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『壹』 六年级下英语U6课文翻译(译林)


『贰』 请把牛津译林英语六年级下册英语单词全部打给我


『叁』 六年级下册英语报答案一译林版

一、1.This is my head. ( B ) 2. What are you doing? ( A ) 3. There is a cat on the bed. ( B ) 4. In spring, the leaves are green. ( A ) 5. Thank you very much. ( C ) 6. I usually wash clothes on the weekend. ( A ) 7.I usually write an e-mail to my grandma on Sunday . ( B ) 8. My birthday is Oct.12th. ( C ) 9. Where are Amy and ChenJie ? They are running to us . ( C ) 10. Look, her come two tigers . ( B ) 二、1. Today is April 3rd. ( × ) 2. I like spring best . ( √ ) 3. My mother is writing an e-mail to my uncle. (√ ) 4. I usually eat dinner at 7:30 in the evening . ( × ) 5. Amy is catching buterflies . (× ) 6. What do you do in the evening? I often read books. ( × ) 7. What is Zoom doing ? He’s counting insects . ( √ ) 8. Look , the mother panda is sleeping . ( × ) 9. Can tigers climb trees ? No, they can’t . ( × ) 10. What’s the date today? It’s March 12th. ( √ ) 三.1. Are you from China? ( B ) 2. What’s the weather like in spring? ( C ) 3. What’s your aunt doing ? ( A ) 4. Happy birthday. ( C ) 5. What is the bird doing ? ( B ) 8 四.1. I usually get up at 7:15. 2. What’s your favourite season? I like fall best. 3. Why do you like fall? Because it’s always cool. 4. When is your birthday? It’s in May. 5. Sarah is watching insects . 五.A: Hello, Amy. What’s the weather like today? B: It’s cold . A: What is the date today? B: It’s December 2nd. It’s my birthday. A: Oh, really? What do you usually do on your birthday? B: I usually get up early . Then I take candy to my class. In the evening, we have a big dinner and eat a birthday cake. A: Happy birthday to you. B: Thanks. (× , √ , × , √ , × ) 六、G D B F C 七、( A.) √×√√× (B) 1.B 2. A 3. B 4. A 5. B 八、hot , swim , rains , plant , apples , Winter , cold, Sometimes , ski , snowman 九、1.What do you do on the weekend? 2. Are you listening to music? 3. What are the bears doing ? 4. What’s the weather like today ? 5. What is the date today?

『肆』 译林版英语六年级下册单词表音标

译林版六年级下册 6B 单词表
Unit 1
1 mouse [maʊs] n. 鼠,耗子;(计算机)鼠标
2 large[lɑ:dʒ] a. 大的,巨大的
3 strong [strɒŋ] a. 强(壮)的;坚固的;强烈的;坚
4 walk by [wɔːk baɪ ] 走过,路过
5 wake up [weik ʌp] v. 醒来;醒过来;叫醒
6 some day [sʌm dei] (日后)某一天,
7 quietly ['kwaɪətli] ad. 安静地,静静地
8 loudly ['laudli] adv. 大声地
9 the next day [ðə nekst deɪ ] 第二天
10 net [net] n. 网
11 bite [t] v. 咬;叮
12 sharp [ʃɑ:p] adj. 尖的;锋利的
13 ask [ɑ:sk] v. 问,询问;要求;邀请
14 just then [dʒʌst ðen] 就在那时
15 soon[su:n] ad. 不久,很快,一会儿
16 get out [get aut] 出去;离开
17 happily ['hæpili] adv. 愉快地;幸福地
18 from then on [frɔm ðen ɔn] 从那时起
19 weak [wi:k] a. 虚弱的;不牢固的
20 cheer [tʃiə] vt. 欢呼;使高兴
21 hit [hit] vt. 打;撞击;碰撞
22 ground [ɡraʊnd] n. 地面;土地;范围;战场vt.
使接触地面;打基础;使搁浅vi. 着陆;搁浅
23 deep[di:p] a./ad. 深;深的;深厚的;深奥的
24 rich [ritʃ] a. 富裕的,有钱的
25 pour into [pɔː ˈɪntʊ; ˈɪntə] 把...倒入
Unit 2
1 child[tʃaild] n. 孩子,儿童
2 habit['hæbit] n. 习惯;习性
3 never ['nevə] adv. 从未;决不
4 late [leit] a. 晚的,迟的adv. 晚地,迟地
5 put in order [pʊt ɪn ˈɔːdə ] 把...整理得井井有条。
6 finish ['finiʃ] v. 结束;完成
7 tidy ['taɪdɪ] . 整洁的,干净的vt. 弄整洁,弄干净
8 bad [bæd] a. 坏的;有害的;严重的
9 sleepy ['sli:pi] a. 瞌睡的;困倦的
10 last night [lɑ:st nait] 昨晚
11 fast [fɑ:st] a. 快的,迅速的;紧密的ad. 快地,
12 go into [ɡəʊ 'intʊ] 进入;加入;变得;探究
Unit 3
1 healthy ['helθɪ] a. 健康的,健壮的
2 diet ['daiət] n. 饮食v. 节食
3 a little [ə 'lɪtl] a. 一点,少许
4 a few [ə fju:] 一些,少量
5 at a time [æt ə taɪm] 每次,一次
6 cola ['kəulə] n. 可乐
7 too much [tu: mʌtʃ] 太多
8 need[ni:d] n. 需要,需求aux.&v. 需要,必须
Unit 4
1 road [rəʊd] n. 路,道路
2 safety ['seifti] n. 安全;保险
3 cross [krɔ:s] vt. 越过;穿过n. 十字形的东
西;交叉v. 使交叉;使交叠
4 safely ['seifli] adv. 安全地
5 must[mʌst] modal v. 必须,应当;必定是
6 zebra crossing ['zi:brə 'krɔ:siŋ;'zebrə 'krɔ:siŋ] n. 斑
7 safe [seif] a. 安全的n. 保险柜
8 pavement['peivmənt] n. 人行道
9 look out for [lʊk aʊt fɔ:] 注意,留神
10 follow ['fɔləu] v. 跟随;遵循;追求
11 rule [ru:l] n. 规则,规定vt. 统治;支配
12 stay [steɪ] n.&vi. 停留,逗留,呆
13 light[laɪt] n. 光,光亮;灯,灯光vt. 点(火),点燃
a. 明亮的;轻的;浅色的
Unit 5
1 Children's Day[tʃɪldrənz deɪ] 儿童节
2 clown [klaun] n. 小丑;丑角
3 balloon [bə'lu:n] n. 气球
4 appear [ə'piə] v. 出现;似乎;显得
5 begin [bɪˈɡɪn] v. 开始,着手
6 put on ['put ɒn] v. 穿,戴上;上演
Unit 6
1 country ['kʌntrɪ] n. 国家;农村,乡下
2 learn[lɜ:n] vt. 学,学习,学会
3 about [ə'baʊt] ad. 大约;到处;四处prep. 关于;在各处;四处
4 next week [nekst wi:k] n. 下周
5 find out ['faind aut] 找出;发现;查明
6 magazine [,mæɡə'zi:n] n. 杂志
7 kangaroo [,kæŋgə'ru:] n. 袋鼠,大袋鼠
8 koala [kəu'ɑ:lə] n. 树袋熊,考拉
9 lover ['lʌvə] n. 爱好者;情人
10 exciting [ik'saitiŋ] a. 令人激动的;振奋人心的
11 Sydney ['sidni] n. 悉尼
12 welcome [welkəm] int. n.&v. 欢迎 a. 受欢迎的
13 visitor ['vɪzɪtə] n. 访问者,参观者,来客,游客
14 London ['lʌndən] n. 伦敦
15 Oxford ['ɔksfəd] n. 牛津大学;牛津(英国城市)
16 Big Ben [biɡ ben] 大本钟
17 tower bridge ['tauə bridʒ] n. 塔桥
18 like [laɪk] prep. 像,跟…一样vt. 喜欢,喜爱adj. 类似的
Unit 7
1 will [wɪl] n. 意志,遗嘱modal v. 将,会(表示将来);愿意,要
2 go back to [gəu bæk tu:] 回去,返回;追溯到
3 how long [hau lɔŋ] 多久;多长时间
4 stay [steɪ] n.&vi. 停留,逗留,呆
5 sound [saʊnd] vi. 听起来;发出声音n. 声音
6 Disneyland ['dɪznɪlænd] n. 迪斯尼乐园
7 travel ['trævəl] vi. 旅行n. 旅行
8 traveller ['trævlə] n. 旅行者
Unit 8
1 dream [dri:m] n. 梦;梦想vt. 做梦;梦想
2 future ['fju:tʃə] n. 将来,未来a. 将来的,未来的
3 care about [keə ə'baut] 关心;担心
4 astronaut ['æstrənɔ:t] n. 宇航员
5 spaceship['speɪsʃɪp] n. 宇宙飞船
6 moon [mu:n] n. 月亮;月球;月状物
7 football player[ˈfʊtbɔːl ˈpleɪə ] 足球运动员
8 World Cup [wə:ld kʌp] 世界杯
9 dancer ['dɑ:nsə(r)] n. 跳舞者;舞蹈演员
10 pianist ['piænist] n. 钢琴家
11 come true[kʌm tru:] 变为现实,成为事实
12 take care of [,teik 'kɛər əv] 照顾处理
13 scientist ['saɪəntɪst] n. 科学家
14 artist['ɑ:tɪst] n. 艺术家;画家
15 paint[peɪnt] n./vt. 油漆;涂漆;画;绘画;描绘;粉刷;n. 颜料;油漆

『伍』 六年级下册英语书译林版第35页的作文


『陆』 六年级下册英语课本译林出版社第92页 小声的,安静的用英文并翻译

quietly 小声的,安静的版

She sat quietly in the classroom. 她安静地坐在教室里。权
He left the room quietly. 他安静地离开了房间。
“The baby is sleeping, be quiet”she said quietly. 她小声地说:“宝宝在睡觉,要安静。”



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