⑴ 什么是英语语法点
⑵ 什么是语法,语法对学习英语
总有些同学错误地以为语法知识只在写作上有用,但是我可以负责任地告诉大家,除去在写作题上的用处,语法还对阅读有很重要的意义。在写作中,如果同学们可以使用一些比较奇特的语法点如:倒装、强调、比较、省略等等结构的话,你势必能够吸引判卷老师的眼球。举个简单的例子吧,"我永远不会放弃"这句看似很简单的话,有些同学会写成:I will never give up. 但是有些同学就知道要利用倒装结构来写,那么他的句子:Never will I give up. 就更加的容易得到高分。如果再能进行拓展,最后变成:Under no circumstances will I give up.的话势必会赢得满堂彩。
⑶ 英语中什么是语法(具体点)!!!
rules of a language governing the sounds, words, sentences, and other elements, as well as their combination and interpretation. The word grammar also denotes the study of these abstract features or a book presenting these rules. In a restricted sense, the term refers only to the study of sentence and word structure (syntax and morphology), excluding vocabulary and pronunciation.
A common contemporary definition of grammar is the underlying structure of a language that any native speaker of that language knows intuitively. The systematic description of the features of a language is also a grammar. These features are the phonology (sound), morphology (system of word formation), syntax (patterns of word arrangement), and semantics (meaning). Depending on the grammarian's approach, a grammar can be prescriptive (i.e., provide rules for correct usage), descriptive (i.e., describe how a language is actually used), or generative (i.e., provide instructions for the proction of an infinite number of sentences in a language). The traditional focus of inquiry has been on morphology and syntax, and for some contemporary linguists (and many traditional grammarians) this is the only proper domain of the subject.
In Europe the Greeks were the first to write grammars. To them, grammar was a tool that could be used in the study of Greek literature; hence their focus on the literary language. The Alexandrians of the 1st century BC further developed Greek grammar in order to preserve the purity of the language. Dionysus Thrax of Alexandria later wrote an influential treatise called The Art of Grammar, in which he analyzed literary texts in terms of letters, syllables, and eight parts of speech.
The Romans adopted the grammatical system of the Greeks and applied it to Latin. Except for Varro, of the 1st century BC, who believed that grammarians should discover structures, not dictate them, most Latin grammarians did not attempt to alter the Greek system and also sought to protect their language from decay. Whereas the model for the Greeks and Alexandrians was the language of Homer, the works of Cicero and Virgil set the Latin standard. The works of Donatus (4th century AD) and Priscian (6th century AD), the most important Latin grammarians, were widely used to teach Latin grammar ring the European Middle Ages. In medieval Europe, ecation was concted in Latin, and Latin grammar became the foundation of the liberal arts curriculum. Many grammars were composed for students ring this time. Aelfric, the abbot of Eynsham (11th century), who wrote the first Latin grammar in Anglo-Saxon, proposed that this work serve as an introction to English grammar as well. Thus began the tradition of analyzing English grammar according to a Latin model.
The modistae, grammarians of the mid-13th to mid-14th century who viewed language as a reflection of reality, looked to philosophy for explanations of grammatical rules. The modistae sought one “universal” grammar that would serve as a means of understanding the nature of being. In 17th-century France a group of grammarians from Port-Royal were also interested in the idea of universal grammar. They claimed that common elements of thought could be discerned in grammatical categories of all languages. Unlike their Greek and Latin counterparts, the Port-Royal grammarians did not study literary language but claimed instead that usage should be dictated by the actual speech of living languages. Noting their emphasis on linguistic universals, the contemporary linguist Noam Chomsky called the Port-Royal group the first transformational grammarians.
Structural description of the sentence “The man will hit the ball,” assigned by the …
By 1700 grammars of 61 vernacular languages had been printed. These were written primarily for purposes of reforming, purifying, or standardizing language and were put to pedagogical use. Rules of grammar usually accounted for formal, written, literary language only and did not apply to all the varieties of actual, spoken language. This prescriptive approach long dominated the schools, where the study of grammar came to be associated with “parsing” and sentence diagramming. Opposition to teaching solely in terms of prescriptive and proscriptive (i.e., what must not be done) rules grew ring the middle decades of the 20th century.
The simplification of grammar for classroom use contrasted sharply with the complex studies that scholars of linguistics were concting about languages. During the 19th and early 20th centuries the historical point of view flourished. Scholars who realized that every living language was in a constant state of flux studied all types of written records of modern European languages to determine the courses of their evolution. They did not limit their inquiry to literary languages but included dialects and contemporary spoken languages as well. Historical grammarians did not follow earlier prescriptive approaches but were interested, instead, in discovering where the language under study came from.
As a result of the work of historical grammarians, scholars came to see that the study of language can be either diachronic (its development through time) or synchronic (its state at a particular time). The Swiss linguist Ferdinand de Saussure and other descriptive linguists began studying the spoken language. They collected a large sample of sentences proced by native speakers of a language and classified their material starting with phonology and working their way to syntax.
Generative, or transformational, grammarians of the second half of the 20th century, such as Noam Chomsky, studied the knowledge that native speakers possess which enables them to proce and understand an infinite number of sentences. Whereas descriptivists like Saussure examined samples of indivial speech to arrive at a description of a language, transformationalists first studied the underlying structure of a language. They attempted to describe the “rules” that define a native speaker's “competence” (unconscious knowledge of the language) and account for all instances of the speaker's “performance” (strategies the indivial uses in actual sentence proction). See generative grammar; transformational grammar.
The study of grammatical theory has been of interest to philosophers, anthropologists, psychologists, and literary critics over the centuries. Today, grammar exists as a field within linguistics but still retains a relationship with these other disciplines. For many people, grammar still refers to the body of rules one must know in order to speak or write “correctly.” However, from the last quarter of the 20th century a more sophisticated awareness of grammatical issues has taken root, especially in schools. In some countries, such as Australia and the United Kingdom, new English curricula have been devised in which grammar is a focus of investigation, avoiding the prescriptivism of former times and using techniques that promote a lively and thoughtful spirit of inquiry.
一个普遍接受的当代语法定义是:以一种语言为母语的任何人靠直觉就知道的语言结构。对语言特征的系统描述也是一种语法,而这些特征包括音位学(声音) ,形态学(系统构词) ,句法(词语安排模式)和语义(意思) 。根据语法学家的研究,语法可以规范(即提供一些正确用法的规则) ,描述(即,描述了语言实际上是如何使用的) ,或生成(即提供一种指导,使无限的句子在一种语言中产生) 。传统的调查重点,在于形态学和句法,对于一些当代语言学家(和许多传统的语法学家),这是唯一正确的研究领域。
古罗马人接受了希腊人的语法体系,并运用于拉丁语。除了公元前一世纪的瓦罗Varro认为语法学家应该发现结构,而不是强行指定结构,大多数拉丁语法学家没有试图改变希腊系统,还设法保护他们的语言避免衰败。希腊人和亚历山大人的语言模型是荷马的语言,西塞罗和维吉尔的作品设定了拉丁语的语法标准。最重要的拉丁语语法学家多纳图斯(公元4世纪)和普里西安(公元6世纪)的作品在欧洲中世纪被广泛用于拉丁文语法教学。中世纪的欧洲的教育使用的是拉丁文,拉丁语语法成为人文教育的基础课程。 恩斯罕的修道院长,阿尔弗里克Aelfric( 11世纪) ,第一个写拉丁语语法的盎格鲁撒克逊人,建议以此引入英语语法。从此,开始了依据拉丁语法的英语语法分析的传统。
第13世纪中叶至14世纪中叶的语法学家认为语言是现实的反映,从哲学中寻求解释语法的规则。他们寻求一个“普遍”的语法universal grammar,以此作为了解存在being的手段。在十七世纪的法国,来自罗亚尔港的一些语法学家也对这种普遍语法感兴趣。他们声称,思想的共同要素可以在所有语言的语法类别中辨识出来。与希腊语和拉丁语的语法学家不同,罗亚尔港语法学家没有研究文学语言,他们认为语言的用法应当取决于实际的生活语言。当代语言学家乔姆斯基也注意到对语言的共性的强调,他称罗亚尔港派为第一批转型语法学家。
⑷ 初中英语语法重点讲什么
⑸ 高中1~3年级 英语语法点 分别是什么呢
1.直接引语 和间接引语
12. 连词的用法
⑹ 英语常用的几个语法点有什么,
英语常用的几个语法点有什么, 中学语法大全 代词
人称代词的用法 2
人称代词之主、宾格的版替换权 2
代词的指代问题 3
并列人称代词的排列顺序 3
物主代词 4
双重所有格 4
反身代词 4
相互代词 5
指示代词 6
疑问代词 7
关系代词 8
every, no, all, both,... 9
none, few, some, any,... 10
代词比较辩异one, that和it 11
one/another/the other 11
"the"的妙用 12
anyone/any one;... 12
both, either, neither,... 13
many, much 14
few, little, a few,... 14
⑺ 英语语法,选哪一个,有什么语法点
分析:to study Chinese well在句中作目的状语。
⑻ 英语中语言点和语法点什么意思
⑼ 英语中什么叫做知识点和语法点
⑽ 初中英语的语法知识点是什么