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❶ 英語寫作中不能反復出現i am


❷ 英語作文:重視學習而忽視其他能力

First, the analysis of the status quo ???? teaching high school English writing ability and writing English teaching high school English writing status quo has a direct relationship. Teacher training to students in the form of a single, comprehensive knowledge of the language is not effectively use; writing training focuses on the mechanical repetition of training, the lack of information search, information processing skills flexibly and output information. Therefore, the current high school English teaching there are still some problems. ???? Two high school teaching English composition existing problems ???? 1. Only serious results, ignoring the cultivation of students 'interest in writing ???? writing some extent alienated students' writing ability exam teachers in teaching writing to students in the form of training also single, formalized. Writing for students graally become a lack of impulse, but there is no need to have to complete the chore. The main reason should be attributed to the traditional mode of teaching English writing mostly temporary and not a permanent cure, there is a serious psychological problems to explore the vacant. "Motivation is a natural tendency to be inspired not only be established." Writing should be anchored in its psychological nature, in other words, the teaching of writing should focus first on why students write essay. Focus on how to stimulate the motivation for writing this is particularly important in the teaching of English writing. ???? 2. Only heavy structure, content ???? teachers despise the teaching of writing is often used for the structural framework of a stylistic intensive repeatedly, at least in writing so that students have a framework to follow . Therefore, teachers ask students to repeatedly recite a lot of essay; remember some discourse structure mechanically different style, and in the correct use of syntax and vocabulary not add accumulation and use of the content of the writing is very little attention, Therefore, write articles stereotyped, only empty frame without the fullness of body and soul. 3. ???? awareness of intercultural communication did not cause enough attention ???? language is the carrier of culture, a language in a way necessarily reflect an ethnic and cultural traditions and ways of thinking, listening professor at the University of Our tasting both college entrance essay presents a common problem that most students still remain in the Chinese language style of English at this level, do not comply with the language of expression in English-speaking countries. ????
一、高中英語寫作教學的現狀分析 ??? 高中生英語寫作能力與英語寫作教學現狀有直接關系。老師對學生的訓練採用單一的形式,語言知識得不到有效綜合運用;寫作訓練側重於機械性重復訓練,缺少搜索信息、處理信息和輸出信息的靈活運用技能訓練。因此,目前高中英語教學中仍然存在著一定的問題。 ??? 二、目前高中英語作文教學中存在的問題 ??? 1.只重結果,忽視了對學生寫作興趣的培養 ??? 寫作在一定程度上異化為培養學生的作文應試能力,教師在教學中對學生寫作的訓練形式也就單一化、形式化了。寫作對學生來說逐漸成了一種缺乏沖動,沒有需要而又必須得完成的苦差。其主要原因應歸結於傳統英語寫作教學模式大都治標而不治本,嚴重存在著心理探求缺位的問題。「動機是天然傾向,只能被激發而不能被建立。」寫作教學應以其心理本質為基點,換而言之,寫作教學應首先關注學生為什麼要寫作文。關注如何激發寫作動機這一點在英語寫作教學中尤為重要。 ??? 2.只重結構,輕視了內容 ??? 教師在寫作教學中往往習慣於對某種文體的結構框架進行再三的強化,最起碼使學生在寫作時有個結構框架可以遵循。因此,教師要求學生反復大量地背誦範文;機械地記憶一些不同文體的篇章結構,而在句法及詞彙的正確運用上卻不加積累和運用,對寫作內容的關注度更是少之又少,因此,寫出的文章千篇一律,只有空洞的框架而沒有豐滿的靈與肉。 ??? 3.跨文化交際的意識沒有引起足夠的重視 ??? 語言是文化的載體,一種語言在某種程度上必然反映出一個民族的文化傳統和思維體系,聽大學教授對我們高考作文的品評中都提出了一個共性的問題,就是大多數學生的語言表達還停留在漢語式的英語這一層面,根本不符合英語國家的語言表達方式。 ???

❸ 以「努力學習不能忽視身體健康」為題材的英語作文

人生下來幹嘛,就是為了讀書嘛!可是有些人為了讀書,卻是廢寢忘食,不怕寒冷,反正就是什麼也不怕。這樣很好嗎?不吃飯,身體就不健康,凍著了,還要花錢看病,值得嗎?說不定,你廢寢忘食,不怕寒冷,還不一定考上好學校。看:有些人為了考上好的學校,冬天半夜躲到廁所讀書。還不穿棉襖,身子壞了找誰負責?還不是找自己。學習固然重要,但也要看身體說話呀! Life down Why is aimed at studying Well! However, some people in the study, but it is neither eat nor sleep, not afraid of cold, anyway that is not afraid of anything. So good? Do not eat, the body is not healthy, Dong Zhuo, and also to pay a doctor, worth it? Perhaps, you neither eat nor sleep, not afraid of cold, not necessarily admitted to good schools. To see: some people in order to test into a good school, hid in the toilet at night in winter reading. Do not wear cotton-padded jacket, broken body is responsible for whom? Is not yet find her own. Learning is important, but also look at the body to speak呀!

❹ 英語寫作不好怎麼辦啊


❺ 但他帶來的負面影響不能忽視. 英語翻譯

But what can't be neglected is the negative influence he has brought.

❻ 英語寫作,需要注意哪些問題


❼ 求一篇英語作文有關只顧學習忽視鍛煉的作文


生命是一種緣分,你刻意追求的未必能得到,你努力追尋的未必能獲取。生命中的燦爛,人生中的輝煌,往往不期而遇,盡在偶遇。我們能做的就是盡心盡力,得到是一種幸運,得不到也是一種幸運。因為盡心,我們總有收獲,因為盡力,我們總有進步。 得失是一種心境,人生就是一種緣分,無悔就行。是的,上蒼給予我們一樣的生命,我們卻選擇了不盡一樣的生活方式。我們可能活的不高貴,但我們完全可以活的高尚;我們可能無法逃避厄運或人生包含的應有棘手的問題,但我們可以從容豁達。什麼都可以缺乏,自信不能缺乏;什麼都可以不要,快樂不能不要;什麼都可以不好,心情不能不好。

❽ 英語寫作中要注意哪些細節問題

這個問題好大,下面給你介紹一些,希望有幫到你! 英語寫作注意事項一.如何使句子意義明確怎樣寫、寫什麼樣的文章才能得高分呢?這是大家共同關心的問題。下面請大家注意以下幾個句子:
(1)I get up early,study hard and go to bed late.我早起晚睡,努力學習。
(2)Everything was over.I put my heart into my stomach.一切都結束了。我放心了。
(3)You must make a choice,because you can't eat fish and bear's paw at the same time.你必須做出選擇,因為魚與熊掌不可兼得。
這幾個句子都是同學們平時寫作練習中出現過的,信手拈來與大家共同探討。雖然句子結構本身沒有毛病,但是屬於壞句子。為什麼呢?先說句(1),它給人造成的印象很模糊,泛泛而談,空洞無物。How early? How late?How hard?沒有交代清楚。這就涉及到寫單句(非簡單句)的一條原則:具體的原則。能給人留下深刻印象的東西往往是具體的事物,比如說某人想家時會想念家鄉的「一草一木」。這「一草一木」就是家鄉的「一切的一切」的具體化。同樣,要形象地說明自己起早貪黑,刻苦學習的情形,就不能僅僅用兩個無法限定準確時間的副詞 early和late及無法限定準確程度的副詞hard來表示。經提示後,該學生將句(1)改成了:I get up early in the morning,study 8 hours and go to bed late at night。還是不太理想。他想了想再改成:I get up at 5:50 in the morning,study earnestly 8 hours all day and go to bed at 11:00。這樣就好多了。
句(2)和句(3)的問題是非英語(Non-English),也就是說這種說法在英語中不存在。由於許多同學寫作時往往是用漢語打腹稿,然後逐句譯成英語,所以這種「漢化英語」為數不少。解決的辦法就是加強詞彙積累,同時注意培養英語思維習慣。日積月累,能夠改觀。二.句型的靈活運用句子提倡簡煉,但不是說都用簡單句。簡單句的堆徹實際上是語言技巧不成熟、不老練,甚至語言水平低下的表現。在某種意義上來說,在詞數相同的作文中,語言水平越高,語言技巧越熟練,句子的數目也就越少。這就意味著句子長了,句子結構復雜了。 反對過多地使用簡單句並不是鼓勵刻意追求長句、復雜句。我們追求的是句子結構的多變。一篇文章能根據表達的內容使用不同的句子結構,會產生較好的藝術效果。 三.大學英語作文中的問題作文不理想的原因很多,總的看來主要有以下幾個方面的問題: 第一、英語底子太薄。底子太薄主要表現為對語法知識掌握不牢及對基本詞彙記憶不清。它包括定冠詞和不定冠詞的濫用,主謂不一致,單復數搞不清楚(例如:a people等),時態和語態混亂及詞語的各種形式掌握不牢。有的學生文章寫得很長,字跡也很工整,但是讀完之後只覺得思路紊亂,支離破碎,沒有一個完整的句子,所以也就只能得兩三分以慰勞苦。 第二、詞彙量太小,且對已學詞彙記憶不清。除了底子太薄這個歷史原因之外,學生詞彙量太小也是一個不容忽視的原因。有的學生漢語功底很好,用漢語作文,他們就會思如泉湧,下筆千言,但是一到用英語作文就好像被縛住了手腳,不知如何下手。比如99年1月的作文,題目是"Don't Hesitate to Say No", 大部分學生能夠領會題意並能按給出的漢語提綱作文,但有的學生連Hesitate是什麼意思都不知道,更不用說在此基礎上再作發揮了。另外有的學生雖然對題目及要求非常清楚,但是因為自己所掌握的詞彙所限,無法用一些合適的詞來表達自己的思想,於是只有繞著題目翻來覆去亂說一氣,再加上這次出的作文提綱就象一道繞口令: 1、 別人請求幫助時,在什麼情況下我們會說「不」;
2、 為什麼有些人在該說「不」的時候不說「不」;
3、 該說「不」時不說「不」的壞處。 所以在說過一個又一個的"No"再加幾個"Yes"之後,閱卷老師也給搞得雲里霧里,頭腦發脹,最後也只得酌情給個兩三分罷了。還有的一寫到紙上就是錯字別字滿篇,有些詞彙的用法也走了樣。其中最典型的就是for example寫成example for , for instance寫成for a instance, illegal 寫成unlegle, 而such as, in spite of 等許多短語則是亂用一氣。詞彙的有限導致

❾ 偶爾的失敗不能決定你的一生 英語作文

Because of do not trip and fall does not dare to run, do not curse the life because of the wind and rain, do not because of become lost has neglected the natural scenery. Only then one overcomes the setback, the challenge setback, to enjoy the setback step by step, could find the life the flashing temperature, enjoyed in the growth each splendor at the same time. the setback accompanies me to grow, I by will work as optimistically the navigation aid, will like this only then not lose the direction. Without the optimistic manner, will lose the struggle the direction, to lose all faith, no matter what the ideal sailing ship will drift with the current in the turbulent setback mighty waves, jolts up and down and even is defeated. But the setback was not to the region which collapsed completely, but the solemn caution should not be sluggish, must insist the faith, momentarily by optimistic, calm braved all hardships. So my Lu of Naneng growth leaves setback this good strict teacher? the setback accompanies me to grow, I by will work as strongly the backing, easily will like this only then not be eliminated. Any life is not strong, must not be able to exist safely. If the tree is not strong, does not tall and straight, how can harvest a piece of sunlight rain and dew; If the bamboo is not strong, how can state decisively the green hill not to relax the human is respected; If the plum is not strong, how can have insults coldly alone opens clank the lofty character; If the human is not strong, how can have strives for success, tracks down defeats the setback, defeats own strength? So my Lu of Naneng growth leaves the setback this encouragement good friend. the setback accompanies me to grow, I by will make the agent humbly, will like this only then not discard the personality. The human not only should when the success understands modestly, should when frustration insists the humble easy to learn style. Take humble as the criterion, even though has a body ability really also because of arrogant, stubborn, but will drain in vain. So my Lu of Naneng growth left setback this just mother of the belt supple success? the setback, lets me understand that optimistic, the academic society strong, maintains humble, lets my life be more splendid, I want the setback to accompany me to grow!
Because the sea has the mighty waves, only then obviously grand; Because the trees accept the rain the baptism, only then obviously green; But lives, because has setback's existence, only then many several moves, several strong ......Therefore, must demonstrate in front of the setback the strongest smile, brave said to it 「not」! when you walk when has filled on the fetters and the rough life road, has met 「the heavy rain」, under foot's Lu Bian more and more difficult, you look at the remote front, also looks that after death the dim return avenue, you will have made what kind of choice? Is sits in ground loses one's voice cries? Is brave and rigid steps forward each step? - a - choice was deciding whether you do succeed. in front of setback, what if you choose is the former, then you will see the setback to laugh wildly, will smile your feeling inferior, will smile your timid. But, what if you rejoiced is your choice is the latter, then the setback is advantageous for the work to be able to hide in the dark corner, trembles. Therefore, in front of the setback, defeats him with you strongest smiling face, lets him wither away in your sunlight smile. the Paul's strength, Helen Caylor's rigid, as well as Robinson's optimism, once a time moved your me, is also they tells the common people 「for a setback smile, gives itself an opportunity」 truth. facing special Olympics in these athletic field heroic bearing, on podium success, you whether to be moved in these looks in the daily life resembles commonplace, the success which even is not faced up to the people the disabled person who creates? Regardless of the extraordinary personality is the ordinary person, should not submit in the setback, believed that on the life road, you will mount belongs to your mountain peak. in front of the setback, the corners of the mouth which your that raises, the self-confident look, as well as that another setback trembles loudly 「not」, can let your tomorrow throw over the glory top-quality to wait for you before. therefore ...... believed that your choice is, brave and rigid steps forward each step in 「the rain」!
Facing this huge world, we are very always tiny, we must experience, but with regretted, must experience the pain with sadly, must experience frightened coldly with. We are tiny how, we is also even smaller than in this vast non-boundary's universe a grain of st particle.what but does pessimistic also have to use? We must live, must go on living.since must live, what we do look distressed all day also have to use? This world is relative. You had not understood that painstakingly sweet is any taste, does not have the pain, you did not understand that happy is any taste. We face many, is the helpless, but you always recall these helplesses, can only increase naturally the pain to you. Such words, why don't we turn the helpless pursue the happy power? person's life is seeking for happiness with joyfully. This is we are living the significance.
人的一生 都在尋找幸福跟快樂。這就是我們活著得意義。
The time flies, 18 years passed quietly in a moment, in this 18 years, I obtained many, also have lost many. I joyful, I also sorrowful; I have put, I have also regretted. But how was this ordinary and the extraordinary 18 years teaches me to live, lets me understand the life the significance. When I look back the extension looks at this not short not long 18 years, I learn confidently to face, learn never to regret. This 18 years already passed by after all, but I experienced it to take to my wind and rain and the sunlight, then what I also do need extravagant demands? Therefore I did not regret! when I may feel relaxed very much is wrong, my heart which violated facing the past is confident! 18 year youth like this looks like the wind to blow, never turned head. Breeze blow from now on, when I calmly stand in-situ, front looks out time, all cloud poor business conditions have been clear, that elapses the wind, besides teaches me to grow, my wild hope it cannot leave behind anything, therefore I am not reluctant to part with. Present's I only want to treasure, to have this time's years well well, does not let it refer to the seam average from me to walk again, how many 18 years again after all can the life also have? Is also in an instant, a Rafale, elapses the life brilliance is no longer heavy. The life looks like me teacher, while teaches me to live principle, also lets me write down the growth diary in the heart, it let me understand anything was the life completely - - pursues the academic honor benefits of rank and salary, was not enjoys luxuriously, was not the escape, was not spiritless, but was must smile to the life. So long as in the heart has the sunlight which representative hope that no matter then how violent storm outside is, thunder and lightning crash, very has passed, certainly will comprehend 「does not experience how the wind and rain can see the rainbow」 the true meaning. opens the growth diary, bitter, sad, happy and so on the growth experiences joyful presents with not the joyful past events at present, which will it tell me to pursue in present's life, which needs will give up, anything can do, anything may not do. The growth also let me understand the dear ones, the friendship and love sincere and the value. grows, each people must experience process, if you have lost the direction in the life crossroad street intersection, then asks you to remember: Smiles to the life!
時間飛逝,轉眼間18個年頭已悄然而逝,在這18年裡,我得到了很多,也失去了很多。我快樂過,我也悲哀過;我委屈過,我也後悔過。但就是這平凡而又不平凡的18年教會了我怎樣生活,讓我懂得生命的意義。 當我回首轉望這不短不長的18年時,我學會了坦然面對,學會了永不後悔。畢竟這18年已經過去,而我曾經經歷過它帶給我的風雨和陽光,那我還需要奢求什麼?所以我不後悔!當我可以很釋然地面對從前所犯的錯時,我心坦然!18年的青春就這樣像風般吹過,永不回頭了。風吹過後,當我靜靜地站在原地,遙望前方的時候,一切都雲淡風清了,那逝去的風,除了教會我成長外,我不奢望它還能留下什麼,所以我並不留戀。現在的我只想好好珍惜、好好擁有此時的歲月,不讓它再從我的指縫中流走,畢竟人生還能再有多少個18年啊?又是一轉眼,一陣風,逝去的生命光華不再重來。生活就像我的老師,在教會我生活法則的同時,也讓我在心中寫下成長日記,它讓我明白了什麼才是生活的全部——不是追求功名利祿,不是奢侈享受,不是逃避,不是懦弱,而是要笑對人生。只要心中有代表希望的陽光,那麼不管外面是怎麼的狂風暴雨、雷電交加,挺過去了,就一定會領悟「不經歷風雨怎能見彩虹」的真諦。


❿ 英語寫作要注意什麼

















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