1. 八年级英语阳光试卷听力材料
2. 八年级下册英语能力试卷
一、快读查疑。首先浏览课本,遇到较为生疏的、已被遗忘的词语,集中抄在一个本上,以便随时复习,重点记忆。 二、以点带面。以一个单词或语言点为中心,向四周辐射,找出与之相关的词语和用法。比如,学习一个名词,应知道它是可数的还是不可数的;如果是可数名词,其复数形式怎样变化;是不可数名词,又应怎样使用;它有没有动词形式或形容词形式。再如一个动词,其第三人称单数形式、现在分词形式是怎样变化的?应如何使用?有没有固定用法?运用这个方法,可以得到举一反三、事半功倍的良好效果。如纵向方面,每一个单词的读音、拼写和用法如何,某一个语法现象是怎么回事;横向方面,如同音词有I-eye,meat-meet,where-wear等;同义句Could you give me a hand?-Could you help me?;反义词bring-take,in-out,现在进行时与一般现在时的对比等等。 三、归纳比较。将同类的知识点归纳在一起,比较其相同点和不同点。比如,表示“带、拿”的几个词:take, bring, get, carry, 应如何区别运用?in, on, at怎样表达不同的时间?一定要掌握它们的细微差别,并能熟练运用。 英语复习要注意以下几个方面: 1.以课本为主,巩固基础知识。课本是英语学习的基础,也是测试的根据。试卷中大部分考点都来源于课本。 2.不断筛选,稳扎稳打。语言基础知识包含语音、词汇和语法,我们复习时要按照一定的顺序,全面进攻,各点击破,掌握的知识放下,没有掌握的重新学习,直至掌握。 3.以练为主,精学精练。复习时我们可以先结合课本的深度和难度进行有针对性的学习,之后就应马上进行相关的练习,只有在练习中我们才能更容易地发现问题,找出自己没有掌握的知识,然后再进行更加有针对性的学习和练习。这样不断地查漏补缺,我们就会在有限的时间内掌握更多的知识。 4.加强基本技能的训练。基础知识掌握了,可以说考试已经有了很大把握。如果我们对自己的要求再严格一些,那么就会很轻松地获得高分。怎样严格呢?对于课文我们不仅要背诵下来,而且还要默写、改写、复述。课后,我们还要听、读英语材料,掌握相应的技能。 英语复习“要”与“不要” 要熟悉构词法知识。近年的英语试题有一个趋势,就是每年都有不少的"纲外词",有派生词和合成词、加注词(即加注了中文的生词)、纯生词。对这些"纲外词"同学们没有事先准备,只能凭语感和特定语篇中的语境进行猜测,而派生词和合成词则是一些同学似熟非熟的词,要想搞定它们,一个比较好的办法就是借助构词法知识。 要注意语法题的常考考点。英语语法题的常考考点有:名词、不定代词、冠词、形容词和副词的比较等级及用法、时态与语态、情态动词、短语动词、宾语从句、状语从句、定语从句、it用法等。这些考点在具体命题时,往往会涉及一定的语言环境,使之具备一定的情景性。所以同学们在复习时,不能只背一些语法条条框框,而应注意语法规则在具体语言中的灵活运用。 要注意全面发展。这里说的全面发展,是指英语范围内的全面发展,它包括两个方面的内容:一方面指听、说、读、写"四会"的全面发展,另一方面也指各个题型的全面发展。同学们千万不要凭兴趣只顾及自己喜欢的"一面",而忽略了其他方面。 不要放松听力训练。考前放松听力训练有两种可能:一是有的同学认为自己的听力不行,反正再练也不会有什么提高,所以干脆放弃;二是有的同学认为自己的听力已达到了一定的水平,而自己其他方面还比较薄弱,暂时把听力放下,强化一下其他方面。这两种想法都很危险。经验告诉我们,听力是一种比其他能力(如阅读能力、写作能力等)更容易丧失的能力,不容片刻忽视。 不要抠教材。读好教材固然重要,但如果只是读好教材,那还是远远不够的,至少阅读量就大大地不够,教材所提供的英美文化背景也很有限。所以同学们除认真读好教材外,还应主动地进行课外阅读,同时要兼顾各种题材和体裁,有意识地扩大自己的知识面,培养语感和提高综合能力。 不要过分追究"所以然"。一般认为,学习不仅要知其然,而且要知其所以然,但英语学习有所不同。英语作为一门语言,在许多情况下都是约定俗成的,从某种意义上说,语感比那种所谓的理由更有价值。 不要用汉语思考英语。用汉语思考英语弊端不少。比如当你做听力题时,用汉语思考,会跟不上录音;当你做阅读题时,用汉语思考,不仅会多用不少时间,而且会不易掌握大意;当你做书面表达题时,用汉语思考,会写出一些违背英语习惯的汉语式的句子(注:书面表达题评分时,视不合英语表达习惯的句子为"大错")。 不要忽视书写。有不少同学平时不注意书写,字迹潦草,这对书面表达题的得分是十分不利的。如果书写不规范,会丢失一些"冤枉"分;同时,按评分标准本身,字迹不工整也要扣除卷面分的。所以,同学们在考前应重视书写练习。一、快读查疑。首先浏览课本,遇到较为生疏的、已被遗忘的词语,集中抄在一个本上,以便随时复习,重点记忆。 二、以点带面。以一个单词或语言点为中心,向四周辐射,找出与之相关的词语和用法。比如,学习一个名词,应知道它是可数的还是不可数的;如果是可数名词,其复数形式怎样变化;是不可数名词,又应怎样使用;它有没有动词形式或形容词形式。再如一个动词,其第三人称单数形式、现在分词形式是怎样变化的?应如何使用?有没有固定用法?运用这个方法,可以得到举一反三、事半功倍的良好效果。如纵向方面,每一个单词的读音、拼写和用法如何,某一个语法现象是怎么回事;横向方面,如同音词有I-eye,meat-meet,where-wear等;同义句Could you give me a hand?-Could you help me?;反义词bring-take,in-out,现在进行时与一般现在时的对比等等。 三、归纳比较。将同类的知识点归纳在一起,比较其相同点和不同点。比如,表示“带、拿”的几个词:take, bring, get, carry, 应如何区别运用?in, on, at怎样表达不同的时间?一定要掌握它们的细微差别,并能熟练运用。 英语复习要注意以下几个方面: 1.以课本为主,巩固基础知识。课本是英语学习的基础,也是测试的根据。试卷中大部分考点都来源于课本。 2.不断筛选,稳扎稳打。语言基础知识包含语音、词汇和语法,我们复习时要按照一定的顺序,全面进攻,各点击破,掌握的知识放下,没有掌握的重新学习,直至掌握。 3.以练为主,精学精练。复习时我们可以先结合课本的深度和难度进行有针对性的学习,之后就应马上进行相关的练习,只有在练习中我们才能更容易地发现问题,找出自己没有掌握的知识,然后再进行更加有针对性的学习和练习。这样不断地查漏补缺,我们就会在有限的时间内掌握更多的知识。 4.加强基本技能的训练。基础知识掌握了,可以说考试已经有了很大把握。如果我们对自己的要求再严格一些,那么就会很轻松地获得高分。怎样严格呢?对于课文我们不仅要背诵下来,而且还要默写、改写、复述。课后,我们还要听、读英语材料,掌握相应的技能。 英语复习“要”与“不要” 要熟悉构词法知识。近年的英语试题有一个趋势,就是每年都有不少的"纲外词",有派生词和合成词、加注词(即加注了中文的生词)、纯生词。对这些"纲外词"同学们没有事先准备,只能凭语感和特定语篇中的语境进行猜测,而派生词和合成词则是一些同学似熟非熟的词,要想搞定它们,一个比较好的办法就是借助构词法知识。 要注意语法题的常考考点。英语语法题的常考考点有:名词、不定代词、冠词、形容词和副词的比较等级及用法、时态与语态、情态动词、短语动词、宾语从句、状语从句、定语从句、it用法等。这些考点在具体命题时,往往会涉及一定的语言环境,使之具备一定的情景性。所以同学们在复习时,不能只背一些语法条条框框,而应注意语法规则在具体语言中的灵活运用。 要注意全面发展。这里说的全面发展,是指英语范围内的全面发展,它包括两个方面的内容:一方面指听、说、读、写"四会"的全面发展,另一方面也指各个题型的全面发展。同学们千万不要凭兴趣只顾及自己喜欢的"一面",而忽略了其他方面。 不要放松听力训练。考前放松听力训练有两种可能:一是有的同学认为自己的听力不行,反正再练也不会有什么提高,所以干脆放弃;二是有的同学认为自己的听力已达到了一定的水平,而自己其他方面还比较薄弱,暂时把听力放下,强化一下其他方面。这两种想法都很危险。经验告诉我们,听力是一种比其他能力(如阅读能力、写作能力等)更容易丧失的能力,不容片刻忽视。 不要抠教材。读好教材固然重要,但如果只是读好教材,那还是远远不够的,至少阅读量就大大地不够,教材所提供的英美文化背景也很有限。所以同学们除认真读好教材外,还应主动地进行课外阅读,同时要兼顾各种题材和体裁,有意识地扩大自己的知识面,培养语感和提高综合能力。 不要过分追究"所以然"。一般认为,学习不仅要知其然,而且要知其所以然,但英语学习有所不同。英语作为一门语言,在许多情况下都是约定俗成的,从某种意义上说,语感比那种所谓的理由更有价值。 不要用汉语思考英语。用汉语思考英语弊端不少。比如当你做听力题时,用汉语思考,会跟不上录音;当你做阅读题时,用汉语思考,不仅会多用不少时间,而且会不易掌握大意;当你做书面表达题时,用汉语思考,会写出一些违背英语习惯的汉语式的句子(注:书面表达题评分时,视不合英语表达习惯的句子为"大错")。 不要忽视书写。有不少同学平时不注意书写,字迹潦草,这对书面表达题的得分是十分不利的。如果书写不规范,会丢失一些"冤枉"分;同时,按评分标准本身,字迹不工整也要扣除卷面分的。所以,同学们在考前应重视书写练习。
3. 八年级下英语期末试卷
1. A. Enjoy yourself. B. It’s a pleasure. C. Good luck.
2. A. That’s right. B. Thanks a lot. C. Congratulations!
3. A. Good idea. B. Sorry, I won’t do it again. C. It doesn’t matter.
4. A. Three years ago. B. About three years. C. Next year.
5. A. I can’t. B. I won’t. C. I don’t.
II.图片理解。 你将听到一段小故事,请按故事情节给下面的图片排序。听一遍。(共5小题,计5分)
6. ____ 7. ____ 8. ____ 9. _____ 10. ____
11. A. Both of them are winners in the race.
B. Li Lei is running as fast as Jim.
C. Li Lei is running faster than Jim.
12. A. He didn’t begin to do his homework until 9 o’clock.
B. He finished doing his homework before 9 o’clock.
C. It took him 2 hours to finish his homework.
13. A. Dick’s brother will be an engineer in the future.
B. Dick is an engineer now.
C. Dick’s brother is an engineer.
14. A. It isn’t safe to swim in the deep river.
B. Don’t swim in the river.
C. The water in the river is too dangerous.
15. A. He didn’t have enough money to buy the ticket to the concert.
B. He didn’t enjoy listening to the concert.
C. He didn’t want to buy the ticket to the concert.
16. Where does this dialogue happen?
A. At home. B. At school. C. In the open air.
17. What does Jack like to eat?
A. A chicken sandwich. B. A tomato sandwich. C. A potato sandwich.
18. What’s the dialogue talking about?
A. About Jim’s school. B. About Jim’s trouble. C. About the food for breakfast.
19. Where are they talking?
A. At Jim’s home. B. At the doctor’s. C. At Jim’s school.
20. What’s the matter with Jim?
A. He’s a headache. B. He’s a cold. C. Both A and B.
21. When did the children go skating?
A. After breakfast. B. Before supper. C. After lunch.
22. How many children skated on the lake?
A. Three. B. Four. C. Five.
23. Who skated best of all the children?
A. Allan did. B. Paul did. C. Bill did.
24. Why did Paul fall into the water?
A. Because he skated fast.
B. Because he was not good at skating.
C. Because he didn't know the ice there was broken.
25. Who helped Paul?
A. His friends. B. His parents. C. Two workers
26. ---Would you like to have dinner with us? It’s my birthday today.
--- _______.
A. Yes, I would. Thank you B. I’d love to, thanks. And happy birthday.
C. Happy birthday D. Thank you all the same
27. --- Lily did badly in the 400-meter race. What about you?
--- I did _______.
A. rather bad B. more badly C. even badly D. much worse
28. ---Which ball game do you like better, basketball or baseball?
--- _______. I love table tennis.
A. Both B. Either C. Neither D. Each
29. --- Mum, something is wrong with my stomachache (肚子). It hurts badly.
--- Don’t worry. I’ll take you to the hospital. But _______.
A. eat something until you see the doctor
B. don’t eat anything until you see the doctor.
C. you can eat nothing after you see the doctor
D. you have to eat more than before
30. You must look around carefully when you go___________ the road.
A. across B. through C. out of D. into
31. ---It seems that my friends don’t understand me.
--- Don’t worry. I’m sure you will _________ them if you are really friendly to them.
A. agree with B. catch up with C. get on well with D. be fed up with
32. Susan’s parents bought a very large house with a nice garden, it______ very expensive.
A. must be B. can be C. will be D. may be
33. The monkey put on the hat like the old man and ______ here and there in the tree.
A. jump B. jumped C. jumping D. jumps
34. ---Do you know the result of the relay race?
---No, I _________ with others when Mr Gao told us the result.
A. was talking B. talked C. will talk D. am talking
35. ---What should we do if we are waiting for a bus?
--- We should _________.
A. jump the queue B. wait in line C. push others D. stop the passengers
36. ---__________________________?
--- Thank you, I’m full now.
A. Would you like anything else? B. Would you have a picnic with us tomorrow?
C. Could you buy some fruit for me? D. Could you bring me more bread?
37. The rice tastes _______, we’d better not eat it.
A. nice B. delicious C. badly D. terrible
38. _____ you don’t leave soon, you’ll be late for school.
A. After B. Before C. Until D. If
39. --- It’s too bright in the room, would you please ______ some of the lights?
--- Sure.
A. turn on B. turn up C. turn off D. turn into
40. ---The runner dropped his stick on the last lap.
--- __________
A. That’s OK. B. Bad luck! C. I don’t mind. D. Wonderful.
VII. 完形填空:先通读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从各小题所给四个选项中,选出一个最佳答案。(15分)
How much do you know about manners(礼仪)? Different countries have (41) manners. In (42) Asian countries, it is good manners to take off your (43) before you go into a house. (44) in European (欧洲)countries, even if they sometimes become very dirty, this is not done. If you are a (45) in a Chinese house, when you have a meal, you usually do not (46) the food. You often leave a little to (47) that you have had enough. But in England, a visitor always finishes food to show that he has (48) it. We must know the customs (风俗) of other (49),so that they will not think (50)bad-mannered. People all over the world (51) that a well-mannered person should be kind and (52) to others. If you (53) this, at least you will not go very far wrong. (54) likes a person with good manners, but no one likes a person with bad manners. (55) your manners.
41. A. same B. different C. some D. interesting
42. A. some B. any C. other D. few
43. A. bags B. shoes C. coats D. hats
44. A. And B. So C. But D. Or
45. A. stranger B. traveller C. visitor D. foreigner
46. A. need B. finish C. choose D. have
47. A. say B. see C. understand D. show
48. A. finished B. enjoyed C. taken D. drunk
49. A. countries B. villages C. cities D. places
50. A. them B. me C. us D. him
51. A. find B. know C. guess D. agree
52. A. careful B. helpful C. hardworking D. healthy
53. A. forget B. remember C. learn D. study
54. A. Somebody B. Anybody C. Nobody D. Everybody
55. A. Take B. Make C. Mind D. Keep
A taxi hit a truck. A policeman spoke to the taxi driver and to the truck driver. He also spoke to Tom. He was a witness (目击者). This is what they said.
TRUCK DRIVER: I was driving from the airport to Newton. A car crossed the road, so I slowed down. I did not stop. A taxi hit the back of my truck. Nobody was seriously hurt but both cars were damaged(受损害).
TAXI DRIVER: I was driving behind a truck a few kilometers from Newton. The truck stopped suddenly. The driver did not give me a warning (警告). I was driving very slowly. I could not pass the truck because there were two cars coming near from Newton. My taxi hit the truck, and some glass cut my left hand.
TOM: I was watching the traffic about a kilometer from the airport. A truck was going to Newton. It was not going very quickly. There was a taxi about two hundred meters behind the truck. It was going fast. When the truck slowed down, the taxi hit it. The taxi driver was not looking at the truck. He was looking out of the window at something. My friend saw the accident, too.
Tom's friend spoke to the policeman and agreed with Tom.
56. How many people are mentioned (提到) in the story?
A. Three. B. Four. C. Five. D. Six.
57 .The truck was hit on the way ___________ .
A. to the airport B. to the police station
C. to Newton D. home
58. From the story, we know _________didn’t tell the truth.
A. the truck driver B. Tom
C. the taxi driver D. Tom's friend
59. In fact, Tom's friend was also a _____________ .
A. witness B. driver C. policeman D. cleaner
60. What's the best title (题目) for this passage?
A. A Taxi Driver B. A Traffic Accident
C. A Story of Tom D. A Truck Driver
Peter wondered why he didn’t have many friends. The reason was he was always taking, never giving.
One day Peter told Bill, “I’d like to give a party on Saturday, I’d like you to come and bring Martha, too.” “Thanks, Peter. We’d be happy to come.” “Perhaps you’d like to bring your violin. You and Martha sing well together. I’m sure everyone will want you to sing for us.” That was how Peter began to plan his party. Next he asked another friend, Betty, to bring a cake. “You make the best cake in the world, Betty, and I like to eat your cake better than have one from the bakery.” Peter invited a few other friends to come to his party. He didn’t forget to ask something from each one of them. He even asked Jim and Mary Jackson to let him give the party at their house! They agreed.
The party was a big success. However, as the guests were leaving, they said “Thank you ” to Bill and Martha for the music, Betty for the cake, the Jacksons for the use of the house and to others for their hard work. To Peter they just said, “ Thanks for the invitation.”
61. The party was held ________ .
A. at Peter’s house B. in a large hall
C. at Peter’s friend’s house D. in a secret place
62. Which of the following is not true?
A. Betty made the best cake. B. Mary Jackson sang well.
C. Bill played the violin well. D. The Jacksons did hard work for the party.
63. ________ liked Peter.
A. Many of his friends B. Few people
C. Everyone D. All his friends
64. Peter ________ to give the party.
A. tried his best B. did nothing
C. only invited some friends D. did everything
65. From the story, we can see Peter was ________ .
A. a warm-hearted man B. good at making friends
C. a selfish man D. a welcomed friend
Dear editor,
I am not a good-looking boy and I am not good at studying, either. Some people don’t even want to talk to me. So I usually feel lonely. Sometimes I think that if I want to leave home, nobody will care. How can I stop feeling like this?
Dear Peter,
But first, I am sure that you are wrong that nobody will care if you leave your home. What about your parents? And other family members? It seems that you are very sad. You'd better go to see a doctor or talk to your parents. They can help you. Second, I'm sure there's someone in your class who feels lonely, too. You never know how other people feel inside. Try to make friends with them. Or you join a club to meet new people and to keep yourself busy.
You need to find happiness in yourself. Write a list of all the good things about yourself. Learn to like yourself, and then others will see your confidence (信心) and like you, too.
66. Peter isn’t good at _______ and he feels __________.
67. He writes to the editor to ask for _______ because he wants to _______feeling lonely.
68. If Peter joins a club, he can_______ new people and keep _______ busy.
69. The editor suggests (建议) that Tom should talk to a ________ and his ________.
70. Peter is lack of (缺少) _______ and he needs to find ________ in himself.
J.K Rowling was born in England in 1965. She loved reading, and wrote her first story “Rabbit” when she was only six years old. She studied French at university, then worked as a secretary (秘书) in London. She had the idea for Harry Potter (哈里. 波特) when she was on a train, “Harry just walked into my head”, she said later. She started writing the first Harry Potter book the next day.
In 1992 she went to live in Portugal for three years. She wrote Harry Potter in the morning, and worked as an English teacher in the afternoon and evening. She got married to a Portuguese TV journalist and had a daughter called Jessica.
Then she returned to Edinburgh, in Scotland. She had no job at that time, she wrote in cafes (咖啡馆)because they were warmer than her small house. After five years she finished the first book “Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s stone”. The book sold millions of copies all over the world and J. K. Rowling became very famous. She is very rich now, but she still writes her books in cafes.
71. Who is J.K Rowling?
72. When did she write her first story?
73. How did she get the idea of Harry Potter?
74. Why did she write in cafes?
75. Do you like the story of Harry Potter? Why?
IX. 完成对话。 选择适当的词或词组完成对话,每个词或词组只能用一次,其中有4个词或词组是多余的。(共10小题,计10分)
well certainly looking stayed something visiting never health reading
by the way happy nothing tired sorry
C:Hello, Mike. You don’t look ____76_____. What’s the matter?
M: Oh. There is ____77_____ serious, I just have a headache, I bang my head.
C: What did you do last night?
M: I ____78____ online(网上).
C: Maybe you were online too long. You’d better have a rest.
M: Thanks. Have you ever been online?
C: No, ___79_____. Are you often online?
M: Yes, I often search the Internet at weekends.
C: What do you often do online?
M: ___80____ some website (网站), sending e-mails, ___81_____ news, seeing films, playing games and so on..
C: It must be very cool. Could you teach me how to search the Internet?
M: ___82____. But I really feel ___83____ now. I will teach you some day and you can do it by yourself.
C: Thanks a lot.___84_____, don’t be online too long. It may be bad for your ____85____.
提示:1. Which person do you like best?
2. When and where was he or she born?
3. Why do you like him or her best?
4. Can you tell a short story about him or her?
1. I’m going to Beijing next week, you know it’s one of the most beautiful cities in China.
2. Our class won the girls’ relay race in our school’s sports meeting.
3. Jim, please don’t put your head out of the window on the bus. It’s dangerous!
4. When did you move to America?
5. Don’t forget to come to my party this evening!
II.图片理解。 你将听到一段小故事,请按故事情节给下面的图片排序。听一遍。
It was Monday. Cathy got up early. After breakfast, she hurried to school by bike. At school, she listened to the teachers carefully and studied hard. She had lunch with her best friend, Kate, at school. In the afternoon, she played tennis for an hour. She got home at 5 o’clock. After a short rest she started to do some cooking for her parents. What a nice girl she is!
11. Look! How fast Li Lei and Jim are running! They are almost neck and neck!
12. He began to do his homework at 7 and finished it at 9 o’ clock.
13. Dick hopes to be an engineer like his brother in the future.
14. It’s too dangerous to swim in the deep river.
15. He couldn’t afford the ticket, so he didn’t go to the concert.
W: Come on, Jack. The picnic is ready.
M: I’m coming. Oh, there are so many things to eat and drink.
W: Would you like something to drink?
M: Coke, please. Coke is my favourite.
W: Here you are. Would you like a chicken sandwich?
M: No, thanks. I’d better not. I’d like a tomato sandwich.
W: Good morning, doctor.
M: Good morning, Mrs Brown. Well, what’s wrong with this young man?
W: He’s my son Jim. He’s a headache.
M: Did you take his temperature?
W: Yes, his temperature seems to be OK.
M: Did he have anything to eat for breakfast this morning?
W: Yes. He had only a little porridge.
M: Well, Mrs Brown. I think he has a cold.
W: Shall I keep him out of school?
M: No, it will be all right for him to go to school.
W: OK, thank you. Doctor.
It was very cold last Sunday. Paul and his friends Allan, Bill and Betty went to the lake after breakfast. They began to skate on the ice. Paul skated better than his three friends. He skated fast and didn’t know a piece of ice was broken. He fell into the water. His friends were afraid and called for help. Just then two workers walked there and heard them. They ran there quickly and helped the boy come out of the water. Then they took him to a hospital. Paul and his parents thanked them very much.
1-5:ACBAB 6-10:DBECA 11-15:BCCAA 16-20:CBBBC
21-25:ABBCC 26-30:BDCBA 31-35:CABAB 36-40:ADDCB
41-45:BABCC 46-50:BDBAC 51-55:DBBDD 56-60:CCCAB
61-65:CBBCC 66. studying, lonely 67. help, stop 68. meet, himself
69. doctor, parents 70. confidence, happiness
71. She is the writer of the book “ Harry Potter”.
72. When she was 6 years old.
73. She had the idea when she was on a train.
74. Because they were warmer than her small house.
75. Yes. Because it’s interesting.
76. well 77. nothing 78. stayed 79. never 80. Visiting 81. reading
82. certainly 83. tired 84. by the way 85. health
4. 初二英语竞赛题目(听力原文,听力MP3.笔试试题. 全部题目的答案)
听力部分 I. 1—5 BDCCD II. 6—10 CAADB III. 11—15 CBDAC 16—20 CBABDIV. 21—25 BDAAC 26. people’s lives 27. burgers 28. Cola 29. fish 30. water笔试部分I. 31—35 CDDBC 36— 40 DBBAD 41—45 ADCABII. A) 46—50 BDCAEB) 51. Britain/ the UK 52. can’t move or talk 53. a (special) computer 54. maths55. 他喜欢购物,特别是给自己的女儿买衣服。 56. Not stylish. 57. 提高/改善58. Some of the dishes were in the style section of “Food and Living” magazine.59. Because the reviewer left the table for 20 minutes. 60. 那时侯已经是凌晨三点,你是最后一个离开餐馆的人。61. It was a quiet place (with only 20,000 people). 62. Tools that people needed to look for gold. 63. He needed a gold rush. 64. Because nearly everyone left (their job) and became a gold digger.65. In August 1848.III. 66. age 67. happy 68. started 69. younger 70. laughed at 71. was good at72. never 73. 74. nothing 75. didn’t know76. or 77. over/ around 78. with 79. and 80. itIV. 81. Did; have 82. Don’t stay 83. How much 84. older than 85. spent; cleaningV. 86. Riding a bike to school is good for our health./It is good for our health to ride a bike to school 87. When I got home, I was all wet/ wet all over. 88. The woman is too sick to look after herself. 89. her voice sounds like the singing of a bird. 90. They had fun in the zoo yesterday afternoon.VI. 91—95 CDGAFVII. 96. A. f B. h 97. A. side B. tall 98. strongly encourage/ urge 或强烈地建议或积极地鼓励 99. D 100. mVIII. A) One possible versionMy name is Jack. I am a friendly and hard-working guy. I speak good English and I am a good swimmer. Every day I ride my bike to school, so riding a bike is easy for me. I started learning to play the piano when I was 6, so I can play it quite well now.I am sure I will have a great summer with you.JackB) One possible versionMy New year’s PlanIn the coming year 2010, I plan to do a lot of thing. First, I want to do well in my studies. I’m a little weak in English, but I am going to make a change next term.Second, I am going to start a football club in my class. It is a lot of fun to have friends with the same interest.Third, I want to be a good helper to my mum after school. She is very tired after work.Those are my top three New Year’s plans. What are yours?
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8. 谁有新目标八年级下册英语试卷,要带听力的(可以下载mp3的)
( ) I. think she____her homework in two hours.
A.finished B.finishing C.finishes D.will finish
( )2.---Will there be more pollution? ---- _____.
A.Yes,there won’ B.No,there will
C.Yes,there will D.No,there aren’t
( )3.___the child was walking down the road, the UFO landed.
A.While B.After C.As D.Before
( )4.---You borrowed my jacket last week and why didn’t you return
it to me?
---I was ____to meet you at the school gate yesterday,but you didn’t
A.plan B.supposed C.should D.shouldn’t
( )5.I had a hard time with science,so I wasn’t___to receive a____
result from my science teacher.
A.surprised; disappointed B .surprised; disappointing
C.surprising; disappointed D.surprising; disappointing
( )6.She said she would do homework for me, but I refused,because I
___think it___
a good idea.
A.X;was B.X;wasn’t C.didn’t;was D.did wasn’t
( )7.In English.she’s____writing than listening.
A.better at B. better in C.good at D.best in
( )8.Your daughter____worse grades if she____hard.
. A.will get,won’t work B.gets,doesn’t work
C.will get, works D.will get,doesn’t work
( ) 9.Do you want to remind___the rules for the school parties?
A.I to B.me of C.my of D.mine with
( )10.---I’m sorry.I___my homework at home.
---Don’t forget___next time.
A.leave,take B.left,to bring it C.left,taking D.leave,to take
( )11.I hope I will have___car soon.
A.my own B.mine own C.my D.own my
( )12.Don’t bring friends from___schools.
A.other B.each other C.the others D.another
( )13.---I’m going to the party___.---
A.So I am B.So I do C.So am I D.So do I
( )14.She told us that she___soap operas this Saturday.
A.would watch B.will watch C.will see D.would see
( )15.I don’t know___.
A.where is my bike B.what should I do
C.where my bag is D.how does he go to work
(1).阅读A,B栏的句子,然后在B 栏中分别找到A栏句子的答句。(5分)
16. Why not have the meeting today? A. I think he will be a lawyer.
17. What do you think will Tom be in two years? B.I was in my
18. What was he doing when he saw the child? C. Maybe you should go
to see a doctor.
19. What shall I do? D. If we have the meeting today, the manager
20. Where were you at 8:00 last night? will not attend it.
E. He was reading under the tree.
(2).根据句意从下列方框中选择句子补全对话, 使句意完整。填写句子代号.(5分)
A: Summer holidays will begin next month. Are you going back to your
B: No, __________________(21)
A: What are you going to do?
B: Mum will take me to Beijing. _______________(22)
A: She’ll be happy to see you.
B: Yes, we haven’t seen each other for several years.
A: _________________(23)
B: She is an English teacher. She is teaching in Beijing now. But
last year she taught in Changzhou.
A: _________________(24)
B: Yes, she has. She likes traveling. So she always moves to
different places to work.
A: Is she going to work in Qinghai?
B:Yes. ___________________(25)
A: That’s great.
A. We’ll meet my aunt there.B. I went back last summer holiday.C.
What does your aunt do?D. Next year she is going to teach in our
school.E. She has been to many places, hasn’t she?
A young man went into a shop. He wanted to 26 a watch. He saw a
watch that he liked, but the man in the shop 27 ninety pounds for
it. At that time a boy came into the shop, took the watch out of the
man’s 28 and ran out. When the man in the shop ran out into the
street, the boy was already 29 the people.
The young man went 30 . At the next corner he saw the boy with the
stolen watch
31 his hand. “Would you 32 to buy a fine watch, sir?” he said in a
low 33 . “It is only fifty pounds”. The Young man paid at once, and
went back to his room. His friend took a look 34 the watch and said.
“This watch isn’ t worth even ten pounds. I 35 that they planned
this together.” When he heard this, he was very disappointed.
( )26. A. borrow B. sell C. lent D. buy
( )27. A. paid B. asked C. spend D. used
( )28. A . hand B. room C. desk D. pocket
( )29. A. among B. in C. behind D. between
( )30. A. out B. away C. on D. back
( )31. A. in B. on C. by D. above
( )32. A. like B. want C. need D. enjoy
( )33. A. sound B. voice C. noise D. speaker
( )34. A. for B. at C. after D. up
( )35.A. am sure B. know C. heard D. learned
IV. 阅读理解(25分)
A. 根据短文内容判断正误,正确的写A,错误的写B。(5分)
Everyone has a name. Names are different in different countries.
Chinese usually have two, three or four Chinese words in a name.
They put their family name first and then the given name. But in
England and America the last name is the family name. To many people
the meaning of the name is important. Fathers and mothers always
want to give beautiful names to girls and great names to boys.
People use Mr, Mrs, Ms or Miss before their family name. In foreign
countries children can call their father or mother’s name
directly(直接地). But in China they can never do that because it is not
( )36. In China, the first name is the family names.
( )37. Americans put their family names first.
( )38. If your English teacher is Sally Green, you can call your
teacher Ms Sally.
( )39. Usually, people give boys beautiful names.
( )40. It’s impolite to call your parents’ names in China.
B. 阅读短文,选出最佳选项。(10分)
A lady wrote a long novel. She sent it to a famous editor (编辑).
After a few weeks the novel was returned to her. The lady was angry.
She wrote back to the editor. “Dear sir, yesterday you sent back a
novel of mine. How do you know that the novel is not good? You
didn’t read it. Before I sent you the novel, I posted together pages
18, 19 and 20 . This was a test to see whether you would read the
novel. When the novel came back yesterday, the pages were still
posted together. Is this the way you read all the stories that are
sent to you?”
The editor wrote back: “Dear madam, at breakfast when I have an egg,
I don’ t have to eat the whole egg in order to discover that it is
( ) 41. The title that can explain the story best is __________.
A. A Letter Returned B. A Novel Given Back
C. Testing Whether Reading or Not D. Reading While Eating
( ) 42. The novel was sent back to its writer because__________.
A. some pages of it were posted together
B. the editor checked the novel in a hurry
C. the editor thought it was not good
D. the novel wasn’ t written by the writer herself
( ) 43. Which of the following sentences is true?
A. The editor read the whole novel carefully.
B. There are twenty pages in the novel.
C. Both the editor and the lady were clever.
D. The editor was pleased with her novel.
( ) 44. The lady posted three pages together so as to
A. whether the novel was read through
B. whether the novel was opened
C. whether the novel was stolen
D. whether the novel was broken
( )45. From the story we know that ________.
A. the editor Iikes the novel very much
B. the editor has a good way to read novels
C. the editor has a good way to eat an egg
D. the editor doesn’t like the novel at all
C. 阅读短文,根据短文内容填空完成答案,每空一词。(10分)
One day Mr Jackson took Paul to his favourite restaurant. It was a
French restaurant. The waiter was from France. But he didn’t speak
to them in French.. “Would you like to see the menu?” he asked in a
kind way. “Yes, please.” Mr Jackson said.
The waiter gave them a menu each. They studied them. “You can spend
only twenty—five dollars,” Mr Jackson told his son. The waiter asked
Paul, “What would you like, young man?”
“How much is the tomato soup?” Paul asked.
“Six dollars,” the waiter said. “It’ s very good.”
“How much is the chocolate ice cream?”
“Six dollars,” the waiter said.
Paul added it up quickly. Six plus fifteen plus six is twenty—seven.
He thought he could have the ck and the soup, or the ck and the
ice cream. “I’ll have the ck and the chocolate ice cream, please,”
he said to the waiter.
Paul said to his father, “My meal will cost only twenty—one dollars.
Can I keep the other four dollars?” His father laughed, “No Paul,”
he said. “Leave it for the waiter.”
46. How many menus did the waiter give Mr Jackson and Paul?
He gave them_______ menu(s).
47. How much was the ck?
It cost________ dollars.
48. What does “studied” mean in Chinese in the passage?
It means _________.
49. Who would get the other four dollars?
The ________.
50. What does the passage tell us?
It tells us that Paul was ________ not to spend more than $25 in the
V. 阅读填词。(10分)
A generation gap(代沟) has become a serious problem. I read a
r_______(51) about it in the newspaper. Some children have killed
t________(52) after quarrels(争吵) with parents. I think this is
b________(53) they don’t have a good talk with each other. Parents
now s________(54) more time in the office. S________(55) they don’t
have much time to stay with their children. As time passes, they
both feel t________(56) they don’t have the same topics(话题) to talk
about. I want to tell p_______(57) to be more with your children,
get to know them and understand them. As for children, show your
feeling t_______(58) your parents. They are the people who
l________(59) you. So tell them your thoughts(想法). In this way, you
can have a b_______(60) understanding of each other.
根据汉语提示及要求, 用英语写一篇文章。
2)优势:如果歌唱得好, 就会出名. 出了名,就可以挣很多钱,可以开自己的公司,可以向慈善机构捐款,可以帮助别人,还可以周游全世界。
1---5 DCABB 6---10 CADBB 11---15 AACAC 16---20 DAECB
21---25 BACED 26---30 DBAAB 31---35 AABBA 36---40 ABBBA
41---45 BCCAD 46.two 47.fifteen 48. 细看 49.waiter 50.careful
51 report 52 themselves 53 because 54 spend 55 So
56 that 57 parents 58 to 59 love/like 60 better
My dream job
When I grow up, I’ll become a singer. If I do well in singing, I’ll
become famous. If I become famous, I’ll make a lot of money. If I
make a lot of money, I’ll have my own company, I’ll give money to
charities and do a lot of work to help others and I’ll travel all
over the world.
However, being a singer can also have many problems. If I am famous,
people will watch me all the time and follow me everywhere. This can
make my life difficult. And if I become rich, I’ll have a difficult
time knowing who my real friends are. But I think I want to be a
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