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㈠ 以「如何提高英語寫作水平」寫一篇英語作文

要提高英語寫作能力,首先應打好基礎,注重語言技巧方面的訓練。可從以下幾方面入手:一、擴大詞彙量,背誦常用句型和地道表達沒有一定的詞彙量,再好的思想也無法表達出來。而詞彙的掌握不僅僅局限於量的多少,更重要的是詞彙的用法,如所用語境、片語的搭配、衍生詞以及同義詞的辨析等。建議背誦詞彙時要將其放在句子或文章中記憶,至少應背誦片語。這樣既可保證所用詞彙的准確性,又可幫助學習者在寫作時更習慣選用片語來表達,增強文章的表現力。同時,背誦相應的同義詞可以保證在表達同一思想時有不同的詞彙可供選擇,從而避免詞彙的重復使用。同樣,對於英語中的常用句型和習慣表達,我們平時更要注意積累。這些表達會使文章增添色彩,也更符合英美人士的表達習慣。我們平時還要注意積累一些常用表達方式和替代表達方式,這樣文章就不會顯得過於平庸。如:用indivials替換people, persons。用positive, promising, perfect, excellent替換good。用There is a widespread belief/no denying that替換It is believed that。用for my part, from my own perspective替換in my opinion。用increasing(ly), growing替換more and more。用beneficial, rewarding替換helpful。用sth. appeals to sb., sth. exerts a tremendous fascination on sb.替換sb. take interest in/sb. be interested in。用There are several reasons behind sth.替換There are several reasons for sth.。用bear in mind that替換remember。用purchase替換buy。二、合理借鑒一些有代表性的英語範文有些人鼓勵英語學習者背誦一些優秀範文,以達到提高寫作水平的目的。但筆者實踐下來,感到這種方法費時又費力,且效果並不十分明顯。如果背誦量不多,是起不到效果的。要想英語能力整體提高,至少要背誦數十篇甚至上百篇優秀範文,這本身就很花時間,更不必說真正在寫作時能用到的有多少了。真正寫作時,要把別人的表達融入自己的表達,是比較困難的事情,很可能一不小心弄巧成拙。因此,筆者建議英語學習者尋找一些優秀的、原汁原味的英語文章來訓練。在訓練時,首先看文章標題,然後設想自己拿到這個題目後該如何組織文章,從什麼角度去表達,然後列出提綱,並展開全文。文章完成後,就可以和原文進行對比,主要可以從邏輯關系、論證手法、論據選擇等方面進行比較。通過這種比較,學習者就能夠發現自己的文章哪些方面需要改進。細細比較,就會學到很多東西。平時多進行這樣的訓練,不斷積累,就可以在無形中把原汁原味的語言「帶」進自己的作文中。因此,這樣的方法對於提高寫作水平很有效。三、適當背誦寫作模板至於是否背誦寫作模板的問題,一向很有爭議。筆者認為,對英語基礎薄弱的人而言,有必要背誦寫作模板,以保證在比較緊張的情況下能完成寫作任務。而且,並不是按模板寫成的作文就一定會得低分,有時候考試中的滿分作文也是模板樣式的,關鍵是作者在寫作時如何去處理。因此,在平時的積累中,不要刻意地去迴避模板。積累到一定水平之後,自然就會找出更多謀篇布局的方式和方法。四、積累一些諺語同學們若能在自己的作文中,恰到好處地使用一兩句諺語,會為作文增色不少。如:Practice makes perfect.熟能生巧。A good medicine tastes bitter.良葯苦口。One is never too old to learn.學無止境。Creep before you walk.循序漸進。Do as the Romans do.入鄉隨俗。Actions speak louder than words.事實勝於雄辯。Failure is the mother of success.失敗是成功之母。A fall into a pit , a gain in your wit.吃一塹,長一智。Good health is over wealth.健康是最大的財富。Every bean has its black.金無足赤,人無完人。Content is better than riches.知足者常樂。Confidence in yourself is the first step on the road to success.自信是走向成功的第一步。A good beginning is half done.良好的開端是成功的一半。Success belongs to the persevering.堅持就是勝利。注重布局謀篇 突破寫作技巧英語寫作一般包括一個開頭段、一至兩個擴展段和一個結尾段。開頭段和結尾段一般比較短,分別著重於表達主題和提升主題。作為對開頭段中主題句的論證,解釋和說明的擴展段是文章的主體。擴展段的主要特點是圍繞段落主題句展開,並對主題開展進一步的分析和說明,只有寫好了擴展段才能使文章言之有理,具有說服力。一、開頭段開頭段一定要語言精練,提出觀點或論點,表明寫作意圖,並且直接切入主題。寫開頭段有多種表達方法。以下文章開頭可供借鑒:1.Recently, sth./the problem of...has been brought to popular attention/ has become the focus of public concern.e.g.Recently, the problem of unemployment has been brought to such popular attention that governments at all levels place it on the agenda as the first matter.2.One of the universal issues we are faced with/that cause increasing concern is that...e.g.One of the universal issues that draw (cause) growing concern is whether it is wise of man to have invented the automobile.3.As we can see from the table/graph/figure above, drastic/considerable/ great changes have taken place in...over the period of time from...(年份) to...(年份)4.The current situation of... if approached from the opposite angle, reveals that...e.g.The current situation of our reforms is political structure, if approached from the opposite angle, reveals that much of the achievement is far from satisfactory. For example...But...二、擴展段擴展段是文章的主體,其中每段都應該有自己的主題句,同時這些主題句又是文章中心思想的擴展句,其作用是從不同的層面對文章主題進行具體和翔實的解釋和論證。擴展段可以採用很多方法展開,這里簡要介紹五種常用的方法:列舉法、敘述法、因果法、對比法、例證法。1.列舉法列舉法就是通過列舉一系列的論據對開頭段中提出的論點廣泛、全面地陳述或解釋。常用句型:(1)The significance of(doing) sth. is embodied/reflected in the following respects.(2)One of the reasons given for...is that... What is also worth noticing is that...(3)There are numerous reasons why..., and I shall here explore only a few of the most important ones.2.敘述法用敘述法寫成的擴展句主要是按照事情本身發生的時間或者空間的順序排列,通過使用一些特有的過渡連接詞,有層次、分步驟地表達主題句的一種寫作技巧。常用句型:(1)As far as a witness is concerned, the accident in question happened mysteriously. First...then, at last...(2)I was once caught/stuck in the same situation/context, but I managed to lift myself out of it.3.因果法因果法用來說明原因,論述事理。常用句型:(1)It is obvious, therefore, that all-out/constant efforts should be exerted/directed to...e.g.It is evident, therefore, that constant efforts should be directed to the ecological balance.(2)Therefore, to...is not a(n) goal/aim to achieve in one step/move/go, and it requires special efforts/measures.e.g.Therefore, to eradicate this inherent weakness from our society is not a goal to reach in one move, and it requires special efforts.4.對比法對比法是將同類的事物進行比較分析,從而更清楚地闡述比較對象之間的不同。常用句型:(1)From the above comparison and contrast, anyone can safely/reasonably conclude that...(2)As things stand, in fact/substance, nothing can be compared with B in ...although...e.g.As things stand, in fact, nothing can be compared with the crackdown of corrupt officials in arousing the enthusiasm of the masses, although it is not without defects.5.例證法例證法通過舉出具體的事例來闡述、說明主題句的內容。常用句型:(1)A good case in point is (can be best provided by) that of...e.g.A good case in point is that of a businessman who makes money by fairmeans or foul.(2)In the course of... for example, there is/are...e.g.In the course of coping with worries in life, for example, there is an art to what way you take.三、結尾段結尾段要起到畫龍點睛、深化主題的作用。結尾段可以總結歸納文章要點、重申主題,也可以提出建議、展望未來。常用結構:1.In short/brief/one word/sum, once we are on the way to..., the chance of achieving/making it will increase/grow greater/come to our advantage.e.g.In short, once our country is on the way to clearing corrupt dealings out of the Party, the chance of making it will come to the people』s advantage.2.With a constant/steady improvement in ...(或With the graal worsening of...) sth. will...e.g.With a steady improvement in its administration, the new-born thing will flourish on Chinese soil.在文章結構和內容方面合理安排之後,文章的語言形式上也需要寫作者精雕細琢,有效使用各種表達方式,使文章句式靈活多變,避免單調。在句式的變化中,可將長短句結合使用,靈活使用簡單句、並列句與復合句。一些較復雜的結構如獨立主格、分詞結構等也可使用。每句話的開頭不一定都是以「人」開頭,可以考慮用其他主語。同時,在適當的時候,可以考慮用一定的修辭方法,使文章更有表現力。如:The old lady was on her first flight, so that she felt very uneasy.(原句)→Extreme uneasiness seized the old lady on her first flight.(改寫句)The trees are bare. The grass is brown. The landscape seems drab.(原句)→The landscape, bare and brown, begged for spring green.(改寫句)Chinese people experienced great changes in 1949.(原句)→The year 1949 saw great changes in China.(改寫句)Grazing peacefully, the goats in the farm were unaware of the approaching hunter.(現在分語短語+簡單句)

㈡ 如何提高英語作文水平




注意: 寫作過程中我們要遵循避生就熟的原則。所謂避生就熟就是遇到寫作難點我們要迴避陌生的表達,使用自己能駕馭的句型,通俗一點說就是繞著寫,切勿冒險去生搬硬造。


㈢ 急求一篇關於提高閱讀水平的英語作文

Control their own set of learning methods, such as English to vocabulary, grammar, phrases must be memorized, this is unavoidable. According to people forgetting curve, the knowledge will not forget to regularly review the daily exposure to English, every day half-hour hearing, the 15 choices, twenty-three reading, coupled with complete type. about when you can do sets of test questions, develop their own sense of the examination room. Note inction notes, unit content, grammar, phrases, writing separately, many free review, methods, such as Gestalt, a look at the article do. read look at the problem look at the answer, these methods and achievements of good teachers can ask students to not be afraid of the wrong, do not be shy, do not understand must be asked, read the text of great help in English, you can adjust the tension in English is not what you can improve a little while, is a long process, need to adhere to recommended daily look at "English Salon" or "21st century English," reported that "21 century English, "reported to be difficult for some. May be less easy to read on the beginning, but as long as the stick with it, watch it every day, may be more successful than a month you can look down. Adhere to the six months to a year, you will improve very fast reading level, and vocabulary will increase greatly. In looking, have a sense of speed, and stopped not because indivial words, the key is to understand the sentence meaning, the whole meaning. Reading improved, in fact, many problems (such as writing, reading comprehension, cloze) will be solved. In addition, knowledge of grammar and vocabulary is the foundation. The following is a summary of my previous learning English, hoping to help you. The trick to learn English, one way, and second, interest and the third is effort. Many ways, good way to let you in the shortest possible time to achieve the best results, so the time to sum up in the learning method, while a good way to learn others. Interest is more active, more sustained one of the important elements of learning, if English is not interested, we must strive to cultivate an interest, it becomes something you like, so you always want to learn, always wanted to learn it . With a good approach and a strong interest, and if do not work hard, still can not learn English, to a certain extent, learning English is proportional with the time, so every day, and with perseverance. Finally learn English. The following is a summary of some of English learning method (a summary of their own learning, but also a good way to others.) First, read every day should adhere to the reading. 1, read: Read the article generally 2 to 3 times to read with understanding, not just to read and read. 2, recite: good article should memorize in order to remember the good word good sentences, and develop their own sense of language. 3, Speed Reading: The article finished with the fastest speed first pass to improve the reading speed and comprehension, and do not translate directly to graally develop the ability to understand English. 4, intensive reading: article a second time should be intensive in order to achieve an accurate understanding of the article, and familiar with the grammatical structure and deepen the word memory. Also choose to speed reading some articles, good articles for the Intensive. 5, extensive reading: about 1 hour each day, the English newspaper, on the basis of interest in reading ability will be greatly improved. Encounter will not understand the words in the article does not affect the case you can skip past, and thus improve their reading speed. If you want to remember words, can the dictionary, multiple access memory can remember the words. (Adhere to a month or two will have a demonstrable effect) Second, to listen to 1, starting from the most junior of the hearing, understand every word, every sentence, every word and every article. Graally increase the difficulty. At least half an hour a day. 2, follows to read in English, on the one hand to strengthen listening, speaking on the one hand training, while training sense of language. Note that the accuracy of pronunciation. Third, write 1, every two days to write a diary or writing in English. 2, in English letters or E-mail. 3, note that the application of grammar and vocabulary in memory. Fourth, the syntax 1, from basic to advanced, to master each grammar point, and detailed notes. Written notes are his own will, until all details are master grammar. 2, are not familiar with the grammar points should review the use of repeated, until the master up. Five words a day, 100 to 150 new words in memory, and review the old words the day before. The old word for the unfamiliar, can be recorded to arrange an appropriate time memory. 2 After all the memory again immediately after the word and then write again, not three or four times as much. Repetition is the best way to memorize, but also a lot of memories of the fundamental methods. 3, combined with listen memory words, the best results. Should focus on the word memory, VI, Exercise 1, a large number of exercises to consolidate the knowledge acquired. 2, through the practice can improve reading comprehension, increase vocabulary, enhance the mastery of grammar.

掌握一套屬於自己的學習方法,比如英語要單詞,語法,短語一定要熟記,這個是無法避免的.根據人的遺忘曲線,知識要經常復習才不會忘 每天都接觸英語,每天半小時聽力,15個選擇,兩三篇閱讀,再加完型等.差不多考試的時候可以做些套題,培養自己的考場感覺. 注意歸納筆記,單元的內容,語法知識,短語分開寫,有空多復習, 方法,比如完形,先看一次文章再做.閱讀先看問題再看答案,這些方法可以問老師和成績好的同學 不要怕錯,不要害羞,不懂的一定要問, 朗讀課文對英語有很大幫助,還可以調節一下緊張 英語不是一時半刻就能提高的,是一個長期的過程,需要 堅持建議每天看《英語沙龍》或《21世紀英語》報,《21世紀英語》報要難一些。開始可能會不太容易看下去,但只要堅持下來,每天都看,可能一個多月就能比較順利的看下來了。堅持半年到一年,你的閱讀水平就會提高非常快,而且單詞量也會增加很大。在看的時候,要有意識的提高速度,並且不要因為個別單詞就停下來,關鍵是理解整句意思、整段意思。閱讀提高了,其實很多問題(如作文、閱讀理解、完形填空)就解決了。另外,語法知識和詞彙是基礎。 以下是我以前總結的英語學習方法,希望能對你有幫助。 學英語有訣竅,一是方法,二是興趣,三是努力。方法多種多樣,好的方法能讓你在最短的時間內達到最好的效果,所以在學習的時候要總結方法,同時多學習別人的好方法。興趣則是更主動、更持續地學習的重要要素之一,如果對英語沒有興趣,就要想方設法培養興趣,讓它變成你所喜歡的事情,讓你總想去學,總想把它學好。有了好的方法和濃厚的興趣,如果不努力,仍然不能學好英語,在一定程度上,英語的學習效果與所花時間成正比,所以要每天堅持,持之以恆。終能學好英語。 以下是幾點英語學習方法的總結(有自己的學習總結,也有別人的好方法)。 一、 讀 每天都應堅持讀。 1、 朗讀:一般文章讀2~3遍,帶著理解去讀,而不只是為讀而讀。 2、 背誦:好的文章應背熟,以記住好詞好句,同時培養自己的語感。 3、 速讀:文章第一遍用最快的速度讀完,以提高閱讀速度和理解能力,並逐漸培養不翻譯直接理解英文的能力。 4、 精讀:文章第二遍應精讀,以達到對文章的准確理解,並熟悉語法結構,加深單詞記憶。也可選擇部分文章速讀,對於較好的文章精讀。 5、 泛讀:每天看1小時左右的英文報紙,在有興趣的基礎上閱讀能力會有很大提高。遇到不會的單詞在不影響文章理解的情況下可以略過去,從而提高自己的閱讀速度。如果想記憶單詞,則可查詞典,多次查閱記憶便能記住單詞。(堅持一兩個月就會有明顯效果) 二、 聽 1、 從最初級的聽力入手,聽懂每個單詞、每句話、每段話及每篇文章。逐步增加難度。每天至少半小時。 2、 跟讀英語,一方面加強聽力,一方面訓練口語,同時還能培養語感。注意發音的准確性。 三、 寫 1、 每兩天寫一篇英文日記或作文。 2、 用英語寫信或E-mail。 3、 注意語法的應用和詞彙的記憶。 四、 語法 1、 從基礎到高級,掌握每一個語法點,並作詳細筆記。筆記所記的都是自己所會的,直到把所有語法細節都掌握。 2、 對於不熟悉的語法知識點應反復復習運用,直到掌握為止。 五、 詞彙 1、 每天記憶100~150新單詞,並復習前一天的舊單詞。對於生疏的舊單詞,可記錄下來,安排適當時間記憶。 2、 所有單詞記憶完一遍之後緊接著再記一遍,三四遍並不為多。重復是記憶單詞的最好方法,也是很多記憶的根本方法。 3、 結合例句記憶單詞,效果最佳。記憶單詞應注意力集中, 六、 練習 1、 大量的練習可以鞏固所學知識。 2、 通過練習可以提高閱讀理解能力,增加詞彙量,加強對語法的掌握。


㈣ 關於提高中文寫作水平的英語作文

How to improve Chinese writing ability

Although we have studied Chinese writing training for many years, we are still afraid of composition. Fortunately, there is a certain way to improve the writing ability. Here are three steps to improve Chinese writing. Remember, it's never too late to start.

As we all know, writing is a mental activity, so first and foremost, it's important to think more about improving your writing skills. In our normal reading, we should study more excellent works, not only to see what they are writing, but also how they are written.

After a mental barrier, writing will be an indivial effort. The quality of your writing depends on the size of your writing. This requires persistence. Don't be afraid to bear hardships. Many people who have achieved success are struggling with their own will, and they will eventually win. This process can not be replaced by any method.
Third, we should read more books. When you are reading, don't be afraid of trouble. Write down the good sentences in your notebook. When you have time, take them out and read them in your mind.

In a word, speaking without practicing is useless. From now on, to write a thousand words a day, a year later, when you look back, you will be surprised at your progress.









㈤ 英語作文 請寫一篇關於提高英語水平的短文

we need the training to english interest,and write the english diary ,then learn to sing the english song and see english film is useful for remembering,last we could make conversation with the schoolmate in english .就這么多了,寫的很辛苦啊!謝專謝採納屬!

㈥ 關於一遍寫作業好壞的英語作文

As a middle school student, it is our ty to study hard for a bright future. Doing homework can help us improve ourselves better. So I think we should do our homework.
First, doing homework can help us review the knowledge we have learnt. If we can't do our homework, we should read our books again or listen our teacher carefully next time. Second, doing homework can let us know which part we should improve. Third, if we do our homework carefully, we will get good marks in the exam.
In a word , is it important for us middle school students to do our homework. We can review old knowledge and get new knowledge. So we must finish our homework on time every day.

㈦ 幫忙寫一篇內容為如何提高英語寫 作水平的英語作文 一、要有自信心;二、大量閱讀可以提高寫作水

How to improve your writing skills in En glish? There is no short-cut to improve your w riting. The key answer to this question i s practice. Before you start it, make a pl an for your day by day practice. Firstly, f ind an interesting topic, something you can talk about. This theme needs to be simple when you first try, because you d on't want to get into a political or medic al discussion right away as you are not even familiar with that in Chinese. A goo d suggestion is to begin with a short par agraph of describing an object. It is muc h easier than a discussion. Secondly, do not set up an unreachable goal. 80 to 10 0 words at one time are good enough. Y ou can also continue the same topic as l ast time, but give out more examples to support same discussion, or you can ch ange your argument to the opposite sid e. At last, learn from others. Find some good writings. The ideal case is that sea rch some articles talking about the som e topic as you practiced. Try to inmate h ow they elaborate their opinions and wh at they use to support their discussions. If you really like a certain style of writing , then memorize that and use the new w ords and phrases you learn in your futur e practice.



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