A. 新通用大学英语进阶阅读翻译
New gm advanced college English reading
B. 想阅读英文自然科学文章,求帮忙如何进阶
C. 帮帮忙,2017年初中英语进阶集训七年级阅读理解这本答案谁有
完整复的答制案解析在这里,请查收: https://www.kuaiizuoye.com/codesearch/m/bookview?bookId=
D. 初中英语分级进阶同步阅读 初二 整本答案,书上有附答案的,我的被老妈收起来了,求好心人发下答案!!!
E. 有哪些易读的英文原版书英文原版阅读进阶指南
这篇,你千万、千万不要错过,最起码先收藏一下!这是一个热爱英文原版阅读、在此方面非常有专长的 “牛人” 总结出来的给中国学生的英文原版进阶阅读书单,从幼儿园、小学生、中学生,甚至大学生,都能按照自己的程度找到适合阅读的经典原版读物。
很想找到TA去深聊这个话题,可惜这个作者保持匿名,真的是所谓 “高手在民间”,不佩服不行!通篇文字坦诚、幽默,非常具有活力,这么多书一路介绍下来,看了一点都不觉得累!Enjoy!
Scott Westerfeld的丑人系列,同样也是YA中的经典读物,讲述的是未来世界,人类可以选择自己样貌的故事,属于较为有深度的作品,好像一共三四本。他写的Leviathan系列(3本)也可以看看,带有极其强烈的蒸汽朋克风格,讲述的是当年达尔文不仅留下了进化论,还留下了生物遗传密码,于是生物技术迅猛发展,世界分裂成两块,一块是用蒸汽文明,一块是用合成兽对抗,设定非常有趣,但是看了简介感觉故事偏低幼,没看得下去
Sidney Sheldon,号称美国金庸,当今世界最顶级的说故事高手,也是在世界上作品被翻译成最多国语言的作家,全球有180个国家引进了他的作品,其作品共计被翻译成51种语言,全球总销量逾3亿册,但总计只写了18部小说,前17本小说全部登上过《纽约时报》畅销书排行榜的榜首
从英文上来说,小说的文笔浅显易懂,没有绕老绕去的长难句,偏爱用小词和小词组成的地道短语,比如pay off, see to, get to, bring to his/her knees等等,看似每个词都会,可组成了一个短语又似乎不太熟悉,这类词在西德尼谢尔顿的书中十分常见,对于学会地道用法帮助非常大
推荐 Rage of Angels 和 If Tomorrow Comes
James Hadley Chase,被誉为欧洲惊险小说之王,共著有90多本小说,文笔多对话描写,浅显易懂,小说胜在布局功力强大,令人读起来欲罢不能,每本小说都相对独立,非常推荐
Erle Stanley Gardner早年曾为执业律师,是一位擅长写法庭侦探小说的高手。他一生写了146部著作,其中最引人入胜的是以律师佩里•梅森为主人公的85部探案小说,每部均在美国销售百万余册,而这套小说全球总销量已超过三亿册
唯一的缺点是作家较老了,极个别用法过时,比如里面有一句 I am a dick,我基友看到了笑了半天,查了字典才知道,dick也有侦探的意思
James Patterson
James Patterson号称当代悬疑小说之王,和上面三位不同,他的小说著成时间比较靠当代,年代没那么老,而且文笔更加直白浅显,我估计三四千词汇就可以拿起来上手阅读了,但是小说质量参差不齐,商业化痕迹严重,后期甚至自己不动手,挂个JP牌子,雇专业枪手团队批量帮忙写作,早期听说还拟个故事大纲,后来据说连提纲都不列了
他最出名的系列是Alex Cross,数量众多,也可以看看
上面提到的美国四娘John Green,不多说了
Stephanie Plum系列
这个系列在中国非常小众,作者Janet Evanovich在国内也不为人知,但这本确实是相当不错的系列,因为主人公Plum本人职业的关系,Bounty Hunter,赏金猎头,所以书的特色是集合浪漫爱情,爆笑,悬疑,解密和动作于一身,相当不错
The No. 1 Ladies Detective Agency
Non Fiction中最畅销的是啥呢,
当然是我大心灵鸡汤啊哈哈哈Chicken Soup for the Soul,共出版100多册,全球销量过两亿册,全部都是短篇小故事,口语化的语言,两三千词汇绝对能看懂,还等啥呢,看呗!
Amessage to Garcia
Think and grow rich
Who loved my cheese
The 7 habits of highly effective people
The power of positive thinking
How to win friends and influence people
Tuesday with Morrie
Who color is your parachute
Men are from Mars, women are from Venus
Chicken soup for the soul
Rich dad, poor dad
其中要提的是 What Color is Your Parachute? 这本书,讲未来规划和职业选择的,我觉得本科生应该是必读的,How to Win Friends and Influence People也最好看一看,里面的招很有用,Rich Dad, Poor Dad嘛,哈哈哈
F. 英语阅读帮答案
Come at midnight and have the thirty pounds with you.
G. 新通用大学英语进阶阅读2翻译
Unit 1
1. 许多人认为国际旅游对经济发展有积极作用。(proce … effect on)
Many people believe that international tourism proce positive effects on economic growth.
2. 高年级学生可以与新生一起分享他们的经历:如何克服遇到的困难,如何适应新的环境。(adjust …to)
The senior and junior students could share their own experience about how to overcome the difficulty they have ever met, how to adjust to the new environment with the new students.
3. 该是有关当局采取适当的措施来解决交通问题的时候了。(It is time …, concerned, take steps)
It is time the authorities concerned took proper steps to solve the traffic problems.
4. 现在,越来越多的人认识到法制教育的重要性。(be aware that …, be of … )
Today an increasing number of people have been aware that law ecation is of great importance.
5. 应该鼓励年轻人和他们的同龄人交往,发展他们的交际能力。 (communicate with… ) Young people should be encouraged to communicate with their peers and develop their interpersonal skills.
Unit 2
1. 据报道,有人设计出新型电脑游戏,不会对儿童行为有任何负面影响。(be reported that …, have … influence on …)
It is reported that new video games have been designed not to have negative influence on kids’ behavior in any way.
2. 当意识到所有现有的机器已被新的设计所取代时,校领导发起脾气来。(lose one’s temper, be replaced with …)
The head of the school lost his temper when he realized that all the existing machine had been replaced with new designs.
3. 史蒂文听说他对新项目的提议被当成荒谬之词而遭到断然否决,十分恼火。 (be upset to do …, be rejected as …)
Steve was very upset to hear that his proposal for the new project had been rejected as ridiculous.
4. 现代社会的孩子很难想像一个没有电视和电脑的时代。(find it difficult to do …, conceive of)
The modern child finds it difficult to conceive of a time when there was no TV or Computer.
5. 面试官忘了问我现在老板的名字,他好像对细节不大感兴趣。(neglect to do …, be concerned with)
The interviewer neglected to ask about the name of my present boss; he seemed not to be concerned with the details.
1. 由于这份工作提供良好的提升机会,我琢磨不透汤姆为什么要辞掉它。(offer, promotion prospects, figure out )
As the job offers excellent promotion prospects, I can’t figure out why Tom quit it.
2. 我们已经向一个慈善组织提出申请,要求它为这个项目提供资助。(apply to … for …, grant )
We have applied to a charitable organization for a grant for the project.
3. 他的论文非常有助于我们对这个困难问题的了解。(enormously, contribute to )
His thesis has contributed enormously to our understanding of this difficult subject.
4. 毫无疑问许多国家将要参加2008年奥林匹克运动会。(there is no doubt, participate in )
There is no doubt that many countries will be participating in the Olympic Games in 2008.
5. 这家公司已经投资几百万美元编写新的程序满足发展需求。(invest, writing new programs, meet the requirements of…)
The company has invested millions of dollars in writing new programs to meet the requirements of the development.
Unit 4
1.在这种情况下约翰尼急切地抓住了难得的机会。 (jump at the chance)
In this case Johnny jumped at the rare chance to apply for the post.
2. 现在说是由于天气关系才耽搁了航班还为时过早。(It is too early to say…)
It is too early to say that the weather is responsible for the delay of the flight.
3. 现代英语中许多词汇来源于拉丁文。 (be derived from)
In modern English many words are derived from Latin.
4. 我们也许不能理解75%的女性下班后要继续照顾孩子。 (It might not …)
It might not be understood that 75 percent of women have to take care of their kids after work.
5. 平均来说,我们每天要在电脑前工作十小时。(on average)
On average, we spend almost ten hours a day working with computer.
Unit 5
1.除了伦敦的公寓,杰克还在意大利有一座别墅,在苏格兰有一座城堡。(in addition to)
In addition to his flat in London, he has a villa in Italy and a castle in Scotland.
2. 他试图和妻子开个玩笑,但得到的反应只是沉默。(attempt to, be received)
He attempted to make a joke with his wife, but it was received in silence.
3. 史密斯先生总是每天拨出些时间给孩子们读故事。(set aside)
Mr. Smith always sets some time aside every day to read stories to his children.
4. 这实际上是一种朋友之间的交流,而不是吵架。(kind of, rather than)
It is really a kind of communication between friends, rather than a quarrel
5. 由于提前接受了训练,因此他在最新的影片中的特技效果极为出色。(as a result of, special effect)
As a result of being trained in advance, the special effects in his latest film are brilliant.
Unit 6
1. 保护也适用于文化遗产,因此也包括有历史意义的事物,比如古建筑、古战场、历史传
说等。(apply to, cultural heritage)
Conservation is also applied to cultural heritage, thus including things of historical importance, such as old buildings, battlefields and oral traditions.
2. 任何人无权侵犯“他人”权利以获取自身利益,不管这个“他人”是人,还是动物。(violate one’s right, as a result of)
No one has a right to benefit as a result of violating another's rights, whether that "other" is a human being or some other animal.
3. 1998年12月11--13日,在云南昆明召开了第三届全国生物多样性保护及可持续利用研讨会。(biodiversity conservation, sustainable)
The Third National Seminar on Biodiversity Conservation and Sustainable Using was held in Kunming,Yunnan on December 11-13, 1998.
4. 很多电影明星对于自己的私生活受到公众监视非常反感。(resent doing sth., under scrutiny)
Many film stars resent their private life being under public scrutiny.
5. 我们每天的事情很多,只有把最重要的优先安排才能保证有时间完成。(give priority to, ensure)
We have many things to do each day and we must give priority to those most important to ensure we have time for them.
Unit 7
1. 除了在大学的工作以外, Bob现在还在经营自己的公司。(in addition to)
Bob Trivisonno is now running his own research company—that is in addition to his job at the university.
2. 每天平均有650个读者来到大英博物馆阅览室利用该馆的100万册藏书。(repair to, an average of, draw upon)
An average of 650 readers daily repair to the British Museum Reading Room to draw upon a store of 100, 000 volumes.
3. 最让我感兴趣的事是Black先生的口音。这是哪里的口音?(what fascinate…most) What fascinates me most is about Mr. Black accent. Where does it come from?
4. 这一地区的入室盗窃案件似有增无减。(to be on the increase) The number of burglaries in the area seems to be on the increase.
5. 今天我要把节食计划置之脑后,想吃什么就吃什么。(inlge oneself)
I shall forget about dieting today. I am going to inlge myself, i.e. eat and drink what I like.
H. 新通用大学英语进阶阅读2的10到16章的翻译
星火的 或是 大连的征服系列的