Ⅰ 寫英語作文,說明文,
nowadays,with the booming of high technologies, robots designed for home use have been enjoyging greater popularity among families around the world!
The iRobiQ robot invented by the Korean robot company Yujin is alomost omnipotent.
Not only can it control other robots, enabling them to clean floor, but it is able to help children learn english.it displays the words on its chest monitor after speaking out a word.
now, i am looking forward to a better future where technologies are advanced enough, making it possible for us to build versatile robots and making our life more convenient!
Ⅱ 初中英語作文格式及範文
1 .信頭。指發信人的地址和日期。從信紙的上端中央往右寫。第一行寫單位名稱,第二行寫門牌號和路名,第三行寫市名、省名、國名,第四行寫發信日期。學生寫信時第一行寫班級名稱,第二行寫系科名稱,第三行寫學校名稱,第四行寫市、省名稱,第五行寫國家名稱,第六行寫發信日期。如果是國內信件,國名可以不寫。要特別注意英文地址寫法順序是從小單位到大單位。日期的寫法有美英之分。英國的寫法是:日,月,年,如 10th of October , 2002 .美國的寫法是:月,日,年,如 October 10 , 2002 .例如:
Xiangyang Middle School (向陽中學)
No . 120 , Xinhua Road (新華路 120 號)
Cangzhou , Hebei Province 061001 (滄州市河北省 061001 )
P . R . of China (中華人民共和國)
October 20 , 2002 ( 2002 年 10 月 20 日)
2 .信內地址。指收信人的姓名和地址。低於信頭 1 — 2 行,從左邊開始寫。第一行寫姓名、頭銜,第二行寫單位名稱,第三行寫門牌號及路名,第四行寫市、省名稱,第五行寫國名。寫往學校的信,第一行寫姓名、頭銜,第二行寫系科名稱,第三行寫學校名稱,第四行寫市名、省名及郵政編碼,第五行寫國名。商業往來信件及公函必須寫信頭和信內地址。親友、熟人之間的信可以不寫信內地址,信頭處寫發信日期就行了。它與信封上收信人姓名、地址完全一樣。
3 .稱呼。就是對收信人的稱呼。信內地址下隔一、二行寫稱呼,其左側與信內地址第一行對齊,稱呼後面一般用逗號,但正式函件稱呼後多用冒號。對不相識的男子,單數常用 Sir , Dear Sir ,或 My Dear Sir ;復數常用 Dear Sirs 或 Gentlemen .對不相識的女子,單數常用 Madam , Dear Madam ,或 My Dear Madam ;復數常用 Madams 或 My Dear Madams .對比較熟識的男子,普通稱 Dear Mr .。。即可。對比較熟識的女性,普通稱 Dear Mrs (或 Miss )。。。即可。
4 .正文。是書信的主要部分,一般從稱呼下方隔一至兩行處開始寫正文。每段的第一個字母一般要縮進 3 — 5 個字母的空格。正文的內容要表達清楚,語言要簡單明了,態度要誠懇禮貌。如果信中涉及的事情不多,可以一段到底,如果要講的事情多,則可以分成幾段,段與段之間常隔 1 — 2 行。
5 .結束語。是寫信人對收信人的謙稱,寫在正文的下面 2 — 3 行處,從信紙中央偏右的地方寫起,一般用 Yours (第一個字母大寫)。若是親戚(包括家人),可以寫 Your loving son / sister / brother / daughter 等之類的表達法,若是對朋友,可以寫 Your friend ;若是對老師,可以寫 Your student .
6 .簽名。一般寫在結束語之下。
英文信封的寫法與漢語不同。收信人的姓名及地址應寫在信封中下部,且先寫姓名後寫地址。寄信人的姓名及地址應寫在信封的左上角,若是普通書信,也可寫在信封背面。郵票貼在信封的右上角。在信封上常見的附加說明有「 Urgent (急件), Express (快件), Registered ( Regd )(掛號信), Airm ail (航空信)等」,要根據實際情況選用。下面是信封的格式:
( 2002 河北省)根據提示和要求完成下面短文。
假如你( Li Lei )在去年夏令營認識的一個朋友 Jim 從英國給你寄來一件禮物—一件紅色的襯衫,並附有一封信。在信中他向你問好,他想知道你近來在忙些什麼。請你給他寫一封回信( 100 個詞左右)表示感謝。回信要包括以下內容:
①向 Jim 問好並對他表示感謝。
③告訴 Jim 你近來很好,上周剛過完生日,生日聚會很熱鬧。詢問 Jim 的近況,並表示希望他能來中國。
65Zhonghua Street
Shijiazhuang 050000
Hebei , China
June 21st , 2002
Dear Jim ,
How are you ? ____________________________________________________
Your friend ,
Li LeiMy dearest Mother,
The mother『s day is coming and I would like to say "Happy mother『s day" in this letter. I love you and thank you so much for everything you did for me. This day, I will stay away and can『t give you my appreciation at home. I know I will watch myself, so don『t worry about me. I am doing very well on my study. My schoolmates and teachers are all very nice. Though I can『t be at home, I hope you have a wonderful mother『s day.
Your so寫作知識輔導——記敘文
Hi , dear friends .前幾次講的內容你們掌握了嗎?這次我要給大家說說初中階段常見的幾種文體——記敘文、描寫文、說明文的寫法。咱們先說說記敘文吧。
1 .記敘文所記敘的事件必須相關連。要有開頭( beginning )、中間( middle )和結尾( end )。在必要時加入沖突( conflict ),以使情節曲折,跌宕起伏。一般說來,寫記敘文應把握好六個要素: who (何人)、 what (何事)、 when (何時)、 where (何地)、 why (何因)、 how (怎麼)。初中階段多為敘事短文,一般應包括 where , who , what 這三個最基本的東西。
2 .寫作時觀點的掌握非常重要。記敘文常用第一人稱或第三人稱兩種人稱記述。用第一人稱的角度記敘,使人感到親切,讀者很容易產生身臨其境之感,相信真有其事。這種形式常用在寫自傳、本人的經歷或記敘耳聞目睹的事件;用第三人稱的角度記敘,使人感到客觀。這種形式常用在對重大事件的客觀報導,以及記敘他人的經歷或事跡。
3 .常見的敘述方式有:①順敘。按事情發展的順序或時間順序進行敘述。②倒敘。把事情的結局或某個突出的片段提到前面敘述,然後再按照事情的順序敘述下去。③插敘。在敘述過程中,由於某種需要,暫時把敘述的線索中斷一下,插入有關的另一敘述。④夾敘夾議。一方面敘述事情,一方面對這件事情加以分析或評論。
請看下面的例文。要求:寫一篇題為 Planting Trees 的文章。
Planting Trees
It was fine on March 12 , 2001 . I got up early that day . All the students in our school went to the hill to plant trees .
We arrived at the hill at eight o'clock . The teacher asked each of us to plant at least six trees . Then we started digging , planting and watering . We all worked so hard that we could finish our tasks ahead of tim e . Among us , Wang Lin , our monitor set a good example for us . Though he was ill , he worked harder . When he finished his task , he went on to help others without even a little rest . He was wet all over after work .「 I must learn from him ,」 I said to myself . Looking at the lines of the young trees , we smiled happily , forgetting our tiredness .
這是一篇記敘文,記敘了 2001 年 3 月 12 日上山植樹的情況。文章主題鮮明,有條有理。 when (何時)、 where (何地)、 who (何人)、 what (何事)等交待的清清楚楚。
人物、事物和環境作具體形象的描繪和刻畫,描寫的主要作用是:①展現美麗的自然景色;②描寫人物的外貌和內心世界;③交待人物活動的自然環境和社會環境。 在寫作過程中,作者可以按空間位置順序,由遠及近,由上及下,由外到內,由前到後組織材料,也可以按作者視線轉移的順序組織材料,先看到的先寫,後看到的後寫。描寫的基本方法按性質可分為主觀描寫和客觀描寫兩種。所謂主觀描寫就是在描寫過程中摻入作者自己的感受,寄託自己的主觀感情,塑造自己的理想的形象;客觀描寫就是在描寫過程中,作者不帶或很少帶主觀的感情色彩,而只對人物或某物的特徵客觀地、就事論事進行描寫。
In order to see the sunset , I got everything ready before 5in the afternoon . Then I went to the East Hill .
At that time , the sun was already in the west but it was still shining . Its light was so bright that I couldn't even open my eyes . When I arrived at the East Hill , the light became a bit yellow . After a short while , it was completely golden , then red . The sun nearly set . It was like a big red ball . The cloud around it was also painted red . Little by little the cloud covered more and more of the sun . At last it disappeared behind the cloud . It was dark and I hurried back .
1 .要抓准特徵。對某一事物予以說明,首先要弄清從哪些方面加以說明才能准確地反映被說明的事物。一般說來,說明事物可以從被說明事物的顏色、形狀、形態;性質、性能、習性;原因、原理;作用、用途、功能;危害、影響;結構;操作過程;發生、發展的規律等方面著手。但是,每一事物都有它自己的特徵,因而顯示出了這一事物與其他一事物的根本區別,因此,在說明事物時,不要面面俱到,要抓住事物的特徵,這樣才能使讀者得到具體而深刻的印象。
2 .層次要分明。說明事物要注意條理,否則就不可能說清復雜的事物。例如說明事物的結構,就要按照構造的順序來說明,或從上到下,或從前到後,或由外到里,或由主到次。又如說明四季的變化,就要按照時間的順序( spring , summer , autumn , winter )來寫。
3 .解析要清楚。對各種知識所作的解釋,對某種事物所作的說明,都要清楚明白。
4 .表現手法要多樣。常見的說明文方法有:①下定義。②舉例子。③運用比喻、比擬的方法。④做比較。⑤引用數字。⑥分類別。⑦列圖表。
5 .用詞要力求准確。引用的數據要絕對可靠,文字要簡明扼要,一目瞭然。這是寫說明文在語言文字上的要求:
Hello , friends ,
You are warmly welcomed to our school . I'm Wu Dong . I'm very glad to be your guide . First , I'd like to tell you something about our school . It was set up in 1957 . The number of students is over 1200 , and the teachers about 100 . There are altogether 20classes . Besides the teaching buildings , we have a library for different kinds of subjects , and a school-run workshop .
We have four classes in the morning and two in the afternoon . After classes , we join in various activities , such as ball games , painting , singing and dancing .
Now let me show you around our school . This way , please .
1 .記述一次郊遊活動( outing ),包括下列內容:
要求:用第一人稱寫,詞數 70 左右。
2 .向明中學的「英語角」活動開展得有聲有色。請你用英語為一家英文報紙寫一篇 80 — 100 字的簡訊。
Ⅲ 如何寫好高考英語說明文 高中英語作文資料
英語寫作要求有一定量的詞彙,沒有詞彙就好比巧婦無米難以下廚。寫作時可能出現要寫的詞記不起來、要用的詞拿不準、尤其是遇到同義詞、更不知用哪一個好、或詞性沒記住,結果亂用……. 這都說明平時對單詞的記憶不夠牢固,理解不清。這就要求我們在記單詞的時候多花點力氣,要從單詞的音、形、義入手,最好不要單獨記憶單詞,這樣容易遺忘,要把它放在句子或文章中一起記憶,這樣可把握單詞的詞義、用法、搭配等詞彙特點。除了課本上的詞彙必須掌握外,還要進行廣泛的課外閱讀,來增加詞彙。
S +V
2. S+V+O
3. S+V+O+O
4. S+V+P
5. S+V+O+C
2. 列題綱
Ⅳ 英語作文說明文500字
I like flowers have a lot of, have the fresh lily, white jasmine, narcissus of simple but elegant, bright rose, there is also a carnation represents love... They have elegant temperament, comfortable fragrance, but my favorite is that met weathered rain and snow never lower the head to the chrysanthemum.
Chrysanthemum and plum, orchid, bamboo and known as the "four gentlemen", alias yellow flower, the compositae, is perennial root flowers and plants. After the chrysanthemum in full bloom, fragrance 4 excessive, its petals, such as silk, such as claw. Layers of petals as if is in the dark awning bright fireworks, of its petals slightly tilted outward, beautiful. The color of chrysanthemum is very much also, or yellow, or white, or red ochre, or red, phyletic and various.
Chrysanthemum varieties more, on time can be divided into nine chrysanthemum to flowering early October, November open of qiu ju, open late December chrysanthemum, chrysanthemum and may, July, chrysanthemum, chrysanthemum in August. Chrysanthemum flower, some scattered like fireworks, some like dragon claws, some small chrysanthemum is like a little lotus flower.
Is the nature of the chrysanthemum and shade hardy, cold winter, many flowers withered, only the strong blooming chrysanthemums.
Chrysanthemum has a high ornamental value, but also can make tea. Chrysanthemum tea heat spent, also it can hurt the disinfection effect. Chrysanthemum high ornamental value, not only can make tea, also can be used as a medicine, chrysanthemum do Chinese traditional medicine can relieve a cough, can cure sore throat.
Our country is the home of chrysanthemum, planting a long history, as early as three thousand years ago have relevant records. Many scholars have written many praise chrysanthemum qing li is decorous, not afraid of frost's poetry. Such as in the ancient prose "chrysanthemum sexual hardy, with both drop, flowers is shattered and chrysanthemum sheng alone." Big literary giant su shi "the Netherlands has no with rain cover, chrysanthemum remnants of resists the frost branches."
We learned from chrysanthemum strong unyielding spirit, I like chrysanthemum!
Ⅳ 英語作文——120字原因類說明文
With the development of society,there are more and more problems brought to our attention,one of which is that wild animals have no place to survive in the 21st century.Some people think that the protection is a waste of resource.From my point of view,I disagree with this statement for some reasons below.
Firstly,the animals and human beings are creatures created by God.We can』 behave like barbarians and destroy the environment.We need places to survive and so do animals.Secondly,there are a lot of species of animals on the earth.They are just like our neighbor.For example,in my childhood,I went to my grandparent s』 home in the countryside .There is a forest near the house.We met a lot of little wild animals there ,such as,monkeys,snakes,rabbits and so on.However,there are a lot of people who may agree cut down the forest.
From my angle,we,human beings,can』t deprive the survival rights of animals.On the contrary,we have to protect them from extinction.Just imagine how horrible the world would be if human is the only creature in the world.Hence,the government should ecate people to preserve and protect our neighbor,natural wild animals
Ⅵ 關於美食的詩短篇說明文的英語作文範文
Jiaozi(chinese Dumpling) is a traditional chinese food ,which is essention ring holidays in nor thern china.Chinese mpling becomes one of the most widely love food in china.
Chinese mpling is one of the most important foods in chinese new year.Since the shape of chinese mpling is similar to ancient chinese gold or silier ingots ,they symbolize wealth .Traditional,th e members of a family get togeter to make mplings ring the New Year's Eve.They may hide a coin in one of the mplings.The person who finds the coin will likely have a good fortune in the New Year.Chinese mpling is also popular in other chinese holidays or festivals,so it is part of the chinese culture or traditional.
Chinese mpling is a delicious food.You can make avariety of chinese mplings using different filling based on your taste and how various ingredients mixed together by you .
Making mpling is really teamwork .Usually all family members will join the work .
Ⅶ 英語作文萬能模板
1、Many people insist that...很多人(堅持)認為……
2、With the development of science and technology, more and more people believe that...隨著科技的發展,越來越多的人認為……
3、A lot of people seem to think that...很多人似乎認為……
1、People's views on... vary from person to person. Some hold that... . However, others believe that....人們對……的觀點因人而異。有些人認為.....然而其他人卻認為……
2、Attitudes towards (drugs) vary from person to person. 人們對待吸毒的態度因人而異。
3、People may have different opinions on...人們對……可能會有不同的見解。
4、There are different opinions among people as to...關於……人們的觀點大不相同。
"different"雖拉低了水準,但"as to"又拯救了回來。
5、Different people hold different attitudes toward (failure).對(失敗)人們的態度各不相同。
1、Taking all these factors into consideration, we naturally come to the conclusion that...把所有這些因素加以考慮,我們自然會得出結論……
很完全的答法,"take sth into consideration"短語的應用,加分。
2、Taking into account all these factors, we may reasonably come to the conclusion that...考慮所有這些因素,我們可能會得出合理的結論……
"Take into account sth"短語似乎又比上句的"take sth into consideration"提升了一個層次。
3、Hence/Therefore, we'd better come to the conclusion that...因此,自然我們得出以下結論。。。
再特意提一句:"we'd better"在這里不是「不得不」或「最好」的意思,而是一種自然而然,水到渠成的得出結論。
4、There is no doubt that (job-hopping) has its drawbacks as well as merits.毫無疑問,跳槽有優點也有缺點。
短語"there is no doubt that"上線,同時運用我們的老朋友"as well as"增加看點。
5、All in all, we cannot live without... But at the same time we must try to find out new ways to cope with the problems that would arise.總之,我們沒有……是無法生活的。但同時,我們必須尋求新的解決辦法來對付可能出現的新問題。
1、It is high time that we put an end to the (trend).該是我們停止這一趨勢的時候了。
"It is high time" 打頭,為該句增色。註:that 後跟虛擬語氣,後跟動詞的一般過去式,表示「是某人做。。。的時候了」或者「是某人不做。。。的時候了」
2、It is time to take the advice of ... and to put special emphasis on the improvement of ...該是採納……的建議,並對……的進展給予非常重視的時候了。
去掉一個"high",畫風完全不一樣,不用過去式,只需用"to do"來替代。
3、There is no doubt that enough concern must be paid to the problem of ...毫無疑問,對……問題應予以足夠的重視。
"there is no doubt that"+被動還是蠻經典的組合。
4、Obviously,.... If we want to do something... , it is essential that...顯然,如果我們想做某事,我們需要……
這句有些老生常談,稍微不「常」的就是"essential" 替代了"important"。
5、Only in this way can we... 只有這樣,我們才能...
6、It must be realized that... 我們必須意識到...
把人人都會的"I realized"升格為被動語態,省略了主語,監考老師絕對會眼前一亮的!
1、Obviously, if we don't control the problem, the chances are that... will lead us in danger.很明顯,如果我們不能控制這一問題,很有可能我們會陷入危險。
"the chances are that"替代了"may",果然說話拐彎的生物不止是中國人。
2、No doubt, unless we take effective measures, it is very likely that...毫無疑問,除非我們採取有效措施,否則很可能會……
3、It is urgent that immediate measures should be taken to stop the situation.應立即採取措施阻止這一事態的發展。
"It is urgent that"+被動,效果不錯滴。
Ⅷ 求英文說明文模板
There are basic differences between largeand small enterprises. In a small enterprise, you operated mainly throughpersonal contacts. In a large enterprise, you have established 「policies」 ,「channels」 of organization, and fairly strict procere. In the smallenterprise you have immediate effectiveness in a very small area. You can seethe effect of your work and of your decisions ground. In the large organizationyou are normally taught one thing thoroughly. In the small one the danger is ofbecoming a Jack-of-all-trades-but-master-of-none. In the large it is ofbecoming the man who knows more and more about less and less.
2) 整塊比較
It is easy to be a winner. A winner canshow his joy publicly. He can laugh and sing and dance and celebrate hisvictory. People love to be with winners. Winners are never lonely. Unlikewinners, losers are the lonely ones of the world. It is difficult to facedefeat with dignity. Losers can not show their disappointment publicly. Theycan not cry or grieve about their defeat. They may suffer privately, but theymust be composed in public. They have nothing to celebrate and no one to sharetheir sadness.
1) As far as political views are concerned, people fall into threecategories. First are the conservative people. Conservatives are opposed tosudden or great changes. Second are the liberal people.These people are infavor of progress and reform. But their opinions often seem to idealistic. Thethird type is the moderate people. The moderates keep everything withinreasonable limits. They are more practical in this hard world. In my opinion,most people seem to belong to this group.
2) These are several reasons why I decidedtom attend Bingston University . First of all, the tuition is reasonable.Secondly, the university has a deferred payment plan., which lessons the loadof peasant families like mine. Another reason is that Bingston has the finestteachers in its graate program. My chief reason, however, is Bingston』sprogram in agriculture, my chosen field, which is recognized as the leader inthis area.
3) According to Mr. Li, the fifteenstudents of his cLASS fall into three groups. Seven of them work hard and studywell. They always get good marks in examinations and are often praised by theteachers. Li calls them 「good students」. The monitor, the secretary of theYouth League, and the captain of the cLASS volleyball team, are quick infinding out what their fellow students are interested in or what they should doas a collective. They always organize proper activities at the proper time. SoLi calls them 「good organizers」. Four other students are very kind to theircLASSmates, always ready to lend them a helping hand. They help to clean thecLASSroom and the corridor even when they are not on ty. Li says that theyare 「 good comrades」. 「What about yourself?」 someone asks him. 「I』m a group bymy self ——a good observer」.
例證指具體說明人或事物特點、本質及其規律的方法。所用例子需有代表性、典型性。例證型段落的寫作方式多為先提出主題再列舉事例。在事例之前一般有For example或For instance。例證後面,根據情況還可以加上結論句。如:
In order to prevent non-smokers from beingaffected, measures must be taken to rece the chances of smoking. A lot ofwork can be done concerning this. For example, in some public places, such asin the theatres and cinemas, smoking should be forbidden. Even on the train orplane people should not be allowed to smoke. Doctors, teachers and governmentleaders should take the lead not to smoke. Above all, the harmfulness anddangers caused by smoking should be made known to all through newspapers,broadcast, or TV programs. Also the growing of tobacco and the proction ofcigarettes should not be encouraged. If these measures can be taken, we caneffectively rece the chances of smoking.
4 因果
Music is my chief hobby. When I listen tomusic, good things happen to me. If I am lonely or homesick, I listen to popmusic. The quick rhythm, the strong beats of drums lift my sprits. If I amfamiliar with a song, I will sing alone with it and my depression disappears.When I am bored or very tired, I listen to Mozart. His music makes me feelalive. Music also reminds me of home. Before I came to college, my sisters andI would listen to music and sing songs together and cheer us. Now I enjoylistening to music and singing with my roommates because their smiles make meremember the happy times with my family. For me, music is an excellent escape,and without it, I wouldn』t be so happy。
2) 連環編排法是先討論一組因果,再一組因果,再一組因果,形成一個鎖鏈。當因果緊密相連,前一果為後一果之因時,經常使用這種方式。
Students shouldn』t stay up so late. Becauseof the pressure of examinations, many students burn night candles. The nextday, they have to get enough sleep. As a result, many of them get sleepy inClASs. They couldn』t catch what the teacher says. Not having studied theirlessons well, they find it difficult to make good performance in examinations.So, it is not worthwhile to stay up late if you want to study well.
My sister is a boyish girl. She has shortand straight hair like a boy』s. She likes white, black and grey colors, as mostboys do. She never cares for shirts, stockings but loves jackets and jeans.Sometimes she wears a men』s suit and leather shores as if she were a gentleman.Basketball and football are her favorite sports. She also enjoys watchingboxing. She always shouts and cheers excitedly when she is watching a footballmatch. When she is with her friends, she always says Ladies first」 to othergirls. The most interesting thing is that she has been mistaken for a boy manytimes. And she is pleased with that. She always says that she should be a boy.
Now I will show you around our school. Itis one of the largest middle schools in the city. When you step into the gate,you will see a beautiful flower bed before you. In the middle of the flower bedthere is a fountain with many colored flowers around it. If you walk along theschool road, you will come to the playground, on each side of which are rows oftrees. We often read books under the trees. On the right of the playground aretwo ClASsroom buildings. On the left is the newly-built four-storyed building.I』m lucky to study here. I love my school very much.
The first thing I notice in the bride』sroom is the beautiful curtain. This curtain is patchwork in design, and is sewnout of squares of materials of different colors like white, light green, brownand orange. It is made of silk, trimmed with delicate braids. It is about sixfeet long and hangs from a wooden rail. The curtain matches perfectly with thedark wooden rail and furniture in the room.
1)There are three reasons for this.
2)The reasons for this are as follows.
3)The reason for this is obvious.
4)The reason for this is not far to seek.
5)The reason for this is that...
6)We have good reason to believe that...
1)It has the following advantages.
2)It does us a lot of good.
3)It benefits us quite a lot.
4)It is beneficial to us.
5)It is of great benefit to us.
1)It has more disadvantages than advantages.
2)It does us much harm.
3)It is harmful to us.
1)It is important(necessary,difficult,convenient, possible)for sb.todo sth.
2)We think it necessary to do sth.
3)It plays an important role in our life.
1)We should take some effective measures.
2)We should try our best to overcome(conquer)the difficulties.
3)We should do our utmost in doing sth.
4)We should solve the problems that we are confronted(faced)with.
1)Some changes have taken place in the past five years.
2)A great change will certainly be proced in theworld』s communications.
3)The computer has brought about many changes inecation.
1)We cannot ignore the fact that...
2)No one can deny the fact that...
3)There is no denying the fact that...
4)This is a phenomenon that many people are interestedin.
5)However,that』s not the case.
1)Compared with A,B...
2)I prefer to read rather than watch TV.
3)There is a striking contrast between them.
1)It has increased(decreased)from...to...
2)The population in this city has now increased (decreased)to 800,000.
3)The output of July in this factory increased by 15% compared with that of January.
1)People have(take,adopt,assume)differentattitudes towards sth.
2)People have different opinions on this problem.
3)People take different views of(on)the question.
4)Some people believe that...Othersargue that...
1)In short,it can be said that ...
2)It may be briefly summed up as follows.
3)From what has been mentioned above,we can come to the conclusion that ...
1)It』s well known to us that ...
2)As is known to us,...
3)This is a topic that is being widely talked about.
4)From the graph(table,chart)listed above,itcan be seen that ...
5)As a proverb says,「Wherethere is a will,there is a way.
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