helper, position, for its full play the guiding role.
1,Inspire the students'interest in study and students are encouraged to participate actively in the construction of his sense of responsibility.
Learning think that students are active in organizing their own knowledge and learning is the operation of the active and passive teaching is not to accept other people by offering assistance, and their thinking, and as a coach or a pattern, and in the operation of the play an important role. Therefore, the teacher must understand what's the goal of the learner, you should know how to motivate students to go beyond the current environment of knowledge, trying in every link of the teaching force students to learn, active and students to learn to participate in activities for students to seek the help of others, to assume the responsibility of organizing their own significance, The initiative in organizing student to the premises.
2,The promotion of the theme of the relevant as true, to help students learn knowledge of the present constructionism.
"Situational" : sight, the situation. can stimulate the people, the feeling changes. it includes the objective environment and social environment. Language teaching is in the teaching of language teaching in order to achieve the established objective of the use of means and create the ambience and emotionally. it is a scene in the intuitive and describe language in the promotion of the situation and stimulate students' emotion, let the students by "near" feeling "" from "real" "and" and promote the students with a warm feeling to participate in study and active construction.
1)Created for learning the specific environment.
The specific environment of social environment and the teaching environment, it can rece the ecator and the ecation, students and was the learners, as well as learners and content of ecation is cognitive or sight of the learners. in the mood to participate actively in, and actively developed. The promotion of the specific situation and can be the real situation, can be reason, may be simulated situation situation, can be imagined, the situation is a situation that can be the context of operation. to recreate the materials related to the situation. such as li jilin the context of teaching "is a successful example. take, for instance, the" selected water margin the recording can be used in the professional the section allows students to professional.
Specific environment can also use of multimedia image, the sound, text, wait various combinations to the promotion of the material be reasonable to arouse the students to expand the students' perspective, and associated with space to imagine, and promote the development of creative thinking ability to improve the perception, comprehension, memory of the efficiency and facilitate the full and harmonious development.
2)For the promotion of reading the teaching environment.
Language textbooks and has a lot of good writing has a great artistic charisma, if there is a traditional "ripped" students are difficult to get in a sloe. Such as the moonlight in the lotus on the fourth paragraph, as usual, the full text reveals the "through" on the basis of the following aloud is to analyze and describe the order before you write, write the lotus leaves ; write more dynamic and static, writing and analysis of words and figure. Finally, let the students, or has or not to do some reading back, but in fact the students in the brain is still a pile of fragments. but if from a large amount of audio-visual procts, photography, art, writing, editing based on the computer aided instruction, you can help students into good understanding of contexts. A teacher teaching in the fourth part of the lotus could you use this method, when students see the bright moon shone clear, but the leaders of the lotus leaves here for the flowers and the flash and unalterated, when the quality, the rich and the like again in beethoven's symphony is the famous teachers, or insert into the reading of the artistic. And teacher is teaching "beautiful" and let the students to categorize and junior students, this is a more abstract, she adopted, multimedia means with the picture shows a different kind of beauty, and let the students in the classification, and enables students to know beauty, the master what "the social beauty", for further organizing the social beauty of things ready.
3,Organization and coordination, guidance to students at the sense of direction. reorientation
To make sense of construction and more efficient, teachers may have conditions of the organization of coordination study and develop discussions and exchanges and cooperation in the process guidance, direction concive to the sense of direction. the construction of the organizational facilitation include the following aspects:
1) Offered to controversial questions. the initial
Johann friedrich herbart "at present to solve problems in learning" model has a core ideas is through a high level of thinking based on to study the problem to solve problems. organizing activities may make students more and more extensive and more deeply into his previous experience, the activation analysis of the question of understanding the current situation, through the analysis and conclusions activities generate new understanding, our new postulate. Problem in the study emphasizes the study is set to complex, a significant problem in context, by the learners work together to solve the problem to hide behind the problem of scientific knowledge, problem solving skill, and form independent study. In the teaching, teacher the first to the study group has some elaborate, is thinking and exploratory ideological and interesting or can lead to the cognitive problem of conflict and discussion of homework to pupils to account for it. the study's task is to discuss these questions, to make a detailed explanation. the students have only knowledge may not be easily finish this task, and in the group discussions, a choice in the form, the problem.
2) Will help deepen the discussion of issues.
To solve the problem by a new problem. students should have returned to study and to a discussion. then the teacher gave students a "why was this" and "through the problem you want to learn something", and then exploring and searching for answers, her knowledge of the conflict, the relevant contents deepen the understanding graally. Or the teaching of the beauty of the teacher asked students to speak in the harvest and doubt, one student suggested a "create opportunities, it is often not a formula" the "opportunities" means, have students interpreted as "harmonious," the teacher was sure the student's answer the questions, please, for example, cite this is an example to explain, etc. Through this activity and organizing a lenient and flexible knowledge base and develop effective problem solving skill and became effective partner, but also study the internal motive.
3) The teacher's guide, and a student studying partners.
Constructivism theory point out that teaching is not a knowledge of delivery, but knowledge of the processing and conversion of knowledge, the teacher is not present, the teachers of the greatest challenge is one of the role, that is a teacher from information providers to the "trainer" and students to learn. "partners" On the co-operation of the course of study, we should attach importance to his teacher students in the understanding and listened to their views, insight into their pages, such ideas for their response to be effective. the feedback If it is true integrity, must provide clear and positive review; if it is wrong and right, we should guide the wrong and corrected them and guide them to answer the ground and, by reflection amended earlier reply, or asked the students to add an amendment to answer. the teacher is the "trainer" role in behaviour and helps develop students evaluation, and the ability to communicate. they constructed But the teacher's knowledge is limited, and sometimes the existing knowledge and experience can't solve the teaching process of every issue. the teacher is not likely to become student to every question, therefore, teachers and students used together should be a learner, and students common search for certain problem and in the process of mutual communication, understanding and idea, to make certain adjustments to complete the construction.
4) Problem after enlightenment strengthen students to find law, to rectify and supplementary wrong or one-sided understanding.
Collaboration with the learning process, is not the teaching task was finished, but to make a direct reflection of the students to solve problems. a person organizing their own knowledge may be incorrect, is reflective of the mistakes or one-sided knowledge will be timely to be more timely and meaningful construction, the effect would be better. Reflection of the process itself is, in the process of reflection to prompt students to consider the question before the problems in common with differences and even help students understand the knowledge and new applications, the supervision of their own and others of the review and study and coordination problem solving activities to rethink what they constructed in the meaning of the framework, the senior thinking skills development is a very meaningful.

❼ 意义建构理论的建构理论

布伦达·德尔文(Brenda Dervin)的意义建构(Sense-Making)是一解释沟通、信息与意义之间关系的概念性工具。
布伦达·德尔文于1972年提出以使用者为中心之意义建构理论(Sense-Making Theory),即认为知识是主观、由个人建构而成,而信息寻求是种主观建构的活动,在线检索的过程是一连串互动、解决问题的过程,由于互动的本质、检索 问题而产生多样的情境﹐形成不同的意义建构过程,且意义建构理论是一种强调以历时性过程为导向的研究方法,提供倾听使用者的方法,了解使用者如何解读他们目前所处情境、之前的经验及未来可能面临的情境,及使用者在所处情境中如何建构意义(construct sense)及制造意义(make meaning)。
意义建构方法论使用时序(time-line)与中立提问访谈技巧(neutral questioning interview techniques)。前者询问受访者描述其信息寻求顺序,并根据情境-鸿沟-使用(SGU, Situation-Gaps-Uses)基模,分析其寻求结果。后者,应用在参考晤谈模式的中立提问访谈技巧,引导使用者以自己的语言陈述其信息需求。

❽ 想问下各位对英语阅读的看法

在英语的听说读写四种能力中,阅读能力占有重要的地位,因为无论是参加考试、工作或是留学都对阅读能力有较高的要求。笔者去年来英国剑桥大学学习,更是体会到阅读能力的重要。每次课前都有大量的阅读任务,如果不能按时保质完成,那么上课讨论时就会感觉尴尬,甚至内疚。回答老师提问时如果总以一声简单的“sorry”应对,那无异于混日子。鉴于英语阅读能力如此重要,笔者想结合自己的阅读经验和教学经验,根据全球英语教学研究中证明行之有效的阅读学习策略(learning strategies),给各位读者的英语阅读学习提供一些参考意见。为了方便阅读,本文采取问答形式:一共分为七个部分,也就是从七个方面讨论如何提高英语阅读能力,其中前两个部分是总的介绍,后面五个部分是具体的阅读策略。希望本文对大家的英语阅读学习有所裨益。


这是一个看似简单的问题,但容易被人误解。我们通常所说的阅读能力,主要是指学术性阅读的能力。西方专家将阅读方式分为四种:掠读(skimming,旨在寻找主题),浏览(scanning,旨在定位细节),细读(intensive reading,旨在获取信息),泛读(extensive reading,旨在自得其乐)。西方人看报常用前两种方法,学术性阅读通常使用细读法,而小说一般使用泛读法。当然,即使是学术性阅读,有时也用到另外三种方法,但细读是主要方法。细读的内容主要包括:核心词汇、重要句子、话语标志、段落大意、全文内容、文章结构、修辞手段、作者态度等。对于上述内容,下文择要介绍其中一些方面。




上面两个部分是对英语阅读以及学习策略的一个简单介绍。从这一部分开始,从阅读策略的几个方面作具体论述。首先是词汇问题。很多人将自己的英语阅读水平不高归咎于单词不过关,这种说法有一定道理。阅读能力当然还涉及其他因素,但对单词掌握的广度和深度在一定程度上决定了阅读水平。关于广度方面,可以参考这样一个标准:如果认知词汇(recognition vocabulary,也叫sight vocabulary)——看见就认识、但未必会使用的词汇——低于六级水平(基本词汇为5,500,不涉及派生词),阅读水平就会受限;如果低于四级水平(基本词汇为4,500,不涉及派生词),受限程度更高。所以,不管是否参加相关考试,大学期间的英语词汇量至少要争取达到六级水平。当然,如果所学专业将来根本用不着英语,那就另当别论了。要想顺利阅读英语外刊,如Economist, Newsweek, Time等,要求更高一些:词汇量应达到雅思或托福等考试所涉及的范围(7000以上)。至于深度方面,主要问题是对于常见词的意思应掌握多少。常见词一般有多个意义,确切的意思需要根据上下文判断。好在这类常见词汇的意思也不是多得无法应付。它们常有两三个意思,由于中国人学习英语的习惯,其中一个意思我们最熟悉,其他意思就不甚了了。由于这类词不多,阅读中碰到了就要记下来,然后进行处理。另外,这种较生僻的意义一般都是由其最常见意义引申而来,所以可以结合后者进行记忆。此外,在文章中碰到难词时,如果不妨碍大意的理解,就不应纠缠。也可以根据该词所在的前后判断其大意。




话语标志(discourse indicator)主要指表明句子之间关系的连词。常见的有表示转折的,如but, however, yet等;表示因果的,如because, for等;表示举例的,如for example等。只有阅读时关注这类话语标志,才能弄清句子之间的关系,才能把握作者的论述逻辑。不过,要做到这一点不容易,原因是汉语的句子讲究意合(parataxis),句子之间的关系需要根据意思判断,有时并不借助连词表达。而英语讲究形合(hypotaxis),特别强调以连词表达句子之间的关系。








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