⑴ 看圖寫作文(英語小作文)3句話
This is our school sports meeting .
Look,that boy is good ,he is good at running.
He has a Gold Medal,he is winer!
⑵ 看圖寫作文要用英語
Christmas Day
Christmas Day falls on the twenty-fifth of December. It is a very happy day for many boys and girls . Before the term ends in some schools , the children act a nativity or 「」 play, showing how Jesus was born in a stable.
On the twenty-fourth of December, all children are very excited. Usually they are sent to bed early so that their parents can get the presents ready. The younger children think that Father Christmas will come down the chimney or fireplace , so they hang up a sock for him to put presents in. The greedy ones even hang up a pillow-case or a sack to try to get more presents. Later that night, Father or Mother will put presents in the sock, and leave others at the side of the bed.
On Christmas morning, the children wake up very early. Some even turn on the light at two o'clock, and most of them are awake by six o'clock although it is not light in England for another hour or two at this time of the year.Children look for their presents , and the young ones play while the dinner is prepared. At about one o'clock in the afternoon, the Christmas dinner is brought in . The turkey or chicken is quickly eaten . Children search in their Christmas pudding for new coins which are hidden in it . The rest of the day is full of games and eating until the happiest of all Christmas hollidays comes to an end.
⑶ 看圖寫英文作文。
A boy was running very fast along the road. Suddenly he bumped into an old man and knocked him down. The boy was very embarrassed. He said sorry to the old man and reached out his hands to help the old man stand-up. The oldman touched the boy's head gently and told the boy to be careful on the road. The boy apologize again for his carelessness to the old man, and helped the old man across the road.
⑷ 看圖寫話作文,小猴子挖井怎麼寫了
⑸ 大學英語作文看圖寫話,急用
A man wants to bring down the bricks from upstairs.He pulled a box upstairs with a fixed pulley, climbed a ladder and put the bricks in the box, but when he put the bricks on the ground, he accidentally lifted himself up through the pulley.The box became lighter because the bricks fell on the ground. He was wheeled to the ground. Unfortunately, he was hurt by the bricks on the ground.
⑹ 五年級上冊看圖作文挖井圖
有這樣一幅漫畫,畫面上有一個人想要挖一口井,可是到頭來挖了深淺不一的五個坑之後,留下一句「這下面沒水,換個地方再挖!」的豪言便揚長而去。難道真的是地下無水嗎?其實,土層的下面,一帶清澈的地下水正靜靜流淌。更令人感到可惜的是,有的坑離水面已經近在咫尺,只要再堅持一下,挖井人就能如願以償了。 說實話,畫中的挖井人並不是一個只動口不動手的空想家,你看他高挽褲腿,汗流俠背的樣子就可以知道他也費過一番工夫,深淺不一的五個坑,「換個地方再挖」的豪言壯語就是明證。然而照此下去,他除了在地面上再留下幾個坑以外,肯定是一無所獲了。為什麼?因為他獨缺「專心」二字。 荀子《勸學》中有雲:蚓無爪牙之利,筋骨之強,上食埃土,下飲黃泉,用心一也;蟹六跪而二鰲,非蛇鱔之穴無可寄託者,用心躁也。」強調的就是治學要用心專一的道理。就挖井而言,認准地下有水.應該探挖不止,對治學來說.明確一個目標.就應該堅持不懈。許多人做學問,完全憑興趣左右,今日物理,明天化學,一會兒想在文壇一嗚諒人,一會兒又想在商界呼風喚雨……然而事事淺嘗概止虎頭蛇尾,結果卻一事無成。其實.世界上又有哪件事情是一賦而就的呢?挖井如此.治學尤然。任何一門學問,鑽研越深,進步越難,非下苦功無以成大家。若沒有日復一日口含石子,迎風朗誦的苦練,德摩斯梯尼如何能克服口吃,成為名噪一時的演說家,若投有年復一年潛心數論,埋頭演算的艱辛.陳景潤何來摘取「數學皇冠明珠」的輝煌。用心專,才能用心恆。離開了專一的垣心,只不過是三心二意者的借口.這樣的人,做個半瓶醋的「雜家」尚可,若想成為專家,何異干痴人說夢。其實,說到缺乏「專心」,凡事半途而廢,多半還是缺乏信,所致。就像那個挖井人.挖了幾處都不見水,就失去了繼續深的信口,借口「這里沒水」,便浦灑而去。他的行為雖不可取.倒還情有可原,因為水深藏在地下.他無法判斷。但說到做學問.開始每個人都清楚自己所鑽研學問的價值.然而花了一番功夫沒有取得理想中的收獲,便開始懷疑,懷疑學問的價值,壞疑研究的方向,懷疑自己的能力…「.在壞疑中逐漸失掉了信口.失掉了專心與恆心,失掉了堅持不懈的勇氣,干是,也許就在離成功一步之遙的地方與成功失之交臂。每個人都希望自已能有所成就.在起步之前.讓我們一起來看看「挖井圖」,想一想我們是否淮備好了:誰備好了足夠的信,口和勇氣.專心和恆心。
⑺ 看圖寫英語作文
One day, the weather was really good. Birds were singing in the trees. A boy finished his homework, so he went outside to play football. His name is Peter, and he is a great football player. Suddenly, he used too much force and kicked the ball to the tree. However, the ball was stuck on there. He did not know what to do. Just that time, an old man holding an umbrella passed by. The boy asked him for help. After the consideration, the old man threw his umbrella to the ball, and the ball fell down. But the umbrella was stuck there. The little boy saw the umbrella and did not know what to do. So he turned around and ran away. The old man shook his head desperately.
⑻ 求一篇英語作文,看圖寫作文,字數120至180
您好: may be a common phenomenon that we see beggars begging for a living on the pavements or perhaps just in the streets especially in the cities.For one hand,I think this can be regarded as a warning for the government to raise the living standard of people as well as to put forth the finance to upgrade the infrastructures and public facilities.Additionally,it's also important to raise the awareness of the public to learn to care about others,in particular the poor because with together effort we can make a better future.For another,however,it's significant to teach the beggars to learn to make a living by themselfes instead of depending on others' sympathy since nobody will help them to live for one's whole life.Moreover,being independent is one of the most important qualities of human beings.
⑼ 英語看圖寫作文,要有題目 120字左右
It was winter. After a heavy snow, two boyscame out from their warm house. They used the snow on the road and made a snowman. They used almost two hours to stack the snow. Because it was cold so they were wearing thick clothes. They were very happy when they finished the snowman.
Sweeps away snow the heavy snow which 50 years have not met to suffuse the entire earth, because the temperature is extremely low, the heavy snow integrated the thick ice, the vehicles person line has been unable to pass through, traffic police uncles braved to shovel severely cold a thick ice spade spade, the people all revealed the gratitude the smile.(twe)My mother my mother this year 37 years old, in vain skin, round cheek, stature although Gao Dan very is not slender, when she and you is together, you can certainly think she is affable.
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