❶ 这句英语有没有语法错误,如何分析
My yelling in the piece
My yelling in the movie is also the later period b.
希望对你有帮助 :-)
❷ 这篇英文文章里有英语语法错误吗
虽说没有语法本来身的错,但句子自的顺序有错,概念模糊,时间不一致,等等. 比如,使用网络人数 是指“总数”还是指“增长的人数”? 另外,在谈及英国时,前面说“在三年中”,可后面却说,“从1995至2000”(6年)。
❸ 这个英语开头有语法错误吗
(Traditionlly=>Traditionally),people {tend to work on a single job}for many years to keep a relative stable life.But now there is a different kind of {life stylr=>work style} to choose.(Than=>that) is to find a temporary work.[People] do {a job} for several months until enough money [is earned],then quit {it}. This behaviour has been (populared=>popularized) by some young alts,[and has] both positive and negative outcomes.
如life style换成work style一下子就对题了
临时工作部分,to do what they want是不必要的,重点是只做一段时间就不干
比如被动式的应用get enough money=>enough money is earned
主语及代词运用,do it for several months=>[People] do a job for several months
❹ 这句英语有语法错误吗
I believe that there is a reason why he stays in the library.
❺ 英文创意写作可以有语法错误吗
Since 和 For
“since”和“for”的用法都与时间有关,不同的是前者要与时间点一起使用,比如Monday、January和2009,后者则是与时间段一起使用,比如30 minutes、6 months和10 years,“for”可以用于所有时态,而“since”通常用于完成时。“He jogs for 1 hour everyday”这句话中“for”后面跟着的就是一段时间,“He's been jogging since 7am”这句话中“since”后面跟着的就是一个时间点。
Fewer 和 Less“fewer”和“less”适用的名词类型是完全相反的,“fewer”适用于可数名词,比如books、cars、people或者cups,而“less”则适用于不可数名词,比如love、water、electricity或者science。举个例子,你可以说“This parking lot is too crowded. I wish there were fewer cars”,句子里的car是可数名词,所以前面用“fewer”修饰;你也可以说“I wish you would turn off the lights, so we could use less electricity”,这里的electricity是不可数名词,所以用“less”来修饰。Adjective Order(形容词顺序)
当你使用一个以上的形容词的时候,请记住,这些形容词的排列都是有一定顺序的,“It’s a red big car”这样的表达是错误的,正确表达应为“It’s a big red car”。
通常形容词的排列顺序是这样的:①数量或数词 ②质量或评价 ③大小 ④形状 ⑤年龄 ⑥颜色 ⑦国籍 ⑧材质。当然,一般来说描述一件事物不会使用超过三个的形容词,所以你很少会遇到需要把上述所有顺序都用上的情况。
May 和 Might
“may”和“might”的区别很小,都表示“可能”,所以很难把握准确使用它们的时机。但是二者还是有区别的,“might”的可能性比“may”要来得低一些。“I might take a trip to India next year”的意思是明年你有可能去印度,也有可能不去
❻ 英文是否具有任何语法错误这样的翻译是正确的么
❼ 这句英语有语法错误吗
What's the matter with you/him...?这儿matter是名抄词.
It doesn't to her that he was blind.
It doesn't matter about the mess.
It doesn't matter with me. 这一说法不对。
原话这样说也许更合适:Time differences in different parts of the world does not interfere with email sending
❽ 下面的英语有语法错误吗
that/this is my plan for the vacation这样表达即可。It is my plan for the vacation,这样表达才正确,以上是常用的表达方式
❾ 什么是英语语法错误
We always working till late at night before taking exams.(误)
We are always working /We always work till late at night before taking exams(正)
We should read books may be useful to us. (误)
We should read books which may be useful to us. (正)
This test is end, but there is another test is waiting for you. (误)
One test ends, but another is waiting for you. (正)
The driver of the red car was died on the spot. (误)
The driver of the red car died on the spot. (正)
Someone/Somebody think that reading should be selective. (误)
Some think that reading should be selective. (正)
My sister go to the cinema at least once a week. (误)
My sister goes to the cinema at least once a week. (正)
I was walking along the road, and there are not so many cars on the street. (误)
I was walking along the road and there were not so many vehicles on the street. (正)
We have little time to read some books which we interest. (误)
We have little time to read some books in which we are interested. (正)
I am a student who has studying in the college for two years. (误)
I have been studying in the college for two years(正)
It is my point that reading must be selectively. (误)
In my opinion, reading must be selective. (正)
Honest is so important for everyperson. (误)
Honesty is so important for everyone. (正)
The old man was hit by a car when he across the street. (误)
The old man was hit by a car when he was crossing the street. (正)
Too much tests are disadvantage for students’ study. (误)
Too many tests are disadvantageous to students. (正)
In modern society, people are under various pressures(误)
In modern society, people are under various kinds of pressure. (正)
The traffic accident was taken place at the junction of two highways. (误)
The traffic accident took place at the junction of two highways. (正)
because of his excellent performance, the boss rose his salary. (误)
because of his excellent performance, the boss raised his salary. (正)
Too many tests will do harm to cultivate our independent thinking. (误)
Too many tests will do harm to the cultivation of our independent thinking. (正)
All these contributed to solve the serious problem. (误)
All these contributed to the solution to the serious problem. (正)
It may not good to our health. (误)
It may be not good to our health. (正)
They should spent much time. (误)
They should spend much time. (正)
10. There be句型的误用
There exists some new problems such as being dishonest. (误)
There exist/arise some new problems such as being dishonest. (正)
There are many way to solve the tuition and fees of college ecation. (误)
There are many ways to raise the money for the tuition and fees for college ecation. (正)
We must pay attention to it and make solutions to the problem. (误)
We must pay attention and find a solution to the problem. (正)
It also may help you to make success. (误)
It may also help you succeed/obtain your goal. (正)
If someone’s family situation is not well, he can apply for loan to bank. (误)
If one’s family is not well off, he can apply to the bank for a loan. (正) Let alone touch the outside world of campus/keep a good body health(误)
Let alone get in touch with the world outside of the campus/keep fit(正)
❿ 英语句子有语法错误吗
1,in front of the people,加上the,表示“人民,民众”,如果表示“人们”一般后面加上定语比较合适,例如:in front of the people you care about,你关心的人。
因此建议:in front of people