⑴ 小學六年級英語看圖作文(a cleaner)40字怎樣寫
i may say i have a meaningful and fruitful summer holiday.why?i guess you may interestedly aks me.admittedly,i worked part-time this summer and have found the real meaning of labor and come to the understanding of living independently,that's why i consider it to be of so much significance to me.
all of a sudden i noticed a wanting ad in the newspaper and it said a restaurant was in need of a cleaner and of course they accepted casual laborer,so i just headed to it and had a try.fortunately,i was successfully given the job.at the beginning,i have had the thought of earning a big handful of money with little effort as i believed it must be "an easy job".however,it finally turned out to be a wrong expectation.i had a relatively tough time in my working days as a cleaner when i was expected to rise early in the morning and worked for seven hours a day and carry on working for three weeks.the job was totally beyond my expectation,which was extrordinarily tiring and tedious.i was made very exhausted every day when i was off ty,and i have ever thought of giving up but something powerful in my mind had finall come to my encouragement,and i kept on until i got my job finished at last.
it is an impressive experience for me in which i learnt a lot rather than merely what i've been paid.the most significant is that i have arrived at a better understanding of labor itself----labor is glorious,it creates the world and exhibits the value of man.
⑵ 小學生六年級英語看圖寫作,要有圖
Every philosophical and religious system has offered its pathway to happiness for the indivial and the group.Happiness has been related to pleasure,refuge from pain,intellectual contemplation,union with God,friendship,children,wealth,honor,successful activity,and even state burial with statues!
happiness is activity in accordance with excellence,it is reasonable that it should be in accordance with the highest excellence.– Aristotle The concept of happiness--while difficult to define-- is obviously here to stay.But the desire for happiness can set up expectations that are often hard to fulfill.
⑶ 六年級看圖寫英語作文
One day,A girl and her mother goes to cinema together.After film ,they are eats noodles for dinner and buys some clothes for them.There have a goodtime.
⑷ 英語書六年級下冊人教版28頁看圖編故事50個單詞
,解答 :六年級下冊人教版英語書第52頁故事時間The sixth grade II English page fifty-second story time 分析:/希望能幫到你
⑸ 翻譯英語,6年級的看圖寫話
一個可愛的卧室里it's in a lovely bedroom,
床在靠牆的位置,the bed is near the wall,
床頭有一個相框掛著,是小熊的,there's a photo frame decorated by a little bear
床的右側有一幅壁畫,上面有畫著氣球。and a picture with baloons on the right side of the bed
床的旁邊有一張小桌子,上面放著一盞台燈,the desk sits beside the bed with a lamp on it
地板上有三箱玩具,分別在左上角靠牆的位置,床的旁邊和床的下面。there're 3 boxes of toys: one is by the wall,another is by the bed and the other is under the bed
有一本書在箱子的旁邊。there is a book beside the box(es)
左上(?!!)考最裡面的有一扇門,旁邊有一個開關,(這句中文沒看懂)the door is in the up left corner, with a switch near it.
這是一個非常可愛的小房間。this little room is really cute.
這是我自己寫的.在網路知道上好多人都是在網上翻譯, 比如translate.google.cn 自己去翻譯一下不就好了~
⑹ 六年級英語看圖說話
有很多 你到網上查英語漫畫就有 自己隨意選 可以適當豐富一下就行
⑺ 六年級考試看圖寫作的方法
圖畫所描繪的只是生活中的「瞬間」情景,看圖作文,就是要展開合理的想像,從靜態引出動態,從「瞬間」寫出過程,讓畫面活動起來,讓畫中的人活動起來,讓畫中的物也活動起來。看圖作文如何展開合理的想像呢? 看圖作文展開合理想像,可以採用「瞻前顧後」的辦法,想想這幅畫所構成的情景之前是怎樣的,之後又會是怎樣的;畫面上的人以前在做什麼,以後又會做什麼。如果丟開畫面內容胡想一番,那是不合理的。合理想像,要大膽地結合自己的生活實際,把自己擺進去。假設自己是畫中人,此時此刻會怎樣做,會怎樣想。這樣做就能使畫面的內容豐富起來了。
圖畫與文章一樣,內容上也有主要和次要之分。一般說,畫面上處於主要地位和突出地位的。是主要內容,屬於重點;而處於非主要地位或非突出地位的,是次要內容。看圖作文,就是要抓住重點,把重點寫詳細,寫具體,從而展示圖意。抓住重點,並不是說畫面上非主要的內容不要寫。圍繞重點,有選擇地描寫畫面上非主要的內容,可以起到綠葉扶持紅花的作用。 看圖作文,所提供的圖除了單幅之外,也有兩幅、三幅甚至更多幅的。寫多幅圖的看圖作文,一定要把握一幅幅圖之間的聯系,把一幅幅圖的意思連綴起來,形成一個整體。這好比一輛自行車,光有兩個輪子不行,它還不能轉動,只有裝上了鏈條、踏腳,才能使輪子連接起來,一踏,後輪轉動帶動前輪,自行車就行進了。這個踏腳和鏈條,就是自行車輪子之間的連接體。那麼,多幅圖之間的「鏈條」和「踏腳」在哪裡呢?尋求它其實並不困難,關鍵在於看懂每幅圖的意義,並把一幅幅圖的意思串聯起來,形成一個完整的故事
⑻ 小學六年級英語看圖作文
A boy is washing his hands when the water in the water channel fulls out.
⑼ 小學六年級英語題目:看圖完成句子。
We (are )(going )(to )(have )a farewell party next Saturday.
Great! I can't wait.
2.What's(the ) (matter )with you?
I(get或have )(a )(headache ).
3.What is John like?
He's(sporty )and(active ). 這兩空我不是很確定,因為圖片中沒有表現出來
He(likes )(playing )(football ).
4.Can you (dance )and(sing ),Miss White?
Yes,I(can ).
5.Look! What are you Wu Yifan and Ed doing?
They (are )(playing )(the )(violin ).
⑽ 請問小學六年級英語看圖說話技巧