『壹』 黑布林英语阅读黑骏马翻译
有一池清澈的水。池塘附近有一些大树。草地的一边是一块地, 另一边是我们主人的房子,农民灰色,我和母亲在草地上跑来跑去。晚上我躺在她旁边。当天气炎热时,我们站在池塘边的树下。天冷时,我们在温暖的棚子里,草地上有六只小马驹。
我和其他小马吃草时,我们听到他们闻到野兔的声音。“我母亲说。就在这时,一只 野兔试图穿过篱笆。我们听到尖叫声,她就这样结束了。“那个男人的脖子断了,”我母亲说。
骑手是George Gordon, 一个高个子的年轻人,他是Squire gordon的独生子,兽医看到他的黑马摇了摇头。几声巨响,几天后,马再也不动了,我们听到教堂的钟声。些人把GeorgeGordon带到教堂墓地。我知道一匹漂亮的马和一个年轻人都死了。小野兔说。
随着年龄的增长,我变得漂亮了。我的外套是和黑色,我有一只白色的脚和一个漂亮的白色星星在我的上!额头?我四岁的时候,乡绅戈登决定原谅我。然后农夫格雷开始打断我的动作,意思是教马穿鞍和缰绳,背着个人。 他不能和其他的马说话, 咬或踢,但他必 须总是做什么。
我嘴里咬了一口。这是可怕的像金属手指在我的牙齿之间。马鞍还不错。一天早晨, 我的主人骑着我绕过草地。我很自豪地带着他,我很快就习惯了,但我不喜欢铁鞋。他们很僵硬,很重。
有一天,她咬了杰姆斯,OM。她说以前没有人对她好。但是杰姆斯和曼利,我们的伴郎,对我们很好,Squire Gordon 也不鞭打他的马,所以我想她会喜欢这里,第二天早上约翰带我去兜风,回来的路上我们遇见Squire。
Gordon Squire太太问约翰,艾尔, 约翰,新马是什么样的?约翰回答:“太棒了。戈登爵士说:“他是个美人。我们叫他布莱克美人美人吧?”Squire说。是的,这是一个很好的名字。
和BES,所有的,我们有一天免 费每星期日在夏天,当我花了一天在旧果园。那里的草很软,空气很甜,我们就喜欢做。我们奔驰,躺下,我们在背上翻滚,吃草。我们站在栗树下。
『贰』 黑骏马句子求翻译成英文!!!
He(Black Horse) had met a lot of people, such as the drankard who tortured his horse when he was drunk; the driver who showed his whip without any reasons; the uncivilized human who didn't respect the animals and also the good people who regarded the animals as his friend.
He went through all kinds of things of the life . Through his eyes, he told wonderful stories one by one with vivid language.
『叁』 企鹅英语 黑骏马 翻译
Secret fine horse brief introction (English): "The black novel leading character in a novel fine horse " is that are one beautiful give kind of black horse preferential treatment, household living in nobleman from childhood, the fine training , character are docile , kindhearted, and clever , quick-witted by the fault, the host is fond of him very much. But a good time never lasts long, the host has had an accident at home , the black fine horse has had to be sold out. He had been sold many times in succession , had been contacted the various people: Drunken man having drinking many liquors having no way with Masa gas right away, have let out taking a whip out easily carriage cart driver, have Hun who an animal is not returned to a thing as if it be, all sorts of joys and sorrows having also, had the world to should become friend's fine household with the animal , having once used up. Finally, it has had a good home to return to luckily. Work reveal horse's self's inner world, also have looking on coldly as a bystander as the horse the human society depicting. The black fine horse passes self eye , uses absolutely lifelike language, have given an account of every story pleasing to the ear, every is read the story people by us feeling: How animal person of wide knowledge and sound scholarship , we treat an animal , how the animal is only capable to do treating us, ...
『肆』 津津有味系列柳林风声英语版翻译
With relish grahame wind series
『伍』 英语翻译 把“津津有味的读起书来”翻译成文言文
『陆』 津津有味的英语翻译 津津有味用英语怎么说
Eat with appetite
『柒』 英文版《黑骏马》好词好句,附上翻译!
Dawn, sunglow red dawn!You bring us how intoxicating the start!
We have not sleep standing up, in the strong and enthusiasm gushing in beam rays and looking east.
The vast grassland, section of the ridge, all screamed from the sides of illness subsided.
Wheel splash splashes water streams, flying high like a scattered, met our burning face.
Although it is still a dark blue, light up one of the few cluster remnant stars while still twinkling with stars, but the behind-the-scenes plotting behind.
『捌』 黑骏马中文翻译
『玖』 津津有味黑骏马翻译
Relish Black Steed津津有味黑骏
重点词语:津津有味eat with appetite; be very fond of;
eg:Eat all the food in the house, eat with a very large appetite.
eg:Because my son seems to be very fond of you.