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大学计算机基础答案 周鸣争 出版社是电子科技大学,主编是周鸣争 哪位大哥大姐有的话请发给我啊!
C. 跪求英语高手翻译
The electronic commerce equally has no unified definition up to now, this is very easily also the electronic commerce concept to arouse one of the confusion reasons.The different book and the organization etc.'s definitions toward electronic commerces all have difference at home and abroad, electronic commerce researcher never with the angle gave numerous electronic commerce definition.The network marketing teaching website excerpts the definition that the part relatively has influence.
1.Electronic commerce expert, Li Qi, teaches in 《 commerce general outline (higher ecation publisher, September, 2004)》 to the definition(P13) of electronic commerce:
Divide the line the electronic commerce as the electronic commerce of the broad sense and the narrow sense first.The electronic commerce definition of broad sense BE, use various electronics tool is engaged in business or activity.These tools include from the telegram, telephone, broadcasting, television of entry-level and fax a calculator, calculator network and arrive NII(national information foundation structure-information superhighway) and GII(world information foundation structure) with modern systems like Internet,etc.But business activity from be suffused with the need activity of merchandise(real object and non- real object, merchandise with don't commercialize of proction factor etc.) to the reasonable that was suffused with a merchandise, legal of the consumption removed all activities in typical proction lines.Narrow sense electronic commerce definition BE, mainly make use of Internet is engaged in business or activity.Electronic commerce is at technique, economy height flourishing modern society in, control the person of information technique and business rule, systematize a ground of usage electronics tool, high-efficiency, low costly is engaged in take merchandise commutation as the generic name of central various activity.This analysis is outstanding the premise, center, point, purpose and standard of electronic commerce, point out the level and effect that it should attain, it is to electronic commerce more strict and embody ages to request of definition, it set out from the standpoint of system and emphasized person's position in the center in the system, environment and others, person and tool, person and labor object organically the contact got up and defined electronic commerce with the constituting of target, system of system and made thus it has a proctive property.
2.Electronic commerce expert, Yang Jian, contends for a professor in 《electronic commerce foundation and application 》 version 4(electronics science and technology university in Xian publisher, January, 2004) to the definition(P13) of electronic commerce:
The electronic commerce refers to trade the party concerned or participation a person to make use of each kind of business activity that modern information technique and calculator network(mainly Internet) carries on, including goods trade, service trade and intelligent property right trade.
To the comprehension of electronic commerce, should 2 consider from"modern information technique" and"business".On the other hand, "electronic commerce" all"modern information technique" for reading included should cover various use electronics technique as basal correspondence method;Should do a broad sense explanation to"business" one phrase on the other hand, make it in spite of is aroused by all the relations of the business properties of a contractual type or a not- contractual type of various items.If see"modern information technique" as a statures gather, "business" sees do another son to gather, the scope overalied by electronic commerce should be these two statureses to gather form of hand over to gather, namely"electronic commerce" headline under probably extensively involve of Internet, internal net and electronics data commutation various use in the aspects of trading.
D. 知识产权出版社在哪个城市
E. 为什么说知识产权出版社是独一无二的出版社
F. 知识产权出版社工资怎么样
指通过承包合同把某项生产、经营(或作业)任务的完成时间、产专品质量要求、经济属技术指标以及完成合同后规定支付的工资数额一起承包给职工个人或班组集体,然后依据合同履行情况支付工资而不工资制”。指对职工个人(或小集体按实现固定的比例对其所创纯收入(或毛收入)拆帐分成支付劳动报酬的一种工资制度。一般实行除本分成,既可以对职工个人提供的超过某个技术的纯收入分成支付奖金,也可以用于个人独立操作、以提供劳务为主、劳动成果能够以价值量直接考核到个人的餐饮服务业(如理发)或某些小型手工作坊(如来料加工服装的工场)。如对职工小集体(班组) 实行提成工资制,则还需解决小集体内部的按劳分配问题。
G. 知识产权出版社有限责任公司是骗子吗
H. 想知道下面英语的地址翻译: 中国 四川省 成都市 高新西区 西源大道2006号 电子科技大学 清水河校区 感谢
这个地址的翻译是Qingshui River Campus, University of Electronic Science and Technology, 2006 Xiyuan Avenue, Hi-tech West District, Cheng City, Sichuan Province, China。
电子科技大学(University of Electronic Science and Technology of China)坐落于四川省会成都市,直属中华人民共和国教育部,由教育部、工业和信息化部、四川省和成都市共建。
I. 知识产权出版社怎么样