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托马斯·哈代(1840~1928)是英国最伟大的作家之一。他的大部分作品,包括《德伯家的苔丝》,都是以他的故乡,英国南海岸的多尔塞特为背景的。第一次读《德伯家的苔丝》还是在高中时,记得那是一本刻画女性内情感的动人小说,一位少女的生命被慢慢地、但确确实实地毁了,不是被她的敌人,而是被那些自称爱他的人,我不禁感叹,这是怎样的爱,何以摧毁自己所爱?如今重读《苔丝》,我同样为主人公的命运而不平,但我不禁要问:为什么?为什么苔丝这样一个聪明美丽、勤劳善良的少女,最终却作为被害者被送上了绞架。在这部作品中作家哈代通过设置许多偶然巧合的情节让人感到苔丝的一生好像都由命运作祟,是命运把她一步步推向悲剧的结局。但我认为并不是这样,因为偶然性与必然性紧密相连,偶然性是许多社会必然性与自然必然性的交叉点,是必然性的一种反映。生在资本主义社会的苔丝,其悲剧命运是社会规律的必然反映。所以造成她悲剧命运的根源就是当时的资本主义社会。故事中的主人公苔丝生活在英国资本主义侵袭到农村并毒化社会气氛的维多利亚时代。她虽然勤劳善良、聪明美丽;但作为一个劳动者,一个无权无钱的农业工人,社会地位低下,自然会受到资本主义社会的种种压迫和凌辱。随着资本主义的入侵,那些自食其力的占有少量土地和生产资料的农民,都不得不随之破产。苔丝家中的老马被邮车撞死后引起了家中经济生活的改变,在无路可走的情况之下,她不得不委身亚雷。可见,苔丝的悲剧命运和她的经济贫困紧密相连。苔丝的毁灭与伪善的宗教同样是紧密相连的。恰恰是亚雷这个伪善的人物为我们揭露了伪善的宗教。他是依靠商业致富的资产者和暴发户,一个“肉欲的人”。他设下圈套引诱了苔丝,却利用《圣经》的典故把责任推到苔丝身上,后来他还居然变成了一个劝人行善的牧师。可见在资本主义社会,宗教只是反动统治阶级麻醉、欺骗和愚弄劳动人民的一种工具。苔丝也是资产阶级虚伪道德的牺牲品。作品中安玑就是资产阶级虚伪道德的体现者,他虽然是个有开明思想的知识分子,但他心理深层有一种根深蒂固的传统伦理道德观念。他自己也有过放荡行为,并得到苔丝的原谅,但他却不肯原谅原本无辜的苔丝。本阶级的印记仍深深地烙在他的灵魂深处:认为“身份不一样,道德观念也不一样。” 他还用传统的贞操观来看待一个女人的纯结与否,对苔丝没有丝毫的同情,置苔丝于痛苦绝望之中,使苔丝又被迫回到亚雷的身边。安玑身上所体现出来的虚伪的资产阶级道德最终把苔丝推向了悲剧的深渊。苔丝的悲剧也与她的性格有关,苔丝是哈代塑造的一个全新的妇女典型。她有着双重性格。一方面她敢于反抗传统道德和虚伪的宗教;另一方面又不能彻底摆脱传统道德对自身的羁绊。特别是后者与她的悲剧命运直接相关。 由于苔丝出身于一个农民家庭,残存于农民身上的某些旧道德和宿命观点使她在反抗传统道德时出现了软弱的一面。当她受到世俗舆论、传统道德迫害的同时,又用这一道德标准来静观自己,认为自己是有罪的。“她把自己看作一个罪恶的化身”“她老觉得全世界的人都在注意她的情形,不敢抬头见人”,她比别人更不能忘记自己的耻辱。苔丝正是这样用一张自己织成的道德罗网把自己束缚起来。其实,她的自我束缚意识有其深刻的历史基础,是整个社会意识的具体表现。苔丝作为一定历史时期的个人,必然会形成特定的历史时期的社会意识和道德观念,她的思想和行动也必然会受到时代和社会意识的制约。所以苔丝的悲剧既有社会的因素,也与她的性格有关,但这些因素都与当时的资本主义社会有着直接的联系,是资本主义社会的种种反映。苔丝的一生注定是一个悲剧。

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Reading Report for "The old man and the sea"
"The old man and the sea" is a novella written by Hemingway in Cuba in 1951, was published in 1952. Hemingway is one of the most famous works. It revolves aroundan old Cuban fisherman, and a huge marlin far offshore in the Gulf Stream inwhich the narrator of the story. It established Hemingway's prominent position in world literature, this novel has won the 1953 Pulitzer prize in 1954 and the USANobel prize for literature.
"The old man and the sea" is written, the old fisherman Santiago at sea fishingexperience: the old uniform marlin, on the return voyage with shark thriller. The figures in her works has symbolic meaning is very strong, he used the big marlinsymbol of the ideal of life and human life as the inevitable with the symbol ofdesire, can not escape the tragic fate of sharks, sea symbol with constantly changing society, while the lion is the symbol of the chivalrous robust, hatred of evil, can create a miracle Santiago is, in human and powerful warriors fight "hard man", his fishing misfortune symbol of human is always with doom constantly struggle but in any case not to try to change the fate of. "A boat across the end of the world, into the unknown sea, the bow hanging on the side, though furrowed by rain and wind erosion is still colorful flags, banners, four words danced Yunlong general sparkling -- beyond the limit!" Author Hemingway commented on his work"the old man and the sea".

⑹ 英文故事书阅读报告200字

R.J. Palacio Corgi

This book is called Wonder by R.J.Palacio,it talks about a little boy named Augest who only has one eye and who want to go to shcool and learn like the normal people,it talks about what happen what did he do in school.

Augest was born by one eye his parent was surprised,because he had a sister call Via and she is a healthy girl,Augest mom says the baby is just a wonder he goes to school everyday and he made every challenge of his life he never gives up of his life even his born with one eye he still fight he challenge his self,he goes to school but he doesn't even know everytjing,be he learn from his mom,dad,his sister and his friend, at the end Augest grown,his parent is old his dad died because he is sick so he and his sister helps his mom until his mom died too,his mom's last word is that my son, your a wonder of me I'm proud of you,your a wonder.

This book tells about even you born in a bad family or with bad conditions you have to still fight,you don't give up,in this world once you give up,you lose you died,even if someone laughs at you it's ok you walk throw your road and no one can stop you, if you keeping fighting you will always walk throw the challenge and you will win the game that your playing on. I'll tell my friend to read this book because it's good for them to have a goal for there life,and it tells you when your feeling bad it's ok you will walk throw the part that obstruct you so I think it's a good book.

⑺ 求英语阅读报告

name of the book:Forgive Me, Leonard Peacock
Auther: Matthew Quick
Publisher: Little, Brown & Company
Synopsis(简介)100字:Today is Leonard Peacock's birthday. It is also the day he hides a gun in his backpack. Because today is the day he will kill his former best friend, and then himself, with his grandfather's P-38 pistol.

But first he must say good-bye to the four people who matter most to him: his Humphrey Bogart-obsessed next-door neighbor, Walt; his classmate Baback, a violin virtuoso; Lauren, the Christian homeschooler he has a crush on; and Herr Silverman, who teaches the high school's class on the Holocaust. Speaking to each in turn, Leonard slowly reveals his secrets as the hours tick by and the moment of truth approaches.

Comments / feelings 80字
Leonard’ story is truly heart breaking. So many people in his life have failed him, and that’s pushed him to a point where he doesn’t even want to be alive anymore. Throughout the story, which takes place over a little over a day, we learn what got Leonard to his dark place and we watch him struggle to hold on to life. We meet the few people that are there for Leonard, though he doesn’t realize it himself until much later. I found myself wanting to save Leonard over and over and just give him the biggest hug and tell him everything would be ok because that’s what he really needed. Honestly, even though Leonard is really messed up, I found him to be quirky and I liked that. I liked that he wasn’t like everyone else. That he wanted more for his life and others than most people want.

希望可以帮到你... 也许有点长了诶...

⑻ 《小王子》的英语读书报告

书名--《小王子》(法语书名,Le Petit Prince)。
作者--圣·埃克苏佩里(法文名,Antoine de Saint-Exupéry)。
出版情况--1943年美国 Reynal & Hitchcock Harcourt Brace Jovanovich Inc 率先出版了《小王子》的法语版和英译版。因二次世界大战,作者的祖国法国直到1946年才由Gallimard 出版社出了第一个法国版。
《小王子》由法国作家安东尼·德·圣·埃克苏佩里(Antoine de Saint-Exupéry)创作,讲述了一名飞行员坠机在撒哈拉沙漠,遇到一位自称居住在B-612号小行星上的"小王子",从小王子有意无意的透露中,他逐渐知道了小王子的经历:小王子在自己的小星球上与骄傲的玫瑰花闹别扭之后,动身四处游历,他在不同星球遇到了不同的成年人,这些成年人的行为,令小王子大惑不解。 《小王子》在其富有诗意的淡淡哀愁中蕴含着一整套哲学思想,这本给成人看的童书处处包含象征意义,这些象征看上去既明确又隐晦,因此也格外的美。
在这部作品里,也流露出-些伤感情绪。但这并不是主要的,并没有处于压倒地位。故事到了高潮,这丝伤感很快在欣喜中消溶了。小王子向他的朋友赠送了临别的礼物: “你会有许多会笑的星星。”地球上的这位飞行员将会听见他那喜爱的小宝贝在星海中的一颗星星上的笑声,于是,他就会听见所有的星星都在笑。就这样,作品中的伤感失去了分量,死亡失去了它的恐怖性。

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从另一方面来说,“奶酪”是一种通过艰辛努力而获得的优越状态。“奶酪”是一种机遇,也是一种拥有的核心能力。我们该如何把握和拥有呢?作为一种换位思考,我们对于常常向往着孟郊的“春风得意马蹄急,一日看尽长安花” 的轻狂和喜悦,却难以体会“小楼昨夜又东风”的李煜伤感情怀。作为这种对比,我们就需要把握今天,把握机会,学会细心保护和精心呵护,不要等手中的“奶酪”变酸、变坏,在无可奈何之中又惊羡别人的拥有。
变化是永恒的。尽管还有如同嗅嗅一般因害怕变化而否认变化,怨天尤人的人在,但如唧唧一样及时调整自己去适应变化的人是越来越多了,这是时代和社会的发展所致。原有的“奶酪”总有一天会消耗,我们该如何面对?卡奈基在“人性的弱点”中说,不要为打碎的玻璃杯而伤心,我们也不要为记忆中的“奶酪”而向往,那只会是“白头宫女话玄宗” 的无奈和一厢情愿的神往。我们需要的是发现适合自己的道路,摆脱安逸,超越恐惧,恃机而动,寻找新的“奶酪”。生活并不会遵从某个人的愿望,改变随时会降临,但积极地面对改变却会让你发现更好的奶酪,不管我们是否意识到,新的“奶酪”总是存在于某个地方。
Today, I read a famous American writer Spencer. Johnson wrote "Who Moved My Cheese", which is really benefited!
"Who Moved My Cheese" the stress of the two dwarves and the story of two small mice. The article centers around the "cheese" acquisition, possession, lost, different people have different state of mind, resulting in very different strategy. Xiu Xiu is like a hurry and quickly start up? Or as Hengheng as afraid of change, and refused to deny that change? Or chirp like to see changes in the way things will get better and be able to adjust in time to adjust to the changes in their own? In fact, for any one person, living and learning in too many changes when no changes occur everywhere, whether we fear the arrival of the change. If we are able to adapt to the changes as soon as possible to adjust their own, we can do better. When we are faced with change, we fear, will feel at a loss, which is normal. As long as we can seriously deal with the fear of science, it can even help us to avoid the real danger. We do not have to refuse to change, we can change the attitude changes, changes in the enjoyment of change, to embrace change to meet the change.
On the other hand, the "cheese" is a hard won through the superior state. "Cheese" is an opportunity, but also have a core competence. How are we going to have to grasp and it? Transposition as a thinking, we often long for the Meng Jiao's "Horseshoe Chunfengdeyi radical, Chang spent every day to see" extremely frivolous and joy, but difficult to understand "small building last night, the east wind," Li Yu's sad feelings. As part of this comparison, we need to grasp today, seize the opportunity to learn to care for the protection and well-protected, such as not in the hands of "cheese" change acid, worse, do nothing in the way other people have also Jingxian.
Change is constant. Although Xiu Xiu as the general fear of change and denied that changes in the blame, but if the same chirp in time to adjust themselves to adapt to the changes are more and more, this is the times and social development e. The original "cheese" will one day consume, how do we address it? In Carnegie, "the weakness of human nature" that do not break the glass and sad, we have not remembered for the "cheese" and longing, it will be "white-lady-in-waiting Xuanzong words" helpless and wishful Fascinated. What we need is found suitable for their own roads, out of an easy life, beyond fear, which relies on local animals and look for a new "cheese." Life does not comply with the wishes of an indivial to change at any time will come, but actively to change the face of it you will find a better cheese, no matter whether we are aware of the new "cheese" is always present in a place.


Thoughts given by Sherlock Holmes and the Duke’s Son
Written in the first chapter of the book Pride and Prejudice is an extraordinary sentence of which even a person who has had only a brief look upon the book will not fail to receive a deep impression-It is a truth universally acknowledged that a single man in possession of a good fortune must be in want of a wife. In terms of Sherlock Holmes, we’d better alter the sentence into “It is a fact universally accepted by readers throughout the world that an excellent book in possession of our famous detective Sherlock Holmes is undoubtedly a masterpiece of all times.” Perhaps this is one of the most obvious explanations for the unrivaled popularity of “Holmes series” in the field of detective stories. Overwhelmed by the recommendations provided by my friends, I decided to take a look on this Sherlock Holmes and the Duke’s Son originally published by Oxford University Press.

As a whole, this book is about a case concerning the Duke’s missing son. Arthur, the Duke’s son, was found out in a certain morning to have disappeared, accompanied with which was also the disappearance of the German teacher. The school master Dr. Huxtable then turned to the famous detective of the time Sherlock Holmes for help. Realizing how tough and important the case is, Holmes immediately made up his mind to accept the case and followed Dr. Huxtable back to Mackleton by train. Having formed a rough idea about the whole matter, Holmes probed into the case immediately and had a careful investigation of the entire area shortly after the arrival, ring the process of which he discovered the body of the German teacher Heidegger. Finally, primarily e to his prominent ability as a detective, he managed to unravel the mystery and obtained the twelve thousand pounds promised by the Duke.

Having once started reading this fiction, I was completely immersed in the mysterious story presented by the book. As the saying goes, “Well begun, half done”. At the beginning of the story, just like many other detective stories, the author gives us a brief description of the condition by the words of a client. However, unlike other ones, this story first delineates the client’s strange behavior at length to indicate the severity of the incident in order to attract the readers to continue reading it. As is known to all, vivid depiction is essential to detective stories since it can help the readers understand each figure’s characteristics and visualize the scenes, thus making the story more authentic and attractive. Therefore, trying to present a “real world” to his readership, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, author of the original “Holmes series”, has skillfully arranged the plots of the whole story from the perspective of Dr. Watson, a character not so specialized in discovering the truth hidden behind the enigmatic happenings as Holmes but so loyal to Sherlock Homes as a friend that he always accompanies Holmes wherever he goes. In this way, he elaborately depicted every scene and character in the book, Apart from the special start, the ending of the whole story, being dramatic but reasonable, is certainly an outstanding one. After all, except the author himself, who knows that the Duke’s seemingly ordinary secretary is in fact the Duke’s bastard? In addition, who knows that the Duke actually has already been acquainted with the whole thing before Holmes solves this complicated problem? Yet, surprising as it is, this ending seems so natural that it fits all the plots of the story perfectly well. While enjoying this wonderful story, I could do nothing but admire the wonderful design of this masterpiece as well as the author’s gorgeous writing skill. Closing my eyes, I can even “see” the story happening just like watching a film. Not until then did I understand why the Japanese cartoon film Detective Conan used this “Conan” as the name of its hero.

As far as I am concerned, nothing is more admirable and surprising in the hero Sherlock Homes than his profound knowledge which has certainly assisted him a lot when he was studying the case. Take the bicycle tyres for instance, Holmes actually is capable of recognizing 42 different varieties of bicycle tyres. What’s more, according to his other stories, Holmes has studied different kinds of newspapers, cigarettes, people’s footprints and other special things as well. Therefore, he seems to have the mastery of anything relevant to the cases he deals with. Except for his illimitable knowledge, Holmes also specializes in arranging the facts in order and then finding the fact leading him to a GREat discovery or even the truth itself. From his speaking “Every mystery has an answer”, we can readily shape the impression of a man with great intelligence and inflexible will. In this case, after getting rid of unrelated facts, Sherlock Homes eventually grasped the clue and discovered the amazing fact.



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