『壹』 大學英語作文賞析:如何成為一名好老師
to begin with, you should be professional about what you teach. secondly, a sense of responsibility is a must. thirdly, it's of great importance for you to love students.
『貳』 大學英語作文簡愛人物賞析
Jane Eyre — A Beautiful Soul
Jane Eyre, is a poor but aspiring, small in body but huge in soul, obscure but self-respecting girl. After we close the covers of the book, after having a long journey of the spirit, Jane Eyre, a marvelous figure, has left us so much to recall and to think:
We remember her goodness: for someone who lost arms and blinded in eyes, for someone who despised her for her ordinariness, and even for someone who had hurt her deeply in the past.
We remember her pursuit of justice. It』s like a companion with the goodness. But still, a virtuous person should promote the goodness on one side and must check the badness on the other side.
『叄』 大學英語作文優秀範文
『肆』 大學英語作文,接近你或你最欣賞的人
I believe that there must be some teachers who left you a deep impression in your life.
Of course,there has been a teacher in my life who left me a deep impression.
That was my English teacher in my university,Miss Xu.She had a long blonde hair and beautiful eyes.
She was a kind teacher and worked hard.She was far from the school so she had to catch the early bus everyday!
How exhausted.She had not only critic our English homework and take care of her baby.I wasn't intersted in English at than time.She told me to talk in English as much as possible.She asked me not to be afraid of making mistakes because everyone makes mistakes.But she always forgot small things,like her glasses and money!
Well,now I chat with her on phone once a week.I really miss her because of her blonde hair,beautiful eyes,forgetting,distance and reasbonsbilities.
『伍』 如何寫出一篇高分的大學英語作文
在聽、說、讀、寫四項英語技能中,寫作對於中國大學生來講可能是困難最大的一項.因為聽、讀屬於接受性技能(receptive skills),只要學生將貯存在大腦中的語言知識在聽或讀的過程中進行及時提取,理解就可以產生.因此,這些語言知識可以靜止地儲存在我們的記憶里,以便必要時提取.而作為產出性的(proctive skills)說、寫技能則不然,它要求學習者不但要有豐富的語言知識儲備,還要求能夠將這些知識變為自己語言的一部分.大學生要寫出優秀的英語作文,首先需要打下牢固的語言基礎,即相當程度的語言造詣、良好的語言修養和敏銳的語言感知能力.而且必須懂得寫作的具體步驟,了解寫作的性質,掌握寫作的技巧.更為重要的是,中國學生還必須解決用英語思維的問題.不懂得英美人思維方式的人,無論語言功底有多深,是寫不出地道的英語文章的.這里我向大傢具體談談寫好英語作文的幾個重要環節. 首先我們談談語言.任何學過幾年英語的人,他可能自己寫不出好的英語作文,但當讀到一篇漂亮的英語作文時,他能感覺到.產生這種感覺的又是什麼?這就是語言.文章語言是重要的.我們贊嘆一篇漢語文章,往往是因為我們被文章的語言所吸引、所征服:語匯豐富,句式整齊,語言或精煉或華麗,四字成語和句式安排均熟練自如,自然流暢.英語文章也同樣如此.我們說這篇英語作文漂亮,主要還是因為它的語言豐富、老練和地道.那麼怎樣才能做到這一點呢?基本功訓練!還是回到了聽說讀寫中的寫。尤其是經常默寫一些選段。
『陸』 大學英語作文最好是範文!自己寫的!急急急!最好快一點
也不說要求。。。。。。。這是有關女性是否服兵役的文章 是在國外網站上找的
Whether women should be allowed to serve in the military has triggered spirited debate. Some assert that women should be allowed to defend their country in the same capacity as their male peers. Personally, I agree with their assertion for two reasons.
History has shown that women are fully capable of performing well in the military. Historically, there were a host of valiant women soldiers whose achievements really put their male counterparts to shame. One need only look at the classic examples of Joan of Arc and Mulan to see how exceptionally women could perform on the battlefield. In my observation, their determination, courage and dignity, to this day, are still being admired by male soldiers and civilians alike throughout the world.
Moreover, from an enlightened standpoint, female patriots should be granted the right to go to the front line when their motherland is involved in a war. Admittedly, gender inequality was a highly controversial issue in the twentieth century. However, now twelve years into the new millennium, women can learn and teach, work and supervise, vote and voted in most countries just like men. In light of this sweeping progress in gender equality, there is no sense in denying them the right to defend their home country when a war breaks out.
In sum, keeping military services out of bounds of women in the information age is unwarranted. I have been convinced that it is in the best interest of a nation if women are also granted equal rights in this particular arena.
『柒』 大學英語作文評析的目錄
第一部分 議論和說明文
1 The Importance of Confidence
2 Winners and Losers
3 My View on Opportunity
4 No Peace,No Development
5 Technology
6 Science and Technology
7 Space Researdh
8 The Internet and US
9 How Does the Computer Change Our Life
10 Computer Crime
11 Online Chatting
12 My View on China's Unemployment Today
13 Environmental Pollution
14 Traffic and Population
15 Western Regions Development
16 The Best Preparation for Life and Career
17 Job Interviews
18 My Ideal Job
19 Migrant Workers,a Blessing or a Curse?
20 Re-employment of laid-off Workers
21 A Boom in Alt Ecation
22 Project Hope
23 How to Do Well in an Exaamination