1. 英語作文20詞有關於困難的
先說一些學習方法,第二段為考試方面的學習建議:〖你好,好好學習很高興為你答疑解惑!〗現在英語中的學習方法總結如下:學好英語要的努力勤奮,要每天學習單詞和語法,英語水平好比一座樓房,語法是蓋樓房的磚瓦,而單詞就是裝飾樓房的裝飾品。學好英語離不開聽說讀寫,每天都要朗讀英語,每天都要跟讀英語磁帶,每天都要在生活當中運用英語,每天都要用英語寫日記。還有一個就是環境,可以找一些有外國人的英語角或者英語沙龍,去那裡對話,鍛煉自己的發音,膽量,自信,感受說英語的那個氛圍總之,學好英語就是一句話,多說多聽多寫多練多背多用〖好好學習原創〗學習英語的方法:1.收聽英語氣象報告 3.善用錄音帶鍛煉聽說能力 4.聽正常語速的英語,才能加速聽力的進步 5.從電視,電影中學習英語 7.和朋友表演影片情節 8.唱歌學英語 特別注意英文沒有的發音 〖好好學習原創〗10.背誦名人演說詞,找機會復誦出來 11.用英語繞口令克服發音的缺點 12.多記一些幽默笑話,准備隨時應用 13.聽英語時,口中跟著復誦 14.練習朗讀,好處多多 15.練習朗讀時要從後面往前推演 16.朗讀長句時,可在「片語」之間稍做停頓 17.為了興趣而閱讀 18.精讀和泛讀並行 〖好好學習原創〗19.閱讀英文報刊雜志 20.暫時忘掉字典21.查字典之前,要猜猜看 22.查字典不要只看詞義 23.多查幾本字典,互相印證,互為補充 〖好好學習原創〗24.讀的出,才能記得牢25.字典查過之後,暫時別合起來 26.要培養英語的語感,請用英英字典 27.利用前綴和後綴擴充詞彙 28.留心英文的詞彙搭配 29.把被動詞彙轉變為主動詞彙 30.用自由聯想法復習學過的單詞 31.利用生活中的小插曲或社會上的偶發事件學習英文 32.累積實用的佳句,整理製作成卡片 33.把當天發生的事情,用英語寫成日記〖好好學習原創〗34.用英文寫閱讀摘要 35.把生活體驗寫成英文作文,或做口頭發表 36.隨時用英文思考,用英文記錄 37.不必對自己苛求完美 38.發揮創意,多做嘗試 下面是考試方面的學習建議:學習外語詞彙很重要,下面,我給你具體講講一些心得。 1.聽力: 聽力部分是在考試裡面最容易拿分數的部分。總分20分裡面,如果聽力水平較好,拿16-18分不成問題。所謂的水平好,我覺得只要能聽懂voa stand english,應付六級就足夠了。作為我個人,我沒系統聽過歷年考試的題目,但是考試估分,聽力都是16-18分。 最開始的時候,我連聽voa special english都很困難。我的方法是:一個sp要聽4-5次,把裡面不懂的英語單詞的發音,含義全部搞清楚,然後每天堅持2個小時的聽力訓練,狂攻sp。如果沒事,就拿一個MP3吊耳朵,讓自己慢慢習慣英語語境。2個月後,我聽了一盤四級英語考試磁帶,發現自己原來根本聽不明白的東西變的簡單了。 現在,你已經具備了一定的聽力基礎。接下來,可以進行一些special的聽寫,嘗試聽stand English。這個階段真是打擊你信心的時候^^:聽寫出現很多拼寫錯誤,stand聽起來象天書,然後就想:我的水平還是不行啊,5555~~~不過沒關系,其實你已經在進步,只是你沒察覺到而已。堅持下去,慢慢就發現自己的聽寫正確率提高了,而且stand也變得越來越熟悉。當聽寫special覺得簡單的時候,就可以開始嘗試聽寫比較短的stand。如果能堅持進行訓練,半年左右,你就已經達到了六級外語聽力的要求。因為六級對聽力的要求不是特別高,能聽懂stand的話,你真是會覺得六級的語音真的挺慢的。 這里說一點,其實考試前聽一些歷年四六級考試的聽力真題,可以幫助你了解題型,熟悉考試模式,所以還是絕對值得的。本人對聽力比較自負,所以沒怎麼聽過,結果聽力總是拿不到滿分^^ 2:單詞 這是一個老生常談的話題,大家知道,單詞是英語的基礎,沒有單詞,就好象建大廈沒有磚頭,只能幻想空中樓閣。但是被單詞又被大家認為是最難,最枯燥的事情。基礎好的朋友可以通過閱讀學單詞,但是對基礎不好的,這點根本行不通。整篇文章都看不太明白,還談什麼學單詞呢?既然咱們現在水平不行,就要拿出比別人更多的努力。我考完六級,背單詞的草稿紙已經放滿了一個大箱子。 大家肯定有這種經驗,前不久背了的單詞,很快就忘記了,那麼該怎麼辦呢?我當時是每天固定
2. 英語作文我有一個困難
I have a difficulty in learning english.it's hard for me to make sentences.In fact, my English is so poor that I can't complete even an sentence without a mistake of grammer or spelling. I alway think I can write something in English, maybe in good Grammer, but my teacher tells me what I wrote is very Chinglish and it's totally not a natural English. It's very hard to read. Sensible of the shortcoming, I always try to overcome it.I believe I can learn English well one day.
3. 關於英語寫作口困難的原因的英語作文
both have problems,but the most important is how to deal it,because you can find a lot of happniess in the process. i always remenber that when i was young,i hated math very much,even i didn't want to listen any math class.but one day,my teacher said to me that i have to stady it,not only it's important,but also useful in daily life,and maybe the porcess is difficult but bitter pills may have wholesome(良葯苦口),after that he believe that i can sucsussful! so,i hard working everyday,and listen every class carefully,if some exercises i don't konw how to work it out,i always asking teacher or each other.so now my math is good,and i also think that everytime i hard working to do these exercises,i'm happy!
4. 英語作文 學習英語有什麼困難
How Hard Is It to Learn English?
I am going to talk about three points: Is it hard? If so, who made it hard? And how to make it easy?
Is it hard?
The answer is: No. Why not? In the 1980s 1/3 of the world population were using English. In the 2050s 1/2 would be. If it is hard, not many would use it.
Who made it hard?
The learners and teachers made it hard. Why? They turn English into their mother tongue. They should learn English as English, not as their mother tongue, which made learning English hard.
How to make it easy?
Only translate English into English, and never into a mother tongue. Why? No one as a photographic memory to remember all the matches. They will forget, based on statistical calculations. If we pursue it further using probability, we will see for sure.
English is not hard and learning English is not hard either. Some people purposively made it hard, and hard to learn for others.
5. 一篇關於學英語遇到的困難,如何解決困難的英語作文
6. 關於困難和克服困難的英語作文
I have had many difficulties since I started to learn English. Since I come from the south of China, I can not distinguish nasal sounds from non-nasals: they sound exactly the same in my dialect.
Thus, I had a hard time telling 「night」 from 「light」 at the very beginning. My poor memory also added to the difficulties when I decided to enlarge my vocabulary. English words were so elusive that I could only remember them for a while
I have spared no efforts to overcome the difficulties and finally succeeded. In order to tell the slight difference between nasal sounds and non-nasals, I forced myself to speak mandarin everyday.
Whenever I started to speak English, I reminded myself the difference between 「night」 and 「light」.
At first I felt it rather unnatural, but as I went on I was graally accustomed to speaking in this way.
As for my wretched memory, I gave up mechanical memorization and tried many other new ways.
At last I found a most efficient way for me: memorizing English words by their stems and affixes. This is how I have overcome some difficulties in learning English.
7. 一篇關於學習中遇到的困難的英文作文(急)
隨手一篇,供參考!採用也行。。。如果你信得過我的話~~ --!
I'm a middle school student,I like English a lot.In order to learn English well,I get up early to recite the words and passages which wriiten in the text book.
However,today ,I met a problem,that is how to use the art.in the difficult situation.
I look up different grammer books so as to find out the answer.
Different grammer books have different views.So I have to ask my English teacher.After the teacher hearing what I said,she help me patiently.At last,I finally find out a way in which I can use the art. in different situation .
8. 英語遇到困難的英語作文
9. 學習英語的困難 寫英語作文
First, You should make a plan to improve your English. For example, you should listen to the teacher carefully in class. And you should do more English exercises after class. When you have some difficulties, you should ask your teacher or your classmates for help. I think you shouldn't stay up studying English, if so, you will be too sleepy in English class next day to listen to the teacher carefully. You shouldn't only read English passages. I think writing and listening are important as well. I hope you can make progress on the road to studying English.