㈠ 我需要一份关于英语学习兴趣的问卷调查表
1、 你喜欢学英语吗?________。
A 非常喜欢 B喜欢 C一般 D不喜欢
2、 你自己的英语成绩在班上属于 ________。
A 好 B 较好 C 一般 D 较差
3、 除了上英语课,你每天花在英语学习上的时间是 ________。
A 超过1.5小时 B 1-1.5小时 C 1小时 D 0.5小时
4、 你学习英语的主要动力是什么?________。
A个人兴趣爱好 B考学需要 C社会就业需要 D家长老师意志
5、 你认为影响你英语学习兴趣的主要原因是什么?________。
A个人原因 B 教师原因 C课程内容本身 D设备环境
A教师水平有限 B 学生自身问题(比如基础差,兴趣低等)C教学模式呆板 D教学与实践脱离
A使用多媒体等教学手段 B开展英语课外活动C教师多鼓励帮助 D强调英语学习的重要性
8、 你对待学习方法和策略,你目前的情况是:________。
A 在实践中尝试新的途径提高英语,时常总结,逐步调整到最佳
B 改变了学习习惯,取得了进步
C 仍在延续初中固有的模式,从未想突破瓶颈
9、 你会主动与他人交流英语学习经验,采用有效的学习方法吗? ________。
A 经常 B 有时 C 很少 D 从不
10、 你认为学习英语的最需要的精神是 ________。
A 毅力 B 及时巩固 C 耐心
11、 你喜欢老师用什么方式教课?________。
A主要使用英语 B主要使用汉语解释C中英结合
12、 你认为高中英语教学中什么环节最重要?________。
A单词和句型运用 B语法教学 C听说能力 D阅读和写作能力
A听力B口语 C语法 D阅读E写作 F 记忆单词
14、 你经常以什么样的学习方式学习?________。
A课前预习 B课堂认真听讲C课后认真复习D自学
15、你会主动寻找机会学习英语(如收听、收看英语节目,自觉做课外习题)吗? ________。
A经常 B有时候 C很少D从不
A积累起来,经常复习 B创造环境,有意识运用 C忽视不理
17、 学习中遇到困难,你会怎么样? ________。
A主动请教老师 B请教同学 C自己查有关资料,参考书目 D不请教任何人,不会就不会
A不好意思,不说 B大胆地说,不顾忌 C 别人说才说
㈡ 国内和国外各有哪些不错的问卷调查类网站
㈢ 国外问卷调查网站有哪些
㈣ 国外调查问卷的格式
(A) 价格
(B) 面积
(C) 交通情况
(D) 周边环境
(E) 设计
(F) 施工质量
(G) 其他_______________(请注明)
(1) 答案是标准化的,对答案进行编码和分析都比较容易;
(2) 回答者易于作答,有利于提高问卷的回收率;
(3) 问题的含义比较清楚。因为所提供的答案有助于理解题意,这样就可以避免回答者由于不理解题意而拒绝回答。
(1) 回答者对题目不正确理解的,难以觉察出来;
(2) 可能产生“顺序偏差”或“位置偏差”,即被调查者选择答案可能与该答案的排列位置有关。研究表明,对陈述性答案被调查者趋向于选第一个或最后一个答案,特别是第一个答案。而对一组数字(数量或价格则趋向于取中间位置的。为了减少顺序偏差,可以准备几种形式的问卷,每种形式的问卷答案排列的顺序都不同。
㈤ 写一篇英文的调查问卷
Sony Notebook’ questionnaire
Name: Excellence Good Average Fair Poor
1. you think Sony notebook is
2. you think the price of the Sony notebook is
3. you think market development tendency is
4. you think the Sony notebook's post-sale service's appraisal are:
5.you think the Sony brand influence is
6.you think the battery lasting ability is
7.you think the outward appearance design is
8. you think sales personnel’s' vocational level is
9.you think the quality of the Sony notebook is
10.you think the its sharpcloud is
What I do is about Sony notebook’s questionnaire. At Present notebook is very popular, nearly all participants have expressed that they are using a notebooks. The import brand seems more popular than domestically proced brand. Most respondents have said they pay more attention to import brand's high quality and rability when buying notebooks. Of course, most of the import notebooks are big brand is part of the reason.
I investigate users of a series of questions about Sony notebook such as the price, its market development prospect, the post-sale service, the brand effect, the battery enrance, the design style; the staff sells ability, the quality and the disposition.
According to the investigation, almost 80% students are satisfied with the Sony notebook in the world's prospects for development, and the notebook performance, the grade of service, but 90% of the students can't accept the price. In my opinion, although its factory is taken to China, there have been little manifestations in the price; the price is still very expensive. Especially since 2004, Sony personal computer in Japan experienced large scale loss. Therefore the price adjustment and indepth knowledge of Chinese market's still require improvement. 90% people agree the Sony brand has brilliant influence all over the world. But 70% people think the battery doesn’t last long enough. 50% people are attracted by the changeable style. Almost all the people take fancy to the reliable quality. 80% of the staff sales personnel’ vocational level should be improved .30% students are not know much about the sharpcloud and not pay much attention to it. In total, I think it’s a reliable brand.
㈥ 关于大学生学习英语兴趣的调查问卷
能多选吗??1题ABXDE 2题A 3题就我自己看用处不是很大 因为我就没打算用到它 还有就是内只是考试根本没容激情 4题 这个我回答不来哦 知道我就自己先学好英语了 5题 呵呵 老是最好年轻的 有激情 和活力 再有就是口语听力多点 不要光来语法 郁闷了都
这是我多年英语学习的感受 谢谢 望加分
㈦ 书面表达。 受某英文报的委托,你最近对高中生的英语阅读兴趣做了一次调查,请根据以下信息,用
One Possible Version: Reading Interests of Senior Middle School Students Recently a survey has been done to find out the reading interests of senior middle school students. In this survey, one thousand senior middle school students from ten schools in Hebei Province were interviewed. They were asked which they liked reading most among the four categories of English articles: news, stories, popular science articles and articles about learning methods. The survey shows that more than half of the students like to read news most, and twenty-six percent of the students are most interested in reading articles about learning methods. However, the number of the students who enjoy reading popular science articles doubles that of those who prefer reading articles about learning methods. |
㈧ 国内和国外各有哪些不错的问卷调查类网站求推荐
㈨ 国内和国外各有哪些不错的问卷调查类网站
国外的有Qualtrics, SurveyMonkey, 国内的有通太问卷,问卷星