❶ 製作一個英語微視頻,拜託
❷ 英語作文寫作
1. I have heard long before I gone to university that I do not only learn academic knowledge in university but going to the university is an experience for life which is very important for us. I think that my university life is very wonderful. In my opinion, I think that if a person really plunge himself into something it would definitely be enjoyable. Therefore I have joined in many activities in the activities, for example orchestra, choir, drama etc. Also I have also heard the advice from people that when I am in university it is very important to get a balance between work and play. Therefore I have seen myself improving in all aspects of my life ring university life, including academic, social life and my ability of working.
2.The problem of pollution on campus has been becoming more and more serious, therefore it is necessary to take action to stop it and rece it. Pollution on campus would not only bring bad impressions of the school to other people, it would also have negative effects on the environment as a whole. In my opinion, the pollution problem on campus is caused by members of the school being careless and they may not realise the problem that they are causing as they may think they just contribute to a very problem but small problems of many people have eventually become a big trouble.
Therefore it is necessary to take action to stop and try to rece the pollution problem on campus and I think that it would be the easiest to ask everybody just to do their little bit and it would then become a great help to the environment. Specific method may be asking members of the school not to throw rubbish in places other than the rubbish bins and to switch off lights when not using. Little actions will do great help to the environment if everyone tries their best to keep on with these actions. Also it is possible to hold activities such as the "Environmental Friendly Week" in school to encourage students and staff to join in to make the school cleaner and fresher, and it can also have ecating effects for students.
❸ 英語作文寫作技巧,求指導。謝謝
1L那個復制的吧= =!
我們高三英語老師是我們班主任 教的很好 我高一高二英語就是40-60 我這屆高考英語111
是高考嗎?不知道你們怎麼考 我們是:小作文 給出信息點 五句話 概括 大作文 給材料 30字詞概括 再按要求150字 寫一篇作文
1 要背句型 適合不同類型作文的句型 比如人物介紹 地點介紹 數據列舉 等等
2 要注意低級錯誤 比如謂語動詞重復 事態 語態 單復數等 他說 作文寫完你們自己再看一遍
3 不要按自己的方式添油加醋 比如 「酒駕每年會造成許多傷亡」 不要自己寫「酒駕每年會造成**人傷亡
1 概括 建議第一句用句型 比如 from the passage we know that.....
2 150字正文 要分段 一般會問幾個問題 如:1讀完材料後你有什麼看法? 2你或你的朋友有類似的經歷嗎?3 你有什麼建議來 預防/解決這種現象?
這就要分三段 而且每段第一句話 要回答要點 很重要 改卷老師改卷很快的
他看你第一句話回答要點 後面甚至不會看
3 字數一定要夠 一定要夠
4 卷面一定要好 字要好看 他說 作文就是秒殺 卷面不好看直接下一個檔次
今年卷面亂了一看總分估計作文只有30+.....= =!.....
想到這么多 再想到再補充 純手打 純自己和老師的經驗
❹ 英語作文寫作技巧
初中英語作文高分秘訣 1. 動筆之前,認真審題 《中考考試說明》指出,書面表達要切中題意。怎樣才能切中題意?就是要認真審題,看到考題後,先不要急於動筆,要仔細看清題目要求的內容。在自己的頭腦中構思出一個框架或畫面,確定短文的中心思想,不要匆匆下筆,看懂題意,根據圖畫、圖表、提綱或短文提供的資料和信息來審題。審題要審格式、體裁、人物關系、故事情節、主體時態、活動時間、地點等。 2. 圍繞中心,擬定提綱 書面表達評分原則有四條: (1)內容要點; (2)運用詞彙和結構的數量; (3)運用語法結構和詞彙的准確性; (4)上下文的連貫性。 由此可見,要點是給分的一個重要因素。為了防止寫作過程中遺漏要點,同學們要充分發揮自己的觀察力,把情景中給出的各個要點逐條列出。根據短文的中心思想考慮如何開頭、展開和結尾,設想幾個承上啟下的連詞,將主要句型、關鍵詞語草草記下,形成提綱,寫時切忌結構分散,廢話連篇,嚴重跑題。書面表達,內容廣泛,題材多樣,要弄清考題的要求是寫人、敘事、介紹、評論、圖表、書信、日記、通知、便條還是看圖作文或改寫縮寫。如果是日記,要寫清年、月、日和天氣情況;如果是書信,則要注意書信的格式,注意短文字數不要低於或超過規定的字數太多。 3. 語言通順,表達准確 (1) 避免使用漢語式英語,盡量使用自己熟悉的句型。幾種句型可交替使用,以避免重復和呆板。 (2) 多用簡單句型,記事、寫人一般都不需要復雜的句型。可適當多使用陳述句、一般疑問句、祈使句和感嘆句。不用或少用非謂語或情態動詞等較復雜的句型。 (3).注意語法、句法知識的靈活運用。 1) 語態、時態要准確無誤。 2) 主謂語要一致,主語的人稱和數要和謂語一致。 3) 注意人稱代詞的賓格形式。 4) 注意冠詞用法,例如: He is an honest student.中的an不能寫成a。 5) 注意拼寫、標點符號和大小寫,例如:receive, believe, fourteen, forty, ninth, restaurant等。 標點符號特別注意漢英的不同,例如: 漢語 英語 A. 句號 。 . B. 省略號 …… … C. 頓號 、 無 (4) 描寫人物時,要生動具體,例如: 1) 外表特徵:tall, short, fat, thin, strong, weak, ordinary-looking 等。 2) 服飾顏色:red, yellow, blue, white, green, brown, black 等。 3) 內心境界:glad, happy, sad, excited, anxious, interested 等。 4) 感情描寫:love, like, hate, feel, laugh, cry, smile, shout 等。 5) 動作描寫:come, go, get, have, take, bring, fetch 等。 (5) 上下文要連貫。上下文的連貫性也是評分的一條原則,因此同學們應把寫好的句子,根據故事情節,事情發生的先後次序(時間或空間),使用一些表示並列、遞進等過渡詞進行加工整理,使文章連貫、自然、流暢。同學們應注意下面過渡的用法: 1) 表示並列關系的過渡詞:and, as well as, or … 2) 表示轉折關系的過渡詞:but, yet, however … 3) 表示時間關系的過渡詞:first, second, third, and then, finally, after, before, after a few days, at last, at that time, later, in the past, immediately, in the meanwhile, when, while, then, after that … 4) 表示空間關系的過渡詞:near (to), far (from), in the front of, beside, behind, beyond, above, below, to the right, to the left, on one side, on the other side of, outside … 5) 表示比較關系的過渡詞:in the same way, just like, just as … 6) 表示對照關系的過渡詞:but, still, yet, however, on the other hand, in spite of, even though … 7) 表示遞進關系的過渡詞: also, and, then, too, in addition, moreover, again … 8) 表示因果關系的過渡詞:because, since, then, thus, otherwise, so, therefore ,as a result… 9) 表示解釋說明的過渡詞:for example, in fact, in this case, for, actually … 10) 表示強調的過渡詞:in fact, indeed, necessarily, certainly, without any doubt, truly, most important … 11) 表示目的的過渡詞:for this reason, for this purpose, so that, in order that, so as to, in order to, … 12) 表示列舉的過渡詞:for example , such as … 13) 表示總結性的過渡詞:in conclusion, finally, at last, in brief, as has been stated, in a word, in general, in all, in a word, generally speaking … 4. 不會表達,另闢蹊徑 中考作文給分是以要點和語言准確度而定,不以文采打分。造句越簡單准確越好,造復合句容易出錯,容易被扣分,閱卷場上有句話:「錯誤面前人人平等,文採好不加分」。如遇到個別要點表達不出來或難以表達,可採用變通的辦法,化難為易,化繁為簡。總之,所造句子要正確、得體、符合英語表達習慣。 (1) 迂迴而行 當漢語詞義不會用英語表達時,可以想一個與這個漢語詞義相似的幾種詞義。擴展思路,然後從英語中找出一個與其詞義相近的代替。這樣可有異曲同工之妙。 (2) 小詞大用 漢語中有些語意看來很復雜很文雅,但在英語中可用一些常用詞表達。下面這些詞可能在你的書面表達中很有用:take, have, get, make, come, go, do, see, show, happy, nice, kind, help 等。 (3) 借花獻佛 有時書面表達中需要的單詞或片語或許在試卷中的其他地方出現。因為剛剛做過題,記憶猶新,那麼就可信手拈來,為我所用。 5. 錦上添花,量力而行 如果你還有時間和精力,想把書面表達寫得更好,那麼,請注意以下幾點: (1) 句型多樣化,不要I(We)……到底,使人覺得乏味。 (2) 適當使用一些並列句或主從復合句。 (3) 進一步描繪人或事物時,適當使用定語從句。 (4) 適當使用分詞或分詞短語,烘托謂語動詞。 (5) 偶爾使用一下倒裝句,增加新鮮感。 (6) 適當調換一下狀語在句子中的位置,使句子不雷同。 (7) 上下句子緊接時,其中完全相同的成分可以省略,以節省篇幅。 6. 書寫工整,卷面整潔 字跡要清晰,讓閱卷人看得清楚,不可字跡潦草,難以辨認,要保持卷面的整潔。 7. 寫完之後,勿忘檢查 中考作文時,由於時間緊、內容多,同學們出錯在所難免。因此,改錯這一環節必不可少。中考作文評卷是根據要點、語言准確性、上下文的連貫性來給分,根據錯誤多少來扣分。因此,中考時花幾分鍾時間用來檢查錯誤顯得尤為重要。檢查錯誤應從以下幾個方面入手: (1) 格式是否有錯。 (2) 拼寫有無錯誤。 (3) 語言是否用錯。 (4) 時態、語態錯誤。 (5) 標點錯誤。 (6) 人稱是否用錯。 【注意】此時不宜在卷面上作較大的改動,以免顧此失彼,影響全局。 總之,只要平時同學們多練習寫作並有意運用上述方法和技巧,合理分配時間,在中考時一定能寫出高質量的作文,得到令人滿意的考分。
❺ 英語作文的寫作方法網上講得太復雜,講點簡單的......是初中級
❻ 考研英語作文視頻百度雲
http://pan..com/share/init?shareid=1501618539&uk=4013620574 密碼:xtix
❼ 英語作文寫作
I can understand you very well. I am a junior 3 student, too. It is true that our life is a little boring. But I think it is also a kind of experience that we teenager have to go through. We can do something to make our life more colorful. Here are some piece of advice for you.
First, we can do some sports to make us healthy. Secondly, it』 useful for us to do some reading or watch TV after school. Last but not least, we can spend some time talking with our family or friends. They will bring us happiness.
I hope my advice will do you some help, and you can enjoy your school life better.
❽ 英語作文寫作方法
遞進型:besides ;what's more ;let alone解釋型:that is (to say);in other words轉折型:however;but;yet;otherwise列舉型:for example;such as ;on the other hand因果型:since;therefore;as a result並列型:and;or;also;as well as總結型:in a word ;in short; on the whole;in conclusion見解型:in my opinion;speaking;as far as I am concerned
❾ 考研英語作文網課看誰的好