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发布时间:2021-03-06 23:56:21

Ⅰ 英语造句(语法

一般句子就是主谓宾, 形容词可以修饰名词, 名词可作主宾,名称就相当于名词了,副词修饰形容词或动词,动词作谓语,买本语法书,第一章就会说明了,网上搜搜也可。

Ⅱ 关于英语转换生成语法






Ⅲ 能用形式语言中的生成式来定义自然语言(比如英语)吗




Ⅳ 求一篇英语论文,关于转换生成语法的(Transformational-generative grammar)1500字左右

As we refer to the transformational-generative grammar, we must talk about A. N. Chomsky and his transformational-generative grammar. Because Chomsky, being a student, thought that the classification of structural elements of language according to distribution and arrangement had its limitations, he decided to open up a new route. In 1957, he published his book Syntactic Structures, and the publication marks the beginning of the Chomskyan Revolution. From its birth to the present day, TG Grammar has seen five stages of development. The classical theory aims to make linguistics a science.
There is a language acquisition device called by Chomsky. He believes that language is somewhat innate, and that children are born with it. The theory reflects that children are born with the knowledge of the basic grammatical relations and categories, and this knowledge is universal. Besides, this knowledge throws some light on the nature of the human kind. Chomsky’ innateness hypothesis is based on his observations that some important facts can never be otherwise explained adequately. And his theory suggested that although babies are not born knowing a language, they are born with a predisposition to develop a language in much the same way as they are born with a predisposition to learn to walk.
The next stage is that the development of the Generative Grammar. For it, Chomsky simply means a system of rules that in some explicit and well-defined way assigns structural descriptions to sentences. He believes that every speaker of a language has mastered and internalized a generative grammar that expresses his knowledge of his language. A generative grammar is not limited to particular languages, but to reveal the unity of particular grammars and universal grammars. It does not describe one language as an end, but as a means to explore the universal rules in the hope of revealing human cognitive systems and the essential nature of human beings.
The third is the classical theory. In the classical theory, Chomsky’s aim is to make linguistics a science. This theory is characterized by three features: (1) emphasis on generative ability of language; (2) introction of transformational rules; and (3) grammatical description regardless of meaning. The main idea can be found in Chomsky’s Syntactic Structures.
The fourth theory, the Standard Theory, is marked by Aspects of the Theory of Syntax. After the publication of his Syntactic Structures, Chomsky found serious problems that called for solution in order to reach his theoretical goals. The first problem is that the transformational rules are too powerful. An ordinary sentence can be transformed at will, negated, passivised, with certain elements added or deleted, without restrictions. The second problem is that his rules may generate ill-formed sentences as well as well-formed ones. In his Aspects of the Theory of Syntax, Chomsky made a remarkable change by including a semantic component in his grammatical model. He says that a generative grammar should consist of three components: syntactic, phonological and semantic.
The extended standard theory is the fifth theory. Chomsky revised his standard theory twice. In spite of the revisions of the classical theory made in the standard theory, there are still a lot of problems to be solved. Firstly, the transformational rules are still too powerful, tor they can move or delete linguistic segments, change the categories, keep the original meaning intact, and vary according to specific circumstances. Secondly, the standard theory holds that derived nouns such as criticism and explanation have the same semantic properties with their corresponding verbs.
In the 1980s, Chomsky’s TG Grammar entered the fourth period of development with the theory of government and binding. It consists of X-bar theory, Bounding theory, Government theory, Case theory, Control theory and Binding theory. Although all others had been mentioned in EST, the GB Theory further developed and complemented the discussions in EST.
Generally speaking, the development of TG grammar can be regarded as a process of constantly mineralizing theories and controlling the generative powers, and the Minimalist Program and the Minimalist Inquiries are just some logical steps in this process. Although TG Grammar has involved putting forward, revising, and cancelling of many specific rules, hypotheses, mechanisms, and theoretical models, its aims and purposes have been consistent.
Chomsky’s TG Grammar differs from the structural grammar in a number of ways: (1) rationalism; (2) innateness;(3) dective methodology;(4) emphasis on interpretation;(5) formalization;(6) emphasis on linguistic competence;(7) strong generative powers;(8) emphasis on linguistic universals.
First, Chomsky defines language as a set of rules or principles. Second, Chomsky believes that the aim of linguistics is to proce a generative grammar which captures the tacit knowledge of the native speaker of his language. This concerns the question of learning theory and the question of linguistic universals. Third, Chomsky and his followers are interested in any data that can reveal the native speaker’s tacit knowledge. They seldom use what native speakers actually say; they rely on their own intuition. Fourth, Chomsky’s methodology is hypothesis-dective, which operates at two levels: (a) the linguist formulates a hypothesis about language structure----a general linguistic theory; this is tested by grammars for particular languages, and (b) each such grammar is a hypothesis on the general linguistic theory. Finally, Chomsky follows rationalism in philosophy and mentalism in psychology.

Ⅳ 生成语法的60年代的语法规则系统

早期的生成语法学家研究以数学的集合论为语法研究的基础。他们认为,每种语言都是句子的无穷集合,不能列举,只能用规则描述,因此学语言的人不可能一句句地学会,必须掌握语法规律。但是,一般人虽有说话和听话的能力,却并不意识到有哪些规律在起作用。生成语法学家认为,应该假设一套规则来描写语言能力。例如用语类规则来描述句子、词组等各种语类的内部结构,用 S→NP+VP来表示一个句子,句子(sentence)由一个名词词组 (noun phrase)加上一个动词词组(verb phrase)构成。这种精确的、 形式化的语法称为生成语法。他们认为,传统语法学的规则太含混,只能意会,不易发展成精密科学;结构主义语法学的规则又内容太贫乏,只能作成分分析,不易揭示丰富多彩的语言规律。他们主张采用更加灵活的规则──转换规则,以便反映出下面这种规律:“他吃了这个苹果”,他把这个苹果吃了,“这个苹果他吃了”,这3个句子虽然表面不同,但彼此之间有其内在的联系。转换规则也用形式化的符号表达,例如用X—V—NP→NP—X—V表示名词词组NP在句中变换了位置。用转换规则的语法叫转换语法,既生成又转换的语法叫转换-生成语法。现在一般称生成语法。20世纪80-90年代曾邦哲从符号学的系统科学(《结构论》)观提出英语的语序结构由Vi.j.、Aj.v.(l.,a.,m.)、Nc.u.、P(C)四种词符的六种关联或连接模式相加展开构成。
人的语言知识不仅有句法结构方面,也有语音和语义方面。例如我们都知道句子中哪个词应该读得最重,某个句子是什么意思等等,因此完整的生成语法应该包括音系规则和语义规则,分别描写人们头脑中潜在的音系知识和语义知识。 乔姆斯基于1957年后做了几年研究,到了1965年便建立起一个完整的生成语法系统,包括语类、转换、音系、语义 4个子系统,各子系统之间有一定的顺序关系。每个子系统都有一套规则,规则之间有一定的使用顺序,像用数学公式一样,逐步推导出句子来,不同的规则推导出不同的句子。这样,生成语法系统好比一部机械装置,运转起来能够生成某种语言中的一切合格的句子,而且只能生成那些合格的句子。

Ⅵ 有什么手机软件可以学习英语语法的


Ⅶ “生成语法”,“认知语法”与英语语法教学


Ⅷ 英语语言学方面,关于乔姆斯基转化生成语法的试题解答,麻烦专家们帮帮忙


Ⅸ 英语语法中 S=NP+VP是什么的缩写 具体是什么意思呢~




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