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发布时间:2020-12-31 03:47:53

A. 百万英镑电影英文版下载


英 文 名: The Million Pound Note

B. 求电影百万英镑的英语观后感,初中水平

Based on Mark Twain's novel, "The Millionaire Pound Note" takes an interesting satirical look at the hypocrisy stemming from class distinction in the 50s England. The story sticks to the main theme by emphasizing on the hypocrisy of the upper class society but at the same time it also creates a balance that prevents the movie from being a mockery of the British society. The movie drags at some point but the love story appears at the right time and there is plenty of comedy to keep one entertained. A charming Gregory Peck totally nails the part and the luminous Jane Griffiths is a treat. Reginald Beckwith, as Peck's sidekick Rock is amusing. The ending is a little predictable but the director does an overall good job by rounding it up and presenting his points.

C. 谁能帮我下载原英文版的电影《百万英镑》清晰的,是中英双字幕的,英文发音


D. 最爱的电影百万英镑,用英文介绍


E. 求电影《百万英镑》英文对白中英文字幕


F. 急需百万英镑电影的完整的英文字幕


G. 百万英镑电影观后感英文节选(男主角的支票被藏)

The telling of a young man in the United States in a trip encountered wind wave is a ship saved, in the above volunteer to pay their fare to London is as poor as a church mouse. And two of the brothers got a million pounds of checks and made a bet, it can be used to make a person in London a month or so. So he saw the young man. Think he is honest, kind, and gave him a check. Then the young man had a very extravagant life and win their love story.

H. 英文电影《百万英镑》的主要内容概括 要用英文概括 30个词左右

At first,Adams is mistaken for an eccentric millionaire and hasnotrouble getting food,clothes and a hotel suite on credit .

just by showinghisnote,The story of the note is reported in the newspapers,Adams is welcomed into exclusive social circles.

首先,一对富豪兄弟用一张面值百万英镑的现钞打赌 ,看这张钞票究竟会给人带来无尽的财富还是只是一张一文不值的“小纸片”。





I. 求电影《百万英镑》原声英语+中英双字幕


J. 求百万英镑电影英文版



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