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發布時間:2021-03-13 03:13:44

❶ 用英語寫一篇作文

Nowadays, there appears a phenomenon that the western customs are spreading into the east countries step by step, thus making many inhabitants who live in big cities enjoy themselves on these western festivals such as Christmas Day, April Fool』 Day, etc. Such phenomenon shows us that the world people are getting close graally and the world is becoming smaller and smaller as well. Therefore, in my opinion, it』s a normal phenomenon s well as a necessary trend.

First of all, it shows that we Chinese have become much opener rather than clinging to some very old customs, which are opposite our living. Looking back on the history, we can find the answer to why our China was very poor and weak in the 1800』s. Yes, the answer is that we closed ourselves not to let other countries know about us, and this led us to a very hard road on which we suffered many wars that many European countries launched. So I think it is more than necessary to accept other customs instead of closing ourselves. Of course, festivals are just the beginning.

What』s more, the Open and Reform Policy results in this. So I want to say it is a great achievement for the policy. Since we took the policy into practice, our country is developing with a rapid speed. No doubt it is an essential trend.

Last but not the least, we may get closer and closer not only to our home friends but also to many foreigners. We can never feel embarrassed for not knowing the other』s customs and manners. And more misunderstandings can be avoided as well.

To sum up, the trend has its great advantage to a certain extent. However, if we admire the western customs too much, it will be a disadvantage because China is our own country, all of us should enjoy a patriotic heart. Wish in the near future, we can see the situation that westerners are enjoying themselves on the Spring Festival.

❷ 怎麼用英語寫作

英語作文的形式有說明文(exposition),議論文(argumentation),敘述文(narration)和描寫文(description)四種。不論寫哪一種作文,你都必須首先選詞(word),造句(sentence),然後組段(paragraph),成文(composition)。因此,中學生學慣用英語寫作文最好不要一開始就忙於追究說明文怎麼個寫法,議論文怎麼個寫法等等,而應該花一定的時間和精力練習寫作文的基本功,也就是學習和獲取選詞、造句、組段、謀篇的知識和能力。一、遴選詞彙(wording)1、分辨語體。英語詞有書面語體和口語體之分。寫作文時,應多用書面語詞為主,少用口語詞,以便使作文的語體和用詞的色彩和諧一致。2、識別詞義。英語裡面有許多同義詞,還有一詞多義的情況。選詞造句的時候必須注意自己在使用詞語的哪一個意思,以及能不能那樣用。3、明確詞性。英語有一詞多性的現象,也有同一個詞根派生出幾個單詞,它們的含義大致相同,但詞性各不相同。4、注意拼寫。5、使用詞典。寫作文應當勤查詞典。對拼寫、移行、發音、詞性,詞義或用法有疑問,都可以向詞典求教。詞典有兩大類,漢英詞典和英漢詞典。同學們應該試用一下英漢雙解詞典,並逐漸過渡到使用英-英詞典,即用英語解釋英語的詞典,這對准確掌握詞義,學習多種表達方式很有好處。二、組織語句sentence-making句子是表達意思相對完整的語言單位。尤其是書面語言,起碼是句子作為表述單位。造句首先要注意語法問題。1、主謂齊全。作為一個句子,在一般情況下都應具備主語和謂語尤其是謂語動詞是必不可少的。2、關系一致。英語的謂語動詞是手主語支配的。因此,主謂關系要一致。同時,代詞指代關系的一致,句子前後時態關系的一致等等。3、詞序恰當。英語詞的詞序有些是有規則可循的。即:who + do + what + how + where + when + why. 有些要根據作者強調的重點調整位置。 在語法過關的基礎上,造句還應該主要幾個修辭上的問題。 1、突出中心。這里包含兩層意思。首先,一個句子應該有一個中心意思,不能前面說東後面到西,令人不得要領。第二,確定了一個句子的中心要表達什麼意思,就要運用修辭手段把這個意思強調出來。 2、前後連貫。這是指一個句子里的詞語要銜接得當。關系清楚,合乎邏輯。 3、語句簡練。不要堆砌修飾性詞語。在沒有把握的情況下,不要用從句。應該多用簡單句。 三、組織文章段落 段落是文章中相對獨立的一個部分,表達一個相對完整的想法(idea)。它通常由主題句、支撐句、例句和結尾句組成。 1、主題句(topic sentence) 主旨句揭示該段內容的中心,放在段落的開頭。從修辭上看,主旨句宜用比較簡潔的句子,使讀者容易領會該段的主旨。 2、支撐句(supporting sentence) 支撐句的內容必須圍繞主題句,支持主題句。使主題句更加具體,易懂。使讀者順利進入文章中。偏離主題句的支撐句等於畫蛇添足,使讀者感到進入了迷魂陣中,應該刪去。 3、結束句(closing sentence) 結束句是對主題句的呼應,它通常導出支撐句所陳述的結果。WritingI、根據流程圖,寫一篇短文。流程圖:first父子三人帶著魚具來到湖邊。next父親使用他的魔語(the right magic)。after thatRobbie釣上一條魚。later on他們把魚做熟吃了finally他們驅車回家。

❸ 用英文寫一篇作文

I addicted to playing weibo recently. May I know you from your weibo dynamic message
I'm very glad to have a brave friend like you, you actively participated in the challenge cup English speech contest held in your school, I admire your courage. Although there is no title, but you gain experience for the next to lay the foundation, isn't it? Come on, make greater efforts to study English.
Hope to see you next time weibo can hear you win.
Li hua

❹ 我們的才能用英語寫作文

Everyone wants to be successful.Some of them think that one's
talent can lead to success.However,diligence must be another important
factor which help you reach the top of your life.
When you make up
your mind,you should set about doing things diligently in order to
succeed.As the old saying goes:Nothing is impossible to a willing
mind.So please trying hard and diligently,you may achieve success one

❺ 用英語寫一篇作文。。。


❻ 用英語寫作文

My name is ranxianyi.I am 13 years old.I come from shichuan in chain.I am studying in zhangjiagang injiangsu.I like playing pingpang and computer games .

❼ 怎樣用英語寫作文

英語作文的形式有說明文(exposition),議論文(argumentation),敘述文(narration)和描寫文(description)四種。不論寫哪一種作文,你都必須首先選詞(word),造句(sentence),然後組段(paragraph),成文(composition)。因此,中學生學慣用英語寫作文最好不要一開始就忙於追究說明文怎麼個寫法,議論文怎麼個寫法等等,而應該花一定的時間和精力練習寫作文的基本功,也就是學習和獲取選詞、造句、組段、謀篇的知識和能力。一、遴選詞彙(wording)1、分辨語體。英語詞有書面語體和口語體之分。寫作文時,應多用書面語詞為主,少用口語詞,以便使作文的語體和用詞的色彩和諧一致。2、識別詞義。英語裡面有許多同義詞,還有一詞多義的情況。選詞造句的時候必須注意自己在使用詞語的哪一個意思,以及能不能那樣用。3、明確詞性。英語有一詞多性的現象,也有同一個詞根派生出幾個單詞,它們的含義大致相同,但詞性各不相同。4、注意拼寫。5、使用詞典。寫作文應當勤查詞典。對拼寫、移行、發音、詞性,詞義或用法有疑問,都可以向詞典求教。詞典有兩大類,漢英詞典和英漢詞典。同學們應該試用一下英漢雙解詞典,並逐漸過渡到使用英-英詞典,即用英語解釋英語的詞典,這對准確掌握詞義,學習多種表達方式很有好處。二、組織語句sentence-making句子是表達意思相對完整的語言單位。尤其是書面語言,起碼是句子作為表述單位。造句首先要注意語法問題。1、主謂齊全。作為一個句子,在一般情況下都應具備主語和謂語尤其是謂語動詞是必不可少的。2、關系一致。英語的謂語動詞是手主語支配的。因此,主謂關系要一致。同時,代詞指代關系的一致,句子前後時態關系的一致等等。3、詞序恰當。英語詞的詞序有些是有規則可循的。即:who + do + what + how + where + when + why. 有些要根據作者強調的重點調整位置。 在語法過關的基礎上,造句還應該主要幾個修辭上的問題。 1、突出中心。這里包含兩層意思。首先,一個句子應該有一個中心意思,不能前面說東後面到西,令人不得要領。第二,確定了一個句子的中心要表達什麼意思,就要運用修辭手段把這個意思強調出來。 2、前後連貫。這是指一個句子里的詞語要銜接得當。關系清楚,合乎邏輯。 3、語句簡練。不要堆砌修飾性詞語。在沒有把握的情況下,不要用從句。應該多用簡單句。 三、組織文章段落 段落是文章中相對獨立的一個部分,表達一個相對完整的想法(idea)。它通常由主題句、支撐句、例句和結尾句組成。 1、主題句(topic sentence) 主旨句揭示該段內容的中心,放在段落的開頭。從修辭上看,主旨句宜用比較簡潔的句子,使讀者容易領會該段的主旨。 2、支撐句(supporting sentence) 支撐句的內容必須圍繞主題句,支持主題句。使主題句更加具體,易懂。使讀者順利進入文章中。偏離主題句的支撐句等於畫蛇添足,使讀者感到進入了迷魂陣中,應該刪去。 3、結束句(closing sentence) 結束句是對主題句的呼應,它通常導出支撐句所陳述的結果。WritingI、根據流程圖,寫一篇短文。流程圖:first父子三人帶著魚具來到湖邊。next父親使用他的魔語(the right magic)。after thatRobbie釣上一條魚。later on他們把魚做熟吃了finally他們驅車回家。

❽ 英語作文翻譯

Dear principle:
I'm writing to request a valuable chance to be one of the bost families for the British student. According my situation, I have strong confident that my family will be enough appropriate and comfort for the newly arrived oversea students based on three points: Firstly, my family have wide-space houseing facility for accommondation purpose, and peisonal vehicle for transport. Secondly, I have fairly strong capability of English communication skills and I also enjoy it. Last but not least, I had expierence of hosting oversea students from England last year. Based on the three points above, I believe I can take a good care of the homestay students and give them good memeries.



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