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⑴ 大学英语四级历年真题+MP3(附听力原文+答案详解)百度云下载

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⑵ 08到12年的英语四级考试的听力原文翻译


⑶ 英语四级真题及答案


⑷ 大学英语四级听力进阶 题目原文

现今的英语学习讥构是很多.好.呀 所以记得选择的时候要很慎重!我之前去学的时候特地比较好几家 最后我去了ABC天卞英语中心 我大学的时候去过那里学习 而且这个学习起来很方便 不用你跑来跑去学习,可以通过一些新颖的学习模式来增加自己对英语学习的兴趣 最好是做真题试卷,推荐王长喜的。记住多做不能代表什么,最重要的是知道自己错在哪里,要反复复习练习,做完之后一定要看看参考答案,自己错在什么地方,为什么错了。学习方法:听力部分第一部分有八道选择题(短句),是这样的,但凡是在做这些题目的时候你听到什么就不选什么,用排除法。答案中有两个意思相反的,必定其中一个是答案。 第二部分(长句部分)在语音人员读题目的时候,你快速的看下答案,画出关键词,当你在听的时候反复出现的单词或者短语肯定就是答案,同时你顺着听力看答案,听到什么就选什么,这个是和上面的(短句对话相反的),一般在转折处例如:however\but\because这些转折词后面的内容一定要仔细听(短句对话也是一样)往往这后面的就是答案。单词听写部分前面个是写单词,这是看平时的单词量积累,而往往拿分的部分是后面这句长句,虽然语音人员读得很快,你听第一遍的时候抓住关键词做记号,听第二遍试着组词,第三遍你可以通过做的笔记的词语猜一猜这句话应该是要填些什么,记住不用跟语音里读的词语一样,只要是意思相近就行,用自己的话概括,也可以得分的。一般在这里一个句子可分为两部分:前面半句分后面半句分,所以听的时候要集中注意力。这部分才是得分的地方,前面的单词部分只有基础在加上自己猜了。单词在阅读中是必不可少的,尽量做这十年来的英语四级卷子,不要盲目的去看词典,最好是把卷子上的每一个单词通过查字典都弄清楚是什么意思,这样学习会有效率些,而且久而久之,你会发现卷子上有许多单词你都见过都是一样的,都反复出现过,久了你自然一看就知道是什么意思了。快速阅读部分选填,每一段对应相应的答案,只要按顺序来找。基本上题目中的答案都会原文重现,后面个填空题一般变化为:同意转换,或者是在单词后面+S+ed+ing。先看问题再在短文里找答案,按段落顺序来,前面个选择题很容易一一找到,后面个填空题,有的时候会出现同义转换,需要自己变一下。一般出题者喜欢把答案设在每段第一句和最后一句,一般转折处像howerverbutbecause后面的短句或词语要注意,一般答案就在此处。切记每次做完题目都要把参考答案拿出来研究一下自己错在哪里,为什么会错,还有就是总结一下出题者的出题方向,相信反复练习反复总结你会找到做题的方法的。推荐做王长喜的历年真题试卷。阅读理解部分同上基本上都是每题的答案对应每个段落,段落开头与结尾作为重点对象。一般答案就在这两块。完形填空的话是一种语感,做多了就知道其中的联系了,你可以做完之后拿答案出来研究一下,大相径庭。作文部分,开头与结尾一定要写的精彩,这部分可以专门练一下,背一些好的句子。一般改卷老师对中间部分大致扫一遍,所以开头与结尾很重要。在写作文的时候尽量用高级词汇,不要用低级词汇,还有尽量用短语代替单词,这样字数就提高了。另外你用我的方法回去联系一下,你做完了卷子之后,在把答案拿出来对照,经常进行这样的训练,久而久之你就会发现出卷老师会在哪些地方出题了,真的,做完之后不要只管对答案就了事了,要分析答案,要用红笔在卷子上做记号(记下这题错在什么地方了)下次复习的时候一目了然,就这样一张一张的试卷做下去,反复的拿着答案对着卷子复习,平时也要积累单词。我背单词都是在纸上写上十几遍,然后拿着单词表默练一遍,把不会写的单词挑出来,再背,再在纸上写几遍,然后再把单词表默练一遍,既巩固了前面会的单词,有联系了不会的单词,最后如果还是有那么几个单词不会,就要跳出来重点练习一下。当然也不用一天的时间就用来背单词了。基本上抽出一个小时背0个单词,第二天再继续,先全部默练一遍,看看昨天觉得不会的那些单词有没有都会了,如果不会,在强调背和写,再接着背下面的0个单词,这个背单词的个数依据你自己每天的复习计划来定。就是每天都完成每天的任务,第二天再把前一天的温故一遍,就这样最后到周末的时候抽出两小时,把这一星期的背所有的单词都先模练一遍,不会的在加强巩固,只要肯坚持肯努力,没什么是不可能 没有做不到的事,只要你肯努力,英语四级一定会过,加油,希望你这次英语四级考试取得好的成绩。

⑸ 想要英语四级历年真题并且有阅读原文翻译的那种!!谢谢啦

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⑹ 英语四级新题型中的Section B快速阅读答题技巧是什么呀是直接看选项在原文中找还是先快速浏览

英语四级新题型中的Section B快速阅读答题技巧是:1.阅读题目以预测文章内容;2.重视小标题在文中的纲要性作用;3. 注意标点符号的使用;4. 注意逻辑关系的运用;5. 特殊信息点在快速阅读中的运用。


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⑺ 2017年6月大学英语四级考试真题(一)听力原文

你好,我是兔兔秃90,用网络网盘分享给你,点开就可以保存,链接版永久有效^_^链接:权https://pan..com/s/10l5r9FXDkpfRCtHdxlAe2Q 提取码:0000

⑻ 英语四级原题,听力原文及听力材料

??这里放不下的 建议你买那本上面有个青蛙举重的上海交大的真题 至少有MP3啊 或者新东方的书 你要是真想要真题文档 哪个网上都有的

⑼ 英语四级听力原文文档,2015.6和2014.12的


1. M: take a look at this cater. Maybe we can find some gifts for Jean’s new house.
W: Ok, but remember we can afford a lot.
Q: what does the woman mean?
2. W: I am absolutely going nowhere about this statistics.
M: How about going through them with you?
Q: what does the man mean?
3. M: are you just starting the record, aren’t you ? Let’s begin on Page 55.
W: Sorry. I am afraid I can begin right now.
Q: What mean from the conversation?
4. W: remember. Carl’s arriving is at 226
W: thanks to reminding me. I thought it would be sometime in July.
Q: what are the speakers talking about?
5. M: please excuse me for not attending the meeting yesterday. I am afraid I forgot to check the schele.
W: that’s all right. We have to rearrange the meeting at weekend. And everything went wrong.
Q:what does it mean from the conversation.
6. W: I didn’t fall sleep at least to 5 tomorrow.
Q: what do we learn from the conversation?
7. ,M: I got some bad news today. The star we are in is going to fall
W: I am going to let you go.
Q: What does the woman want to know?
8 W: what’s wrong? You smell like a fish.
Q: what’s man mean?
Conversation 1
M:That’s Marria’s families and we want to be engaged.
W:It’s wonderful, Erik! Congratulations!
M: I really like her families, too, very nice. Ms Comona speaks four languages and Mr. Comona a diplomat. In fact, he gives the speech at the Saturday morning.
W: OH, that’s was N’s father? I heard the speech.
M: You did?
W: Well, I heard part of it and listened to it for ten minutes, and then I fell asleep. I saw it was in class. Anyway, tell me about your weekend.
M:Saturday evening we saw a play. And Sunday afternoon we saw the soccer game. Then Sunday night we all went out for dinner. Marria, her parents, and me. That was the first chance we had to talk.
W: Would you know this?
M: That’s first I was. We didn’t say much. Mr. Comona told some good stories about his experiences as a diplomat and he asked about my hobbies.
W: And what did you say?
M: Well, I didn’t tell him about my flying lessons. I told him about my chess play and my classical music collection.
W: Good idea! Her parents really approval of you. Don’t they?
M: I guess so. Marria called this morning and said,” My father told me he’ll like you sunny right now”
W: That was great.
M: Not exactly. I want to get married after I graated school in about three years.
Q9: what does the conversation about Marria’s father?
Q10:What does Marria and Erik do last Sunday afternoon?
Q11:What do we learn from Marria’s phone call this morning?
Conversation 2
M:You’re going to wear out computer’s keyboard.
W: Oh, hi!
M: Do you have any idea what time it is?
W: About ten or ten thirty?
M: It’s merely midnight.
W: Really? I didn’t know it was so late.
M: Don’t you have an early class to teach tomorrow morning?
W: Yes, at seven o’clock, my computer class. The students go to work right after their lesson.
M: Then you ought to go to bed. What are you writing anyway?
W: An article, I hope I can sell.
M:Oh, another view of newspaper pieces. What’s this one about?
W:Do you remember the trip I took last month?
M: The one up to the Amazon?
W: Well, that’s what I’m writing about. The new high-way and the changes is making in the Amazon valley.
W:It should be interesting.
W:It is. I guess that’s why I forgot all about the time.
M:How many articles have you solve now?
W:About a dozen so far.
M:What kind of newspapers by them?
W:The paper is carrying a lot of foreign news. They usually appear in the big Sunday editions where they need a lot background stories to help develop the space between the ads.
M:Is there any future in it?
W: I hope so. There’s a chance I may sell this article to a news service.
M:Then your papers will be published in several papers winter.
W: that’s the idea. And they might even be able to do other stories the on a regular basis.
M:That would be great.
Q12: what is the woman’s occupation?
Q13:what is the woman writing about?
Q14:where did the woman’s articles usually appear?
Q15:what does the woman expect?
Passage 1
Body language, especially gestures, varies among cultures. For example, a node of the head means “yes” to most of us. But in Bulgaria and Greece a node means “no” and a shake of the head means “yes”. Likewise, a sign for OK, forming a circle with our forefinger and thumb, means zero in France and money in Japan. Waving or pointing to an Arab business person would be considered rude because that is how Arabs call their dogs over. Folded arms signal pride in Finland, but disrespect in Fiji. The number of bows that the Japanese exchange on greeting each other, as well as the length and the depth of the bows, signals the social status each party feels towards each other. Italians might think your bored unless you use a lot of gestures ring discussions. Many American men sit with their legs crossed with one ankle resting over the opposite knee. However, this would be considered an insult in Muslim countries, where one will never show the sole of the foot to a gust. Likewise, Americans consider eye contact very important, often not trusting someone who is afraid to look at you in the eye. But in Japan and many Latin American countries, keeping the eyes lowered is a sign of respect. To look apart in the eye is considered a sign of ill breeding and is felt to be annoying.
Q16: What gesture do Bulgarians and Greeks use to express negative responses?
Q17: What is likely to offend Arab business people?
Q18: What is considered impolite in Muslim countries?



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