① 求一篇英語作文。高分急求
I have been to the beautiful Jinjiang Dandong where the clear mountain Yalu River, the Yalu River on the bridge watching the river from the bridge there is a very impressive memorial commemorating the Korean War was still the fallen heroes who are very busy pedestrian street still has a lot of delicious Great fun Dandong is the northernmost point, and I went to Tiger Mountain Great Wall and the Phoenix Mountains high into the cloud really very happy.
下次得作文要靠自己寫哦。 看看行不行吧
② 如何寫出一篇高分的大學英語作文
在聽、說、讀、寫四項英語技能中,寫作對於中國大學生來講可能是困難最大的一項.因為聽、讀屬於接受性技能(receptive skills),只要學生將貯存在大腦中的語言知識在聽或讀的過程中進行及時提取,理解就可以產生.因此,這些語言知識可以靜止地儲存在我們的記憶里,以便必要時提取.而作為產出性的(proctive skills)說、寫技能則不然,它要求學習者不但要有豐富的語言知識儲備,還要求能夠將這些知識變為自己語言的一部分.大學生要寫出優秀的英語作文,首先需要打下牢固的語言基礎,即相當程度的語言造詣、良好的語言修養和敏銳的語言感知能力.而且必須懂得寫作的具體步驟,了解寫作的性質,掌握寫作的技巧.更為重要的是,中國學生還必須解決用英語思維的問題.不懂得英美人思維方式的人,無論語言功底有多深,是寫不出地道的英語文章的.這里我向大傢具體談談寫好英語作文的幾個重要環節. 首先我們談談語言.任何學過幾年英語的人,他可能自己寫不出好的英語作文,但當讀到一篇漂亮的英語作文時,他能感覺到.產生這種感覺的又是什麼?這就是語言.文章語言是重要的.我們贊嘆一篇漢語文章,往往是因為我們被文章的語言所吸引、所征服:語匯豐富,句式整齊,語言或精煉或華麗,四字成語和句式安排均熟練自如,自然流暢.英語文章也同樣如此.我們說這篇英語作文漂亮,主要還是因為它的語言豐富、老練和地道.那麼怎樣才能做到這一點呢?基本功訓練!還是回到了聽說讀寫中的寫。尤其是經常默寫一些選段。
③ 英語作文如何拿高分 一些常用的高級英語作文
一、作文得分標准分成四個部分~ 1、【內容分】(分),內容分也叫要點分,也就是題目給的所有信息都寫全、不要漏點,沒有反社會言論,就可以拿7分了。【想拿高分和優秀的孩子千萬不要漏點!!!一定要檢查再檢查,內容分扣分是很誇張的,漏一個大要點直接扣10分,也就是降兩檔處理(閱卷老師會懷疑我們提前背了與考試無關的作文去考場寫),漏一個小要點也要扣2分了】 2、【結構分】(6分),結構分包括(1)段落分配和(2)連詞的運用。我們平時背的那些模板,其實就是在幫我們梳理結構,背下模板,拿到結構分滿6分是非常非常正常的~~所以,我非常鼓勵大家背模板~~(結構寫的灰常棒,比模板還好的娃請折疊我)後面結構分我會重點說。 3、【詞句分】(6分),詞句分,顧名思義,是指運用『』准確的單詞+優秀多變的句型『』得到的分數。詞句這一塊是整個作文最難的部分,考察的是學生的基本功,6分滿分非常難得,但是拿2~4分還是相當容易的。優秀和高分的分水嶺就在詞句分上~ 4、【卷面分】(6分),卷面一是字跡工整美觀,二是不能塗改(所以一定要打草稿啊)。這兩個都達到了,卷面滿分6分妥妥拿到~ [我對大家的要求就是,想拿高分,卷面請不要扣分!!!在這里扣分非常不劃算,要用好幾個准確的單詞和高級語法才能換回來。]二、【結構分】提分方法(一)完美的段落分配前文已經說過,全國卷是提綱類作文,當拿到一個提綱作文時,我們首先要幹嘛呢?對咯,就是要根據背景和提示內容分段。我和其他老師一致認為,高考作文分成三段來寫最清晰簡單、容易得到結構分。所以為了節省空間,我就直接說一下如何把題干寫成三段式作文了哈。三段式作文請按照下圖結構來寫~
④ 怎麼寫好中考英語表達觀點類高分作文
八、表達觀點類 書面表達旨在測試學生的英語書面表達能力。中考的書面表達是一種指導性寫作。試題對寫作的目的、對象、體裁及字數都有明確的規定。在近幾年的中考寫作中,表達觀點類文章的比重佔得越來越多,出題形式也多種多樣,有看圖寫作、圖表、表格、書信等多種類型,但文章實際上都是議論文,有時是夾敘夾議類文章。寫好該類書面表達同學們要注意以下要點: 1、觀點鮮明,文章一定有一個明確的中心論點。 2、層次分明,一個中心論點通常有幾個分論點支持,層次要分明,過渡要自然。 3、最後一段一般要總結全文,得出一個符合邏輯的結論,突出中心思想。 4、通常採用一般現在時。 5、語言簡潔有力,一般不採用口語。 技巧點撥 一般來說,這類文章內在的邏輯關系十分清晰。它除了考查考生的英文基礎,還考查考生的邏輯能力。具體說就是上下文的銜接過渡和文章層次的體現。文章段落之間的邏輯關系主要由過渡性詞和短語來完成,在修辭中稱為"啟、承、轉、合"。"啟"就是開頭,"承"就是承接,"轉"是轉折,"合"是綜合或總結。 用於表示"啟"的過渡性的詞和短語通常用在段落或文章的開頭。過渡性詞和短語如下:first, first of all, at first, in the first place, firstly, to begin with, to start with, recently, now, at present, in recent years, in general, generally speaking, lately…. 用於表示"承"的過渡性的詞和短語通常用在段落中的第一個擴展句中。過渡性詞和短語如下:second, in addition, besides, then, moreover, what's more, what is worse, for example, certainly, obviously, in other words, still, at the same time, no doubt… 用於"轉"的過渡性的詞和短語通常用在段落中的第二個擴展句中。過渡性的詞和短語如下:but, however, on the other hand, on the contrary, otherwise, while, despite, in spite of… 用於"合"的過渡性的詞和短語通常用在段落的結論句或文章的結論段中。過渡性詞和短語如下:in a word, in short, above all, after all, finally, therefore, as a result, on the whole, eventually….. 總之,要做好書面表達,需要大家把握以下幾個原則:細讀提示,抓要點:選擇句型,准表達;確定線索,巧組合;適當發揮,保完整;規范書寫,爭高分;細查全文,除筆誤。 寫作摸板 對於表達觀點類作文,文章的整體結構有一定的模式可循,可以先寫對比的一方面,再寫另外一方面;也可以將對比的兩個方面的不同點一一比較著來寫。 對比觀點作文寫作摸板: The topic of主題 is becoming more and more popular recently. There are two sides of opinions about it. Some people say A is their favourite. They hold their view for the reason of 理由一 . What's more, 理由二 . Moreover, 理由三 . While others think that B is a better choice in the following three reasons. First, 理由一 . Second(Besides),理由二 . Third(Finally), 理由三 . From my point of view, I think 我的觀點 . The reason is that 原因 . As a matter of fact, there are some other reasons to explain my choice. For me, the former(later)is surely a wise choice. 1、學校作業多,學生嫌負擔重;學校作業少,家長又擔心得不得了。參考表格中所提供的信息,用英語寫一篇80字左右的短文,談談你對這一現象的看法或態度,並明確闡述你的觀點。 家長/老師 學生 多做習題 鞏固所學知識 作業多 沒時間運動,身體弱 多做練習 提高成績 作業太多,厭學 如果作業少,學生貪玩(電腦游戲,電視等) 特別是周末作業多,沒時間培養興趣愛好 這是一篇圖表議論文。 一、 題目要點: 1、本文的中心論題是:學校作業多,學生嫌負擔重;學校作業少,家長又擔心。所以首先要提出中心論題並點題。 2、從兩方面來討論這個問題,可以分成兩段,先分析家長/老師的觀點及理由。然後過渡到學生的觀點及理由。 3、講述自己的選擇,要有鮮明的觀點及支持觀點的論據。 二、語言組織: 在組織語言的過程中,先用地道的英語句式將所列要點表達清楚,例如:do more work…review what they have learned…improve grades…spend time in playing…not enough time to do sports…poor health…get bored with study…..have no time to develop interests… Model 1 Many people think the more time you spend, the more work you'll do. So it is common to see students struggling in a sea of schoolwork, both at school and at home. Modern students usually have many interests. They love music, sports, reading and watching TV. But they have no time to enjoy themselves. Students are really tired of their weekend homework. They usually don't do it until Sunday night. Sometimes there is not enough time and students have to finish it carelessly. Too much homework makes students lose their interest in learning. It's also bad for their health. A horse runs faster after a rest. But for students rest alone is not enough. Such a situation should be changed to give students both pleasure and knowledge. Please give students less homework but leave them more free time. 2、隨著網路的發展,人們消費觀念的轉變,購物方式也在悄然地發生變化。"網購"成為一種時尚,越來越多的學生也正加入到網購群體當中。請你根據以下表格的提示,寫一篇網上購物的文章。 優點1、足不出戶;節約時間;避免擁擠;勞累 2、價格通常較便宜; 3、可供選擇的范圍廣,品種多。 缺點1、只看到圖片,看不到商品本身 2、容易購買大量不太需要的東西;造成浪費。 一、題目要點: 1、本文的中心論題是:網上購物的優勢與劣勢。所以首先要提出中心論點,點題。 2、從兩方面來討論這個問題,可以分做兩段,先寫網上購物的優勢,足不出戶;節省時間;避免擁擠、勞累;價格便宜;可供選擇的范圍廣,品種多,然後很自然地過渡到網上購物的缺點及理由,只看到圖片,看不到商品本身;容易購買大量不太需要的東西,造成浪費。 3、講述自己的選擇,要有鮮明的觀點及支持觀點的論據。 Model 1 With the development of the Internet, many people are used to shopping online. It has become a fashion in our daily life. Some of us students also join the group. There are at least three good points of shopping online. First, people can buy what they want without going outside, which helps them avoid crowds and heavy traffic. Second, the prices of goods online are usually reasonable. Third, it offers different varieties of goods for people to choose. But there are also some bad points. The most serious one is that people can not see the goods in person. Instead, they get the information only from the pictures and the description. If they want to buy a pair of shoes, they can't try them on. Sometimes, the goods they buy are totally different from what they have expected. To make things worse, shopping online makes it easy for people to buy what they don't really need. It is a waste of money. In my opinion, I prefer going shopping to shopping online, because going shopping is a kind of enjoying life for me and I can also get what I really want. 3、假設你班上周就"Is it OK to tell white lies?"開展了一場討論,請你根據下表所提示的信息用英語寫一篇短文,簡單介紹討論的情況,並談談你自己的觀點。 陳述方 主要觀點 贊成者 1、善意的謊言是出於好意,說了不為過; 2、善意的謊言可以幫助人們友好相處; 3、善意的謊言有時候能使人增強自信。 反對者 1、善意的謊言也是謊; 2、謊言會傷害友情; 3、謊言終究不能持久。 你的觀點 至少兩點 一、 題目要點: 1、本文的中心論題是:"Is it OK to tell white lies?"所以首先要提出中心論點,點題。 2、從兩方面來討論這個問題,可以分成兩段,先寫贊成者的觀點及理由,即善意的謊言是出於好意,說了不為過;可以幫助人們友好相處;有時候能使人增強自信。然後很自然地過渡到反對者的觀點及理由,即善意的謊言也是謊;會傷害友情;終究不能持久。 Last week our class had a discussion on whether it is OK to tell white lies. The students have many opinions. Some students support the opinion. They hold the view that telling white lies doesn't matter much as long as it is out of kindness, especially when a friend is facing failure. Sometimes, white lies can encourage people to stick to what they are doing. However, every coin has two sides. Other students oppose the opinion. They believe white lies are always lies. They also convey the meaning of cheating. To make things worse, white lies hurt people's feelings, so they do harm to friendship. Meanwhile, lies never go far. In my opinion, although white lies are lies, they are necessary in our daily life. After all, not everyone dares to face reality bravely. 4、目前有不少歷史劇在電視上熱播。有人通過看歷史劇來了解歷史,有人選擇讀史書來了解歷史。你的選擇及理由是什麼?請你根據以下內容寫一篇英語短文。 選擇 理由 看歷史劇 情節有趣,通俗易懂 讀歷史書 資料真實,引人深思 你的選擇 ? 這是一篇議論文。 一、題目要點:1、本文的中心論題是:通過什麼樣的方式了解歷史。所以首先要提出中心論題,點題。2、從兩方面來討論這個問題,可以分成兩段,先通過看歷史劇來了解歷史的方式及理由,然後很自然地過渡到通過讀歷史書來了解歷史的方式及理由。3、講述自己的選擇,要有鮮明的觀點及支持觀點的論據。
⑤ 英語類問題 寫作高手進 高分懸賞!
⑥ 如何寫出高分英語作文
1. 內容切題
2. 表達清楚,文字連貫
Reading Selectively Or Extensively
How should we read? Should we read selectively or extensively? Everyone has his own view.
Some people think we should read selectively. They argue that with the development of modern science and technology, more and more books are published every day. It is impossible for us to read all the books. What』s more, there are many bad books that are poisonous to our mind, and we shouldn』t read them. Since we can』t read all the books, and we shouldn』t read bad books, we must read selectively.
But others may not agree. They emphasize that today』s society is not what it used to be. If you want to be successful, you must read widely and acquire knowledge in both natural sciences and humanities. If a man knows much in one field but knows nothing in others, he may be useless. Since we must have many kinds of knowledge, we must read extensively.
Who』s right? There is a lot to be said for both sides of the argument. However, I think we should read extensively first and then learn deeply about the subject we are interested in.
在上面的作文中,考生採用了明確的主題句,各段落都緊緊圍繞主題句寫作而成。文章上下文銜接緊湊、連貫,例如第二段開頭用Some people think…, 第三段開頭用Others may not agree…, 而最後一段用一個問句Who』s right?作為連接,都顯得相當自然。另外,英語中常見的一些連接手段,如what』s more, and, since, but, one (field)…others, however, first, then等,也都用的很恰當。
3. 句式有變化
Clearly our schools and society face the same problems. It has become necessary for all people, not just ecators, to be more aware of the problems. Although some intervention programs have been implemented and in some cases are very successful, it is becoming more obvious that these problems are going to continue and will have a direct consequence on our future in this country. Unfortunately, we as a society tend to look for the 「quick fix」 to our problems without realizing the consequences for the future. Our society needs to understand that the schools are not responsible for the cause of these problems or the solutions, but rather, all aspects of society, including schools, are involved and need to collectively work together if we are ever to make progress toward resolving these problems in the long run.
4. 句子結構和用詞正確
In the world, millions of people believe that some things can bring good luck for them. They make their spirit to depend on these things. We say they have a religion.
Some of these people have a strange religion. They believe in 「Luck number」, they believe luck number would bring good luck. When they do sth. with relation to numbers, they usually choose the number they believe.
In fact, many people said that they don』t believe it, but most of them can tell a number they like. Many people like the number 8 or 6 in China. They believe 8 can make them succeded in business and make them uhealth. They also believe six bring the good luck, and things is smooth without a hitch. In fact, many people couldn』t explain why the number can bring good luck and How he know just the number is his luck number. Sometimes, people decide one things depended on their feeling, because they usually couldn』t know whole the thing. Maybe, One day, Sb. Can tell the reason and truth.
這是一篇得8分的試卷,內容切題,並有所發揮,但有些地方的表達不夠清楚;結構還算符合要求,文字勉強連貫,但是語言方面的錯誤多,尤其是在主謂搭配、動詞的時態、名詞的單復數、詞性、語序等方面。此外有的拼寫也不規范,如:sb, sth。 畫線部分可作以下修改:
to depend → depend
They believe in 「 Luck number」, they → They believe in 「 lucky numbers 」, so they
sth. → something
said → say
succeded → succeed
uhealth → wealthy
bring the good luck → brings good luck
things is → the things are
How he know → how he knows
people decide one things → people』s decision on one thing
depended → depends
usually couldn』t → couldn』t usually
One day → one day
Sb. Can → someone can
另外,考生還要注意卷面印象分這一問題。卷面要力求整潔,答題紙四周都要留空邊,正確使用標點符號。短文要避免使用令閱卷老師反感的詞句,如「Do you know…? Let me tell you」之類的過分口語化的表達方式。
⑦ 英語作文怎樣才能得高分
This great loss had kill Mrs. white,but actually this free her from her husband.(錯誤)
This great loss had killed Mrs. white,but actually this freed her from her husband.(正確)
「Data is becoming an asset which needs to be guarded as much as any other asset」says Haim Mendelson of Stanford University's businesss chool.(2007年閱讀理解Text4)試題的文章中出現引用名家話語是十分常見的成文規則,從側面說明作者觀點,同時經常是命題老師命題的高頻出題點。
We find some use of computers in various fields.(主動句)
Computers have been widely used in various fields.(被動句)