導航:首頁 > 英語寫作 > 英語李華寫作必寫句子


發布時間:2021-03-07 20:38:44

1. 根據所給的句子寫一篇英語作文


Li Hua is my good friend. He likes sports or outdoor activities, whether indoor sports. We get along very well, often exchange of feelings and thoughts. We sometimes because of misunderstandings and quarrels, but will make myself calm down first, then face-to-face to solve contradiction. Li Hua said, I will make every effort to make our friendship is more and more strong.


Li hua,who is my good friend,is interested in playing sports,whatever the outdoor activities or indoor activities.we get along well with with each other,it is usual that we often communicate our feelings and thoughts in spare time,although we may be argue because of some misunderstanging,there is no doubt that we are supposed to let ourself calm down,with sloving the problem face to face.once he had said,"i will try my best to protect our friengship from being hurt,

2. 英語作文..五句話 題目:假設你叫李華,你的美國筆友Peter知道你准備參加「快樂海南四日游」後

Dear Peter

How are you!

Suppose that your summer holiday is also approaching now, do you have any plan for it?

In China, we will have a summer holiday from July to Sept, this is the most important holiday for Chinese student.My classmate and I are now making some plan to have a travell Yours,
I will keep contact with you ring my summer holiday, wish you a nice holiday ,too.

Have a nice day!
Li HuaPeter

3. 寫英語作文

提高英語寫作能力的原則 一)漸進性原則。要堅持「句—段—篇」的訓練程序,由易到難,循序漸進。在英語寫作的初始階段,要始終注意培養學生良好的寫作習慣,狠抓基本功訓練。在學生掌握了基本句型並能寫出簡單句子後,再要求學生根據一些體例寫出小段的文章。在段落寫作中要引導學生分析段落的結構、段落的中心句、句與句之間的邏輯關系、寫作手法等,這樣有利於下一步一篇文章的寫作。在文章寫作中要教會學生如何構思文章、如何運用正確的寫作技巧等。 (二)多樣性原則。要堅持訓練形式的多樣化及寫作文體的多樣性。從形式上而言,可以用回答提問的口頭作文,也可以用續寫故事;可以改寫課文,也可以仿寫課文;可以寫提綱訓練謀篇布局,也可以寫拓展段訓練發散思維……。從文體上而言,可以寫說明文、議論文、記敘文,也可以寫書信、便條、通知等實用文體。 (三)結合性原則。要堅持聽說讀訓練和寫訓練相結合。根據語言習得理論,學習者在學習時常先通過聽和讀吸取語言知識,從而了解別人的思想,再通過說和寫來表達自己的思想,讓別人了解自己。大量的聽說訓練能促進讀寫能力的提高。因此,寫與聽說讀緊密結合,進行多元化的能力訓練,可使學生的各項能力互相影響、互相滲透、互相促進。 (四)控制性原則。要堅持寫作前的指導,控制學生的漢語語言思維,發展英語語言思維。語言學習在很大程度上主要是模仿,而非隨心所欲地自由表達。教師要加強寫作前的指導,可給出範文讓學生模仿,以熟悉其語篇結構。同時要控制其漢語語言思維,盡可能讓學生習慣英語語言思維,以便於學生學習和掌握地道、正確的英語。 (五)持久性原則。要堅持長期、正確的寫作訓練。英語寫作能力的提高並非一朝一夕之事,而是一個長期的、艱巨的、漸進的過程。這就要求教師、學生都要有充分的思想准備,要有堅韌不拔的意志和必勝的信心。 二、提高英語寫作能力的方法。 (一)通過積累詞彙量,提高英語寫作能力。猶如土木磚石是建築的材料一樣,詞彙是說話寫作的必需材料,也是制約寫作能力提高的瓶頸。可以想像,如果要寫一個句子,10個單詞有8個單詞拼寫錯誤或拼寫不出,有2 個單詞用法不當,又怎麼能清楚地表達自己的思想呢?因此,在平時的教學中要強調學生記憶單詞,記住單詞的拼讀、用法、意思等。記憶單詞的方法有很多,各人有各人的記憶方法和習慣,可因人而異。教師可通過要求學生朗讀單詞、聽寫單詞、默寫單詞、遣詞造句、詞彙競賽等多種方法促進學生記單詞。記憶單詞是一個長期的反復的過程,要長期地堅持下去,才能不斷積累大量的詞彙,為英語寫作打下堅實的基礎。 (二)通過擴大閱讀量,提高英語寫作能力。古人雲「熟讀唐詩三百首,不會作詩也會吟」,這是漢語的一種學習方法,同樣可借鑒於英語寫作。多閱讀是學生增加接觸英語語言材料、接受信息、活躍思維、增長智力的一種途徑,同時也是培養學生英語思維能力、提高理解力、增強語感、鞏固和擴大詞彙量的一種好方法,有利於促進英語寫作能力的提高。在閱讀訓練中,教師要注意以下問題:一是指導閱讀方法,分析文章結構、中心思想、段落中心句、寫作方法等,幫助學生掌握各類文章的結構及寫作方法。二要精讀與泛讀相結合,通過推敲優秀的文章來學會寫作方法和選詞用詞;通過大量的泛讀來吸取信息量,擴大詞彙量。三要擴大閱讀量。提供閱讀的材料涉及面要廣,才能不斷擴大學生的知識面,使學生適應各種題材的寫作。 (三)通過提高聽說能力,提高英語寫作能力。英語聽說讀寫四種能力是相互影響、相互促進的,提高聽說能力必定會促進寫作能力的提高。要提高聽說能力關鍵在於創設一個良好的英語環境。教師要盡可能地用英語授課,多開展專門的聽說訓練,同時開展豐富多彩的課外英語活動,讓學生沉浸在英語海洋中去領略、去體會、去使用英語,久而久之,學生自然能使用正確的、地道的英語進行交談與寫作。 (四)通過重視寫作過程,提高英語寫作能力。長期以來,英語寫作成果教學法(THE PRODUCT APPROACH)在我國居於主導地位,教師根據寫作的終成品來判斷寫作的成敗,重視寫作的技術性細節(如格式、拼寫、語法等),忽視寫作過程的指導。根據D.Rumechart和J.McClelland提出的連通論(Connectionism)理論,寫作包括寫前階段、具體寫作、文章修改三個基本過程,這三個過程並非是線性排列,而是循環往復,穿插進行的。教師只有重視加強對寫作三個過程的指導,才能更好地提高英語寫作能力。在寫作前階段,教師重在指導學生如何挖掘題材,訓練發散性思維,以及如何選擇材料、謀篇布局等。在具體寫作中,教師重在指導學生如何緊扣主題、運用正確的寫作方法等。在文章修改中,教師重在指導學生如何修改語法及用詞的錯誤。 (五)通過多寫英語摘要,提高英語寫作能力。英語摘要是把一篇文章的要點摘錄出來,用自己的語言使之獨立成一篇短文,這不是簡單的摘錄,而是忠於原文意思的再創作。寫英語摘要有利於學生了解原文的文化背景、理解原文的中心意思、弄清原文的篇章結構,從而提高學生的邏輯思維能力和謀篇布局能力。 (六)通過發展英語語言思維能力,提高英語寫作能力。英語寫作是運用已掌握的內在化語言知識和表達方法,通過思維進行外在化輸出的創作,因此英語語言思維能力在英語寫作中作用非凡。對於我國學生而言,在英語寫作中易受漢語語言思維的影響,難以直接用英語語言進行思維,不利於英語寫作能力的提高,因此發展其英語語言思維能力尤為重要。教師要注意對學生的英語語言思維進行多方位、多角度的訓練:要採取各種方法訓練學生英語語言思維的廣闊性、深刻性、發散性和創造性;要教會學生用英語思考問題、回答問題;要從訓練形象思維開始,逐步過渡到抽象思維訓練;在課文講解中要盡可能不用漢語翻譯而用英語解釋,消除漢語思維的影響;要努力創設良好的英語環境,在英語交際中發展英語思維能力。

4. 今年李華竟然不寫信了,那捲一英語高考作文變成了什麼



5. 英語5句話寫作

I am a student which was born is in 1989 in Yucai Middle School called Lee Hua.I am 180 cm tall and my hair is black because I am a Chinese. There are 3 people in my family,my parents are all teacher, so I always get a good grade in school, I am good
at English and I like speaking.And I am also very outgoing and I like to make friends so I have a lot of friends. I like to collect stamps and coins.This is me.

6. 李華英語作文的萬能句子

1、 on personal experience, personal type and emotion concern, we find that some people hold the idea of..., while others prefer...


2、When asked about..., the vast/ overwhelming majority of/ most/ many/ quite a few people say/ think/ believe/ answer that... But...


3、When it comes to ..., some think/ hold/ believe...


4、It has become apparent to us that...


5、Nowadays, it is commonly/ widely/ generally believed/ thought/ held that..., but I wonder/ doubt that...









7. 關於李華的英語作文,急求!


Dear ×××,
How long no see since you moved! I've heard you have a problem now. It is said that you've been lost in network games and don't study hard any longer. As your best friend, I'd like to say something here.
As a student, what's the most important is our study. We should spend the most time on it. Computer games are of course interesting, but they are used only for relaxation after a long time of study. Playing games should never be what your life is all about. Also, playing them too much will do harm to your eyes and waste your time. Why not just play them sometimes such as on weekends?
I really wish you all the best!

Li Hua


8. 根據這些句子寫一篇英語作文 1李華是我的好朋友 2他愛好體育,不論是戶外活動還是室內運動(be crazy...

Li Hua is my good friend. He likes sports or outdoor activities, whether indoor sports. We get along very well, often exchange of feelings and thoughts. We sometimes because of misunderstandings and quarrels, but will make myself calm down first, then face-to-face to solve contradiction. Li Hua said, I will make every effort to make our friendship is more and more strong.


9. 英語作文關於李華的實用句子

on the one hand
on theother hand
ever coin has two saids

10. 全部關於李華的英語作文

假如你是李華,剛剛收到兩年前參觀過你市的英國筆友Mike的來信詢問近來公共交通狀況,請你簡要介紹武漢市政府採取的四條措施,並且從中選取一條或兩條,結合自己的經歷,寫一篇短文,告訴Mike 你的感受和想法。
注意:1.字數120左右,所給的開頭語不計在內 2.參考詞彙:bike rental自行車租賃

Dear Mike,
You asked me about the present situation of the public transportation in Wuhan in the last letter.
Li hua
Now, I will communicate the action of the government and my opinion with you.
Firstly, the price of the bus has been cut down, which is very important, I think. Encouraging people to take bus can solve the biggest problem----too much people.
Another way is to develop the bike rental. As we know, car is much bigger than the bike obviously. Driving a car takes up much more place than cycling. So, developing the bike rental is an absolutely correct way to prove traffic circumstances.
Besides, government also builds 4 subway lines under the central of the city and increases the number of the taxis.
In my opinion, all the action above is useful. When the actions above are all finished, the city will be more perfect.

假設你是李華,你的美國老師Miss Morgan要求你們明天下午去聽一個美國歷史的講座。你因故不能參加。請你根據以下要點,寫一封簡訊向Miss Morgan請假。

Dear Miss Morgan,
I am sorry that I can not join the cathedra about American history tomorrow afternoon because I have to pick up a friend from airport. It is the first time that my friend come to our city so I will go to airport to pick him up so that he will not lose his way. And I wonder if any record of the cathedra can be available so I can listen to it later .
Hope my leave can be proved ,thank you

Dear Sir/ Madam, 假定你是李華,亞洲冬季運動會將在你居住的地方舉辦,現在正在招募志願者,你希望成為其中一員。請按要求用英文給組委會寫一封申請信。內容應包括:
生詞:申請- apply (v.), application (n.)

My name is Li Hua. I would like to work as a volunteer for the Winter Asian Games.
I』m an eighteen-year-old boy studying in Yiwu High School. The reason why I want to be one of the volunteers is that I want to make the foreigners know more about my hometown as well as improving my own ability. I』m good at English, so there is no doubt that I can talk with them fluently. What』s more, I like doing sports as well. Above all, I』m easy-going and kind-hearted. I will try my best to help foreigners no matter what trouble they have. I am sure I will be an excellent guide to show the people around our city and make them enjoy the attractions.
Given a chance, I will offer them my best service. I hope that I can make a contribution to the Winter Asian Games.
An early reply will be appreciated.

Li Hua


Dear Editor,

We all know in this twenty-first century, English is and has always been a very important language worldwide. Now, our country looks more into the popularization of English. Do fellows in our school care a lot about this subject? We took surveys of the different ways of learning English outside the classroom on students in our school, and found out that ten percent use internet, ten percent do not bother to study this in the time other than in class, thirty percent learn by watching television's or listening to radio's English programs, and fifty percent read English books. We are happy to conclude that students of our school are taking English more seriously.

Li Hua

參考詞彙:原始森林 primeval forests 觀光飛機 scenic flights 極限跳傘 sky diving

Dear Jenny:
its' so nice to write you again, for these several days, my parents and i are visiting New zealand, it's a very beautiful country, it has primeval forest, beach, barbecue, and nice sunshine, we live in a beach house where friends were all very nice to us, we played beach volleyball, surfing and other events together on the beach, till night, we would gather around having barbecue, talking about life, familes, and love, wished if life could always be like this. Not just the beach, we had taken a lot of events, like scenic flights, from flight to look down to the ground, it was really magnificent, and sky diving, it was the most excited experience i even had.
I wish you could come here sometimes, to enjoy the life of fun with me.

yours sincerely .....

假設你叫李華,作為一名交換生,現就讀於英國某中學. 你在國內的同學李平寫信向你了解一些關於英國人生活習慣和喜好的問題 . 請你用英語給他寫一封回信.

1 喜歡吃油炸食品和快餐 2喜歡帶傘出門
3 討厭被問起年齡和薪水 4喜歡排隊 從不插隊
5 給服務員小費

Dear LiPing:
In your last letter you asked me what are the habits and preferences of people here in Great Britain. I've thought of some and they are as follows:
First of all, and I suppose you already know this - they like to eat fast food. They almost depend on it sometimes, especially fried food. Other than McDonalds and KFCs, there are many other fast food restaurants here, and I've been to some. They are quite delicious.
I've also noticed that British people like taking an umbrella with them wherever they go, even when the weather forecast does not report of a rainy day.
And like most people in all parts of the world, they don't like being asked of their age. It is considered very rude and unpolite.
British are very polite, they always form a line at the bus stop or at a store, and they don't break the line even when they are in a hurry.
And lastly, they pay tips. Whether it's a restaurant or a hairdressing salon.
So I hope I've answered your question. In many aspects living in Britain is very different, I get quite confused sometimes. But overall I think this is a wonderful experience.
Best wishes,

Volunteering is of tremendous benefits to both those in need and society. Take the Wenchuan Earthquake as an example. Hundreds of thousands of volunteers play an active role in Wenchuan quake-hit areas. And they contribute daily necessaries, offer medical help and psychological help to the disaster relief work.
Besides, volunteering would be beneficial to the volunteers themselves~ Getting involved in volunteering, volunteers will be exposed to a new environment, and they can learn how to work well in a team, how to improve their interpersonal skills and organizational skills, all of which are critical for their professional growth.

期末考試 英語作文題目
英語3 游泳或是其它一想體育項目
1、從.....什麼時候開始 喜歡什麼項目

I liked swimming since I was 5. I think swimming is really fun because it feels cool in the water, especially in the summer when it's boiling hot. It also makes you feel invincible if you beat someone in swimming as you are floating on the water, which feels almost like flying. As well as being enjoyable, swimming can also help you to build up your health and strength, which will benefit you later in your life if you swim regularly. Moreover, swimming will also help your concentration and learning skills as your lungs gets stronger and healthier while you swim.


Dear editor,
My name is Li Hua, from Jinan, Shandong province. I'm writing to put up with some advice on how to use spring.
It is known Jinan is famous for springs, such as Baotu Spring. These springs are not only provide necessary water for us, but also add color to our city and people's daily life. Therefore, we should protect them. First, I think we should limit the visitors everyday so as to decrease pollution on water. Second, it is essential to develop new technique to recycle the water.
In brief, every citizen should devote their efforts in protecting our enormous but not unlimited springs, so that we can take full advantage of them.
Best regards.
Li Hua

Global Shortage of Fresh Water
Many people believe that the world』s supply of fresh water will never be used up. They think that fresh water comes from such a variety of sources such as rain, river, and well, which is always sufficient for use. Such an opinion leads to a shocking waste of water.
As a matter of fact, the earth is short of fresh water. Furthermore, with the rapid growth of the world』s population, the rising demand for water by instry, and the serious pollution of our surroundings, the world is facing the danger of running out of fresh water. Actually, in some big cities, fresh water cannot meet the daily needs.
Therefore, to find new ways to save water is an urgent task. First, we should pass strict laws to control any waste of water. Second, scientists must work even harder to purify sea water and polluted water, and try to find substitutes to rece the use of fresh water.
Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the title: Make Our City Greener, your composition should be based on the following outline:

你給一個叫martha的人寫回E-mail 你對學校的第一印象和你高一最喜歡的活動還有你第一位老師是誰是否記得.。最後寫誰是你的第一個朋友,他或是她還是你的好朋友么?
Dear Martha
I am very happy to receive your letter. Now I am in Class1, Grade3 of Senior High. My school is always clean and tidy. There are lots of trees and flowers everywhere. The teachers and students are kind and friendly. I like all of my subjets and my favorite activity is doing physics experiment because it is fun. I still rember my first English teacher Miss Wang who is in her late thirties. She is one of the most knowledgeable people I have ever known.I still remember my first friend I made when I was in middle school. We were both in the same class. He is still one of my best friends. We often talk on the phone on weekdays. Sometimes we play table tennis on weekends. That's all. I have to study for my maths test.
Li Lei.



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