1. 写一篇关于介绍自己英语听力学习方法的英语作文,不少于150字。。 好的加分。。。。。
I am a first learner.And I want to share the methods of listening which I study English with you all,
First,you should receive exact pronunciation of a word or a sentence.and you can match the right word with a proper meaning ,so listen is close with speaking,I study both British English and American English,because we may talk with anyone from anywhere,then I get a knowledge of slang,that can help me understand navtives well,The listening articles may be about everything from everywhere,so I expand the scope of knowledge in order to know the culture of all English-speaking countries!
2. 英语听力, 英语作文
3. 关于英语听力口语考试的英语作文
◆◆◆千万注意,这个机子不可以啊!!!小心误事!!!R00DX的调频频率在:.0~10.0MHz,一内般校园广播的频率都在容以下,所以这个机子不能收到校园广播的!!!所以你一定要买调频接收频率范围在-MHz之间的收音机。◆◆◆这样的收音机有:DR10调频效果不好,人体感应大,不适用。还不如便宜的R0T,0几元但效果很好。哦 顺便一提 现在我报读的ABC天丅口语的助教和我们说过,如果想征服英语很简单的;必然需要个符合的学习空间与熟练口语对象 这取决于外教资质 标准口音很重要 坚决每天口语学习,一对一家教式辅导才能够有非常.好.的学习效果!课后仍要重听课程录音音频 帮助加强记忆!然后要是真的无口语交谈的人的话 那么就到听力室或爱思获取课余学习材料研习,多说、多练、多问、多听、多读 迅速的口语会提高起来 整体效果是绝对迅速明显的。好的机子有:德生PL0、PL00,数字调谐机,收听效果好,都在00以上。新出的一款PL10也很不错,00左右。德劲:110
4. 对英语听力的看法 英语作文
第三,听力好,能帮助,说,读,写三钟能力的提高。例如,一个单词如果你听不懂(正确发音)你是不可能说的标准的。关于阅读,英语单词的拼写是基于发音,假如一个单词你能听懂,当阅读发现这个单词的时候,试着拼读是可以听出来的。写作 能力更多的基于阅读,发现一个句子是否正确,更多依靠的是感觉,就是读得的是否通顺,阅读又是基于听力的,(听起来别扭)。
不是所有的听力练习都有效,如果只是听歌曲,做练习,效果不好。在普特英语的学生有出国留学回来的,听说能力也不是很强,还有更多的学生,刻苦10年做了很多的练习,听力依然不好,这是普遍现象,主要原因还是 没有得有一个好的方法,听什么才能提高水平。
5. 如何保护听力为题的一篇英语作文,60词左右
First,you should have a good understanding of the grammar rules and enough vocabulary.You spoken English also have a great impact on your listening.Because if you pronouce some words wrong,you won't understand when you hear the right pronuciation.You should start from word dictation,then setence dictation and finally,passenge.If you already have some foundation,you can omit the first step and start from the second one.What's more,you should read more English materials in your spare time,because reading can be very helpful to your listening.And immerse yourself in an English-speaking environment if you can.It can be talking with some friends in English or watching an English vedio.The important thing you should keep in mind is that you must act according to your own level of English.
6. 说出你在英语听力学习中的感想英语作文
How to improve your english? It's hard to very clearly for it has many consecutions. But some methods you should do it, it is very improptant to help your english.these 1- is come from my english teacher that he told me how to study in ts class, last one is mine。1st: -- pronounce(you must the pronounce from your english teacher)。ts one is the most improtant in learn english.aslo itis a basic for your english.you should cope all times when you speak english, please don't speak your owen pronounce.第一个就是要模仿老外讲话的语气语调,这是基础也是最重要的。不要以为你的自己的语调是最好的,多多模仿,才能让你的口腔肌肉越来越熟练,越来越想老外。nd: communionation ( you should speak english in your english class,most of the time in english class,the students should english %or more(STT),and the teacher only the last time(TTT).第二就是要交流,多多交流是学好英语的关键,一般英语课交流时间学生要去百分比,这样才是正确的英语课。rd: vocabulary (ts is usually the cnese students done it.because they have to get the CET and CET,they have to recite many vocabularies)。but indeed,there is not a very good skill.vocabulary is not the most improtant in your english. some people if they about 000words,it is enough.we usually use only 000 words in our lives.My english teacher said that if you don't the word that in the sentences,you can guess its mean.第四个是词汇,一般中国学生因为考试缘故,这个词汇一直在学习,但实际上一般常用核心词汇只有几千个,所以词汇并不是英语学习的最重要的,只要会用运大概000个左右就可以了,其他词汇了解即可。在文章中遇到不懂的词汇,就试着去猜,错了也不要紧,一般不会引起什么问题,他就经常这么做的。th: okey,you should like your english study very much.that could give you much power,and could let you study suickly.i ask how to let you interest study english,the teacher said:i don't , my god````)。学习英语要有兴趣,兴趣是最好的老师。th: yes ,of course, you should study smart,it is very useful to let your english study funny.i aslo ask teacher how to let your study smart,he aslo said:i don't ,o``h```my```god!!!你要聪明的学习英语。last: ts is my opinion,that NCE is the best english books in Cna,so you should recite band,,, then ,you could looks like xiaosiang who is come from new orient school.最后一个当然是你要努力一直背诵新概念英语,最好把,,册都背下来,那样你就可以像新东方的小强一样,笑傲江湖。噢 还有一件事,几天前帮我指导的ABC夫下在线的导师和我们说过,若要掌握好英语应该是不费力地!一定要拥有一个符合的研习环境与实习口语对象,老师水平是关键 标准口音才行,保持每日口语交流,一对一针对性教学才能够有很.好.的学习效果!完成课堂后仍要复习听取课后录音反馈,帮助加强记忆!然后要是真的没有人可以指导的环境,只能去听力室或BBC获得课外教材练习 多说多问一下子语境就培养起来,学习效益肯定会迅速明显的;that all ,come on every body, i tnk you all can let your english excellent!!!加油,一起学习英语,一起努力,一起坚持,一起进步!!!。请有选择的摘录两三段。望采纳,谢谢!
7. 英语作文关于提高英语听力具体方面80单词左右
Listening plays an important role in English study, so every English learner should try their best to improve it. First, listeners can first read more to enrich their vocabulary. Second, try to know the topic of the material before listening. Third, try to focus on sentences or at least phrases instead of single words while listening. Then, they had better take some notes of key information, such as numbers, dates, times, directions, places and so on. At last, they may listen to some English songs to amuse themselves as well as practise listening. They can begin with nersery rhythes with texts, because they are simple and easy to understand. And it is quite useful to read the materials again and again after reading. Remember that the more you practice, the more you will gain!
8. 关于提高英语听力和口语的英语作文带翻译 120字左右
Learning English just like learning any other foreigh language, is hard work so you should spend time practicing using English for communication. Besides, you should listening to English radio programmes and attending English debbates and speech contests. What's more, be patient and confident. Don't be shy and don't be afraid of making mistakes. We must understand that mistakes are unavoidable. A saying goes" Failure will blossom into success." So be patient with your mistakes and try to awoid them other time. I believe" practice makes perfect". So why not try to speak English as often as you can.
9. 怎样 提高英语听力写一篇英语作文
(1)泛听和精听相结合 在听力训练中,既要能准确无误地听出某些重要的数据,年代,人名,地名及事实,又要兼顾把握大意的训练,这弱就必须所精听与泛听结合起来,交替练习,即把精听和泛听分成各处独立的练习,听时穿插安排,也可把一个故事或报告他成精泛段落,有些部分精听,其余泛听。在精听时,要首先熟悉听力材料中的生词,对有此难句可以反复听:而泛听则首先着眼于量大,只求掌握大意,不必了解每个细节,精听遍数不限,直到完全听懂为止,泛听的遍数由由材料难度和自己的程度来决定,得一般不要超过三遍否则就失去了泛听的意义,泛听时,不宜中间打断,要一气呵成,精听则可在句子之间或困难之处停下机器,倒带重听。兴泛不精,会养成似是而非,不求甚解的习惯,反之,则见树不见林,抓不住大意。所以这两种训练哪一种也不应偏废。 (2)听力训练应培养的能力和从上下文猜字的能力,在听力训练过程中,往往会碰到听不清或听不懂的情况,原因很多,有进是由于说话人发音不清楚或录音效果不好,有时是因为出现了生词或内容陌生的缘故,这就要靠抓字音及从上下文猜字的能力来解决问题。比如:我们初次听《薄雪花》(EDE LWEISS)这首歌时,可能对其中两处的歌产生疑问,一是“You look happy to meet me”。有 人会认为是“You look happy to me,to me”。但若仔细多听,就会发现meet me连读时[t]音部分失去爆破,并不和me相连。另一难点是"Blossom of smow, may you bloom and grow"这句歌词中,blossom一字由于节拍关系,唱得委快,[l]音听不清楚,再加上和后面的of连读,给听者造成很大困难,这时需要运用猜字的能力,从上下文进行分析,这是一首关于白色花的歌曲,后面的动词中又有bloom(开放)这个词,只有blossom(花朵)这个词才比较合适,况且只有 blossom这个词包含[b]和[s m]这两个从录音带上可以辨认的声音,这样问题迎刃而解,所以,碰到类似情况时,首先要记住能听清的声音,然后根据上,下文的内容和语法关系提供的线索来进行推测,如果可能的话,还可以根据字音查一下字典,这一能力的培养是听力训练中很关键的一个环节,对独立工作,摆脱困难至关重要。 2)排除杂音和各种干扰的能力:为国培养这一能力,要多听新闻广播,听那些看不见说话人口形的录音报告,要逐渐适应人们说话进加上 “well”,“eh”之类填充语(hesitation fillers)的习惯,以及有时说了一半忽然转念另起一句话的现象,还要努力做到能把录音不清楚不一词半语,或者讲演者降低声音,很快一带而过的词句正确地补充出来。 3)要有适应英国音,美国音及一些主要方言的能力:听力训练可以采取从一种音入手,再逐步过渡到另一种音的办法。为了更快的掌握听好英国音和美国音的能力,学习者可以主动归纳或对比两种英语在发音,语调上的差别,以便更好地渡过这一关。如美国人在or,er等组合字母后面还要加上[r]音: doctor[ ](英音),[ ](美音):把[a:]音发为[ ]音:can't[ka:nt](英音),[k nt](美音)等发音特点。对英格兰北部,苏格兰地区有此特殊的发音和用字,以及美国黑人英语,澳大利亚,新西兰英语中的一些变异现象,如无特殊需要,一般可以不练,不学。但适当有一些了解,听一,两个样品录音也有好处。 (4)听力训练的时间安排听力训练需要思想高度集中,故时间安排以每天精神最佳时候为宜。而且,时间不宜过长,第要连续听一小时以上。听力又是习惯成自然的技巧训练,所以每天安排一段时间。不能三天打鱼,两天晒网,更不能听一段时间后,就一扔半年,一年。
10. 如何练好英语听力 英语作文
The ear hears English, all the English sound,
That brain in that head, English meaning to have found.
The English sound matches the English meaning in the brain.
The listening will grow, and not in vain.
Good luck.