❶ 如何寫英語作文課評課稿
1、 體現了任務性教學以學生為主體,以人的發展為本的教育理念。從這堂課的題目來看,老師與學生的訓練很默契,
2、 通過各種各樣的課堂活動,注重對學生動機、興趣、意志、信心等非智力因素的培養。
1、 運用現代化的教學手段,給學生創設了良好的語言交際環境。
2、 學生參與面廣。據我統計,整堂課有30位左右的同學站起來發言。
3、 課堂互動頻繁。師生之間的一問一答,生生之間的pair work、group work使課堂動了起來,活了起來。
1、 運用多種教學手段。能用不同手段完成不同任務。
2、 有親和力。上課時老師始終面帶笑容,平等待人,對學生耐心啟發,循循誘導,課堂氣氛輕松和諧。在這種氛圍下能充分發揮學生的積極性和能動性。
3、 應變能力強。能妥善解決課堂上出現的隨機問題,並與教師設計的課堂進程以及提出的各項要求同步。
❷ 如何寫英語評課稿
❸ 八年級英語作文,影評
This was a fairly enjoyable animated film from Disney/Pixar.there's some funny moments here and there.it's touching without being too maudlin or sentimental.there certainly is a fair amount of action as well.the story is also good.there a few scenes of minor peril which might be a bit too much for younger children,and the movie fleetingly touches upon a sad topic.for the most part,i enjoyed the movie.i did think however,there were a few scenes that were probably intended to be funny,but came across flat and pointless in my mind.all in all,pretty good effort,just not as good as i hoped or thought it would be.