㈠ 英語人教版八年級上冊課本作文
黑板上的記憶 黑板報,說聲愛你不容易。——題記 升旗台前彩旗招展,七一黑板報專競賽進入展示和評比階段屬。從初中一年一班到三年四班的12塊黑板報一字排開,詩文並茂,插圖優美,百花齊放,美 不勝收。 黨支部書記親自宣布評比結果,當他讀完三等獎...
㈡ 英語作文假如你是希望中學八年級的學生李霞這周英語課上老師認同學們分享一次
Hello,My name is 譚心雨,Nice to meet you.you said that your friend
copied your homework and falled the exam every time.As
her(應該是女的吧?)friend,you should help her rather than make her more
bad.First you should have a talk with your friend .Talking is a good way
to solve problem .Don not worry about that you said things to your
teacher,your friend will understand that you want to help her.your
friend will say thank you to you after your friend understand that you
want to help .so, don not be under pressure no longer!
㈢ 求五篇初二上水平的英語作文,最好是課本上要求寫過的。
您好:1,Never Tell a Lie 不可撒謊
Never think you will never be
detected, when you want to tell a lie. The chances are, sooner or later,
your lie witt be found out and it will then expose you to shame.
Telling a lie is morally wrong. Besides, there are many disadvantages
lying in the way of a liar. First, he has to have a good memory, lest he
contradicts at one time what he said in another. Second, he is always
annoyed by his conscience, because he is in constant fear that his
falsehood may be found out. Third, a liar is never trusted and respected
by others. The result may be that his words, even when he speaks the
truth, are not believed. Fourth and the last, once a person has told a
lie, he cannot help telling another in order to conceal the first, and
then a third and a fourth, until lying becomes ahabit. After that, he
may say something untrue even when he wishes to speak the truth.
The disadvantages resulting from telling a lie are too many to be
listed. The above are just some of the obvious ones. If you want to be
free from these annoyances, if you want to be a trustworthy person,
never tell a lie.
2, 珍惜時間
Take your time
For thousands of
years, animals have trodden a slow path, their spirits together with the
body. But our human being's transportation is too fast. The body moves
but the soul is left behind. We try to free ourselves in convenience,
but we only imprison the soul. Since we invented how to count hours, we
do everything to short the time, short the deadline. But the time saved
can't be shorten. Nowadays, we spend lots of time staying in front of a
TV just changing the channels, while we have no time to talk with a good
friend or play with our family. We have plenty of time to search old
news on the internet, while we hardly think about our life. In the end,
the only thing apparent is our loneliness.
Take your time, please.
Try to follow the natural steps and have your own clock. Try to share
your time with everybody you love, share your mind, your happiness and
sadness. Try to read the world we live in, do not only catch a quick
glimpse at the society.Someday, when we know how to spend every second
in our life, we can then live our own life.
I have a good friend. He is a handsome boy and his eyes shine with wisdom.
I have known him since Senior One. We are both interested in English.
Once both of us entered for an English contest. How eagerly I expected
to get a prize! On hearing that I had failed in the contest, I could
hardly hold back my tears. "What a pity!" I murmured to myself over and
over again. I felt that the world had become cold and everyone seemed to
be laughing at me.I love English and have gone all out to study it
since my first day in the junior middle school. I have even dreamed of
entering a foreign language institute. So I felt very sad.
Just at
this time, I received a short letter in English, saying, "Failure is
the mother of success. Cheer up! Don't lose confidence. Keep on your
study and you will succeed!" I knew it was from the good friend of
mine.These words encouraged me greatly. I forgot all my sadness. From
then on, I studied English even harder. In the next English contest, I
got the first prize. Of course, he was delighted with my success.
I am very lucky to have such a good friend. I'm thankful to him for his help.
4, 開心生活
A Big Heart for Life
I will never forget that moment when I was pressing the buttons on the
phone .I was entering a hot line to find out my results in the final
examination of junior school. I remember having a hopeful but anxious
feeling in my stomach. Kill or cure? The big moment had come. On hearing
the voice say "Congratulations! You come top in the exam." I cheered
up.」You make it!" I just smiled a big smile to myself. The success
really encouraged me a lot.
However, god seemed to have pulled a
prank on me. The most depressing just followed the most inspiring
success I have achieved. No sooner had I got the good news than I was
hit by a serious fever, which made me in bed for a whole week. It was
really annoying at the thought of all the joys I missed. If I hadn't
been ill, I could have had a good time with my old friends! I also
missed the chance to enjoy a party which all my classmates took part in
before we fell apart.
What I want to say in the end is that
everyone has his day, while everyone must face up to some hardships and
pains. Life, as it really is, is always filled with sorrow and joy.
Don't get vain when you success. Don』t lose heart when meeting
difficulties. Just take it easy and work hard. Life will eventually give
you much in return for a big heart.
5, 手機的特點
Advantages and Disadvatages of Mobile phones
As every body knows, mobiles are playing a important part in
our daily life nowadays.But they have bot advantages and disadvtanges in
my opinion.
First, mobiles make it convinent for people to keep
in touch with each other whevere they are.Especially when they have
something important.It reces the cost for people dont have to travel a
long way to get to know the things in personSecond,we can send messages
by mobiles with little money,just 0.01 yuan for each short
message.third, we can also play games or take photoes or listen to music
on the mobiles,late we do many things on them with the development of
But they also have many disadvatages.we have to pay
for the wrong numbers which are not for us.The radioactivites may do
harm to our health.Sometimes the rings may affect others in public or at
㈣ 如何提高學生對英語寫作課的興趣
美國教育家布魯姆說過:「學生的學習興趣、動機、態度、好奇心以及情感在促進學生智力發展中起著重要作用。」近年來,國外英語教學理論界所倡導的一些教學法都非常強調學生的學習興趣是學好語言的關鍵。、主觀上,中學生的注意力不夠持久,學習目的不夠明確,認知的無意性和隨意性,客觀上,中文和英文屬於不同的語系,彼此相去甚遠,加上語言環境的缺乏,要使他們積極主動的投入英語學習就要提高其對英語的興趣。 一、興趣對英語學習的影響 興趣是人樂於接觸認識事物,並力求參與相應活動的一種積極的意識傾向。美國心理學家布魯納在《教育過程》一書中說:「學習最好的激勵是對所學材料的興趣。人有了某種興趣,就會對該活動或事物表現出積極肯定的情緒。」 一個中學生如果對英語學習感興趣,他就不會把英語看成沉重的負擔,相反,他會以積極主動的姿態出現,並在學習中收獲愉悅,有興趣的學習能讓學生全身貫注,積極思考。而且,人在充滿興趣的心理狀態下學習東西,掌握得快,記得牢。 興趣激發求知慾。一般情況下,中學生英語學習興趣越高,學習越活躍,學習效果越好。如果興趣成為中學生學習英語的心理需要,就可以使學生逐漸養成自覺主動學習英語的習慣,英語學習難度就會降低。只有對英語有濃厚的興趣才能提高學習的主動性,克服學習中的種種困難,潛心學習。 二、如何提高英語學習興趣 1.豐富多彩的導入 亞里士多德說過:「思維是從疑問和驚奇開始的。」人的思維開始於問題。學生的思維也是伴隨著層出不窮的問題而展開的,而有了需要解決的問題,才能調動思維的積極性,才能激起學生的學習興趣。常見的導入方法有如下幾種: (1)講故事。中學生對故事可謂情有獨鍾,聽到故事,他們的興趣馬上來了。如八年級上冊第九單元when was he born?介紹了一些名人,其中有「飛人」喬丹,可通過講述喬丹的成長經歷來導入新課,既可激起學生興趣,還可以借喬丹的一些曲折經歷達到教育學生的目的。 (2)模擬生活情景。對於生活,學生有太多想說,他們很樂意講述自己的生活,只要是跟生活貼近的學習單元,都可以用此導入法。 (3)辯論。中學生特別喜歡與人競爭,只要有機會表現自己,他們絕對不會錯過。 此外,成功的導入還可以採取實驗,歌曲及想像等方式來實現。良好的導入等於成功了一半,學生也會因精彩的導入而興趣陡增,從而不知不覺進入最佳學習狀態。 2.新穎多樣的教學方式 從生理上講,單一的形式容易導致大腦刺激由興奮轉化為抑制,降低學習效率。而從心理上講,中學生處於活潑好動,喜歡變換的時期,再好的教學形式和練習形式,如果簡單重復太多,學生興趣也會銳減。因此,中學英語教學應根據學生好奇、好動、好玩、好勝等心理特點和思維發展規律,採取多種形式。總之,不同的課型採用不同的教學方法,使學生有新鮮感,從而提高學習效率和學習積極性。以下是幾種教學方法: (1)口訣法 特別適用於語法規則的學習,英語學習過程中會遇到許許多多語法規則,死記硬背不僅 易忘,而且效果不佳,這時,口訣法就是一個不錯的選擇。如基數詞變序數次的規則就可以編成一下口訣:一,二,三特殊記,八去t,九去e,f替ve, 然後再加-th, 以ty結尾的數十的整數,變序數詞時,把y改ie, 再加-th, 若是碰到第20以上的「第幾十幾」, 只變個位就可以,除此外,其餘的直接加-th。 (2)競賽法、根據音節拆詞法、猜詞法、傳話法 以上均適用於單詞記憶,英語學習中最大的障礙莫過於單詞記憶,而單詞學習又是最枯燥的,若能把單詞記憶過程具體化,形象化,趣味化,競技化,單詞識記就簡易的多,學生學習興趣也就隨之調動起來。中學生喜歡你追我趕,分組記單詞比賽,看哪組記得快、准、多,其效果肯定比不斷重復的機械記憶要好。根據音節拆詞法適用於音節長但很規則的單詞,如comfortable,共三個音節,可按com,for,table分別記,意思是來到有桌子的地方,自然是舒適的。猜詞法特別適合於貼近生活的單詞,如dance,可讓學生上台來表演相應的舞蹈動作,其餘的學生根據表演的動作進行猜測。傳話法,既可以用於單詞記憶,也可用於句型操練,具體就是利用學生在教師的座位按橫排或直排來參加比賽,也可以兩個橫排或兩個直行為一組,教師低聲對每組的第一個學生說一個句子或單詞,要求一次低聲傳下去,由每組最後一個學生起立並大聲重復,傳話又快又難為優勝,在一個時期內,傳話內容可以逐漸增加,難度可以逐漸增大,以便鍛煉學生聽說能力。 (3)bingo游戲 在bingo卡的9個空格上隨意寫上9個單詞或短語,老師每次隨意讀出其中3個,學生對照所填寫的bingo卡劃去聽到的單詞或短語,如果劃去的單詞或短語成橫線、豎線或斜線(任一方向)就喊 「bingo」,最快的勝出並獲得獎勵。
3.傳統兼現代的教學手段 (1)發動學生親自製作教具,提高英語學習興趣 有時,由於教學條件有限,為了更直觀教學,可以發動學生親自製作教具,如水果,蔬菜類的英語學習,可以讓學生把各種各樣的水果蔬菜畫在紙上,塗上顏色,再剪下來,供課堂教學用。教學完畢,把同學們辛勤製作的教具陳列在一起辦個展覽,讓同學們一起分享勞動成果,體會學習的樂趣。 (2)多媒體教學 多媒體教學是計算機技術和教學過程的有機結合,是新興的一種教學手段,多媒體教學的產生和發展使得教學效果,學生的參與度都有了質的飛躍。利用現代化教學手段,把多種媒體引入英語課堂,是英語活動發展的趨勢和必然要求。多媒體利用視、聽、說,向學生提供聲、像、圖、文等綜合性刺激信息,有利於學生注意力保持,同時,精彩的多媒體課件也能激發學生興趣,拓寬他們的知識面,豐富他們的思維想像,使他們在輕松的氛圍中,接受把握和運用知識。 4.開展豐富多彩的課外活動 為了增加中學生學習英語的興趣,賦予學生更多的運用英語進行交際的機會,除了在課堂上下功夫外,在課外,教師還可以編輯豐富多彩的校園文化。北京外國語大學教授陳琳說過:「課內設置的情景不管如何逼真,都是假的,只有學生在日常生活中運用語言,才能真正掌握語言。」 陳琳教授強調開展英語課外活動的重要性。所以,要提高學生英語學習興趣,課外引導必不可少。那麼英語課外活動該如何搞呢? 除了常見的英語演講比賽,英語作文徵文大賽,英語角,還可開展英語書法大賽,英語歌曲聯唱,舉辦英語文化節和設置英語日。特別是英語文化節,可以跟學生介紹有關英語國家一些與我國習俗,傳統文化,歷史人文等差異非常大又特別有意思的知識,如「white elephant」 (白象),在我國文化中是中性詞,但在英語中是貶義詞,又如」love me, love my dog,」中文直譯是「愛我,就愛我的狗,」而其實它真正的意思是「愛屋及烏,」讓學生在文化差別中體味英語學習的樂趣,同時,利用學生的驚奇提高他們的興趣。亞里士多德說過:「思維是從疑問和驚奇開始的。」 通過活動可以讓學生把所學知識運用於實踐,使學生認識了自我,並取得不同程度的成就感,增加其自信心,增添學習英語的興趣。 5.結學習小組,每月一次評比,並給予獎勵 具體的做法是,對全班同學進行分組,需注意的是每組學生英語成績相當,且每組內都有英語高手,以便幫助成績較弱的學生。參加評比的項目不僅包括一個月之內的考卷平均分,還包括平時表現,如上課發言人次,作業上交情況,上課紀律,每一項目分均量化,通過評比,來提升學生學習的熱情及參與度。 6.外教及英語成功人士講學 如有條件的話,可聘請外教,順應學生的好奇心,促進他們對英語知識的探求。讓英語成功人士講學,一方面,學生可汲取有益的學習方法,另一方面,現身說法及名人效益也可在一定程度上激勵學生。 7.遷移學生興趣,激發求知慾 愛因斯坦說:「興趣是最好的老師。「除開用正面的方式激勵學生,培養他們的學習興趣,還可以嘗試著側面法,以興趣激發興趣,如有的學生對動畫片感興趣,可推薦其看諸如《冰河世紀》之類的外語動畫片,激發其學習英語的慾望,此方法可起到「四兩撥千斤」的作用。
㈤ 初二英語作文 關於孩子們上課外課程的意見
According to the fact,cram school become more porpular in the modren society.It has clearly benefits,but it also has nagetive view which we cannot ignored. As the professer who specific analysis this mole point out,after take full schele of a day,to have some fitness club is the best choice to achive more both them physical and mental growth.Be honestly,most of the children does have a positive attitude of their cram scholl,it is consider to take the freedom in their mind.
㈥ 2016年名校課堂滾動學習法八年級上冊英語U3作文題目
Dear John,
I'm sorry to hear that you have been in the hospital because of a car crash.
We are just planning to pay a visit to you next weekend.Do you have something needs us to do?Please tell me first so we could help you out.
And don't worry about your study.We'll of course help you with it when you get better and return to school.
Hope things get better!
Yours,Li Hua
㈦ 英語初二上冊課本第三單元作文
㈧ 新課標八年級英語上冊作文最容易考哪個
㈨ 八年級英語下冊第二單元寫作公開課怎麼上
可以通過多媒體打出一個生氣表情的圖片,然後對學生說:我的好朋友生我的氣了,我給怎麼辦?引出話題;"What should I do?"」You should. ."展開話題.剛講完,效果不錯!